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TOPIC | Sherlock!
[quote name="Thunderwalker" date=2017-01-09 02:50:58] Good God Episode 2 was good. So very, very good. And I might just have reacted a bit like this [img][/img] in regards of Johnlock. Also Mrs H was the best thing (expect for that fine suit on Mark Gatiss) this whole episode. And the ending! [spoiler]Eurus! The East Wind! A Sister![/spoiler] [/quote] Pretty much, yeah. The picture is hilarious XD I personally think that this episode was much better than TSS, because of the crazy plot twists and, obviously, Mrs. Hudson. I'm so excited for the next episode!
Thunderwalker wrote on 2017-01-09:
Good God Episode 2 was good. So very, very good.

And I might just have reacted a bit like this
in regards of Johnlock.

Also Mrs H was the best thing (expect for that fine suit on Mark Gatiss) this whole episode.

And the ending!
Eurus! The East Wind! A Sister!

Pretty much, yeah. The picture is hilarious XD
I personally think that this episode was much better than TSS, because of the crazy plot twists and, obviously, Mrs. Hudson. I'm so excited for the next episode!
Yes, but I wonder about T6T because this mess had to have been there for a reason!
God the final problem will be hell.
I've seen pictures and god!
Yes, but I wonder about T6T because this mess had to have been there for a reason!
God the final problem will be hell.
I've seen pictures and god!
Sherlock, Mycroft, Euros

"People always stop looking after three"

Sherlock, Mycroft, Euros

"People always stop looking after three"

For several seconds I was expecting Eurus to peel a mask off to reveal that she was actually Moriarty.

The things this show does to you...
For several seconds I was expecting Eurus to peel a mask off to reveal that she was actually Moriarty.

The things this show does to you...
hey how you doing? well i'm doing just fine.
i lied i'm dying inside

ness, he/him
looking for a dragon with
obsidian or very dark grey primary
red range secondary
lightning primal
willing to pay upwards of 200g, depending on colors and genes
i actually thought that too omg
i actually thought that too omg
@EaterOfPie @Reefknot

My GOSH same here! My rational brain was going "Nope that's the third Holmes sibling, isn't it?" but my manic Sherlock-crazed brain was desperately hoping it was Moriarty.
@EaterOfPie @Reefknot

My GOSH same here! My rational brain was going "Nope that's the third Holmes sibling, isn't it?" but my manic Sherlock-crazed brain was desperately hoping it was Moriarty.

I suspected it was going to be a sister but it could have been either. I'm just mad that I didn't figure it out earlier in the episode. I wondered about the therapist in the beginning but I only started suspecting her 2/3rds into the episode :P

But we really didn't get a great look at "fake" Faith and "real" Faith together before it was revealed...

However, I knew he was hallucinating someone in the beginning but also not because of the knowledge he gained from it. I just didn't give myself a chance to think about it because there were no commercials breaks during the showing of it on masterpiece! Gah :P

'kay they might have redeemed themselves a bit with the second episode (also that line about the posh boy being in love with the dominatrix XD so cute!)

I suspected it was going to be a sister but it could have been either. I'm just mad that I didn't figure it out earlier in the episode. I wondered about the therapist in the beginning but I only started suspecting her 2/3rds into the episode :P

But we really didn't get a great look at "fake" Faith and "real" Faith together before it was revealed...

However, I knew he was hallucinating someone in the beginning but also not because of the knowledge he gained from it. I just didn't give myself a chance to think about it because there were no commercials breaks during the showing of it on masterpiece! Gah :P

'kay they might have redeemed themselves a bit with the second episode (also that line about the posh boy being in love with the dominatrix XD so cute!)
@Reefknot @CrazyRedFire
Well, she's not Moriarty, but--
this and this
Prooobably spoilers for TFP since it's Setlock

Unrelated, but whatever this is looks interesting.
@Reefknot @CrazyRedFire
Well, she's not Moriarty, but--
this and this
Prooobably spoilers for TFP since it's Setlock

Unrelated, but whatever this is looks interesting.
hey how you doing? well i'm doing just fine.
i lied i'm dying inside

ness, he/him
looking for a dragon with
obsidian or very dark grey primary
red range secondary
lightning primal
willing to pay upwards of 200g, depending on colors and genes
[quote name="Reefknot" date=2017-01-09 08:29:30] Sherlock, Mycroft, Euros "People always stop looking after three" IS THERE A FOURTH SIBLING, MEANING SHERRINGFORD ISNT EUROS [/quote] BUT REALLY [i]WHAT IF THERE IS A FOURTH SIBLING[/i] ;-; I'm way too emotionally invested in this show oh my gosh
Reefknot wrote on 2017-01-09:
Sherlock, Mycroft, Euros

"People always stop looking after three"


;-; I'm way too emotionally invested in this show oh my gosh
My parents were so confused by episode 2. I mean, it was about a man slowly going crazy and needing saving, of course it's going to be dang confusing!

But woah just, woah. But Mrs. Hudson my god and I totally called her shoving him in the trunk. Probably my favorite scene! And when Sherlock hugged John. I wanted to cry then.

And of course, the ending. But I mean in the previews for the next episode John is shown jumping out of a flaming building with Sherlock so he can't be too badly hurt. Also John can't die the show would be over because the directors would be killed by fangirls. Also Sherlock would probably not do well either.
My parents were so confused by episode 2. I mean, it was about a man slowly going crazy and needing saving, of course it's going to be dang confusing!

But woah just, woah. But Mrs. Hudson my god and I totally called her shoving him in the trunk. Probably my favorite scene! And when Sherlock hugged John. I wanted to cry then.

And of course, the ending. But I mean in the previews for the next episode John is shown jumping out of a flaming building with Sherlock so he can't be too badly hurt. Also John can't die the show would be over because the directors would be killed by fangirls. Also Sherlock would probably not do well either.
"There is no terminal called End in your life!"
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