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TOPIC | Who out there has a rabbit?
Here's a beautiful Mocha bun while at the bunny festival with her new friend!!<3 Love this shot! (Mochas the pretty lop doe ;P [img][/img]
Here's a beautiful Mocha bun while at the bunny festival with her new friend!!<3 Love this shot!
(Mochas the pretty lop doe ;P

@FrostedDeath CUTE! NOW ADD A PIC OF COCOA? oops caps sorry
@FrostedDeath CUTE! NOW ADD A PIC OF COCOA? oops caps sorry
I've allwaaays wanted rabbits because the dogs I own are sweet, but they are just not for me. My friend has one
I've allwaaays wanted rabbits because the dogs I own are sweet, but they are just not for me. My friend has one
I've had several. Cocoa, then Cinnabar, and now I have Rootbeer and Float. :)
I've had several. Cocoa, then Cinnabar, and now I have Rootbeer and Float. :)
@SylvrFox Ooooo So u've had a rabbit named Cocoa as well? They sound cute ; 3
@SylvrFox Ooooo So u've had a rabbit named Cocoa as well? They sound cute ; 3
Yep, black lop. He had more a dog personality. He'd sit beside me on the couch and let me pet him, didn't care if I picked him up, and would follow me around.
Yep, black lop. He had more a dog personality. He'd sit beside me on the couch and let me pet him, didn't care if I picked him up, and would follow me around.
@SylvrFox O that's cute :3 sounds like the opposite of Cocoa (My bun)
@SylvrFox O that's cute :3 sounds like the opposite of Cocoa (My bun)

Cinnabar was my cat-like rabbit. HIGHLY territorial and very strict about her ideal environment, which, while clean was not tidy. I'd clean her cage and she'd take as long as it took immediately after to disarrange everything to her satisfaction. She didn't mellow until I started clicker training and got her a stuffed dog. She Loved that dog-he got groomed and everything. Other stuffed animals were okay but not like that dog. After that she started getting friendlier and less territorial-whew. If only I'd known the tricks sooner!

Cinnabar was my cat-like rabbit. HIGHLY territorial and very strict about her ideal environment, which, while clean was not tidy. I'd clean her cage and she'd take as long as it took immediately after to disarrange everything to her satisfaction. She didn't mellow until I started clicker training and got her a stuffed dog. She Loved that dog-he got groomed and everything. Other stuffed animals were okay but not like that dog. After that she started getting friendlier and less territorial-whew. If only I'd known the tricks sooner!