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TOPIC | Who out there has a rabbit?
@Azbat O peter's Very cute I wish Cocoa would follow me around
@Azbat O peter's Very cute I wish Cocoa would follow me around
@FrostedDeath, @KoreNestis, @DalphiaRose, @AtomiKamikaze, @Lostinlondon, @TheHugger, @Magicstar, @Kurona, @AzBat, and @Wulferson. Someone please say something…...
@FrostedDeath, @KoreNestis, @DalphiaRose, @AtomiKamikaze, @Lostinlondon, @TheHugger, @Magicstar, @Kurona, @AzBat, and @Wulferson. Someone please say something…...
Headed to bed but I discovered Peter knows when it's dinner time. He goes to his cage and stands up staring at me until I get his greens.

How's your cutey doing?
Headed to bed but I discovered Peter knows when it's dinner time. He goes to his cage and stands up staring at me until I get his greens.

How's your cutey doing?

i figured out that one of my rabbits is an escape artist..

she would always escape from the cage and none of us figured out how. her cage has a shelf and the cage opens from the top...
she would jump on the shelf and jump up to unlatch the cage's opening. then she'd push her head up until she can sneak out.

she's a sneaky little thing, so we had to take the shelf down. X)
she's smarter than i thought!

anyway... how is your rabbit?

i figured out that one of my rabbits is an escape artist..

she would always escape from the cage and none of us figured out how. her cage has a shelf and the cage opens from the top...
she would jump on the shelf and jump up to unlatch the cage's opening. then she'd push her head up until she can sneak out.

she's a sneaky little thing, so we had to take the shelf down. X)
she's smarter than i thought!

anyway... how is your rabbit?
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<3 <3 <3


<3 <3 <3
@AzBat Cocoa would do basically the same thing I mean whenever I pass by, (and it's meal time) she would run up to me and just look at me with a look that meansI have to give her food… Oh and she's doing pretty well
@AzBat Cocoa would do basically the same thing I mean whenever I pass by, (and it's meal time) she would run up to me and just look at me with a look that meansI have to give her food… Oh and she's doing pretty well
Mocha and Coffee, my two buns escaped last night. So I spent that time running around the yard in the pitch black to catch them, took only ten mins because of experience XD the dug out of their run (again) SNEAKY BUNS
Mocha and Coffee, my two buns escaped last night. So I spent that time running around the yard in the pitch black to catch them, took only ten mins because of experience XD the dug out of their run (again) SNEAKY BUNS
@Kurona Yes I know when that happens Cocoa once somehow pushed her little plastic bench stool beside her cage she stood on it, jumped onto her cage I don't know how because her cage was pretty high off the ground and jumped onto her shelf then went onto the floor and ran around….
@Kurona Yes I know when that happens Cocoa once somehow pushed her little plastic bench stool beside her cage she stood on it, jumped onto her cage I don't know how because her cage was pretty high off the ground and jumped onto her shelf then went onto the floor and ran around….
@FrostedDeath You love ooooo? Who is oooooo?
@FrostedDeath You love ooooo? Who is oooooo?
Had one since I was about five or four years old. His named was Sunny, sweetest thing ever <3 I think my parents gave him away since we're moving at that time /:

My bro found a pet rabbit (yes, was black and white) in our yard. Again, sweetest thing ever. We found out that our next door neighbor purposely let the rabbit escape. Like wth whyyyy??? That's so horrible?? They're not like their wild counterparts, they can't survive on their own! His wife asked if we found a black and white rabbit hopping around. We said yes and gave her the rabbit :) I'm so glad the little girl (Daugher/owner of rabbit) got to see her pet again! Kinda grinded my gears dude, don't release your pets like that...not cool.

I might get one once I'm older, I know that they require high maintenance since they're pretty sensitive animals.


Oh my gosh what a cutie pie!! Really does remind me of cocoa c:
Had one since I was about five or four years old. His named was Sunny, sweetest thing ever <3 I think my parents gave him away since we're moving at that time /:

My bro found a pet rabbit (yes, was black and white) in our yard. Again, sweetest thing ever. We found out that our next door neighbor purposely let the rabbit escape. Like wth whyyyy??? That's so horrible?? They're not like their wild counterparts, they can't survive on their own! His wife asked if we found a black and white rabbit hopping around. We said yes and gave her the rabbit :) I'm so glad the little girl (Daugher/owner of rabbit) got to see her pet again! Kinda grinded my gears dude, don't release your pets like that...not cool.

I might get one once I'm older, I know that they require high maintenance since they're pretty sensitive animals.


Oh my gosh what a cutie pie!! Really does remind me of cocoa c: