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TOPIC | Poor eye sight? JUST FOR FUN
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@Emerarudo It's pretty cool that you can get it for free! But yeah, I could probably never bring myself to get laser surgery. My teacher got it, but I think it would be too painful. Maybe, worth it, but I don't know. I'll stick to my glasses.
@Emerarudo It's pretty cool that you can get it for free! But yeah, I could probably never bring myself to get laser surgery. My teacher got it, but I think it would be too painful. Maybe, worth it, but I don't know. I'll stick to my glasses.
@Emerarudo No kidding... *sighs*
@Emerarudo No kidding... *sighs*
Yeah, bro

Just call me the Crazy Dog Momma

Cats and sloths are the spawn Satan

Lona The Watchamacallit
Bad eyesight person here! Nearsighted, and I use glasses or contacts, I mostly used contacts before, but now I'm mainly using glasses. Even when I have glasses/contacts on I have really bad night vision DX

I honestly prefer contacts, but I have gotten more headaches and stuff the last few years, and contacts + headaches are noe funnnnn.

#pooreyesightproblems when one person asks to try on your glasses "just quick" and you let them and suddenly the whole room wanna try them tooooo
Bad eyesight person here! Nearsighted, and I use glasses or contacts, I mostly used contacts before, but now I'm mainly using glasses. Even when I have glasses/contacts on I have really bad night vision DX

I honestly prefer contacts, but I have gotten more headaches and stuff the last few years, and contacts + headaches are noe funnnnn.

#pooreyesightproblems when one person asks to try on your glasses "just quick" and you let them and suddenly the whole room wanna try them tooooo
I have very poor eyesight. If I stretch my arm forward, that's all the distance I can see. Everything else beyond that is a blurry mess. I can't even recognize people. (I hope I worded that well)
I have very poor eyesight. If I stretch my arm forward, that's all the distance I can see. Everything else beyond that is a blurry mess. I can't even recognize people. (I hope I worded that well)
Perfect eyesight here.
Perfect eyesight here.
hey how you doing? well i'm doing just fine.
i lied i'm dying inside

ness, he/him
looking for a dragon with
obsidian or very dark grey primary
red range secondary
lightning primal
willing to pay upwards of 200g, depending on colors and genes
[quote name="EaterOfPie" date=2015-12-28 15:05:26] Perfect eyesight here. :'D [/quote] ^^^ Same
EaterOfPie wrote on 2015-12-28:
Perfect eyesight here.
^^^ Same
Vyrus | PM's/Friend Requests open | Click the photo for my Hatchery!!-->
I have bad eyesight and I'm colour deficient.
I have bad eyesight and I'm colour deficient.
basically sums me up [img][/img] edit [img][/img] Uhhhhh-huh.
basically sums me up




cbaa17a5a06daa6a78029fcf8763b4844dd0e1a6.png .
...he/him | FR+8
@Fire lairs - please let me know
if you hatch a mint/ruby/hunter
dragon! I have a mighty need.
I have poor eyesight too XD
But I have green brown eyes and no blues XD
I have poor eyesight too XD
But I have green brown eyes and no blues XD
Omg, I just told my mom about this thread and how many of us who are poor sighted (she has bad eyesight too btw) and she went all maniac face and said "Conclusion? That game is dangerous. All the dragons sucks out the energy from your eyes and burn your eyelids off. They are really dangerous. Especially the purple ones. They send out a absinth gass that etches your cornea off. Don´t play Flight Rising unless you want bad eyesight. Or at lest don´t buy any purple dragons."
Omg, I just told my mom about this thread and how many of us who are poor sighted (she has bad eyesight too btw) and she went all maniac face and said "Conclusion? That game is dangerous. All the dragons sucks out the energy from your eyes and burn your eyelids off. They are really dangerous. Especially the purple ones. They send out a absinth gass that etches your cornea off. Don´t play Flight Rising unless you want bad eyesight. Or at lest don´t buy any purple dragons."
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