
General Discussion

Discuss your favorites: TV shows, music, games and hobbies.
TOPIC | What did you do when you were little?
One of my best childhood friends lived one house down from us, so we spent a lot of time together. We wrote several short comic books about a super hero called Super Egg. It was literally a giant egg in a cape who fought bad guys like egg beaters and frying pans.

We also used to go bug hunting with his older brother out at the local park. We found a giant huntsman once and it ran up the stick we poked it with.
One of my best childhood friends lived one house down from us, so we spent a lot of time together. We wrote several short comic books about a super hero called Super Egg. It was literally a giant egg in a cape who fought bad guys like egg beaters and frying pans.

We also used to go bug hunting with his older brother out at the local park. We found a giant huntsman once and it ran up the stick we poked it with.

I either made up entire worlds, played my NES/Atarii2600, or fight my friends with a lighsaber in one hand and a Sailor Moon wand in the other.
I either made up entire worlds, played my NES/Atarii2600, or fight my friends with a lighsaber in one hand and a Sailor Moon wand in the other.
i used to larp as a kid. i didn't even know i was larping, i just did it and i loved it.
i used to larp as a kid. i didn't even know i was larping, i just did it and i loved it.

I just threw all of mine together. There was even some interspecies marriage (I had a Neopets toy that was married to a plastic dinosaur. They had wedding bands made from bread bag ties.) I think there was some acknowledgement of different species, but everyone got along and made nice.

The geographical locations within the 'world' (my house) where also consistent, though. My room was a metropolis, the bathroom with all of my bath toys where another city, and my sister's room was a distant port. Our downstairs family room was an ocean and my dad's study was a place where bad guys where exiled. Stair case was a mountain range, and the kitchen was a wilderness.

My favorite thing is still the backstory I made for my bath toys and their little city. I had a soft plastic squirty fish who was the mayor and another similar one who was her son. Citizens included a Blastoise, a Squirtle (also parent/child), several frogs, a rubbie duckie, a glow-in-the-dark dinosaur who was ebil, a very realistic looking iguana, and a Sandshrew keychain. Yeah most of them weren't really bath toys but w/e.

I have especially fond memories of Sandshrew, who sticks out in my mind as the one with the most developed 'character.' I came up with this story to explain why a Sandshrew lived in my bathtub, and it was that he and his mother were very special and could swim/enjoyed the water. The other Sandshrew thought they were freaky and chased them off, and his mother abandoned him there. He was a criminal for a long time but during the events of the city's founding he turned over a new leaf and became your basic rugged anti-hero.

My very favorite thing about this, though? When I got a little bit older and had grown out of this for the most part, I was browsing Pokémon toys at a flea market and found...another Sandshrew keychain, just like the one I already had. Even though I hadn't done anything in a few years, I couldn't help myself and dreamed up a 'reunion episode' where Sandshrew's mother comes back to find him.

Feels where felt both in-universe and out.

I just threw all of mine together. There was even some interspecies marriage (I had a Neopets toy that was married to a plastic dinosaur. They had wedding bands made from bread bag ties.) I think there was some acknowledgement of different species, but everyone got along and made nice.

The geographical locations within the 'world' (my house) where also consistent, though. My room was a metropolis, the bathroom with all of my bath toys where another city, and my sister's room was a distant port. Our downstairs family room was an ocean and my dad's study was a place where bad guys where exiled. Stair case was a mountain range, and the kitchen was a wilderness.

My favorite thing is still the backstory I made for my bath toys and their little city. I had a soft plastic squirty fish who was the mayor and another similar one who was her son. Citizens included a Blastoise, a Squirtle (also parent/child), several frogs, a rubbie duckie, a glow-in-the-dark dinosaur who was ebil, a very realistic looking iguana, and a Sandshrew keychain. Yeah most of them weren't really bath toys but w/e.

I have especially fond memories of Sandshrew, who sticks out in my mind as the one with the most developed 'character.' I came up with this story to explain why a Sandshrew lived in my bathtub, and it was that he and his mother were very special and could swim/enjoyed the water. The other Sandshrew thought they were freaky and chased them off, and his mother abandoned him there. He was a criminal for a long time but during the events of the city's founding he turned over a new leaf and became your basic rugged anti-hero.

My very favorite thing about this, though? When I got a little bit older and had grown out of this for the most part, I was browsing Pokémon toys at a flea market and found...another Sandshrew keychain, just like the one I already had. Even though I hadn't done anything in a few years, I couldn't help myself and dreamed up a 'reunion episode' where Sandshrew's mother comes back to find him.

Feels where felt both in-universe and out.
I found stars on the tip of your tongue/You speak poltergeist and so do I
I pretended I was Inuyasha and could run rlly fast lol. He was like... my anime idol.

I also liked to pretend I was a wolf and howled along sound clips of wolf howling. I walked around on my tippy-toes after seeing an animation correctly portraying the digitigrade nature of animals including dogs.

I also liked making complex games which involved many sub-games... I wrote down all of the rules and structures and stuff into a notebook. I tried to get my next door neighbour kid to play it with me; I found it absolutely fascinating, she saw no point in in whatsoever and grew bored in one second. (fair enough too - it prolly only made sense to myself)

Fun times!
I pretended I was Inuyasha and could run rlly fast lol. He was like... my anime idol.

I also liked to pretend I was a wolf and howled along sound clips of wolf howling. I walked around on my tippy-toes after seeing an animation correctly portraying the digitigrade nature of animals including dogs.

I also liked making complex games which involved many sub-games... I wrote down all of the rules and structures and stuff into a notebook. I tried to get my next door neighbour kid to play it with me; I found it absolutely fascinating, she saw no point in in whatsoever and grew bored in one second. (fair enough too - it prolly only made sense to myself)

Fun times!
I lived across from my best friend in an apartment building so we played together a lot. We often pretended to be characters from movies and such. Milo and Otis and the care bears were our favorites for this He was always Otis/grumpy bear and I milo/tenderheart. We also did things like run around in our underwear in our apartments and he would wear a pink tutu and Dorothy shoes on occasion.
I myself had many many imaginary animals. I never had imaginary friends, just animals. Blacky the black lab being the main one. I also have memories of floating by jumping and coming down by wiggling my legs. I tried to get my mom to look at me floating but she wouldn't. (I don't know if it was a dream or what. I could tell that one time was a dream but the other time I have no clue.)
I also would eat butter and salt. Just plain salt from a salt shaker.
I kind of had a salt problem and still do though I don't just eat salt plain anymore.

ah and the time me and my friend thought we saw a ufo when we were playing outside.
he wasn't in the apartment at this time anymore, but I was having a sleepover at his house and he made me sleep by the edge of the bed 'so the aliens would eat my brain first.'
I lived across from my best friend in an apartment building so we played together a lot. We often pretended to be characters from movies and such. Milo and Otis and the care bears were our favorites for this He was always Otis/grumpy bear and I milo/tenderheart. We also did things like run around in our underwear in our apartments and he would wear a pink tutu and Dorothy shoes on occasion.
I myself had many many imaginary animals. I never had imaginary friends, just animals. Blacky the black lab being the main one. I also have memories of floating by jumping and coming down by wiggling my legs. I tried to get my mom to look at me floating but she wouldn't. (I don't know if it was a dream or what. I could tell that one time was a dream but the other time I have no clue.)
I also would eat butter and salt. Just plain salt from a salt shaker.
I kind of had a salt problem and still do though I don't just eat salt plain anymore.

ah and the time me and my friend thought we saw a ufo when we were playing outside.
he wasn't in the apartment at this time anymore, but I was having a sleepover at his house and he made me sleep by the edge of the bed 'so the aliens would eat my brain first.'
Play pokemon.That's the main thing.(And it still is my main)Me and my friends used to make secret bases in the church and play there.I miss the old times :(
Play pokemon.That's the main thing.(And it still is my main)Me and my friends used to make secret bases in the church and play there.I miss the old times :(
I basically used to run around pretending to be a dragon a whole lot. Fun times.
I basically used to run around pretending to be a dragon a whole lot. Fun times.
Pretended King Kong was following me when I ran home in the dark.
Pretended King Kong was following me when I ran home in the dark.

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Sat in a bucket, wore my dad's shirt like a potato sack and pretended I was actually one of those experiments during a Lilo and Stitch phase.
Sat in a bucket, wore my dad's shirt like a potato sack and pretended I was actually one of those experiments during a Lilo and Stitch phase.