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TOPIC | Things ppl do that you just can't stand
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[quote name="Foxwyrm" date=2015-06-20 16:16:38] -When people find out I'm an artist and automatically ask me to draw them. 1, I'm not good at drawing people. 2, even if it's cartoon-style, I fear I might offend you by any caricatures. 3, are you really that self-centered??[/quote] @Foxwyrm 4. "YOUR ART'S SO CUTE, IT LOOKS LIKE A POKEMON/ANIME CHARACTER" Yeah no. Just. Stop.
Foxwyrm wrote on 2015-06-20:
-When people find out I'm an artist and automatically ask me to draw them. 1, I'm not good at drawing people. 2, even if it's cartoon-style, I fear I might offend you by any caricatures. 3, are you really that self-centered??

Yeah no. Just. Stop.

i hate when people pee right next to me when there are like a thousand other urinals.

it also annoys me how gay dudes hate being stereotyped as super flamboyant glitter the owning sex mongers. then they go and do just that.
i hate when people pee right next to me when there are like a thousand other urinals.

it also annoys me how gay dudes hate being stereotyped as super flamboyant glitter the owning sex mongers. then they go and do just that.
any noise that i do not produce myself is the enemy.

i hate when people are like 'can we b fraaands'. i had someone be like 'senpaiiii~!! x3c' like every day. it was hell.

i especially hate when i talk about how much i love myself/how good i look and people are like 'ugh you're so vain thats really unattractive..' like honey youre just mad bc you dont look as good as iii dooooo

edit: oh yeah one more thing. when gay dudes act like the face of the lgbt community (gay marriage, gay rights, etc) and then get all pissy about it when pan/bi people call themselves gay. dont use it as an umbrella term if you dont want it to be used as such.
any noise that i do not produce myself is the enemy.

i hate when people are like 'can we b fraaands'. i had someone be like 'senpaiiii~!! x3c' like every day. it was hell.

i especially hate when i talk about how much i love myself/how good i look and people are like 'ugh you're so vain thats really unattractive..' like honey youre just mad bc you dont look as good as iii dooooo

edit: oh yeah one more thing. when gay dudes act like the face of the lgbt community (gay marriage, gay rights, etc) and then get all pissy about it when pan/bi people call themselves gay. dont use it as an umbrella term if you dont want it to be used as such.
its cool guuUuuuUUeeeyy!
People who use things like ADHD/OCD/etc. as a cute personality quirk
People who use things like ADHD/OCD/etc. as a cute personality quirk
> FR +9
> She/her
people who make noises when they chew???? like i will decapitate you if it means you'll stop that's how much i hate it
people who make noises when they chew???? like i will decapitate you if it means you'll stop that's how much i hate it
22 • he/him • eng/jpn • fr+3

click here for a random bird
Not pick up after their dogs. Seriously, I pick up after mine. It's part of owning a dog after all! Also people that don't spay/neuter their pets and particularly for cats, let them roam about. Trust me, they're not going to miss anything if they're spayed/neutered. They don't have the same ideas as us humans when it comes to sex/reproduction.
Not pick up after their dogs. Seriously, I pick up after mine. It's part of owning a dog after all! Also people that don't spay/neuter their pets and particularly for cats, let them roam about. Trust me, they're not going to miss anything if they're spayed/neutered. They don't have the same ideas as us humans when it comes to sex/reproduction.
Coelum Ad Proelium Elige
I own the most wonderful Shiba Inus named Jiro and Lou!
What do Shiba Inus~ like to dream about? Is it dancing Hainus?
People invalidating the fact that I'm asexual. There's a reason why I keep quiet about it so much. No, I don't have low libido because I'm on antidepressants. No, I don't need to experience it before saying that I'm ace. No, I'm not scared. And please do not get me started on the asexual reproduction jokes... Do I look like an amoeba to you?

Parents who don't keep their little spawn in line... Maybe it's cuz I was brought up to be well-behaved and not be a sugar-high maniac child. My parents had no tolerance for that BS and neither do I. And please stop bringing your babies to restaurants. It makes my emetophobia flare up and I'd really like to enjoy my meal without worrying some kid is going to puke nearby.

Slow drivers. Need I say more?

And please stop assuming I'm a high schooler. I'm 24, thank you, and I sure as hell don't feel like a young person in terms of physical health. I get that I'm short and young looking, but c'mon!
People invalidating the fact that I'm asexual. There's a reason why I keep quiet about it so much. No, I don't have low libido because I'm on antidepressants. No, I don't need to experience it before saying that I'm ace. No, I'm not scared. And please do not get me started on the asexual reproduction jokes... Do I look like an amoeba to you?

Parents who don't keep their little spawn in line... Maybe it's cuz I was brought up to be well-behaved and not be a sugar-high maniac child. My parents had no tolerance for that BS and neither do I. And please stop bringing your babies to restaurants. It makes my emetophobia flare up and I'd really like to enjoy my meal without worrying some kid is going to puke nearby.

Slow drivers. Need I say more?

And please stop assuming I'm a high schooler. I'm 24, thank you, and I sure as hell don't feel like a young person in terms of physical health. I get that I'm short and young looking, but c'mon!
nPEtuOq.png SILN8af.gif VO3icXF.png

I hear you on the Asexual stuff. I used to get a lot of it when I was in school-but I didn't know exactly what the word was for it. Then while in the AF I finally came across the term, but the few people that I told said that asexuality didn't exist and that there was something medically wrong with me. I've been this way my entire life and thought there was something wrong with me because people would talk about their relationships and sex and I'd just be there not really caring about it and then people would get on my case as to why I'm not doing those things.

I seriously don't care what people do. Have sex? Cool-just make sure it's safe, sane and consensual. Not having sex? Cool, keep on doing your thing.

I'm not opposed to having a relationship with someone. We'd just have to really talk about how we plan on going about the relationship; particularly since I have little to no sex drive and the other person most likely has a more active one. We'll have to compromise for sure.

And I also hate it when people don't parent their kids. My parents would not allow my brother or I to get away with the things some parents let their kids get away with. So I agree with you here too.

I hear you on the Asexual stuff. I used to get a lot of it when I was in school-but I didn't know exactly what the word was for it. Then while in the AF I finally came across the term, but the few people that I told said that asexuality didn't exist and that there was something medically wrong with me. I've been this way my entire life and thought there was something wrong with me because people would talk about their relationships and sex and I'd just be there not really caring about it and then people would get on my case as to why I'm not doing those things.

I seriously don't care what people do. Have sex? Cool-just make sure it's safe, sane and consensual. Not having sex? Cool, keep on doing your thing.

I'm not opposed to having a relationship with someone. We'd just have to really talk about how we plan on going about the relationship; particularly since I have little to no sex drive and the other person most likely has a more active one. We'll have to compromise for sure.

And I also hate it when people don't parent their kids. My parents would not allow my brother or I to get away with the things some parents let their kids get away with. So I agree with you here too.
Coelum Ad Proelium Elige
I own the most wonderful Shiba Inus named Jiro and Lou!
What do Shiba Inus~ like to dream about? Is it dancing Hainus?
This thread. I just read this thread all the way through, and because I'm such a slow reader, it took me nearly two hours. I don't believe i've ever done that before for a thread this long.

I find it interesting how clearly this thread highlights the intolerance of individuals. It's almost like it was set up as a study of human society. (Although I know that probably wasn't the intention.) I actually heard people making criticisms that directly contradicted people who posted earlier. One person hates kids; another person can't stand people who hate kids. One person complains about slow people in front of them, another is annoyed by impatient people behind them. And in spite of all that, we all just go on throwing out our complaints, as though it's "we" who play this game against the larger population of "them," the bad guys. "We" can do no wrong, or at least this community is so accepting of everyone that no one dares to challenge a claim made by someone else for fear of being seen as a hater.

The thing I saw as the biggest irony? Some even seemed to suggest a disgust for intolerant people in general, which, well, that's exactly who we're being with all our complaints, isn't it?

I'm not saying I don't have my own petty issues with people, because I do. But I think until now, I was never really aware of what that looks like on the bigger scale, and maybe there are more things I should just suck up and get over.

This isn't really a coherent post, I'm just noticing things. Make of it what you will.
This thread. I just read this thread all the way through, and because I'm such a slow reader, it took me nearly two hours. I don't believe i've ever done that before for a thread this long.

I find it interesting how clearly this thread highlights the intolerance of individuals. It's almost like it was set up as a study of human society. (Although I know that probably wasn't the intention.) I actually heard people making criticisms that directly contradicted people who posted earlier. One person hates kids; another person can't stand people who hate kids. One person complains about slow people in front of them, another is annoyed by impatient people behind them. And in spite of all that, we all just go on throwing out our complaints, as though it's "we" who play this game against the larger population of "them," the bad guys. "We" can do no wrong, or at least this community is so accepting of everyone that no one dares to challenge a claim made by someone else for fear of being seen as a hater.

The thing I saw as the biggest irony? Some even seemed to suggest a disgust for intolerant people in general, which, well, that's exactly who we're being with all our complaints, isn't it?

I'm not saying I don't have my own petty issues with people, because I do. But I think until now, I was never really aware of what that looks like on the bigger scale, and maybe there are more things I should just suck up and get over.

This isn't really a coherent post, I'm just noticing things. Make of it what you will.

I've had my own doctor tell me that I wasn't asexual and that I just had a low sex drive because I've been on antidepressants. But I find that to be... pretty untrue. I mean, just because I have no desire to do anything of the sort with someone doesn't mean that I don't get urges from time to time. Besides, I've heard that asexuality is a spectrum, and if that's true, then I guess it would make some sense as to why I can look at a guy and think 'wow, he's kinda cute' but not have any dirty thoughts about him.

I'd much rather be with a guy who's totally cool with hugs and cuddling... impossible as that probably sounds. I can't tell you how many guys I've dated have told me 'it's okay, I'll wait' when I told them I wasn't interested in anything intimate.

Like, I don't WANT you to wait! I want you to be cool with us not doing the deed!

I actually tried to 'fix' myself by dating... but I would dump my boyfriends every time because I was scared that they expected something more. Especially when I heard the words 'I'll wait.'

I've had my own doctor tell me that I wasn't asexual and that I just had a low sex drive because I've been on antidepressants. But I find that to be... pretty untrue. I mean, just because I have no desire to do anything of the sort with someone doesn't mean that I don't get urges from time to time. Besides, I've heard that asexuality is a spectrum, and if that's true, then I guess it would make some sense as to why I can look at a guy and think 'wow, he's kinda cute' but not have any dirty thoughts about him.

I'd much rather be with a guy who's totally cool with hugs and cuddling... impossible as that probably sounds. I can't tell you how many guys I've dated have told me 'it's okay, I'll wait' when I told them I wasn't interested in anything intimate.

Like, I don't WANT you to wait! I want you to be cool with us not doing the deed!

I actually tried to 'fix' myself by dating... but I would dump my boyfriends every time because I was scared that they expected something more. Especially when I heard the words 'I'll wait.'
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