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TOPIC | Bad Movie Thread: Really, Really Bad
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San Andreas. I gave it a shot. I regretted it.
San Andreas. I gave it a shot. I regretted it.
"Skyline." I can't believe I wasted 2 hours of my life watching that. I'd say there was no plot but there are no words to describe how empty this movie left me. I think it took 2 years off of my lifespan.
"Skyline." I can't believe I wasted 2 hours of my life watching that. I'd say there was no plot but there are no words to describe how empty this movie left me. I think it took 2 years off of my lifespan.
ceasefire. now.
Icetastrophy and food fight. Hands down- the absolute worst.

Also Birdemic.
Icetastrophy and food fight. Hands down- the absolute worst.

Also Birdemic.
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Anyone here ever heard of Turkish Star Wars?
Anyone here ever heard of Turkish Star Wars?
Oh my god they wrecked that poor book. XD The only redeeming factor was the incredible animation. It looked incredibly real at times and I thought that was cool.
But God it was so bad. XD
Oh my god they wrecked that poor book. XD The only redeeming factor was the incredible animation. It looked incredibly real at times and I thought that was cool.
But God it was so bad. XD
"There is no terminal called End in your life!"
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Turkish Star Wars? I knew there was a Turkish Star Trek. Didn't know about this one...

Turkish Star Wars? I knew there was a Turkish Star Trek. Didn't know about this one...
"A Talking Cat!?!"
Need I say more?
"A Talking Cat!?!"
Need I say more?
It's not a horrible B movie but it sure is a horrible movie and that is Pitch Perfect 2. I have never cringed so much. There was a lot of racism, fat jokes, misogyny, and transmisogyny. Just yuck
It's not a horrible B movie but it sure is a horrible movie and that is Pitch Perfect 2. I have never cringed so much. There was a lot of racism, fat jokes, misogyny, and transmisogyny. Just yuck

Well-behaved women seldom make history - Laurel Thatcher Ulrich
End corruption now
Ok, I feel like its production values are too high to fully qualify, but can I give a shoutout to "Blow Out"? I had to watch it back in college for a lecture on audio effects in movies, and it boggles my mind that this is supposed to be "one of De Palma's best". It was so incredibly stupid, and the characters ran a gamut from boring to awful. I hated every single moment of it, from the first several minutes of showing a bunch of naked partying college girls Just Because™ to the very last second.
Ok, I feel like its production values are too high to fully qualify, but can I give a shoutout to "Blow Out"? I had to watch it back in college for a lecture on audio effects in movies, and it boggles my mind that this is supposed to be "one of De Palma's best". It was so incredibly stupid, and the characters ran a gamut from boring to awful. I hated every single moment of it, from the first several minutes of showing a bunch of naked partying college girls Just Because™ to the very last second.
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I know it's not the same as other films on this thread, but very few movies are capable of making me seethe with rage like American Beauty.

Barely realized characters, strawman stereotypes on both sides of the spectrum, a poorly carried message that goes all over the place and doesn't even know what it is half the time. All bundled together with enough pretentiousness to choke a horse. I don't understand why anyone could possibly think this was a good movie. I saw it nearly sixth months ago and just thinking about makes me see red.

The teenagers are so cringey, both of them but especially the guy. The narrative wants us to view them as sympathetic but to me they're more unlikable then any of the adults in the movie, because at least the story is clearly trying to show the adults as *******up. The movie tries to get us invested in the teenager's romance but they never do anything to justify being liked, and the guy comes close to being my most hated fictional character of all time just because of what a precious to good for this sinful earth Marty Stu the movie treats him as.

Also, I can never enjoy Kevin Spacey as an actor because I associate him with his character in this film. Even The Usual Suspects is hard to get through.


I also wanted to add that while it's certainly one of the movies' lesser issues, it almost felt like they were purposely trying to be as unsubtle as possible with it by having Marty-Stu's dad being the worst possible caricature of a hyper conservative homophobe while having the two gay guys be the only likeable characters in the movie.

I could understand this if they went somewhere with it, but it doesn't really do anything except make the movie seem aimless and, as a member of the LGBT community myself, bizarrely pandering. Basically I get that it was over the top on purpose but I'm not really sure what the point was for making it over the top or how that added to the story?

I couldn't even bring myself to hate or be offended by Mr. sexually repressed redneck because his traits were so exaggerated. If their point was to make homophobes look hilarious and pitiful by making me laugh at every line of his dialogue, then maybe they did succeed at something. However, they still failed in the sense that his character is not applicable to reality or real people in any sense, and if anything I'm second-hand embarrassed for my conservative parents who are actually decent people.
I know it's not the same as other films on this thread, but very few movies are capable of making me seethe with rage like American Beauty.

Barely realized characters, strawman stereotypes on both sides of the spectrum, a poorly carried message that goes all over the place and doesn't even know what it is half the time. All bundled together with enough pretentiousness to choke a horse. I don't understand why anyone could possibly think this was a good movie. I saw it nearly sixth months ago and just thinking about makes me see red.

The teenagers are so cringey, both of them but especially the guy. The narrative wants us to view them as sympathetic but to me they're more unlikable then any of the adults in the movie, because at least the story is clearly trying to show the adults as *******up. The movie tries to get us invested in the teenager's romance but they never do anything to justify being liked, and the guy comes close to being my most hated fictional character of all time just because of what a precious to good for this sinful earth Marty Stu the movie treats him as.

Also, I can never enjoy Kevin Spacey as an actor because I associate him with his character in this film. Even The Usual Suspects is hard to get through.


I also wanted to add that while it's certainly one of the movies' lesser issues, it almost felt like they were purposely trying to be as unsubtle as possible with it by having Marty-Stu's dad being the worst possible caricature of a hyper conservative homophobe while having the two gay guys be the only likeable characters in the movie.

I could understand this if they went somewhere with it, but it doesn't really do anything except make the movie seem aimless and, as a member of the LGBT community myself, bizarrely pandering. Basically I get that it was over the top on purpose but I'm not really sure what the point was for making it over the top or how that added to the story?

I couldn't even bring myself to hate or be offended by Mr. sexually repressed redneck because his traits were so exaggerated. If their point was to make homophobes look hilarious and pitiful by making me laugh at every line of his dialogue, then maybe they did succeed at something. However, they still failed in the sense that his character is not applicable to reality or real people in any sense, and if anything I'm second-hand embarrassed for my conservative parents who are actually decent people.
I found stars on the tip of your tongue/You speak poltergeist and so do I
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