That's right, it's yet another familiar tracker! Existing ones were't quite suiting my needs, so I rigged up my own and thought it might be something that others could find useful as well. This one has been built on the bones of @Axikor's Simple Familiar Bonding Tracker, and has been posted with their permission. However, it's focused more on the acquisition side: What familiars do I already have? How many do I still need? And, most importantly, how do I get them?
The goal of this tracker is to help familiar collectors work out how to expand their collection, and to what extent they plan to go. Every familiar has its primary source indicated, and the color-coding system makes it easy to see whether the source is a coliseum venue, a seasonal event, gathering, or part of the marketplaces and trading post. Moreover, the purple marks in the left column make it easy to see if a currently-unavailable familiar has been retired (dark purple) or if you just have to wait for it to come around again (lighter purple, visible 'Cycled Out' text).
That's all the information that's already baked into the spreadsheet. (And since it's all text-based, it's easy to edit your own copy as new familiars come out!) From there, we move on to all the things you can get it to tell you about your own collection. The columns let you see at a glance which familiars are with a dragon, which ones you have in your bestiary, which ones are Awakened, and which ones are available to be placed on a dragon. (I find 'available' more useful to my purposes than 'with dragon,' as I rotate un-Awakened familiars frequently and will sometimes 'reserve' a familiar for a particular dragon; I have included both columns to accommodate whatever combination you find most useful.) All the fields are self-formatting; just type Y into the field to get the appropriate color block. And as you mark familiars as 'acquired,' the counter in the top right will keep track of how many you have and how many you have yet to go.
"But wait," I imagine you asking, "what's with the 'unobtainable' field?" It's the feature that was most important to me in setting this tracker up! That's what I meant about tracking how far you want your collection to go. Everyone has their limits, and the counter on this tracker is designed to let you set yours. Have you accepted that a Light Sprite will always be out of your financial reach? No patience for boss farming, but you don't want to just buy a Stone Borer and a Frost Delver, either? Put a U in the 'acquired' column to mark any familiar you don't intend to try for as 'unobtainable.' This number will automatically be subtracted from the count of familiars you don't have, so your 'remaining' number will be a true reflection of your personal goal. And if you change your mind later, just clear the box and it will be added right back into your count.
This is a work in progress, and I will keep the master sheet updated as time goes by and new familiars are added to the game. Here's the link again so you don't have to scroll all the way back up to the top of this post, and if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions don't hesitate to ping me. I hope my fellow familiar collectors find this helpful!