

Community created guides, helpful strategies, and more.
TOPIC | Vista List/Guide (with Baldwin recipes!)
He's here but he's not here The Tidelord [item= Vista: Tidelord]
He's here but he's not here
The Tidelord
Vista: Tidelord
New Dragonbreed Vistas [item= Vista: Skydancer Dragons] [item= Vista: Bogsneak Dragons]
New Dragonbreed Vistas
Vista: Skydancer Dragons Vista: Bogsneak Dragons
Thanks so much for this! I tried to find a nice red one to fit my current avatar, but sadly there isn't one ^^; YET. Guess I'll have to settle for black/brown/orange: scorched forest, volanic vents and flameforger.

I hope a nice red one comes out sometime in the near future :)
Thanks so much for this! I tried to find a nice red one to fit my current avatar, but sadly there isn't one ^^; YET. Guess I'll have to settle for black/brown/orange: scorched forest, volanic vents and flameforger.

I hope a nice red one comes out sometime in the near future :)
Updated with: [item=Vista: Gladekeeper] [item=Vista: Snowy Owl] ___ @inuraichi Thank you so much <3 I hope there'll be a better vista to use for you i n the future :D
Updated with: Vista: Gladekeeper Vista: Snowy Owl

@inuraichi Thank you so much <3 I hope there'll be a better vista to use for you i n the future :D
Updated with: [columns] [center][u][b]Herb Rack[/b][/u][/center] [item=Vista: Herb Rack] [nextcol] Lv 21+ 8 hr || 2100 xp [LIST] [*]8500 Treasure [*]Gold Muck 2x [*]Yellow Sludge 4x [*]Orange Ooze 3x [*]Reinforced Glass Beaker 1 [*]Spearmint 5x [indent]Gathering (Foraging in Shadow, Lv 28+)[/indent] [/LIST] [/columns]
Updated with:
Herb Rack

Vista: Herb Rack
Lv 21+
8 hr || 2100 xp
  • 8500 Treasure
  • Gold Muck 2x
  • Yellow Sludge 4x
  • Orange Ooze 3x
  • Reinforced Glass Beaker 1
  • Spearmint 5x
    Gathering (Foraging in Shadow, Lv 28+)
Updated with: [item=Vista: Thunderhead Savanna]

Updated with: Vista: Thunderhead Savanna
Updated with: [item=Vista: Spectral Shroud] [item=Vista: Dreary Dirge] [item=Vista: Eye See You] Also updated with the accurate recipes for the NotN Baldwin Vistas
Updated with: Vista: Spectral Shroud Vista: Dreary Dirge Vista: Eye See You
Also updated with the accurate recipes for the NotN Baldwin Vistas
Updated with: [item=Vista: Sticker Star] [item=Vista: Something Swarming] [item=Vista: Gaoler Dragons] [item=Vista: Boreal Wood II] [item=Vista: Stagcrest]
Updated with: Vista: Sticker Star Vista: Something Swarming Vista: Gaoler Dragons Vista: Boreal Wood II Vista: Stagcrest

Thanks for this ~
Thanks for this ~
Updated with: [item=Vista: Banescale Dragons] [item=Vista: Plasmpool Armor] [item=Vista: Banshee Brooch] [item=Vista: Vigorous Goblet] [item=Vista: Forbidden Portal]
Updated with: Vista: Banescale Dragons Vista: Plasmpool Armor Vista: Banshee Brooch Vista: Vigorous Goblet Vista: Forbidden Portal