Spruce is #8DBCB4. The RGB values of it are 141/188/180. It slightly leans towards green, but it's pretty close so I'd say both green And blue :3c
TOPIC | Spruce: blue or green
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Spruce is #8DBCB4. The RGB values of it are 141/188/180. It slightly leans towards green, but it's pretty close so I'd say both green And blue :3c
This has so many pages when someone already hex-coded it to display that it's objectively a green...
Here's another quiz that would help get an idea of how accurately your monitor displays color and how accurately you can parse hues on it
Here's another quiz that would help get an idea of how accurately your monitor displays color and how accurately you can parse hues on it
This has so many pages when someone already hex-coded it to display that it's objectively a green...
Here's another quiz that would help get an idea of how accurately your monitor displays color and how accurately you can parse hues on it
Here's another quiz that would help get an idea of how accurately your monitor displays color and how accurately you can parse hues on it
I think its more green than blue, but I can see why some would say blue.
I think its more green than blue, but I can see why some would say blue.
[*] FR +0 [*] 80% gen 1 lair. Please send help, my wallet is dying. [*] Stay safe out there people! |
Spruce is very much on the edge of blue/green, it's more of a teal than anything, and that plus the fact that it's very desaturated means that it can kind of go either way depending on whichever color you're pairing it with. Personally, if I had to choose a specific one, I would definitely choose green, but I can see either
Spruce is very much on the edge of blue/green, it's more of a teal than anything, and that plus the fact that it's very desaturated means that it can kind of go either way depending on whichever color you're pairing it with. Personally, if I had to choose a specific one, I would definitely choose green, but I can see either
[font=times]I've always considered it to be blue in my head but that's because I often pair it with blue tones. Just thinking about it on it's own I can definitely see it being green.
After color picking directly from a [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/93282342]basic spruce dragon[/url] on here, this is what I got in the color picker I use for everything:
According to the color picker I used it is more green than blue so that would be my verdict.
I've always considered it to be blue in my head but that's because I often pair it with blue tones. Just thinking about it on it's own I can definitely see it being green.
After color picking directly from a basic spruce dragon on here, this is what I got in the color picker I use for everything:
According to the color picker I used it is more green than blue so that would be my verdict.
After color picking directly from a basic spruce dragon on here, this is what I got in the color picker I use for everything:
According to the color picker I used it is more green than blue so that would be my verdict.
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