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TOPIC | Breeding card generator w/ sandsurge?
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I'm in the process of making a Hatchery and I have a few sandsurge pairs I would like to include. However, all the generators I've found are only up to aether dragons. Maybe I'm not looking in the right places? Please help.
I'm in the process of making a Hatchery and I have a few sandsurge pairs I would like to include. However, all the generators I've found are only up to aether dragons. Maybe I'm not looking in the right places? Please help.
We think there's someone in art sales who's making breeding cards ? if you don't wanna commission someone wg you can open an art program and do one yourself
We think there's someone in art sales who's making breeding cards ? if you don't wanna commission someone wg you can open an art program and do one yourself
YfIwYrL.png •Jupiter/Ben
Art Shop
i experimented around with [url=]this breeding card generator,[/url] and you can just put your sandsurge dragons in it (via ID)! you will make to make some adjustments to it though, considering the only ancients it has are abberations, banescale, gaolers and veilspun- [img][/img]
i experimented around with this breeding card generator, and you can just put your sandsurge dragons in it (via ID)! you will make to make some adjustments to it though, considering the only ancients it has are abberations, banescale, gaolers and veilspun-

the one Solarizia posted is what I personally use. I just photoshop in anything after its effective date. however: (1) you will need to manually adjust the gene percentages, because it doesn't take into account any of the recent balancing adjustments (e.g. it still has runes as limited) (2) it's not ideal for hatchery cards because for advertisement purposes, you'd want a full image of the parents & hatchling previews. I just use it for personal reference. [img][/img] edit: this topic motivated me to finally make a card for my sandsurge couple! I can elaborate on the process if you'd like (warning though, it is quite jank and probably more trouble than a non-custom breeding card generator is worth) [img][/img]
the one Solarizia posted is what I personally use. I just photoshop in anything after its effective date.

(1) you will need to manually adjust the gene percentages, because it doesn't take into account any of the recent balancing adjustments (e.g. it still has runes as limited)
(2) it's not ideal for hatchery cards because for advertisement purposes, you'd want a full image of the parents & hatchling previews. I just use it for personal reference.


edit: this topic motivated me to finally make a card for my sandsurge couple! I can elaborate on the process if you'd like (warning though, it is quite jank and probably more trouble than a non-custom breeding card generator is worth)

Bubbly Buddy Razanei Lineage Project
Virtual Hibden
Breed Out the Ugly Challenge (Koi Edition)
This one's updated to Aethers, so like, I'd say your odds of getting a correct result are a lil higher?

(But, I have a spreadsheet for making my own pair "cards"... will share when there's slightly less jank in play, because some things are fine for personal use but not to ask others to go through)
This one's updated to Aethers, so like, I'd say your odds of getting a correct result are a lil higher?

(But, I have a spreadsheet for making my own pair "cards"... will share when there's slightly less jank in play, because some things are fine for personal use but not to ask others to go through)
a small yellow and gold flag with the Light Flight's symbol
She/Her, FR +0
No worms in my username-
R e n a i w o m
I like being pinged, if you have a response to what I said!
I often process thoughts by writing... Trying to TL;DR more.

Small Logo: Flights and Fancies
If you're alright with a BBCode template, I've made a Google Sheet that generates just that for breeding pairs. The outcome can be seen in all my fodder breeder's bios.

Link to the forum thread with the sheet.
If you're alright with a BBCode template, I've made a Google Sheet that generates just that for breeding pairs. The outcome can be seen in all my fodder breeder's bios.

Link to the forum thread with the sheet.
wind.gif you-WILL-look-at-my-fursona.png
Welp. Looks like I'm making my own then
Welp. Looks like I'm making my own then
@BassetBites how did you do the color preview dots? My sheet currently just lists the color names, but the little dots would be much more straightforward to look at! (current guess would be a color hex associated with each color and maybe a Unicode symbol...?)
@BassetBites how did you do the color preview dots? My sheet currently just lists the color names, but the little dots would be much more straightforward to look at! (current guess would be a color hex associated with each color and maybe a Unicode symbol...?)
a small yellow and gold flag with the Light Flight's symbol
She/Her, FR +0
No worms in my username-
R e n a i w o m
I like being pinged, if you have a response to what I said!
I often process thoughts by writing... Trying to TL;DR more.

Small Logo: Flights and Fancies
@Renaiwom I can try and explain the best I can as in all honesty I made this tab a little while ago and I was flying by the seat of my pants when I put it together :) [img][/img] I basically had extra columns added to a table hidden in my sheet where all the information was pulled from, and this extra column was coded to include BBCode bullet points formatted to be in that certain color's HEX code. Code looks like this: [code]=arrayformula(if(isbetween(R18:R194,if(X6<X12,X6,X12),if(X6>X12,X6,X12),TRUE,TRUE),"[color="&S18:S194&"]"&D44&"[/color]",""))[/code] Whenever a color was "active" (it was a color that was within the breeding range of two parents), the cell would spit out the BBCode, and the main BBCode box (the large box titled "forum code" at the bottom of the sheet) would search through the color range and concatenate the "active" cells: [code]&if(AE6<89,CONCATENATE(T18:T194),CONCATENATE(AC18:AC194))[/code] It spits out a LOT of text that condenses itself when posting because all it is is just tiny bullets in different colors. You're welcome to pick the code in my sheet apart and reverse engineer it, if you'd like! I'm not the best at explaining things, I took this project on as a learning experience (I wasn't that great with Sheets around 2-ish months ago), so fair warning that this thing is probably held together with scotch tape and chewing gum :)
@Renaiwom I can try and explain the best I can as in all honesty I made this tab a little while ago and I was flying by the seat of my pants when I put it together :)


I basically had extra columns added to a table hidden in my sheet where all the information was pulled from, and this extra column was coded to include BBCode bullet points formatted to be in that certain color's HEX code.

Code looks like this:

Whenever a color was "active" (it was a color that was within the breeding range of two parents), the cell would spit out the BBCode, and the main BBCode box (the large box titled "forum code" at the bottom of the sheet) would search through the color range and concatenate the "active" cells:

It spits out a LOT of text that condenses itself when posting because all it is is just tiny bullets in different colors.

You're welcome to pick the code in my sheet apart and reverse engineer it, if you'd like! I'm not the best at explaining things, I took this project on as a learning experience (I wasn't that great with Sheets around 2-ish months ago), so fair warning that this thing is probably held together with scotch tape and chewing gum :)
wind.gif you-WILL-look-at-my-fursona.png
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