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TOPIC | If you designed the next Dustcarve Dig..
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I'm gonna go against the grain and make it a community effort to hold back Luminax from entering a populated area. I know people adore them but they're written as a pretty major antagonist and I could see it as like a big boss the community has to work together to battle from time to time, with rewards for diverting them from whatever zone they're getting too close too.

I imagine it being sort of 2 fronts? One part of the community can gather resources like we did for Dustcarve; rations, weapons, bandages- that sort of stuff. The second part of the community can be the actual battlers who test their mettle up against Lumi (or a portion of like a head or tail, they are pretty big) in a coli-esque battle- in an attempt to do as much damage as possible. I imagine we wouldn't be able to *kill* them, but we could probably disable them or parts of them.

A big battle such as that would be a good opportunity to introduce a new breed, either the light ancient coming out to help clean up mom's mess (unlikely considering other ancient releases) or a new modern freshly evolved for such a fight. Since emperors are supposed to be incredibly powerful even one as weak as Lumi- a new modern breed coming to light [heh] from having to fight something so powerful would make more sense than yet another "they were just hidden" breed.

TLDR; A more interactive Lumi-con if you will. lol
I'm gonna go against the grain and make it a community effort to hold back Luminax from entering a populated area. I know people adore them but they're written as a pretty major antagonist and I could see it as like a big boss the community has to work together to battle from time to time, with rewards for diverting them from whatever zone they're getting too close too.

I imagine it being sort of 2 fronts? One part of the community can gather resources like we did for Dustcarve; rations, weapons, bandages- that sort of stuff. The second part of the community can be the actual battlers who test their mettle up against Lumi (or a portion of like a head or tail, they are pretty big) in a coli-esque battle- in an attempt to do as much damage as possible. I imagine we wouldn't be able to *kill* them, but we could probably disable them or parts of them.

A big battle such as that would be a good opportunity to introduce a new breed, either the light ancient coming out to help clean up mom's mess (unlikely considering other ancient releases) or a new modern freshly evolved for such a fight. Since emperors are supposed to be incredibly powerful even one as weak as Lumi- a new modern breed coming to light [heh] from having to fight something so powerful would make more sense than yet another "they were just hidden" breed.

TLDR; A more interactive Lumi-con if you will. lol

Hjönk Hjönk Am Goose
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Everyone's pretty much said it before me, but a Tidelord-related adventure sounds neat!
Everyone's pretty much said it before me, but a Tidelord-related adventure sounds neat!
~ W Y R M
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I adore dustcarve dig!! I still have some of the items in my hibden, as well as a Velya fanderg. [url=][img][/img][/url] I’ve been wishing it would come back. I agree that a tidelord idea would be neat.
I adore dustcarve dig!! I still have some of the items in my hibden, as well as a Velya fanderg.

I’ve been wishing it would come back. I agree that a tidelord idea would be neat.
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[quote name="WolfTears" date="2024-05-08 19:35:23" ] It should be about finding the Tidelord. Having everyone pitch in to find the deity that's been missing for many years and then being rewarded with actually finding him in the end would be such a mood boost. [/quote] Holy crap what a fantastic idea Im ready
WolfTears wrote on 2024-05-08 19:35:23:
It should be about finding the Tidelord. Having everyone pitch in to find the deity that's been missing for many years and then being rewarded with actually finding him in the end would be such a mood boost.

Holy crap what a fantastic idea Im ready
[quote name="Halszkaraptor" date="2024-05-09 05:39:48" ] I'm gonna go against the grain and make it a community effort to hold back Luminax from entering a populated area. [...] I imagine it being sort of 2 fronts? One part of the community can gather resources like we did for Dustcarve; rations, weapons, bandages- that sort of stuff. The second part of the community can be the actual battlers who test their mettle up against Lumi (or a portion of like a head or tail, they are pretty big) in a coli-esque battle- in an attempt to do as much damage as possible. I imagine we wouldn't be able to *kill* them, but we could probably disable them or parts of them. [/quote] A big community-style raid (with additional non-combat ways to participate) sounds SO cool. I'm a big fan of the Luminax lore (both from the "puppy" angle and the horror angle) and this would be fantastic
Halszkaraptor wrote on 2024-05-09 05:39:48:
I'm gonna go against the grain and make it a community effort to hold back Luminax from entering a populated area. [...]

I imagine it being sort of 2 fronts? One part of the community can gather resources like we did for Dustcarve; rations, weapons, bandages- that sort of stuff. The second part of the community can be the actual battlers who test their mettle up against Lumi (or a portion of like a head or tail, they are pretty big) in a coli-esque battle- in an attempt to do as much damage as possible. I imagine we wouldn't be able to *kill* them, but we could probably disable them or parts of them.
A big community-style raid (with additional non-combat ways to participate) sounds SO cool. I'm a big fan of the Luminax lore (both from the "puppy" angle and the horror angle) and this would be fantastic
Bubbly Buddy Razanei Lineage Project
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playing ENTIRELY into my lore and my lore only. just. crusading to find some Secret 12th Deity and accidentally unlocking some eldritch horror, and then teaming up to fight it off. very coli-focused? idk
playing ENTIRELY into my lore and my lore only. just. crusading to find some Secret 12th Deity and accidentally unlocking some eldritch horror, and then teaming up to fight it off. very coli-focused? idk
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Well, definitely not another dig, that's not necessary, but an overall event? Yes. Maybe some mystery with the Shade. Or perhaps whatever the hell the Arcanist is doing. Or maybe something with the huge generator?
Well, definitely not another dig, that's not necessary, but an overall event? Yes. Maybe some mystery with the Shade. Or perhaps whatever the hell the Arcanist is doing. Or maybe something with the huge generator?
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I'm agreeing with the idea of a site-wide raid against Luminax. Not to necessarily kill them, because that does sound like it's being saved for Adventure Mode - fighting to keep them out of a populated or perhaps even culturally important area could be good. And along the way, the Light ancient shows up to assist in the very final part of the fight! They come home with us as the reward for the final push!
It'd have a mixture of contributing items from site activities, and drops from the coli, and I do love the idea of a temporary max level Luminax fight where you battle against a different part of them each round. It's like a boss rush sorta thing, and you use the drops for the push efforts.
I'm agreeing with the idea of a site-wide raid against Luminax. Not to necessarily kill them, because that does sound like it's being saved for Adventure Mode - fighting to keep them out of a populated or perhaps even culturally important area could be good. And along the way, the Light ancient shows up to assist in the very final part of the fight! They come home with us as the reward for the final push!
It'd have a mixture of contributing items from site activities, and drops from the coli, and I do love the idea of a temporary max level Luminax fight where you battle against a different part of them each round. It's like a boss rush sorta thing, and you use the drops for the push efforts.
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I, too, would like another site-wide event that deals with finding Tidelord. <3 It just feels fitting to do it in a way that was similar to Dustcarve Dig. c: Could call it Fathomsearch, after some of the water fest items.
I, too, would like another site-wide event that deals with finding Tidelord. <3 It just feels fitting to do it in a way that was similar to Dustcarve Dig. c: Could call it Fathomsearch, after some of the water fest items.
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