
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Anyone not vibing with the lore lately?
I like the silly and imaginative parts of the site more than the serious things so I dont really agree but I dont strongly disagree either because the site's lore has never been important to me. I don't incorporate it into my clans or dragons lore unless it inspires a funny idea.
I like the silly and imaginative parts of the site more than the serious things so I dont really agree but I dont strongly disagree either because the site's lore has never been important to me. I don't incorporate it into my clans or dragons lore unless it inspires a funny idea.
[quote name="@cmbcoldspot" date="2023-08-02 08:14:24" ] I refuse to accept that Veilspuns are tiny and fairy-like, so that's not a part of my clan's lore. [/quote] omg same. the thought of them being tiny is seriously so weird to me? like I just cant imagine it. their hair looks extremely un-aerodynamic for one thing. looking at them, I feel like they have to be at least the size of a horse, if not twice that large lol. how big do you think they look?
@cmbcoldspot wrote on 2023-08-02 08:14:24:
I refuse to accept that Veilspuns are tiny and fairy-like, so that's not a part of my clan's lore.

omg same. the thought of them being tiny is seriously so weird to me? like I just cant imagine it. their hair looks extremely un-aerodynamic for one thing. looking at them, I feel like they have to be at least the size of a horse, if not twice that large lol. how big do you think they look?
[quote name="vidoxi" date="2023-08-02 20:12:47" ] [quote name="@cmbcoldspot" date="2023-08-02 08:14:24" ] I refuse to accept that Veilspuns are tiny and fairy-like, so that's not a part of my clan's lore. [/quote] omg same. the thought of them being tiny is seriously so weird to me? like I just cant imagine it. their hair looks extremely un-aerodynamic for one thing. looking at them, I feel like they have to be at least the size of a horse, if not twice that large lol. how big do you think they look? [/quote] Veilspuns in my mind are Imperial sized. That hair would look so goofy flopping around in the air, and I can't even IMAGINE how tangled it would get!! Long hair gets tangled if you look at it wrong, imagine flying around with hair longer than Rapunzel's, and in a FOREST no less!! Half of a Veilspun's hair mass is just accumulated twigs and leaves also from a lore perspective I feel like they're WAY more intimidating and fun if they're just absolutely MASSIVE, imagine wandering into the forest at night and this creature the size of a schoolbus starts staring at you.... I'd probably just die instantaneously
vidoxi wrote on 2023-08-02 20:12:47:
@cmbcoldspot wrote on 2023-08-02 08:14:24:
I refuse to accept that Veilspuns are tiny and fairy-like, so that's not a part of my clan's lore.

omg same. the thought of them being tiny is seriously so weird to me? like I just cant imagine it. their hair looks extremely un-aerodynamic for one thing. looking at them, I feel like they have to be at least the size of a horse, if not twice that large lol. how big do you think they look?

Veilspuns in my mind are Imperial sized. That hair would look so goofy flopping around in the air, and I can't even IMAGINE how tangled it would get!! Long hair gets tangled if you look at it wrong, imagine flying around with hair longer than Rapunzel's, and in a FOREST no less!! Half of a Veilspun's hair mass is just accumulated twigs and leaves

also from a lore perspective I feel like they're WAY more intimidating and fun if they're just absolutely MASSIVE, imagine wandering into the forest at night and this creature the size of a schoolbus starts staring at you.... I'd probably just die instantaneously
avatar dragon here!
they/them, 21
Me neither. I think what bothers me is that I feel it could be vastly improved if the settings and characters were explored just a little bit more... FR feels like it lacks world building in general.

I mentioned before that I felt After Orbit was a little too silly for a story about Arcanist's first children being forced to returned to the world that they've been away from for so long, but I think it could be remedied if we got to read about how they climatized.
Like how hard was it to adjust to this "new" world outside of their dome? Do Aethers speak an older form of Draconic that's hard for other breeds to understand? These are things I'd like to read about and I think it would make me care about them a bit more.

And what about Lightning?
I like the lore potential behind a Flight that's the most technologically advanced due to it's easy access to electricity AND it's strong workaholic culture. And I imagine the backlash after finding out that their superiors were hiding an entire species simply because they didn't want everyone comparing paychecks with them would be HUGE. That could make for an interesting story!
But will we ever learn these things at some point and be given reasons to care about Sorneith? .....Or are we just going to keep having new breeds and genes handed to us rather than flesh out what we already have? Because it seems like the devs have been prioritizing the latter and I'm one of the players who's beginning to feel the gene/breed fatigue.
Me neither. I think what bothers me is that I feel it could be vastly improved if the settings and characters were explored just a little bit more... FR feels like it lacks world building in general.

I mentioned before that I felt After Orbit was a little too silly for a story about Arcanist's first children being forced to returned to the world that they've been away from for so long, but I think it could be remedied if we got to read about how they climatized.
Like how hard was it to adjust to this "new" world outside of their dome? Do Aethers speak an older form of Draconic that's hard for other breeds to understand? These are things I'd like to read about and I think it would make me care about them a bit more.

And what about Lightning?
I like the lore potential behind a Flight that's the most technologically advanced due to it's easy access to electricity AND it's strong workaholic culture. And I imagine the backlash after finding out that their superiors were hiding an entire species simply because they didn't want everyone comparing paychecks with them would be HUGE. That could make for an interesting story!
But will we ever learn these things at some point and be given reasons to care about Sorneith? .....Or are we just going to keep having new breeds and genes handed to us rather than flesh out what we already have? Because it seems like the devs have been prioritizing the latter and I'm one of the players who's beginning to feel the gene/breed fatigue.
Sales Tab < Lots of dragons 5 years and older. Prices aren't fixed!
[quote name="Before" date="2023-08-02 07:57:12" ] [...] What has thrown me off is the Beastclan retcon. My understanding of the world of FR is that it's a fragmented land filled with very territorial dragons who only cooperate with other elements/species under serious circumstances. Bounty of the Elements is such circumstances, but even then, every Flight has stuff to deal with in the aftermath, so they wouldn't be cooperating that much. Dustcarve Dig is the first major thing that threw me off, as I couldn't really grasp why every Flight would be heeding the Earthshaker's call. But ultimately I was able to decide that small groups of each Flight went on service work to help because Earth Flight asked for out-of-Flight help. But the Beastclans. The only thing we have right now is the Harpies, and somehow the dragons have been friends with them all along. The territorial, distrusting-of-outsiders dragons have been friends with a group unaligned with their deity the entire time. Not due to recent events or extraordinary circumstances, just out of a feeling of cooperation. It just doesn't fit. [/quote] I feel the same way about the retcon. I totally get [i]why[/i] they did it-- you don't want your player base uncomfortable about the lore upon which most major content updates are based-- but [i]how[/i] they did it was sloppy. I feel that they should have used to chaos and fear surrounding the BoTE updates to kindle cooperation between the dragons and Beastclans. I mean sure, some rewrites and rewording of Beastclan articles and certain points in the origin lore would have probably been a good idea to lessen the extent of the colonial themes into which people were reading. But just scrapping everything and saying "Nope!!! They were always best buddies and had sleepovers and barbeques and dance parties!!!" ... it just doesn't work at all.
Before wrote on 2023-08-02 07:57:12:

What has thrown me off is the Beastclan retcon.

My understanding of the world of FR is that it's a fragmented land filled with very territorial dragons who only cooperate with other elements/species under serious circumstances. Bounty of the Elements is such circumstances, but even then, every Flight has stuff to deal with in the aftermath, so they wouldn't be cooperating that much.

Dustcarve Dig is the first major thing that threw me off, as I couldn't really grasp why every Flight would be heeding the Earthshaker's call. But ultimately I was able to decide that small groups of each Flight went on service work to help because Earth Flight asked for out-of-Flight help.

But the Beastclans. The only thing we have right now is the Harpies, and somehow the dragons have been friends with them all along. The territorial, distrusting-of-outsiders dragons have been friends with a group unaligned with their deity the entire time. Not due to recent events or extraordinary circumstances, just out of a feeling of cooperation. It just doesn't fit.

I feel the same way about the retcon.

I totally get why they did it-- you don't want your player base uncomfortable about the lore upon which most major content updates are based-- but how they did it was sloppy. I feel that they should have used to chaos and fear surrounding the BoTE updates to kindle cooperation between the dragons and Beastclans.

I mean sure, some rewrites and rewording of Beastclan articles and certain points in the origin lore would have probably been a good idea to lessen the extent of the colonial themes into which people were reading. But just scrapping everything and saying "Nope!!! They were always best buddies and had sleepovers and barbeques and dance parties!!!" ... it just doesn't work at all.
@Museless - They addressed that in the update - that was their intent with the original lore, but the more time they spent trying to advance the story to that point, the more the concerns over the site endorsing that plot grew. It was better to rip off the bandaid and change the story's foundations.
@Museless - They addressed that in the update - that was their intent with the original lore, but the more time they spent trying to advance the story to that point, the more the concerns over the site endorsing that plot grew. It was better to rip off the bandaid and change the story's foundations.

Ah, I missed that.

Obviously I'm not a game dev and I know that they must prioritize their work, but I really wish they were able to allocate more people (writers by trade, perhaps) to rewriting the site lore. I know we can just ignore the lore if we want to, but it really sucks how shaky and poorly planned out everything is. It would have taken way longer, I'm sure, but IMO the story would be much better as a whole if they had done that.

Ah, I missed that.

Obviously I'm not a game dev and I know that they must prioritize their work, but I really wish they were able to allocate more people (writers by trade, perhaps) to rewriting the site lore. I know we can just ignore the lore if we want to, but it really sucks how shaky and poorly planned out everything is. It would have taken way longer, I'm sure, but IMO the story would be much better as a whole if they had done that.
I don't think the Sandsurges lore is goofy? Lighthearted yeah but not really entirely a funny ancient story compared to Aethers.

It's kinda a bummer when you think about it. There is an entire subterranean race of workers who are highly skilled and professional and cut off completely. The only things they see of above ground dragons and races is fixing their mistakes. The first encounter after hundreds of years is these interlopers who ruined their hard work and they are asking about wages. I would think the newfound ancients would definitely not be happy.

I do wish the story revealed if the Sandsurges were paid better or not. Before the story mentioned unions explicitly I figured Stormcatcher shut any talk of that down but the dragons openly talking about it in front of their superviosr... maybe certain sectors of Lightning are unionized. Fascinating to think about.

Anyway. My grief with the site lore is the under-utilization of the Shade. C'mon. You have a huge primordial energy parasite and instead for the longest time the focus was on Beastclan stuff. Which was been painfully underdeveloped even before the retcon. How many of these guys are even sentient?
I don't think the Sandsurges lore is goofy? Lighthearted yeah but not really entirely a funny ancient story compared to Aethers.

It's kinda a bummer when you think about it. There is an entire subterranean race of workers who are highly skilled and professional and cut off completely. The only things they see of above ground dragons and races is fixing their mistakes. The first encounter after hundreds of years is these interlopers who ruined their hard work and they are asking about wages. I would think the newfound ancients would definitely not be happy.

I do wish the story revealed if the Sandsurges were paid better or not. Before the story mentioned unions explicitly I figured Stormcatcher shut any talk of that down but the dragons openly talking about it in front of their superviosr... maybe certain sectors of Lightning are unionized. Fascinating to think about.

Anyway. My grief with the site lore is the under-utilization of the Shade. C'mon. You have a huge primordial energy parasite and instead for the longest time the focus was on Beastclan stuff. Which was been painfully underdeveloped even before the retcon. How many of these guys are even sentient?
wishlist ---> here
buy my dragons ---> gen ones
buy more of my dragons --->hatchery
Shoot I don't even know what the shade is still?

When Gao's dropped they had such cool interesting deeply developed lore (think the different factions they have) and they teased the Shade with that story and that Gao's actually haven't contained it like they thought.

then boom it was dropped just like all the other overarching lore
Shoot I don't even know what the shade is still?

When Gao's dropped they had such cool interesting deeply developed lore (think the different factions they have) and they teased the Shade with that story and that Gao's actually haven't contained it like they thought.

then boom it was dropped just like all the other overarching lore
[quote name="Delibird" date="2023-08-03 09:31:25" ] Anyway. My grief with the site lore is the under-utilization of the Shade. C'mon. You have a huge primordial energy parasite and instead for the longest time the focus was on Beastclan stuff. Which was been painfully underdeveloped even before the retcon. How many of these guys are even sentient? [/quote] This is my problem as well- on one hand I 100% understand how you don't want to flesh out your big bad TOO much- not enough mystery and it could became boring or disappointing (especially since it's been a mystery for so long that there are a lot of pre existing theories and ideas on it) on the other hand- I would love to see just a LITTLE bit more. Nothing as serious as 'revealing the face of the monster' persay- but just SOMETHING. While I understand the retcon of beastclans as well- I also feel like it could have been handled a little differently. Instead of a retcon to be "they were all friends all along!" it could have been a retcon of "SOME beastclans and dragons ally due to ongoing conflicts within sorneith- but there are always individuals or groups that are still aggressive" Or if anything- leaning more into the conflict between flight elements. I feel like we really don't see it enough as a whole- which is odd since it feels like it should be such a huge staple to the lore. Different elements warring for territory- having a hand in dominance wars to spread their influence- would be a great opportunity for conflict without having to dabble in the beastclan issues too much. The beastclans could even be affected by it- choosing their own flights in a way and allying with clans or elements they personally want to help gain power over others. I def don't mind more lighthearted stuff- but I also like to get into the meaty parts as well as conflict is what keeps a story turning. For me there's not much intrigue in lore where the end is "it was the power of friendship all along that destroyed the shade" vs "elements squabbling and having to decide if they want to work together or sabotage one another to best the shade"
Delibird wrote on 2023-08-03 09:31:25:
Anyway. My grief with the site lore is the under-utilization of the Shade. C'mon. You have a huge primordial energy parasite and instead for the longest time the focus was on Beastclan stuff. Which was been painfully underdeveloped even before the retcon. How many of these guys are even sentient?

This is my problem as well-

on one hand I 100% understand how you don't want to flesh out your big bad TOO much- not enough mystery and it could became boring or disappointing (especially since it's been a mystery for so long that there are a lot of pre existing theories and ideas on it)

on the other hand- I would love to see just a LITTLE bit more. Nothing as serious as 'revealing the face of the monster' persay- but just SOMETHING.

While I understand the retcon of beastclans as well- I also feel like it could have been handled a little differently. Instead of a retcon to be "they were all friends all along!" it could have been a retcon of "SOME beastclans and dragons ally due to ongoing conflicts within sorneith- but there are always individuals or groups that are still aggressive"

Or if anything- leaning more into the conflict between flight elements. I feel like we really don't see it enough as a whole- which is odd since it feels like it should be such a huge staple to the lore. Different elements warring for territory- having a hand in dominance wars to spread their influence- would be a great opportunity for conflict without having to dabble in the beastclan issues too much. The beastclans could even be affected by it- choosing their own flights in a way and allying with clans or elements they personally want to help gain power over others.

I def don't mind more lighthearted stuff- but I also like to get into the meaty parts as well as conflict is what keeps a story turning. For me there's not much intrigue in lore where the end is "it was the power of friendship all along that destroyed the shade" vs "elements squabbling and having to decide if they want to work together or sabotage one another to best the shade"
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