
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Who still has your free flight change?
Decade of plague, never changing lol. I love the aesthetic of it so way back when I joined the choice was very easy.
Decade of plague, never changing lol. I love the aesthetic of it so way back when I joined the choice was very easy.
10 Years, 0 Months, 17 Days in Wind and never left, even though part of Windy lore is wandering. Wind is my home; it's just the perfect aesthetic for me.

10 Years, 0 Months, 17 Days in Wind and never left, even though part of Windy lore is wandering. Wind is my home; it's just the perfect aesthetic for me.

I do! Joined in 2014 & haven't left Water. I'm occasionally tempted by Light or Ice for the eye colors, but ultimately Water is just my home <3
I do! Joined in 2014 & haven't left Water. I'm occasionally tempted by Light or Ice for the eye colors, but ultimately Water is just my home <3
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I currently still have mine! I don't plan on moving, I really like it here in the wasteland... but I've only been here since April so I haven't been here too long XD

I might vacation somewhere someday. But it'll just be a vacation, I'm stickin' with Plague for the foreseeable future :D

I currently still have mine! I don't plan on moving, I really like it here in the wasteland... but I've only been here since April so I haven't been here too long XD

I might vacation somewhere someday. But it'll just be a vacation, I'm stickin' with Plague for the foreseeable future :D

30, he/it
FR + 3
I hope you're having a good day today :)
Image: Rectangular red icon with CDP in bold white letters. There are thin white lines and a faint white gradient stretching up from the lower left corner. It is a link to Plague's Mercenary thread.
It's 10 days until my 10 year anniversary here on FR and in shadow, don't see myself leaving, though earth has always made me curious.
It's 10 days until my 10 year anniversary here on FR and in shadow, don't see myself leaving, though earth has always made me curious.
Only from the darkness can you appreciate the dimmest light.
I've had it for almost four eyes! Might leave shadow someday, but I'll probably wait until the next flight banners are out.
I've had it for almost four eyes! Might leave shadow someday, but I'll probably wait until the next flight banners are out.
he/she | fr +3
avatar dragon | about me
I've still got it! Been a Windie since I joined in April 2017, and I'm quite happy with sticking around for the long run :> I miiiight consider taking a vacation sometime in the future, but I don't see myself permanently moving out of Wind.
I've still got it! Been a Windie since I joined in April 2017, and I'm quite happy with sticking around for the long run :> I miiiight consider taking a vacation sometime in the future, but I don't see myself permanently moving out of Wind.
23839.png probablynx #310083
• she/her • fr +9 •
Been in Wind since I joined. Have zero plan to leave (at least permanently). I love Wind too much <3 [emoji=wind rune]
Been in Wind since I joined. Have zero plan to leave (at least permanently). I love Wind too much <3
pet the dogy :) ..... Marsh / Basset
She/Her | +3 FR Time | Pings always okay!
Coli Drop Sheet with BBCode | Flight Rising Toolkit

My joints hurt.
9 Years, 7 Months, 27 Days in Light. I do get curious what other flights would be like, but I’ve been in Light for so long I don’t think I could ever leave!
9 Years, 7 Months, 27 Days in Light. I do get curious what other flights would be like, but I’ve been in Light for so long I don’t think I could ever leave!
[emoji=shadow rune size=1] Still in Shadow don’t think I can ever change it now since I participate in Shadow DOM a fair amount ,, also it’s just hard to imagine not being in Shadow. If I moved, it’d be Lightning or Ice. But I probably won’t be! At least for a long time.
Still in Shadow
don’t think I can ever change it now since I participate in Shadow DOM a fair amount ,, also it’s just hard to imagine not being in Shadow.

If I moved, it’d be Lightning or Ice. But I probably won’t be! At least for a long time.
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