
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Help me pick a new flight? :3
Hey yall! ^^ I've been thinking about changing flights for a [i]bit[/i] and I've decided I want to do it for my birthday next month. I'm gonna change, buy an egg corresponding to that flight to serve as a makeshift random progen, and just have fun with it! I'm looking forward to it, but I can't decide which flight. Help me pick one so that I don't do something silly like deciding by dice roll? [emoji=d20 size=1] [b][u]Thinking about aspects that are important to me (in no particular order)[/u]:[/b] [b]Dominance[/b] I like dom, but so far I've not been able to participate in any kind of group activity with it. I'm...allergic to spreadsheets lol. I'm not after prizes or anything like that that would make it necessary to keep such careful track of what I'm doing; I just want to do [i]something [/i]with a group. If you know of a program or group that does dom stuff without an emphasis on paperwork then that'd be a huge bonus to me. I might pick a flight based on that alone. [b]Eye color[/b] Light, Earth, Water, and Ice are my favs. If I had to choose based on just eyes I'd pick Light. It looks like they're pretty active in dom so maybe that means there'd be something there for me too? [b]General Aesthetic[/b] The only one I don't like is plague (I'm sorry!). [b]Community[/b] I don't use the in-flight forums much, but I love having a nice discord since that's easier to use on my phone. Having one main discord that most of us use isn't a deal-breaker, but it's something I'd like.
Hey yall! ^^

I've been thinking about changing flights for a bit and I've decided I want to do it for my birthday next month. I'm gonna change, buy an egg corresponding to that flight to serve as a makeshift random progen, and just have fun with it! I'm looking forward to it, but I can't decide which flight.
Help me pick one so that I don't do something silly like deciding by dice roll?

Thinking about aspects that are important to me (in no particular order):

I like dom, but so far I've not been able to participate in any kind of group activity with it. I'm...allergic to spreadsheets lol. I'm not after prizes or anything like that that would make it necessary to keep such careful track of what I'm doing; I just want to do something with a group. If you know of a program or group that does dom stuff without an emphasis on paperwork then that'd be a huge bonus to me. I might pick a flight based on that alone.

Eye color
Light, Earth, Water, and Ice are my favs. If I had to choose based on just eyes I'd pick Light. It looks like they're pretty active in dom so maybe that means there'd be something there for me too?

General Aesthetic
The only one I don't like is plague (I'm sorry!).

I don't use the in-flight forums much, but I love having a nice discord since that's easier to use on my phone. Having one main discord that most of us use isn't a deal-breaker, but it's something I'd like.
she/her | 37 | cst
Shadow. We have cookies
Shadow. We have cookies
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Avatar Dragon
FR +3
Shadow shadow shadow!
I'm very homesick from vacationing, so let me just gush about it.

We aren't the most active and dom, but when we plan we plan to win, and usually get it! While there is a section that does paperwork, it's not a true focus.

Eye color
Purple purple purple!! Bunch of different purples. Pretty pale purples, almost black purples. Goop

General Aesthetic
Oh, it's a lot of different things! Spy network, dark circus, cultish, hidden cities, wild packs in the woods, folkstories that come to life. So many!

Flight forums are slow, but discord was active last time I checked!
Shadow shadow shadow!
I'm very homesick from vacationing, so let me just gush about it.

We aren't the most active and dom, but when we plan we plan to win, and usually get it! While there is a section that does paperwork, it's not a true focus.

Eye color
Purple purple purple!! Bunch of different purples. Pretty pale purples, almost black purples. Goop

General Aesthetic
Oh, it's a lot of different things! Spy network, dark circus, cultish, hidden cities, wild packs in the woods, folkstories that come to life. So many!

Flight forums are slow, but discord was active last time I checked!
I used the magic 8-ball, and it tried to send you to Plague THREE times in a row.

But anyway, the 8-ball decided to stop being stupid and sent you to LIGHT.
I used the magic 8-ball, and it tried to send you to Plague THREE times in a row.

But anyway, the 8-ball decided to stop being stupid and sent you to LIGHT.
I’d say go with earth! It’s a tight knit community that’s super into dom. There’s tons of dom stuff in the earth forums and it’s really fun to be a part of.

Though I will admit the general earth forums are a little slow.
I’d say go with earth! It’s a tight knit community that’s super into dom. There’s tons of dom stuff in the earth forums and it’s really fun to be a part of.

Though I will admit the general earth forums are a little slow.
I started in Wind, then moved to Ice, and now I am in Light and think this will be my perma home. 100% for the aesthetic.
I started in Wind, then moved to Ice, and now I am in Light and think this will be my perma home. 100% for the aesthetic.
Light does pretty well in dominance! I can't say I'm all too involved but the pushes seem pretty well organized and we always seem to have fun events when we do push.

Our flight discord is pretty active and I've had good experiences over all with the community there, giftbombings pretty big there with some people and I've always gotten good advice on scries from the people there.

Our eyes are pretty neutral with a pretty nice range in opinion.

In terms of aesthetics I fond we have a pretty good range as well, with the more traditional light glitter to the slightly spookier scholars searching for knowledge that may be better hidden. There's lot of lore opportunities.
Light does pretty well in dominance! I can't say I'm all too involved but the pushes seem pretty well organized and we always seem to have fun events when we do push.

Our flight discord is pretty active and I've had good experiences over all with the community there, giftbombings pretty big there with some people and I've always gotten good advice on scries from the people there.

Our eyes are pretty neutral with a pretty nice range in opinion.

In terms of aesthetics I fond we have a pretty good range as well, with the more traditional light glitter to the slightly spookier scholars searching for knowledge that may be better hidden. There's lot of lore opportunities.
__________________________ Azure
+2 FR time
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I could be a biased little gremlin and suggest Arcane, but after reading your post I do feel either Light or Earth are a fitting option for you based on what you're looking for. I don't know much about which flights are the most active in Doms since I haven't been invested into Dom watching yet, but I know for a fact that Earth is extremely active in that aspect.

Then again, the choice is yours! I'd say take as much time as you need to think about it. I get how tough decisions can be.
I could be a biased little gremlin and suggest Arcane, but after reading your post I do feel either Light or Earth are a fitting option for you based on what you're looking for. I don't know much about which flights are the most active in Doms since I haven't been invested into Dom watching yet, but I know for a fact that Earth is extremely active in that aspect.

Then again, the choice is yours! I'd say take as much time as you need to think about it. I get how tough decisions can be.
~ W Y R M
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Thanks folks! ♥ I'm thinking I'll flip a coin between Light and Earth on my birthday :3
Thanks folks! ♥ I'm thinking I'll flip a coin between Light and Earth on my birthday :3
she/her | 37 | cst