
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Riot of Rot Coliseum Challenge
@Mediscoot This is gonna be a hard work week, so I want to try for Extreme Mode again >:0 For Plegmom! [size=2][url=]Sandswept Delta|Forgotten Cave|Bamboo Falls[/url][/size] [quote=Training Fields] [b]- Time spent: [/b]HELL KNOWS. FOREVER. About 3 hours. [b]- Chest drop:[/b] [item=bogwyrm chest] [b]- Notable loot:[/b] [item=boulder bolt]x2[item=frigid bolt][item=pestilent slash][item=haste][item=reflect]x3[item=minor health potion]x8[item=earthen might fragment][item=natural might fragment][item=earthen acuity fragment][item=zephyr acuity fragment]x2[item=aquatic acuity fragment][item=frozen acuity fragment][item=luna mith][item=leafy moth][item=glowing pocket mouse]x4[item=amaranth moth]x2[item=emerald webwing]x3[item=coral carpenter][item=bumble][item=dark-tufted sparrowmouse]x2[item=vista: training fields][item=leafy pack]x11[item=all-seeing shroom]x107[/quote] [quote=Woodland Path] [b]- Time spent: [/b]1 hour [b]- Chest drop:[/b] [item=bogwyrm chest] [b]- Notable loot:[/b] [item=autumn dryad][item=strangler]x2[item=wildwood owl][item=greenroot janustrap]x2[item=janustrap]x2[item=leaf bolt][item=ward][item=minor health potion]x7[item=diseased might fragment][item=fiery might fragment][item=diseased acuityfragment][item=fiery acuity fragment][item=sakura owl crate][item=leafy pack]x14[item=all-seeing shroom]x67[/quote] [quote=Scorched Forest] [b]- Time spent: [/b]1 hour 15 minutes [b]- Chest drop:[/b] [item=smog keeper chest] [b]- Notable loot:[/b] [item=banded owlcat][item=rambra][item=zeeba][item=minor health potion]x7[item=might fragment]x2[item=leafy pack]x14[item=all-seeing shroom]x50[/quote]

This is gonna be a hard work week, so I want to try for Extreme Mode again >:0 For Plegmom!

Sandswept Delta|Forgotten Cave|Bamboo Falls
Training Fields wrote:
- Time spent: HELL KNOWS. FOREVER. About 3 hours.
- Chest drop:
Bogwyrm Chest
- Notable loot:
Boulder Bolt x2 Frigid Bolt Pestilent Slash Haste Reflect x3 Minor Health Potion x8 Earthen Might Fragment Natural Might Fragment Earthen Acuity Fragment Zephyr Acuity Fragment x2 Aquatic Acuity Fragment Frozen Acuity Fragment Luna Mith Leafy Moth Glowing Pocket Mouse x4 Amaranth Moth x2 Emerald Webwing x3 Coral Carpenter Bumble Dark-Tufted Sparrowmouse x2 Vista: Training Fields Leafy Pack x11 All-Seeing Shroom x107
Woodland Path wrote:
- Time spent: 1 hour
- Chest drop:
Bogwyrm Chest
- Notable loot:
Autumn Dryad Strangler x2 Wildwood Owl Greenroot Janustrap x2 Janustrap x2 Leaf Bolt Ward Minor Health Potion x7 Diseased Might Fragment Fiery Might Fragment Fiery Acuity Fragment Sakura Owl Crate Leafy Pack x14 All-Seeing Shroom x67
Scorched Forest wrote:
- Time spent: 1 hour 15 minutes
- Chest drop:
Smog Keeper Chest
- Notable loot:
Banded Owlcat Rambra Zeeba Minor Health Potion x7 Might Fragment x2 Leafy Pack x14 All-Seeing Shroom x50
[columns][quote=Woodland Path][center][item=all-seeing shroom]x28[item=][/center][/quote][nextcol][quote=Extra Loot][center][item=sakura owl][item=minor health potion][item=earthen might fragment][item=earthen acuity fragment][item=diseased acuity fragment][item=leafy pack]x10[item=][item=][item=][item=][/center][/quote][/columns]
Woodland Path wrote:
All-Seeing Shroom x28
Extra Loot wrote:
Sakura Owl Minor Health Potion Earthen Might Fragment Earthen Acuity Fragment Diseased Acuity Fragment Leafy Pack x10
Dirk | Krys / He | They
Coli grinding service!
ToT Thread!
[center]<<prev | [url=]next>>[/url][/center] [img][/img] At least I made 10,304 selling all the loot i got [size=4][font=century gothic][b]Time:[/b] 1 hour, 41 minutes [b]Chest Drop:[/b] N/A :( [b]Cool Drops:[/b][item=all-seeing shroom]x50 [item=coral carpenter][item=earthen might fragment][item=leafy pack]x9[item=emerald webwing][item=charged acuity fragment][item=natural acuity fragment]x2[item=reflect][item=death's head stag][item=magical might fragment][item=shining acuity fragment][item=aquatic might fragment][item=dark-tufted sparrowmouse][item=amaranth moth][item=dark acuity fragment][/size] [img][/img] [size=6][font=Century Gothic][b][i][u]Woodland Path_____[/i][/u][/size] yay, it was better! thanks plague mum! [size=4][font=century gothic][b]Time:[/b] 19 minutes [b]Chest Drop:[/b][item=plague's daughter chest] [b]Cool Drops:[/b][item=all-seeing shroom]x17 [item=leafy pack]x7[item=strangler][item=zephyr acuity fragment][/size] [img][/img] [size=6][font=Century Gothic][b][i][u]Scorched Forest_____[/i][/u][/size] Huh! Two of the same chest in a row. I'll store one away and sell it in a few years lol [size=4][font=century gothic][b]Time:[/b] 22 minutes [b]Chest Drop:[/b][item=plague's daughter chest] [b]Cool Drops:[/b][item=all-seeing shroom]x33 [item=augite protector](yay!)[/size]
<<prev | next>>
At least I made 10,304 selling all the loot i got
Time: 1 hour, 41 minutes
Chest Drop: N/A :(
Cool Drops: All-Seeing Shroom x50
Coral Carpenter Earthen Might Fragment Leafy Pack x9 Emerald Webwing Charged Acuity Fragment Natural Acuity Fragment x2 Reflect Magical Might Fragment Shining Acuity Fragment Aquatic Might Fragment Dark-Tufted Sparrowmouse Amaranth Moth Dark Acuity Fragment

Woodland Path_____
yay, it was better! thanks plague mum!
Time: 19 minutes
Chest Drop: Plague's Daughter Chest
Cool Drops: All-Seeing Shroom x17
Leafy Pack x7 Strangler Zephyr Acuity Fragment

Scorched Forest_____
Huh! Two of the same chest in a row. I'll store one away and sell it in a few years lol
Time: 22 minutes
Chest Drop: Plague's Daughter Chest
Cool Drops: All-Seeing Shroom x33
Augite Protector (yay!)
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Scorched Forest Time spent: 30:00 Notable loot: [item=all-seeing shroom] x30 [item=minor health potion] x3 [item=regeneration] [item=centaur archer] [item=zephyr bolt] [item=moss-covered golem] [item=might fragment] [item=wintermane bowman]
Scorched Forest

Time spent: 30:00

Notable loot:
All-Seeing Shroom x30 Minor Health Potion x3 Regeneration Centaur Archer Zephyr Bolt
Moss-Covered Golem Might Fragment Wintermane Bowman
[center][size=5][font=Comic Sans MS][b]W O O D L A N D [color=transparent]x[/color]P A T H[/b][/font][/size] [i]Mode: RoR Coliseum Challenge Normal Mode[/i][/center] [b]Shrooms:[/b] [item=All-Seeing Shroom] x14 [b]Chest(s):[/b] [item=Smog Keeper Chest] [b]Notable Loot:[/b] [item=Earthen Acuity Fragment] [item=Leafy Pack] x8 [item=Minor Health Potion] x3 [item=Fiery Acuity Fragment] [item=Bamboo Cluster] x2 [item=Greenroot Janustrap] [item=Diseased Acuity Fragment] [i]Comments:[/i] I will be finishing my challenge if and when I am done with the Mire, as I don't have the right team setup to get to Kelp Bed+. [b]COMPLETE[/b] [color=transparent]x[/color] ------------------------------------- [color=transparent]x[/color] [size=1][u]Venues:[/u] [url=]Training Fields[/url] | [b]Woodland Path[/b] | [url=]Scorched Forest[/url] | [url=]Sandswept Delta[/url] | [url=]Forgotten Cave[/url] | [url=]Bamboo Falls[/url] | [url=]Redrock Cove[/url] | [url=]Waterway[/url] | Arena | Rainsong Jungle | Boreal Wood | Crystal Pools | Harpy's Roost | Ghostlight Ruins | Mire[/size]
W O O D L A N D xP A T H
Mode: RoR Coliseum Challenge Normal Mode

Shrooms: All-Seeing Shroom x14
Chest(s): Smog Keeper Chest
Notable Loot: Earthen Acuity Fragment Leafy Pack x8 Minor Health Potion x3 Fiery Acuity Fragment Bamboo Cluster x2 Greenroot Janustrap Diseased Acuity Fragment

Comments: I will be finishing my challenge if and when I am done with the Mire, as I don't have the right team setup to get to Kelp Bed+. COMPLETE
Venues: Training Fields | Woodland Path | Scorched Forest | Sandswept Delta | Forgotten Cave | Bamboo Falls | Redrock Cove | Waterway | Arena | Rainsong Jungle | Boreal Wood | Crystal Pools | Harpy's Roost | Ghostlight Ruins | Mire
FR + 16/17 | Korea | She/Her
[center] ----- [url=]Training Fields[/url] | [url=]Woodland Path[/url] | [url=]Scorched Forest[/url] | [s]Sandswept Delta | Forgotten Cave | Bamboo Falls | Redrock Cove | Waterway | Arena | Rainsong Jungle | Boreal Wood | Crystal Pools | Harpy's Roost | Ghostlight Ruins | Mire | Kelp Beds | Golem Workshop[/s] ----- [b]Mode:[/b] Blitz [b]Venue:[/b] Woodland Path [b]Time spent:[/b] 30 minutes [b]Festival loot:[/b] [item=all-seeing shroom]x32 [b]Other loot:[/b] [item=leafy pack]x9[item=shred][item=minor health potion]x2[item=vile bolt][item=janustrap][item=autumn dryad][item=sakura owl][item=rally]

Training Fields | Woodland Path | Scorched Forest | Sandswept Delta | Forgotten Cave | Bamboo Falls | Redrock Cove | Waterway | Arena | Rainsong Jungle | Boreal Wood | Crystal Pools | Harpy's Roost | Ghostlight Ruins | Mire | Kelp Beds | Golem Workshop

Mode: Blitz

Venue: Woodland Path
Time spent: 30 minutes

Festival loot:
All-Seeing Shroom x32

Other loot:
Leafy Pack x9 Shred Minor Health Potion x2 Vile Bolt Janustrap Autumn Dryad Sakura Owl Rally
[u]Sandswept Delta (Blitz Mode)[/u] Time spent: 30 mins Chest drop: none Currency: [item=all-seeing shroom] x10 Other loot: [item=bolster] [item=fishscale basket] x2 [item=carmine serthis] [item=minor health potion] x4 [item=magical might fragment] [item=blazing slash]
Sandswept Delta (Blitz Mode)

Time spent: 30 mins

Chest drop: none

Currency: All-Seeing Shroom x10

Other loot: Bolster Fishscale Basket x2 Carmine Serthis Minor Health Potion x4 Magical Might Fragment Blazing Slash
15 hours ahead of FR!
(art instagram over here)
[url=]Previous: Training Fields[/url] [right][url=]Next: Scorched Forest[/url][/right] [quote=Woodland Path][b]Mode:[/b] Blitz [b]Time:[/b] 2 mins (!!!) [b]Chest drop:[/b] [item=Plague Doctor Chest] After that I chose to continue grinding until I reached 30 mins. [b]Notable loot:[/b] [item=All-Seeing Shroom]x22 [item=Minor Health Potion]x3 [item=Leafy Pack]x4 [item=Fiery Might Fragment] [item=Frigid Bolt] [item=Envenom] [item=Pestilent Slash] [item=Greenroot Janustrap]x2 [item=Wildwood Owl] [item=Strangler] [/quote]
Previous: Training Fields
Woodland Path wrote:
Mode: Blitz
Time: 2 mins (!!!)
Chest drop:
Plague Doctor Chest

After that I chose to continue grinding until I reached 30 mins.

Notable loot:
All-Seeing Shroom x22 Minor Health Potion x3 Leafy Pack x4 Fiery Might Fragment Frigid Bolt
Envenom Pestilent Slash Greenroot Janustrap x2 Wildwood Owl Strangler
[center][size=5][font=Comic Sans MS][b]S C O R C H E D [color=transparent]x[/color]F O R E S T[/b][/font][/size] [i]Mode: RoR Coliseum Challenge Normal Mode[/i][/center] [b]Shrooms:[/b] [item=All-Seeing Shroom] x50 [b]Chest(s):[/b] [b]Notable Loot:[/b] [item=Ward] [item=Minor Health Potion] x3 [item=Fiery Acuity Fragment] [item=Centaur Archer] [item=Bloodscale Shoulder Guards] [item=Crowned Bonepriest] [item=Might Fragment] [item=Red-Winged Owlcat] [item=Enamor] [item=Shining Acuity Fragment] [item=White Pawn] [item=Broken Penny Jar] [i]Comments:[/i] I will be finishing my challenge if and when I am done with the Mire, as I don't have the right team setup to get to Kelp Bed+. [b]COMPLETE[/b] [color=transparent]x[/color] ------------------------------------- [color=transparent]x[/color] [size=1][u]Venues:[/u] [url=]Training Fields[/url] | [url=]Woodland Path[/url] | [b]Scorched Forest[/b] | [url=]Sandswept Delta[/url] | [url=]Forgotten Cave[/url] | [url=]Bamboo Falls[/url] | [url=]Redrock Cove[/url] | [url=]Waterway[/url] | Arena | Rainsong Jungle | Boreal Wood | Crystal Pools | Harpy's Roost | Ghostlight Ruins | Mire[/size]
S C O R C H E D xF O R E S T
Mode: RoR Coliseum Challenge Normal Mode

Shrooms: All-Seeing Shroom x50
Notable Loot: Ward Minor Health Potion x3 Fiery Acuity Fragment Centaur Archer Bloodscale Shoulder Guards Crowned Bonepriest Might Fragment Red-Winged Owlcat Enamor Shining Acuity Fragment White Pawn Broken Penny Jar

Comments: I will be finishing my challenge if and when I am done with the Mire, as I don't have the right team setup to get to Kelp Bed+. COMPLETE
Venues: Training Fields | Woodland Path | Scorched Forest | Sandswept Delta | Forgotten Cave | Bamboo Falls | Redrock Cove | Waterway | Arena | Rainsong Jungle | Boreal Wood | Crystal Pools | Harpy's Roost | Ghostlight Ruins | Mire
FR + 16/17 | Korea | She/Her
@Mediscoot Can I change from doing normal mode to blitz mode? I don't think my hands/arms can take that much of coli. >.<
@Mediscoot Can I change from doing normal mode to blitz mode? I don't think my hands/arms can take that much of coli. >.<