
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Riot of Rot Coliseum Challenge
[center][size=6][font=654zg4erbh] Training fields [/font] [quote][size=4][font=RThgrt]Fest drop [size=4]Notable items [/quote] [/center]
Training fields

Fest drop

Notable items

Black King →khrome
→8 hours ahead of fr
Crowlight hatchery
[center][font=baskerville][size=5][b][u]Forgotten Cave[/u][/b][/size][/font][/center] [center][font=baskerville]Time spent: 30 mins[/font][/center] [indent][font=baskerville][size=4]Fest drop:[/size][/font][/indent] [item=All-Seeing Shroom]x25 [indent][font=baskerville][size=4]Notable loot:[/size][/font][/indent] [item=Natural Acuity Fragment][item=Minor Health Potion]x3[item=Cursed Bat][item=Blueband Duelist][item=Earthen Might Fragment][item=Crimson Reef Snail] [indent][font=baskerville][size=4]Completed by: [b]Timeout[/b][/size][/font][/indent]
Forgotten Cave
Time spent: 30 mins
Fest drop:
All-Seeing Shroom x25
Notable loot:
Natural Acuity Fragment Minor Health Potion x3 Cursed Bat Blueband Duelist Earthen Might Fragment Crimson Reef Snail
Completed by: Timeout
[center][font=baskerville][size=5][b][u]Bamboo Falls[/u][/b][/size][/font][/center] [center][font=baskerville]Time spent: 30 mins[/font][/center] [indent][font=baskerville][size=4]Fest drop:[/size][/font][/indent] [item=All-Seeing Shroom]x31 [indent][font=baskerville][size=4]Notable loot:[/size][/font][/indent] [item=Dreameater][item=Shining Acuity Fragment][item=Earthen Acuity Fragment][item=Broken Penny Jar][item=Drown][item=Raptorik Warrior][item=Fishscale Basket]x3[item=Minor Health Potion][item=Haste] [indent][font=baskerville][size=4]Completed by: [b]Timeout[/b][/size][/font][/indent]
Bamboo Falls
Time spent: 30 mins
Fest drop:
All-Seeing Shroom x31
Notable loot:
Dreameater Shining Acuity Fragment Earthen Acuity Fragment Broken Penny Jar Drown Raptorik Warrior Fishscale Basket x3 Minor Health Potion Haste
Completed by: Timeout
Any items kinda plague-y in nature (pun completely unintended). Mushrooms, bones, slime, etc! Just not food items.
Any items kinda plague-y in nature (pun completely unintended). Mushrooms, bones, slime, etc! Just not food items.
tumblr_paowz6ygV51s79fpho3_400.png Mediscoot's Projects and Quests
NPC Color Guide
Monthly Coliseum Challenge Thread
Big Book of FR Memes
Currently Questing:
Frigid fugitive shackles
@BunnySox Its hard code! I have an example in the first post, but I will post one here too. [item=all-seeing shroom] [code][item=all-seeing shroom][/code]
Its hard code! I have an example in the first post, but I will post one here too.

All-Seeing Shroom
[item=all-seeing shroom]
tumblr_paowz6ygV51s79fpho3_400.png Mediscoot's Projects and Quests
NPC Color Guide
Monthly Coliseum Challenge Thread
Big Book of FR Memes
Currently Questing:
Frigid fugitive shackles
[rule] [center][size=4][b]Smokeveil Clan’s Riot of Rot Coliseum Challenge[/b][/size][/center] [center][size=3]Featuring our star coli team:[/size][/center] [center] [url=][img][/img][/url] Sekhet [url=][img][/img][/url] Tanitai [url=][img][/img][/url] Liria[/center] [rule] [center][url=]Previous venue[/url] | [b]Woodland Path[/b] | [url=]Next venue[/url][/center] [rule] [center][size=4][b]* Woodland Path* [/b][/size][/center] [b]- Time spent: 45 minutes - Festival chest drop:[/b] [item=plasma taucher chest] [b]- Notable loot:[/b] [item=all-seeing shroom] x 46 [u][b]Chests[/b][/u] [item=leafy pack][item=leafy pack][item=leafy pack][item=leafy pack][item=leafy pack][item=leafy pack][item=leafy pack][item=leafy pack][item=leafy pack][item=leafy pack][item=leafy pack] [u][b]Battle[/b][/u] [item=natural might fragment][item=fiery might fragment] [item=leaf bolt][item=frigid bolt][item=gust slash] [item=minor health potion][item=minor health potion][item=minor health potion] [u][b]Familiars[/b][/u] [item=autumn dryad][item=blooming strangler] [rule] [b]Tanitai[/b]: Ugh, here we are in the early morning twilight, collecting sand and seed pods. [b]Sekhet[/b]: *snerk* Don't forget the daddy longlegs. [b]Liria[/b]: *zzzzzz* [b]Tanitai[/b]: [i]What [/i]are you [i]doing[/i]? Couldn't you at least [i]pretend [/i]to be fighting here? [b]Liria[/b]: Wake me when a boss shows up. Ohhh, right--there isn't one. [b]Tanitai[/b]: *huff* [b]Sekhet[/b]: Liria, janustrap ... [i]janustrap[/i]! [b]Liria[/b]: Wha-ah-augh! *thwack* [b]Sekhet[/b]: Come on, look awake, ladies! We may just be at the edge of the woods, but it doesn't mean we shouldn't be on guard. [b]Tanitai[/b]: ...why are you a morning dragon? [rule] The ladies are going to take a little break and try to rustle up some java sparrows before taking on the Scorched Forest. See you when the sun rises and the smoke clears! [rule]

Smokeveil Clan’s Riot of Rot Coliseum Challenge

Featuring our star coli team:



Previous venue | Woodland Path | Next venue

* Woodland Path*

- Time spent: 45 minutes
- Festival chest drop:

Plasma Taucher Chest

- Notable loot:

All-Seeing Shroom x 46

Leafy Pack Leafy Pack Leafy Pack Leafy Pack Leafy Pack Leafy Pack Leafy Pack Leafy Pack Leafy Pack Leafy Pack Leafy Pack

Natural Might Fragment Fiery Might Fragment
Leaf Bolt Frigid Bolt Gust Slash
Minor Health Potion Minor Health Potion Minor Health Potion

Autumn Dryad Blooming Strangler

Tanitai: Ugh, here we are in the early morning twilight, collecting sand and seed pods.

Sekhet: *snerk* Don't forget the daddy longlegs.

Liria: *zzzzzz*

Tanitai: What are you doing? Couldn't you at least pretend to be fighting here?

Liria: Wake me when a boss shows up. Ohhh, right--there isn't one.

Tanitai: *huff*

Sekhet: Liria, janustrap ... janustrap!

Liria: Wha-ah-augh! *thwack*

Sekhet: Come on, look awake, ladies! We may just be at the edge of the woods, but it doesn't mean we shouldn't be on guard.

Tanitai: ...why are you a morning dragon?

The ladies are going to take a little break and try to rustle up some java sparrows before taking on the Scorched Forest. See you when the sun rises and the smoke clears!

[center][size=5][font=Comic Sans MS][b]S A N D S W E P T [color=transparent]x[/color]D E L T A[/b][/font][/size] [i]Mode: RoR Coliseum Challenge Normal Mode[/i][/center] [b]Shrooms:[/b] [item=All-Seeing Shroom] x50 [b]Chest(s):[/b] [b]Notable Loot:[/b] [item=Powerful Serthis Poison] x40 [item=Unstable Serthis Concoction] x33 [item=Fishscale Basket] x10 [item=Greatshell] [item=Dark Acuity Fragment] [item=Disorient] x2 [item=Minor Health Potion] x10 [item=Fan Scorpion] x2 [item=Black Tulip] x14 [item=Mist Slash] x3 [item=Zephyr Might Fragment] [item=Zephyr Acuity Fragment] x2 [item=Aquatic Acuity Fragment] x2 [item=Dark Might Fragment] x2 [item=Natural Might Fragment] [item=Leaf Bolt] [item=Shining Might Fragment] [item=Haste] [item=Aid] [item=Shroud] [item=Bloodscale Shoulder Guards] x2 [item=Congeal] x2 [item=Wave Slash] [item=Shock Bolt] [i]Comments:[/i] I will be finishing my challenge if and when I am done with the Mire, as I don't have the right team setup to get to Kelp Bed+. [b]COMPLETE[/b] [color=transparent]x[/color] ------------------------------------- [color=transparent]x[/color] [size=1][u]Venues:[/u] [url=]Training Fields[/url] | [url=]Woodland Path[/url] | [url=]Scorched Forest[/url] | [b]Sandswept Delta[/b] | [url=]Forgotten Cave[/url] | [url=]Bamboo Falls[/url] | [url=]Redrock Cove[/url] | [url=]Waterway | Arena[/url] | Rainsong Jungle | Boreal Wood | Crystal Pools | Harpy's Roost | Ghostlight Ruins | Mire[/size]
S A N D S W E P T xD E L T A
Mode: RoR Coliseum Challenge Normal Mode

Shrooms: All-Seeing Shroom x50
Notable Loot: Powerful Serthis Poison x40 Unstable Serthis Concoction x33 Fishscale Basket x10 Greatshell Dark Acuity Fragment Disorient x2 Minor Health Potion x10 Fan Scorpion x2 Black Tulip x14 Mist Slash x3 Zephyr Might Fragment Zephyr Acuity Fragment x2 Aquatic Acuity Fragment x2 Dark Might Fragment x2 Natural Might Fragment Leaf Bolt Shining Might Fragment Haste Aid Shroud Bloodscale Shoulder Guards x2 Congeal x2 Wave Slash Shock Bolt

Comments: I will be finishing my challenge if and when I am done with the Mire, as I don't have the right team setup to get to Kelp Bed+. COMPLETE
Venues: Training Fields | Woodland Path | Scorched Forest | Sandswept Delta | Forgotten Cave | Bamboo Falls | Redrock Cove | Waterway | Arena | Rainsong Jungle | Boreal Wood | Crystal Pools | Harpy's Roost | Ghostlight Ruins | Mire
FR + 16/17 | Korea | She/Her

Thank you!

This is my first time, and it is FUN!! :D

Thank you!

This is my first time, and it is FUN!! :D
[center][b]FORGOTTEN CAVE[/b] [i]Completed[/i][/center] Mode: Blitz Time spent: 24 minutes Chest Drop: Shedding Season Chest Familiar: Peacevine Aardvark [center]Currency: [item=all-seeing shroom] x8[/center] [center]Notable Loot [item=Might fragment][item=Peacevine Aardvark][/center] [center]Qualifying Loot:Chest Drop [item=Shedding Season Chest][/center] [center][b]BAMBOO FALLS[/b] [i]WiP[/i][/center] Mode: Blitz Time spent: 30 minutes Chest Drop: None Familiar: Dreameater, Tengu Containers: 5 [center]Currency: [item=all-seeing shroom] x7[/center] [center]Notable Loot [item=blazing slash][item=dreameater][item=tengu][item=broken penny jar][item=broken penny jar][item=canvas sack][item=fishscale basket][item=fishscale basket][/center]

Mode: Blitz
Time spent: 24 minutes
Chest Drop: Shedding Season Chest
Familiar: Peacevine Aardvark

All-Seeing Shroom x8

Notable Loot

Might Fragment Peacevine Aardvark

Qualifying Loot:Chest Drop

Shedding Season Chest


Mode: Blitz
Time spent: 30 minutes
Chest Drop: None
Familiar: Dreameater, Tengu
Containers: 5

All-Seeing Shroom x7

Notable Loot

Blazing Slash Dreameater Tengu Broken Penny Jar Broken Penny Jar Canvas Sack Fishscale Basket Fishscale Basket
[b]Forgotten Caves[/b] [indent]- Time spent: 1 hour 45 min. (Normal Mode) - Chest drop: N/A - Notable loot: [item=All-Seeing Shroom]x50 [item=Acuity Fragment] [item=Charged Might Fragment] [item=Zephyr Might Fragment] [item=Minor Health Potion]x9 [item=Scratch] [item=Emerald Cave Jewel] [item=Dwarf Truffle][/indent]
Forgotten Caves
- Time spent: 1 hour 45 min. (Normal Mode)
- Chest drop: N/A

- Notable loot:
All-Seeing Shroom x50 Acuity Fragment Charged Might Fragment Zephyr Might Fragment Minor Health Potion x9 Scratch Emerald Cave Jewel Dwarf Truffle