
Flight Rising Discussion

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TOPIC | Riot of Rot Coliseum Challenge
[center][size=5][b]Scorched Forest[/b][/size][/center] - [i]Time Spent:[/i] 1 Hour - [i]Qualifying Drop:[/i] [item=All-Seeing Shroom] x 50 - [i]Notable Loot:[/i] [indent][item=Death's-Head Stag][item=Banded Owlcat][item=Searing Jackalope][item=Moss-Covered Golem][item=Augite Protector]x3 [img][/img][item=Dented Iron Gauntlets][item=Ruby Ring][item=Regeneration][item=Earthen Acuity Fragment][item=Dark Acuity Fragment][item=Fiery Might Fragment][item=Might Fragment][item=Earthen Might Fragment]x2[/indent] [center][size=5][b]Sandswept Delta[/b][/size][/center] - [i]Time Spent:[/i] 15 Minutes - [i]Qualifying Drop:[/i] [indent][item=Shedding Season Chest][/indent] - [i]Notable Loot:[/i] [indent][item=Storm Seeker][item=Scratch][item=Frozen Acuity Fragment][item=All-Seeing Shroom]x12[/indent]
Scorched Forest

- Time Spent: 1 Hour

- Qualifying Drop:
All-Seeing Shroom x 50

- Notable Loot:
Death's-Head Stag Banded Owlcat Searing Jackalope Moss-Covered Golem Augite Protector x3
744.png Dented Iron Gauntlets Ruby Ring Regeneration Earthen Acuity Fragment Dark Acuity Fragment Fiery Might Fragment Might Fragment Earthen Might Fragment x2

Sandswept Delta

- Time Spent: 15 Minutes

- Qualifying Drop:
Shedding Season Chest

- Notable Loot:
Storm Seeker Scratch Frozen Acuity Fragment All-Seeing Shroom x12
Demesne, s before n || Avatar || Dragon Sales || CrimQuest || Coli Grinder

A cropped image of the Hall of Armor Scene. There is a long hall lined with sets of armor modeled after Coatl dragons on the left and Guardian dragons on the right. Sunlight streams in from windows on the left side.
[center][size=4][u][b]Training Fields[/b][/u][/size] [i]Normal Mode[/i] [b]- Time spent[/b]: 37m 44s [b]-Festival currency:[/b] [item=All-Seeing Shroom]x29 [b]- Notable loot:[/b] [item=Leafy Pack]x3 [item=Bogwyrm Chest] [item=Meditate] [item=Natural Might Fragment] [item=Luna Mith] [item=Death's-Head Stag]x2[/center]
Training Fields
Normal Mode
- Time spent: 37m 44s
-Festival currency:
All-Seeing Shroom x29
- Notable loot:
Leafy Pack x3 Bogwyrm Chest Meditate Natural Might Fragment
Luna Mith Death's-Head Stag x2
[rule] [center][size=4][b]Smokeveil Clan’s Riot of Rot Coliseum Challenge[/b][/size][/center] [center][size=3]Featuring our star coli team:[/size][/center] [center] [url=][img][/img][/url] Sekhet [url=][img][/img][/url] Tanitai [url=][img][/img][/url] Liria[/center] [rule] [center][url=]Previous venue[/url] | [b]Scorched Forest[/b] | [url=]Next venue[/url][/center] [rule] [center][size=4][b]* Scorched Forest * [/b][/size][/center] [b]- Time spent: 45 minutes - Festival chest drop: none - Notable loot:[/b] [item=all-seeing shroom] x 50 [u][b]Chests[/b][/u] [item=broken penny jar] [u][b]Battle[/b][/u] [item=earthen might fragment][item=earthen acuity fragment] [item=boulder bolt] [item=minor health potion][item=minor health potion] [u][b]Familiars[/b][/u] [item=moss-covered golem][item=augite protector] [rule] [b]Sekhet[/b]: I love the smell of charcoal in the morning. [i]/irony[/i] [b]Liria[/b]: I got a kitty! Two kitties! [b]Tanitai[/b]: Those rock cats sure are cute. [b]Liria[/b]: You want one? [b]Tanitai[/b]: Mmm...not fluffy enough. [b]Liria[/b]: *snorts* What is it with you and fluff? So listen--if you like fluff so much, tell me, why have you never, ever nested with a tundra? [b]Tanitai[/b]: I.... *perplexed frill swirl* ...don't know? I never really thought about it, actually. *frills quiver* Aww, dang it, now I'm trying to think about who I'd actually want to nest with. [b]Liria[/b]: [url=]Ikarooooa[/url]. [b]Tanitai[/b]: NO. [b]Liria[/b]: Doooo eeeet, you know you want to. [b]Tanitai[/b]: [i]No.[/i] And if I ever so much as [i]hint [/i]that I might be going to nest with him, I want you to sit on me. Put me out of my misery. [b]Sekhet[/b]: *undertone to Liria* I think you should sit on [i]him [/i]instead. [b]Liria[/b]: Well, there's [url=]Raku[/url]. He's pretty scenic, and he's got good colors for you. [b]Tanitai[/b]: Yeah, but you're missing the big genetic problem. *gestures at herself and her glittering hide* [i]Crystal tundra fluff[/i]. That's just wrong. [rule] And on to the Sandswept Delta, for some sun, sand, and serthis attacks! See you soon!

Smokeveil Clan’s Riot of Rot Coliseum Challenge

Featuring our star coli team:



Previous venue | Scorched Forest | Next venue

* Scorched Forest *

- Time spent: 45 minutes
- Festival chest drop: none
- Notable loot:

All-Seeing Shroom x 50

Broken Penny Jar

Earthen Might Fragment Earthen Acuity Fragment
Boulder Bolt
Minor Health Potion Minor Health Potion

Moss-Covered Golem Augite Protector

Sekhet: I love the smell of charcoal in the morning. /irony

Liria: I got a kitty! Two kitties!

Tanitai: Those rock cats sure are cute.

Liria: You want one?

Tanitai: Mmm...not fluffy enough.

Liria: *snorts* What is it with you and fluff? So listen--if you like fluff so much, tell me, why have you never, ever nested with a tundra?

Tanitai: I.... *perplexed frill swirl* ...don't know? I never really thought about it, actually. *frills quiver* Aww, dang it, now I'm trying to think about who I'd actually want to nest with.

Liria: Ikarooooa.

Tanitai: NO.

Liria: Doooo eeeet, you know you want to.

Tanitai: No. And if I ever so much as hint that I might be going to nest with him, I want you to sit on me. Put me out of my misery.

Sekhet: *undertone to Liria* I think you should sit on him instead.

Liria: Well, there's Raku. He's pretty scenic, and he's got good colors for you.

Tanitai: Yeah, but you're missing the big genetic problem. *gestures at herself and her glittering hide* Crystal tundra fluff. That's just wrong.

And on to the Sandswept Delta, for some sun, sand, and serthis attacks! See you soon!
[b]Bamboo Falls[/b] [indent]- Time spent: 1 hour, 30 minutes (normal mode) - Chest drop: N/A [item=] - Notable loot: [item=All-Seeing Shroom]x50 [item=Minor Health Potion]x5 [item=Baku] [item=Zephyr Acuity Fragment] [item=Dark Might Fragment] [item=Fishscale Basket]x4 [item=Drown] [item=Dreameater's Crate] [item=Dreameater]x2 [item=Mist Slash]x2 [item=Ethereal Trickster] [item=Gale Wolf] [item=Magical Acuity Fragment]x3 [item=Burlap Sack]x4 [item=Berserker] [item=Glass Hybrid Fragment]x2 [item=Tigerblood Foo] [item=Obsidian Hybrid Fragment] [item=Gust Slash] [item=Shining Acuity Fragment] [item=Wandering Surge Priest][/indent]
Bamboo Falls
- Time spent: 1 hour, 30 minutes (normal mode)
- Chest drop: N/A

- Notable loot:
All-Seeing Shroom x50 Minor Health Potion x5 Baku Zephyr Acuity Fragment Dark Might Fragment Fishscale Basket x4 Drown Dreameater's Crate Dreameater x2 Mist Slash x2 Ethereal Trickster Gale Wolf Magical Acuity Fragment x3 Burlap Sack x4 Berserker Glass Hybrid Fragment x2 Tigerblood Foo Obsidian Hybrid Fragment Gust Slash Shining Acuity Fragment
[center][b][size=5]REDROCK COVE[/size][/b] [i]WiP[/i][/center] Mode: Blitz Time spent: 30 minutes Chest Drop: None Containers: None Familiars: Sandshore Snipper, Noxious Coralclimber, Maren Defender [center]Currency: [item=all-seeing shroom] x8[/center] [center]Notable Loot [item=shining might fragment][item=earthen might fragment][item=sandshore snipper][item=noxious coralclimber][item=maren defender] [center][b][size=5]Waterway[/size][/b] [i]WiP[/i][/center] Mode: Blitz Time spent: 30 minutes Chest Drop: None Containers: 6 Familiars: 1 [center]Currency: [item=all-seeing shroom] x16[/center] [center]Notable Loot [item=broken penny jar][item=glass hybrid fragment][item=bolster][item=fishscale basket][item=fishscale basket][item=fishscale basket][item=granite thresher][item=shale hybrid fragment][item=waterway pipe][item=waterway pipe][item=haste][item=congeal]

Mode: Blitz
Time spent: 30 minutes
Chest Drop: None
Containers: None
Familiars: Sandshore Snipper, Noxious Coralclimber, Maren Defender


All-Seeing Shroom x8

Notable Loot

Shining Might Fragment Earthen Might Fragment Sandshore Snipper Noxious Coralclimber Maren Defender


Mode: Blitz
Time spent: 30 minutes
Chest Drop: None
Containers: 6
Familiars: 1


All-Seeing Shroom x16

Notable Loot

Broken Penny Jar Glass Hybrid Fragment Bolster Fishscale Basket Fishscale Basket Fishscale Basket Granite Thresher Shale Hybrid Fragment Waterway Pipe Waterway Pipe Haste Congeal
[b]Redrock Cove[/b] [indent]- Time spent: 45 minutes (normal mode) - Chest drop: [item=Shedding Season Chest] - Notable loot: [item=All-Seeing Shroom]x50 [item=Minor Health Potion]x6[/indent]
Redrock Cove
- Time spent: 45 minutes (normal mode)
- Chest drop:
Shedding Season Chest
- Notable loot:
All-Seeing Shroom x50 Minor Health Potion x6
[rule] [center][size=4][b]Smokeveil Clan’s Riot of Rot Coliseum Challenge[/b][/size][/center] [center][size=3]Featuring our star coli team:[/size][/center] [center] [url=][img][/img][/url] Sekhet [url=][img][/img][/url] Tanitai [url=][img][/img][/url] Liria[/center] [rule] [center][url=]Previous venue[/url] | [b]Sandswept Delta[/b] | [url=]Next venue[/url][/center] [rule] [center][size=4][b]* Sandswept Delta * [/b][/size][/center] [b]- Time spent: 15 minutes - Festival chest drop: [item=plague's daughter chest] - Notable loot:[/b] [item=all-seeing shroom] x 4 [u][b]Chests[/b][/u] [item=fishscale basket] [u][b]Battle[/b][/u] [item=fiery might fragment][item=shining might fragment] [item=eliminate] (!) [item=minor health potion][item=minor health potion][item=minor health potion] [u][b]Familiars[/b][/u] [item=shadow serpent][item=greatshell] [rule] [b]Liria[/b]: Awww, we hardly got to spend any time here! This is one of my favorite spots. *pouts* [b]Tanitai[/b]: I'm surprised, too. There's not much that's Plague-like here except for those awful smelling flowers. Ugh. [b]Sekhet[/b]: Thank the serthis, I guess. [rule] Next time: Our dauntless warriors decend into the depths! Can they crush the elusive snails and lay low the fast-dodging fungus? Tune in to find out!

Smokeveil Clan’s Riot of Rot Coliseum Challenge

Featuring our star coli team:



Previous venue | Sandswept Delta | Next venue

* Sandswept Delta *

- Time spent: 15 minutes
- Festival chest drop:
Plague's Daughter Chest
- Notable loot:

All-Seeing Shroom x 4

Fishscale Basket

Fiery Might Fragment Shining Might Fragment
Eliminate (!)
Minor Health Potion Minor Health Potion Minor Health Potion

Shadow Serpent Greatshell

Liria: Awww, we hardly got to spend any time here! This is one of my favorite spots. *pouts*

Tanitai: I'm surprised, too. There's not much that's Plague-like here except for those awful smelling flowers. Ugh.

Sekhet: Thank the serthis, I guess.

Next time: Our dauntless warriors decend into the depths! Can they crush the elusive snails and lay low the fast-dodging fungus? Tune in to find out!
[center][size=5][b]Forgotten Cave[/b][/size][/center] - [i]Time Spent:[/i] 55 Minutes - [i]Qualifying Drop:[/i] [indent][item=Shedding Season Chest][/indent] - [i]Notable Loot:[/i] [item=Deepmine Aardvark][item=Blueband Duelist][item=Citrine Cave Jewel][item=Runic Bat][item=Cursed Bat][item=Shining Acuity Fragment][item=Acuity Fragment][item=Shock Bolt][item=Blinding Slash][item=Bright Bolt][item=Earthen Acuity Fragment][item=Natural Acuity Fragment][item=Earthen Acuity Fragment][item=Dark Might Fragment][item=All-Seeing Shroom] x 42 [center][size=5][b]Bamboo Falls[/b][/size][/center] - [i]Time Spent:[/i] 1 Hour, 10 Minutes - [i]Qualifying Drop:[/i] [indent][item=All-Seeing Shroom] x 50[/indent] - [i]Notable Loot:[/i] [indent][item=Veteran's Shoulder Scars]x2 [item=Gale Wolf][item=Wandering Surgepriest][item=Baku]x2 [item=Burlap Sack]x3 [item=Fishscale Basket]x4 [item=Blazing Slash][item=Obsidian Hybrid Fragment][item=Bright Bolt][item=Shining Might Fragment]x2 [item=Shining Acuity Fragment]x2 [item=Aquatic Acuity Fragment][item=Zephyr Acuity Fragment][item=Clobber][item=Fiery Might Fragment][item=Blazing Slash][/indent]
Forgotten Cave

- Time Spent: 55 Minutes

- Qualifying Drop:
Shedding Season Chest

- Notable Loot:
Deepmine Aardvark Blueband Duelist Citrine Cave Jewel Runic Bat Cursed Bat Shining Acuity Fragment Acuity Fragment Shock Bolt Blinding Slash Bright Bolt Earthen Acuity Fragment Natural Acuity Fragment Earthen Acuity Fragment Dark Might Fragment All-Seeing Shroom x 42

Bamboo Falls

- Time Spent: 1 Hour, 10 Minutes

- Qualifying Drop:
All-Seeing Shroom x 50

- Notable Loot:
Veteran's Shoulder Scars x2 Gale Wolf Wandering Surgepriest Baku x2
Burlap Sack x3 Fishscale Basket x4
Blazing Slash Obsidian Hybrid Fragment Bright Bolt Shining Might Fragment x2 Shining Acuity Fragment x2 Aquatic Acuity Fragment Zephyr Acuity Fragment Clobber Fiery Might Fragment Blazing Slash
Demesne, s before n || Avatar || Dragon Sales || CrimQuest || Coli Grinder

A cropped image of the Hall of Armor Scene. There is a long hall lined with sets of armor modeled after Coatl dragons on the left and Guardian dragons on the right. Sunlight streams in from windows on the left side.

Sign me up for Blitz Mode :'D

Also please put me on the pinglist

Sign me up for Blitz Mode :'D

Also please put me on the pinglist
5233.png Uwe hee.
@Mediscoot I'm going for Blitz this time.
@Mediscoot I'm going for Blitz this time.