
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Dragon Puberty
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  • Guardian teens deciding to become vegetarians.
  • Nocturne kids growing up to realize... that they aren't really imperials, like they have believed all their lives, since their dad and siblings are.
  • Fae deciding to become singers so that Jimmy from the clan down the road will notice them
  • Mirrors deciding that they hate the world and their pack because no-one understands them and want to be loners since no-one cares anyway
  • Tundras who accidentally fall in love with siblings who moved out of the clan when they were small, because they have forgotten that they are siblings, and only know that the other smells really, really nice
  • Spirals getting stuck in their old hatchling-tunnels because they have grown and now have to be dug out at the cost of the lair walls
  • Male Skydancers accidentally getting their new, long antennae in their mouths before they get used to them
  • Snapper kids coming to the realization that no, their wings won't grow out and no, snappers aren't meant to fly
  • Pearlcatchers going on a journey to gain more experience and expand the size of their pearls so that Jimmy will know that they are the smartest one
  • Coatls exchanging molted hatchling feathers to add some more variation to the colors of their plumage
  • Ridgebacks being taken out on their first "borrowing" outings with their parent(s) and being extremely clumsy about it
  • Wildclaw youths carefully shapening their claws and adding nail polish to them to draw extra attention
  • Imperials adopting a YOLO policy because, "hey, grandpa lived 'til he was a thousand, but then there was that cousin who never made 20 before dying of old age, so better live every day like it was your last!"
  • Guardian teens deciding to become vegetarians.
  • Nocturne kids growing up to realize... that they aren't really imperials, like they have believed all their lives, since their dad and siblings are.
  • Fae deciding to become singers so that Jimmy from the clan down the road will notice them
  • Mirrors deciding that they hate the world and their pack because no-one understands them and want to be loners since no-one cares anyway
  • Tundras who accidentally fall in love with siblings who moved out of the clan when they were small, because they have forgotten that they are siblings, and only know that the other smells really, really nice
  • Spirals getting stuck in their old hatchling-tunnels because they have grown and now have to be dug out at the cost of the lair walls
  • Male Skydancers accidentally getting their new, long antennae in their mouths before they get used to them
  • Snapper kids coming to the realization that no, their wings won't grow out and no, snappers aren't meant to fly
  • Pearlcatchers going on a journey to gain more experience and expand the size of their pearls so that Jimmy will know that they are the smartest one
  • Coatls exchanging molted hatchling feathers to add some more variation to the colors of their plumage
  • Ridgebacks being taken out on their first "borrowing" outings with their parent(s) and being extremely clumsy about it
  • Wildclaw youths carefully shapening their claws and adding nail polish to them to draw extra attention
  • Imperials adopting a YOLO policy because, "hey, grandpa lived 'til he was a thousand, but then there was that cousin who never made 20 before dying of old age, so better live every day like it was your last!"
no but

Female teenage Coatls huddling in a room, helping pluck feathers and making themselves look nice, then they all come out looking amazing.

And the Fae males all cry because they will never get a coatl mate...

Coatls dyeing themselves pale colours to look sick because they're scared they'll embarrass themselves or fall over at school, then they start screaming and crying and their parents have no choice but to keep them home.

Coatls crying and refusing to go to school because the feathers on their necks aren't growing at all.
no but

Female teenage Coatls huddling in a room, helping pluck feathers and making themselves look nice, then they all come out looking amazing.

And the Fae males all cry because they will never get a coatl mate...

Coatls dyeing themselves pale colours to look sick because they're scared they'll embarrass themselves or fall over at school, then they start screaming and crying and their parents have no choice but to keep them home.

Coatls crying and refusing to go to school because the feathers on their necks aren't growing at all.
[quote name="Seadevil" date=2015-05-06 13:31:33] Snapper kids coming to the realization that no, their wings won't grow out and no, snappers aren't meant to fly [/quote] This sounds like the beginning of a really mediocre animated movie.
Seadevil wrote on 2015-05-06:
Snapper kids coming to the realization that no, their wings won't grow out and no, snappers aren't meant to fly

This sounds like the beginning of a really mediocre animated movie.
Teenage imperials who grew way faster than their peers and risk trampling them every time school is released, not to mention hitting their head/horns on everything

Imagine the desks in dragon school though. do they have different ones for each breed? do they even have desks?
Teenage imperials who grew way faster than their peers and risk trampling them every time school is released, not to mention hitting their head/horns on everything

Imagine the desks in dragon school though. do they have different ones for each breed? do they even have desks?
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[quote name="StellarBlitz" date=2015-05-06 15:50:50] Imagine the desks in dragon school though. do they have different ones for each breed? do they even have desks? [/quote] @StellarBlitz I don't think they even have desks. I think they just have areas of different sizes for them to sit. Like little nests. And you can tell which ones are for faes because those have little perches for them to see better.
StellarBlitz wrote on 2015-05-06:
Imagine the desks in dragon school though. do they have different ones for each breed? do they even have desks?


I don't think they even have desks. I think they just have areas of different sizes for them to sit. Like little nests. And you can tell which ones are for faes because those have little perches for them to see better.
she/her | GMT-5 | Check out my dragons for sale!

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I would imagine the Tundras would always forget their homework...
I would imagine the Tundras would always forget their homework...
Aspen/Hoku || 27 || +3 FRT || they/he
@cocoafairycat When you're a Mirror, let 'em do what they can! You've got your pack [i]all around,[/i] you're a family man! Also: May I direct anyone interested to this young lady's bio? She is basically what I imagine all dragon puberty to be. [url=] [img][/img] [/url]

When you're a Mirror, let 'em do what they can! You've got your pack all around, you're a family man!

Also: May I direct anyone interested to this young lady's bio? She is basically what I imagine all dragon puberty to be.

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gembond dragons have permanent pimples. Dragon pimples are hardcore that way.
gembond dragons have permanent pimples. Dragon pimples are hardcore that way.
This is best @Giratina [quote name="ocularoracle" date=2015-05-04 03:50:03] "Mom, I'm meant to be in Shadow Flight! Their darkness matches the darkness in my SOUL!!" *parental dragons totally unimpressed* [/quote] Then actual Shadow dragon getting bombarded with questions about the 'dark side' [quote name="raptorix" date=2015-05-06 13:21:22] [quote name="cryptvokeeper" date=2015-05-04 13:01:09] [quote name="cocoafairycat" date=2015-05-03 19:39:31] The Windswept Plateau has kind of an East Asian aesthetic... so would a dragon go through a wind phase instead of a "weeaboo" phase? [/quote] ohhhhh my god yes. "Kawindaii desu :3" "No. Stop that." "NYAAAAH! Baka!" "Oh my god " [/quote] Trying to imagine the non-Wind hatchlings I take in and having only heard about/read about Wind, they were totally excited about the place. Dreaming of moving to Wind. And they get there and all their romantic ideals are different like [i]THE WIND IS BLOWING ALL THE TIME, [/i] and nobody is impressed with their weaboo language. [/quote] Guys, [i]shipping.[/i] Imagine a gangly Spiral locking themselves in a darkened room, writing a totally trashy hardcore lemon about Windsinger x Arcanist and posting it on for the world to see. Ship wars. "Excuse you, Tidecaller x Flamecaller is [i]so[/i] much better than your cruddy Icewarden x Flamecaller! They're not even opposites!" "What did you say don't freaking insult my OTP " Imagine forever hatchlings tho, never going through this puberty phase...
This is best @Giratina
ocularoracle wrote on 2015-05-04:
"Mom, I'm meant to be in Shadow Flight! Their darkness matches the darkness in my SOUL!!"

*parental dragons totally unimpressed*

Then actual Shadow dragon getting bombarded with questions about the 'dark side'
raptorix wrote on 2015-05-06:
cryptvokeeper wrote on 2015-05-04:
cocoafairycat wrote on 2015-05-03:
The Windswept Plateau has kind of an East Asian aesthetic... so would a dragon go through a wind phase instead of a "weeaboo" phase?

ohhhhh my god yes.

"Kawindaii desu :3"
"No. Stop that."
"NYAAAAH! Baka!"
"Oh my god "

Trying to imagine the non-Wind hatchlings I take in and having only heard about/read about Wind, they were totally excited about the place. Dreaming of moving to Wind. And they get there and all their romantic ideals are different like THE WIND IS BLOWING ALL THE TIME, and nobody is impressed with their weaboo language.

Guys, shipping. Imagine a gangly Spiral locking themselves in a darkened room, writing a totally trashy hardcore lemon about Windsinger x Arcanist and posting it on for the world to see.
Ship wars. "Excuse you, Tidecaller x Flamecaller is so much better than your cruddy Icewarden x Flamecaller! They're not even opposites!"
"What did you say don't freaking insult my OTP "

Imagine forever hatchlings tho, never going through this puberty phase...
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Never quite understood the Scroll of Eternal Youth it's like Pokémon's Everstone, right?

And oh God, the ship wars. I can't even imagine it.

Never quite understood the Scroll of Eternal Youth it's like Pokémon's Everstone, right?

And oh God, the ship wars. I can't even imagine it.
Aspen/Hoku || 27 || +3 FRT || they/he
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