
Flight Rising Discussion

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TOPIC | Survey: Retirement of Holiday Familiars
@BeingOfNature That would be an okay idea, except for one thing: it would take ELEVEN YEARS to cycle through all the Flights! It could still work, maybe, if you start an All-Flights Holiday starting like December 11th running through the 22nd, with each Flight having one *day* for it. But that unfortunately still cuts down on the randomization factor, which is what maintains the rarity level for each of them, so I'm still not sure how feasible that would be.
@BeingOfNature That would be an okay idea, except for one thing: it would take ELEVEN YEARS to cycle through all the Flights! It could still work, maybe, if you start an All-Flights Holiday starting like December 11th running through the 22nd, with each Flight having one *day* for it. But that unfortunately still cuts down on the randomization factor, which is what maintains the rarity level for each of them, so I'm still not sure how feasible that would be.
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@Taj I'd love it if/when they bring back 2014/15 familiars in December event, that the chance of obtaining them were low; that way, even if they're not entirely retired, their value isn't affected much by the repeated chance of getting one. I mean, even some permanent familiars are still going for high prices, like the gathering exclusives (dappled dunhoof, darktouched chimera, manticore and hippojay are still very highly valued despite being around since day one, they're just crazy rare), and the coarsefur yeti is a Coli familiar that's still selling for close to a million t/several thousands of gems in the AH.
@Taj I'd love it if/when they bring back 2014/15 familiars in December event, that the chance of obtaining them were low; that way, even if they're not entirely retired, their value isn't affected much by the repeated chance of getting one. I mean, even some permanent familiars are still going for high prices, like the gathering exclusives (dappled dunhoof, darktouched chimera, manticore and hippojay are still very highly valued despite being around since day one, they're just crazy rare), and the coarsefur yeti is a Coli familiar that's still selling for close to a million t/several thousands of gems in the AH.
I think the December event idea is a great thing to do!
It's fair on all the newer players as well as some of the older members that may have had to miss certain things due to real life problems and events.
I think the December event idea is a great thing to do!
It's fair on all the newer players as well as some of the older members that may have had to miss certain things due to real life problems and events.
I'm in favour a December-event where FR would re-release previous festival familiars, it'd be fun and it would be good for everyone who couldn't get a familiar on time (not everyone can have enough free time to grind and get all 4 festival items) and as mentionned, it'd be rare drops, so no worries for their value!

but it would be even better if, as mentioned before, the Bestiary entries would stay unlocked once awakened! I think it'd be a good way for everyone to have the chance to complete their Bestiaries!

I'm sure the prices will drop enough to allow collectors to be able to buy them without farming forever for funds, but still stay high enough to be interesting for people who have more than one ^_^
I'm in favour a December-event where FR would re-release previous festival familiars, it'd be fun and it would be good for everyone who couldn't get a familiar on time (not everyone can have enough free time to grind and get all 4 festival items) and as mentionned, it'd be rare drops, so no worries for their value!

but it would be even better if, as mentioned before, the Bestiary entries would stay unlocked once awakened! I think it'd be a good way for everyone to have the chance to complete their Bestiaries!

I'm sure the prices will drop enough to allow collectors to be able to buy them without farming forever for funds, but still stay high enough to be interesting for people who have more than one ^_^
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@BeingOfNature We're not going to be rereleasing items we've dubbed retired; that's why we're considering not giving this season's holiday familiars the "retired" tag - it means we can make them available again at some point. :)

We have some similiar ideas on the table (minus the retired sprites bit) for the december event. We'll address that down the line. :)
@BeingOfNature We're not going to be rereleasing items we've dubbed retired; that's why we're considering not giving this season's holiday familiars the "retired" tag - it means we can make them available again at some point. :)

We have some similiar ideas on the table (minus the retired sprites bit) for the december event. We'll address that down the line. :)
I vote for complete retirement of the future holiday familiars as well. It would only put newbies at more disadvantage if the holiday familiars they are able to hoard are released again at some point, but the first year familiars stay retired and keep getting more valuable. So all or nothing, retire all holiday familiars or release all of them again again at some point.
I vote for complete retirement of the future holiday familiars as well. It would only put newbies at more disadvantage if the holiday familiars they are able to hoard are released again at some point, but the first year familiars stay retired and keep getting more valuable. So all or nothing, retire all holiday familiars or release all of them again again at some point.
Voted for the randomized event (though I don't really understand what that would be). I wished I could have gotten the light sprite, as it's the only sprite I'm missing (and at this point, I'm kind of resigned to never getting one), but that was from before I knew of FR's existance. I think it would be good for holiday familiars to have that rare chance of dropping, for those who are new, or for some reason had to miss the holiday (ex: pre-planned vacations and extended amounts of time away from the computer... (as is coming up for me next month...which means I will miss the July familiar, whatever that will be...), or family emergencies...etc. Things happen...RL trumps FR sometimes.)

That said, I probably still wouldn't be able to get anything from a December event...usually I leave town for xmas.
Voted for the randomized event (though I don't really understand what that would be). I wished I could have gotten the light sprite, as it's the only sprite I'm missing (and at this point, I'm kind of resigned to never getting one), but that was from before I knew of FR's existance. I think it would be good for holiday familiars to have that rare chance of dropping, for those who are new, or for some reason had to miss the holiday (ex: pre-planned vacations and extended amounts of time away from the computer... (as is coming up for me next month...which means I will miss the July familiar, whatever that will be...), or family emergencies...etc. Things happen...RL trumps FR sometimes.)

That said, I probably still wouldn't be able to get anything from a December event...usually I leave town for xmas.
NOTE: Dergs in my lair with scries are just ideas, & are subject to change/not final.
@Undel x---x Oops! I didn't know that the 2013-14 Sprites were retired like that - in any case, it was just an example ^^;

Great! I was just putting my thoughts out there and was wondering if one of the Admins would like to hear it x3 In any case, you're all doing a grand job!

@celelorien True it would take 11 years but it would keep the rarity and value of the familiars up - what we don't want to do is make them readily available every year so that their price crashes - much like what's happening with the dragons now. x3
@Undel x---x Oops! I didn't know that the 2013-14 Sprites were retired like that - in any case, it was just an example ^^;

Great! I was just putting my thoughts out there and was wondering if one of the Admins would like to hear it x3 In any case, you're all doing a grand job!

@celelorien True it would take 11 years but it would keep the rarity and value of the familiars up - what we don't want to do is make them readily available every year so that their price crashes - much like what's happening with the dragons now. x3
Seeking Old Dragons! Forever collecting October 1st 2013 dragons. Previously BeingOfNature
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@BeingOfNature And what of all the sprites that get released between the first December festival and the eleventh? Would users need to wait another eleven years to try and get those? Just trying to be practical, here, and I doubt a single-day option would decrease their rarity any more than having it available for a month would be. The promised randomness and difficulty of obtaining things from a potential December festival doesn't seem like they're going to be "readily available" in any case.
@BeingOfNature And what of all the sprites that get released between the first December festival and the eleventh? Would users need to wait another eleven years to try and get those? Just trying to be practical, here, and I doubt a single-day option would decrease their rarity any more than having it available for a month would be. The promised randomness and difficulty of obtaining things from a potential December festival doesn't seem like they're going to be "readily available" in any case.
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I love the idea of a December event and the random chance to get a holiday retired familiar. Many people for various reasons missed out on the holiday familiars. I also think it would be a fun idea to very randomly drop a regular retired familiar, either in the coli or gathering or in a trunk. I do have a lot of familiars and always need more. Just a thought.
I love the idea of a December event and the random chance to get a holiday retired familiar. Many people for various reasons missed out on the holiday familiars. I also think it would be a fun idea to very randomly drop a regular retired familiar, either in the coli or gathering or in a trunk. I do have a lot of familiars and always need more. Just a thought.