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TOPIC | headcanon a dragon above you!
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the rules are simple! just look through the lair of the person above you, find a dragon you like, and think up a headcanon for it! you can even think of headcanons that apply to multiple dragons in their lair if you want! if your headcanon is accepted as canon, you win :D

when you make your post, you can specify a tab or page for the next person to choose from (especially good for lairs with lots of exalt fodder!), but there's got to be more than one dragon available to choose from!

if you're making a post to reply to someone, please say something like "skip me!!" so that whoever played last can get a headcanon too! if it turns into a conversation though please move it to pms/lair comments!

also, feel free to reserve a post while you look through someone's dragons for inspiration!

since i'm the first post and there's nobody above me, i'm just gonna make a headcanon for plague mom :3 i would link her here if her art wasn't so MASSIVE

iiiii thiiiink it would be really cool if her own appearance evolves over time, kind of like how viruses like the flu evolve rapidly! it wouldn't be as fast, being more something that dragons only notice through ancient depictions of her versus her current appearance, or something that the other deities would notice as it happens!

as for headcanons for my dragons, please stick to the first and second tabs!
the rules are simple! just look through the lair of the person above you, find a dragon you like, and think up a headcanon for it! you can even think of headcanons that apply to multiple dragons in their lair if you want! if your headcanon is accepted as canon, you win :D

when you make your post, you can specify a tab or page for the next person to choose from (especially good for lairs with lots of exalt fodder!), but there's got to be more than one dragon available to choose from!

if you're making a post to reply to someone, please say something like "skip me!!" so that whoever played last can get a headcanon too! if it turns into a conversation though please move it to pms/lair comments!

also, feel free to reserve a post while you look through someone's dragons for inspiration!

since i'm the first post and there's nobody above me, i'm just gonna make a headcanon for plague mom :3 i would link her here if her art wasn't so MASSIVE

iiiii thiiiink it would be really cool if her own appearance evolves over time, kind of like how viruses like the flu evolve rapidly! it wouldn't be as fast, being more something that dragons only notice through ancient depictions of her versus her current appearance, or something that the other deities would notice as it happens!

as for headcanons for my dragons, please stick to the first and second tabs!

< aelyis | she/they | FR+2 | mid 20s >

@Aelyis [url=][img][/img][/url] Inspired by my own thoughts bout kintsugi dragons, I feel like the fragility and yet beauty of flaws leads to a biit of a problem mentally - oops! Don't crack too much, that's bad for the mental health too. Feels a bit too much like a Ship of Theseus situation after too long. -------- Anyone in my lair (other than the last two pages of Port o' Commerce) are up for headcanoning!
Inspired by my own thoughts bout kintsugi dragons, I feel like the fragility and yet beauty of flaws leads to a biit of a problem mentally - oops! Don't crack too much, that's bad for the mental health too. Feels a bit too much like a Ship of Theseus situation after too long.

Anyone in my lair (other than the last two pages of Port o' Commerce) are up for headcanoning!
(skip me!)


oh that's a RAD idea!! throwing that into his description so i can keep that in mind for whenever it's his turn in the lore rewrite >:3c i havent touched his lore specifically in such a long time but this may be the motivation i need to go crazy!!
(skip me!)


oh that's a RAD idea!! throwing that into his description so i can keep that in mind for whenever it's his turn in the lore rewrite >:3c i havent touched his lore specifically in such a long time but this may be the motivation i need to go crazy!!

< aelyis | she/they | FR+2 | mid 20s >

@KursedCurtain [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center]After looking at all the art in his bio, it made me wanna come up with a headcanon (cause the art is just so cute). He looks like the kind of guy who would be [i]obsessed[/i] with gathering trinkets. He's got his little shelves and boxes full of random items, whether it be something like empty bottles that looked too pretty to toss or colorful stones. If you bring it up or ask about getting rid of some stuff he'd only argue that they're his trinkets! And he can't replace something this special![/center]
After looking at all the art in his bio, it made me wanna come up with a headcanon (cause the art is just so cute). He looks like the kind of guy who would be obsessed with gathering trinkets. He's got his little shelves and boxes full of random items, whether it be something like empty bottles that looked too pretty to toss or colorful stones. If you bring it up or ask about getting rid of some stuff he'd only argue that they're his trinkets! And he can't replace something this special!
LichenGills | Arcane | Story-based Lair


Other interests: Psychonauts, Axolotls, Mushrooms
[center]@LichenGills Uh oh gamers, a loyal to a fault creature described a fool? My exact type of silly beast!! [url=][img][/img][/url] Viper, despite it all, cannot read and its a genuine deep desire of his to learn how. But with his everlasting loyalty to the king above all else its hard to find to find the time. It's honestly something he feels almost envious about at times, truly wishing he could know both what all the fuss was about and to be able to gain more knowledge through ways that weren't through word of mouth ----------------- Anyone not in workshop or my hibden works great!! :D[/center]
Uh oh gamers, a loyal to a fault creature described a fool? My exact type of silly beast!!


Viper, despite it all, cannot read and its a genuine deep desire of his to learn how. But with his everlasting loyalty to the king above all else its hard to find to find the time. It's honestly something he feels almost envious about at times, truly wishing he could know both what all the fuss was about and to be able to gain more knowledge through ways that weren't through word of mouth

Anyone not in workshop or my hibden works great!! :D
@princesquichable I absolutely LOVE Mongoose's colors! I was sure they were wearing a skin but they're just that pretty, also amazing work with their outfit <3 That stunning child is giving me all sorts of ideas for projects, but anyway onto the headcannons! [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]-[/b]Loves bells, chimes, etc. Maracas are in the maybe zone, depending on the material inside. [b]-[/b]Is very flexible(no duh he's a spiral) and perhaps can perform acrobatics? [b]-[/b]Has a secret stash of large stuffed animals that he loves to hide and sleep in, but don't tell him I told you! [b]-[/b]Carries around a bag full of glitter/dust, he says it gives him his "sparkly aura" I hope some of these fit your stunning guy <3 ----- For the next person, anyone wearing apparel, a skin, or anything lore-related in their bio is fair game! [size=2]That means no hatchlings(excluding LuLu) and no one in the tab Hibernal Den in my hib den please <3[/size]
I absolutely LOVE Mongoose's colors! I was sure they were wearing a skin but they're just that pretty, also amazing work with their outfit <3
That stunning child is giving me all sorts of ideas for projects, but anyway onto the headcannons!
-Loves bells, chimes, etc. Maracas are in the maybe zone, depending on the material inside.

-Is very flexible(no duh he's a spiral) and perhaps can perform acrobatics?

-Has a secret stash of large stuffed animals that he loves to hide and sleep in, but don't tell him I told you!

-Carries around a bag full of glitter/dust, he says it gives him his "sparkly aura"

I hope some of these fit your stunning guy <3
For the next person, anyone wearing apparel, a skin, or anything lore-related in their bio is fair game!
That means no hatchlings(excluding LuLu) and no one in the tab Hibernal Den in my hib den please <3
@ReptilianGold [center][url=][img][/img] [/url][/center] Magpie is, in no uncertain terms, a "gifter". Whenever antsy for a walk late at night or during bad weather, she occupies herself with hand (claw?) crafts. This is often; having enough time to have sewn her own phylactery familiar, and an overwhelming abundance of crocheted scarfs/DIY jewelry/etc. For a while they sat around her personal hoard, until she gave one away on a whim.- and what a feeling! The way the other's eyes had lit up at the gesture, it was wonderful. She had to do it more, just to see her family sparkle with joy like that. [center][emoji=butterfly 3 size=1][/center] His lore is pretty in-development, but I'd love to get some thoughts on Tanz! He's my randomly generated progenitor, and one of my favorites!! [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] -------------------------------------------------- [img][/img] !!>> [url=]Dial the number[/url][img][/img]

Magpie is, in no uncertain terms, a "gifter". Whenever antsy for a walk late at night or during bad weather, she occupies herself with hand (claw?) crafts. This is often; having enough time to have sewn her own phylactery familiar, and an overwhelming abundance of crocheted scarfs/DIY jewelry/etc.

For a while they sat around her personal hoard, until she gave one away on a whim.- and what a feeling! The way the other's eyes had lit up at the gesture, it was wonderful. She had to do it more, just to see her family sparkle with joy like that.

His lore is pretty in-development, but I'd love to get some thoughts on Tanz! He's my randomly generated progenitor, and one of my favorites!!

!!>> Dial the number7c52a937a04a9982b5c1ebe8438247ad3582022a.gif
[img][/img] @MxClandestine his favorite place to stay is a library

@MxClandestine his favorite place to stay is a library
- Star

Come buy some of my dragons [here!] // My wishlist > image.png
@THEplayer2 [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] lomoth [who is absolutely adorable, by the way] puts a lot of effort into caring for his fur, specifically so that he's as pleasant to be physically close to as possible. he singlehandedly goes through as much shampoo as the rest of his clanmates combined, much of it scented like all kinds of fresh fruits and flowers.
lomoth [who is absolutely adorable, by the way] puts a lot of effort into caring for his fur, specifically so that he's as pleasant to be physically close to as possible. he singlehandedly goes through as much shampoo as the rest of his clanmates combined, much of it scented like all kinds of fresh fruits and flowers.
spore | she/they | FR+18:30-ish
wishlist | project tracker | skinccent shop
@Zosonils [url=][img][/img][/url] When feeling especially mischievous, Reverie may play a little prank or two on Resolve. Nothing major or genuinely harmful, just something small and silly to get on her nerves, affectionately! Resolve, on the other hand, seems to find this pretty annoying on the surface, but a little part of her believes it to be endearing. :3


When feeling especially mischievous, Reverie may play a little prank or two on Resolve. Nothing major or genuinely harmful, just something small and silly to get on her nerves, affectionately! Resolve, on the other hand, seems to find this pretty annoying on the surface, but a little part of her believes it to be endearing. :3
fan of bc13, ptv, ddc, millionaires, p!atd, ke$ha, 3oh!3 and more XP (/o o)/
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