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TOPIC | headcanon a dragon above you!
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@marcywu [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] Starforged's favorite flower is the Moonflower. They remind him of the stars in the sky that he is so close to and he has started to grow them himself. They now cover the outside of his den, but he doesn't mind one bit. ----- Anyone in the Main tab works! Dragons in the second row all have bios if you need something more to work with.
Starforged's favorite flower is the Moonflower. They remind him of the stars in the sky that he is so close to and he has started to grow them himself. They now cover the outside of his den, but he doesn't mind one bit.
Anyone in the Main tab works! Dragons in the second row all have bios if you need something more to work with.
@Cobalion [url=][img][/img][/url] King absolutely loves his wife, He will find cool rocks and bring them to Nat, as well as write songs about things she likes to do. He's incredibly cheesy with his love for her it makes some of their clanmates cringe, but its also very cute to witness. Anyone that isn't in Fodder bus or breeding tab is cleared to go! There is scattered lore and ramblings about all the dragons, I don't mind if you do or don't follow them since most need reworking anyway ^^'


King absolutely loves his wife, He will find cool rocks and bring them to Nat, as well as write songs about things she likes to do. He's incredibly cheesy with his love for her it makes some of their clanmates cringe, but its also very cute to witness.

Anyone that isn't in Fodder bus or breeding tab is cleared to go! There is scattered lore and ramblings about all the dragons, I don't mind if you do or don't follow them since most need reworking anyway ^^'
@Creepi [url=][img][/img][/url] Faillon keeps an extensive journal that she updates everyday. She's been writing daily logs since she was a kid, and records her day with a lot of detail while also journaling her current thoughts and emotions. she initially started it cause she was bored but it's now become a way for her to decompress and process her experiences, as well as being a fun archive of how she felt in the past
Faillon keeps an extensive journal that she updates everyday. She's been writing daily logs since she was a kid, and records her day with a lot of detail while also journaling her current thoughts and emotions. she initially started it cause she was bored but it's now become a way for her to decompress and process her experiences, as well as being a fun archive of how she felt in the past
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[center]@wyrmflwer [url=][img][/img][/url] Despite the two heads making art together as one, they actually have two vastly different preferences on their favoured art medium and style which is why their art is always a unique mix of different things. It can, however, lead one head to dislike an art piece more so over another if it leans to heavily into the others territory as they're a heavy perfectionist in their art![/center]


Despite the two heads making art together as one, they actually have two vastly different preferences on their favoured art medium and style which is why their art is always a unique mix of different things.

It can, however, lead one head to dislike an art piece more so over another if it leans to heavily into the others territory as they're a heavy perfectionist in their art!
@Pipirii [url=][img][/img][/url] Framework likes to seem unaffected and unemotional, but [i]hates[/i] sudden, loud noises more than anything. Other dragons assume it's crankiness that makes her snap at them when a door is slammed, or a book is dropped, or a jarring cackle bursts from someone unexpectedly. And sure, those things [i]are[/i] obnoxious...but that's not the whole of it. To her, every sudden outcry is a blaring alarm; every sharp noise a second's warning before the real blow. Most everyone else figures it's some kind of bookworm librarian instinct. Arcane types, you know. Must be a learned thing.


Framework likes to seem unaffected and unemotional, but hates sudden, loud noises more than anything. Other dragons assume it's crankiness that makes her snap at them when a door is slammed, or a book is dropped, or a jarring cackle bursts from someone unexpectedly.

And sure, those things are obnoxious...but that's not the whole of it. To her, every sudden outcry is a blaring alarm; every sharp noise a second's warning before the real blow.

Most everyone else figures it's some kind of bookworm librarian instinct. Arcane types, you know. Must be a learned thing.
@Varley [url=][img][/img][/url] Scratch had always lived on the streets and learnd how to survive. He beacame a pritty good street fighter, even if he did thend to play dirty. When he had the time and suplies he also liked to work on some grafity. Not a lot els to do around there, but it was fine. He lived like this for years, but eventualy grew tired of it and he waned to turn his live around. So he packed up what little he had and set off to start a new, more honest live. That is when he stumbled upon a hotel..... For the nexed person, anny tab is fine apart from sales obviously !


Scratch had always lived on the streets and learnd how to survive. He beacame a pritty good street fighter, even if he did thend to play dirty. When he had the time and suplies he also liked to work on some grafity. Not a lot els to do around there, but it was fine.
He lived like this for years, but eventualy grew tired of it and he waned to turn his live around. So he packed up what little he had and set off to start a new, more honest live. That is when he stumbled upon a hotel.....

For the nexed person, anny tab is fine apart from sales obviously !
@BirdyDraws [url=][img][/img][/url] Raven was abandoned by her parents, as they thought that she's cursed. She was left all alone in the open world, she tried to play with other dragons there but none would even care about her, they just left her. Because of that, she went into the forest, looking up into the trees until she found a raven, she talked to it as if it was another dragon, the raven decided to guide her into their flock, she followed it, and that's how she befriended the birds. As she grew older, she still likes to be alone, spending time in the forest. She scares everyone that goes near her with her stare along with the corvids, as they have never cared for her when she was small. And i think she's the type of person to read books and also tell stories to her birb friends.


Raven was abandoned by her parents, as they thought that she's cursed. She was left all alone in the open world, she tried to play with other dragons there but none would even care about her, they just left her. Because of that, she went into the forest, looking up into the trees until she found a raven, she talked to it as if it was another dragon, the raven decided to guide her into their flock, she followed it, and that's how she befriended the birds.

As she grew older, she still likes to be alone, spending time in the forest. She scares everyone that goes near her with her stare along with the corvids, as they have never cared for her when she was small.

And i think she's the type of person to read books and also tell stories to her birb friends.
@katzzy [url=][img][/img][/url] Teratai is the quite motherly, and will offer any passing travelers shelter/food/warmth. She can be a bit overbearing at times, like fussing over a new wound, wanting you to finish all the food she made, etc. She also takes care of her familiar like it's her own child, babying and spoiling Reala a lot. ----- Next: Anyone in my lair is fair game, but if you need some existing lore to work with, the ones with broadcast messages have some lore. Edit: @Servali Ohhh that is such an interesting headcanon I'm putting it in his little bio/lore since i haven't got anything planned for him yet in that aspect ;__;;;<3


Teratai is the quite motherly, and will offer any passing travelers shelter/food/warmth. She can be a bit overbearing at times, like fussing over a new wound, wanting you to finish all the food she made, etc. She also takes care of her familiar like it's her own child, babying and spoiling Reala a lot.

Anyone in my lair is fair game, but if you need some existing lore to work with, the ones with broadcast messages have some lore.

Ohhh that is such an interesting headcanon I'm putting it in his little bio/lore since i haven't got anything planned for him yet in that aspect ;__;;;<3
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♦ Bread's Tiny Aether Adopts ♦
[center]@breadpuffs [url=][img][/img][/url] Cappuccino is an avid reader and a perfectionist at heart, preferring to keep everything neat and orderly. His definition of 'order' is a bit offbeat, though; he will keep all of his books and tomes with the spine facing inward. He says it looks uniform, but visitors will struggle with finding any specific book. --- Next: Any dragon with a name is fair game, but the dragons in the first tab of my lair tend to have more to base your story on.
Cappuccino is an avid reader and a perfectionist at heart, preferring to keep everything neat and orderly. His definition of 'order' is a bit offbeat, though; he will keep all of his books and tomes with the spine facing inward. He says it looks uniform, but visitors will struggle with finding any specific book.

Next: Any dragon with a name is fair game, but the dragons in the first tab of my lair tend to have more to base your story on.
@Servali [center][/center] [url=][img][/img][/url] [center][/center] Flourish is a fun loving nature mage, travelling the world learning lots of new spells from all of the plants he talks to. Each regios gives way to new avenues of spellcasting, and by extension: pranks! Flourish never shies away from a good, well meaning prank! None of that harmful or rude or dangerous stuff! Only something that genuinely makes people laugh. Flourish also loves growing flowers out of his mane to offer to hatchlings he comes across in his journey. He is a kind soul, with a knack for finding the perfect joke for every situation. For the next person, my lair has 3 sections, the first tab has two pages, one with actual notes and lore and apparel, the second is mostly all ancients. The last part, the crystal caverns, is full of gem dragons inspired by rock and crystals.
Flourish is a fun loving nature mage, travelling the world learning lots of new spells from all of the plants he talks to. Each regios gives way to new avenues of spellcasting, and by extension: pranks! Flourish never shies away from a good, well meaning prank! None of that harmful or rude or dangerous stuff! Only something that genuinely makes people laugh. Flourish also loves growing flowers out of his mane to offer to hatchlings he comes across in his journey. He is a kind soul, with a knack for finding the perfect joke for every situation.

For the next person, my lair has 3 sections, the first tab has two pages, one with actual notes and lore and apparel, the second is mostly all ancients. The last part, the crystal caverns, is full of gem dragons inspired by rock and crystals.
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