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[center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] This is a roleplay thread associated with the [url=]Temporal Rifter Generation Project[/url] and is meant for owners of the Temporal Rifters. However, anyone and everyone is welcomed to participate if the game interests them. In this game, you can ask different members of The Kingdom and The Organization whatever you like and receive answers from them. This can be about themselves, their feelings, their world, how something functions around them and more. There is no limit to what you can ask (so long as it follows FR rules). However, you must keep in mind that their response will be written from [u]their[/u] perspective, and as a result, may not be accurate to canonical lore. Their answers will be accurate for themselves but something deeper can always be lurking which even they are unaware of. [center][b][size=4]How To Participate[/size][/b][/center] In order to ask a member of the Kingdom or Organization a question please ping @TemporalRifter first (to get my attention so I can write their response). Then ask a question to the character you want. You can roleplay actions and words as much as you like or simply type in a question you want an answer to. Similarly, you can ask someone a question as another Rifter or character! Such as Kali threatening Angel from The Kingdom. For Example: [quote]Questioner: @TemporalRifter "Hey Angel?" Angel pauses in mild shock that another wished to speak with him. After recovering he calmly turned his head to address his questioner "Yeah?" he replied in a calm tone, his voice like silk to the ears. Questioner: @TemporalRifter to Angel "What do you think of Allison?" Angel paused for a second, wishing to put his thoughts into honest words "Oh my, now that is a difficult question. Put simply, I love her with all of my heart. She was truly a blessing in my life, the light in the stars, and my savior. She pulled me out of the darkness in my life and taught me to feel again-taught me to love." he paused for a second as tears of happiness came to his eyes, his hand placed gently over his heart at the tender memories of their past Questioner: @TemporalRifter In response to Angel "Wow... That's kind of cheesy man." Suddenly offended by the questioner's response Angel shot them a quick glare and walked away while mumbling "I wouldn't expect you to understand."[/quote]

This is a roleplay thread associated with the Temporal Rifter Generation Project and is meant for owners of the Temporal Rifters. However, anyone and everyone is welcomed to participate if the game interests them.

In this game, you can ask different members of The Kingdom and The Organization whatever you like and receive answers from them. This can be about themselves, their feelings, their world, how something functions around them and more. There is no limit to what you can ask (so long as it follows FR rules).

However, you must keep in mind that their response will be written from their perspective, and as a result, may not be accurate to canonical lore. Their answers will be accurate for themselves but something deeper can always be lurking which even they are unaware of.

How To Participate
In order to ask a member of the Kingdom or Organization a question please ping @TemporalRifter first (to get my attention so I can write their response). Then ask a question to the character you want. You can roleplay actions and words as much as you like or simply type in a question you want an answer to.

Similarly, you can ask someone a question as another Rifter or character! Such as Kali threatening Angel from The Kingdom.

For Example:
Questioner: @TemporalRifter "Hey Angel?"

Angel pauses in mild shock that another wished to speak with him. After recovering he calmly turned his head to address his questioner "Yeah?" he replied in a calm tone, his voice like silk to the ears.

Questioner: @TemporalRifter to Angel "What do you think of Allison?"

Angel paused for a second, wishing to put his thoughts into honest words "Oh my, now that is a difficult question. Put simply, I love her with all of my heart. She was truly a blessing in my life, the light in the stars, and my savior. She pulled me out of the darkness in my life and taught me to feel again-taught me to love." he paused for a second as tears of happiness came to his eyes, his hand placed gently over his heart at the tender memories of their past

Questioner: @TemporalRifter In response to Angel "Wow... That's kind of cheesy man."

Suddenly offended by the questioner's response Angel shot them a quick glare and walked away while mumbling "I wouldn't expect you to understand."
[center][b][size=4]The Kingdom[/size][/b][/center] The Kingdom is ruled over by Allison and her team, Team Insurgence which consists of her closest friends and fellow escapees from The Organization; Angel, Shotgun, and Fearful. The four worked together to create The Kingdom from scratch in a realm which was void of all but the most basic of life's particles, a place previously known as The Darkzone. Due to their fear of even glancing in The Darkzone's direction The Organization has yet to notice The Kingdom itself and remains unaware of the new worlds, stars, and light which are appearing thanks to The Kingdom's creation and expansion. More information about The Kingdom may be listed in the future, a few posts down from this one, but for now... here are the people, beings, and creatures which are ready to speak with you. [center][b]WIP[/b][/center] [columns][b][size=4]Allison:[/b][/size] [size=4]Generation 0[/size] [img][/img][nextcol][size=4]The original Rifter, Generation 0. Allison was the first of many to escape The Organization's grasp and did so with her dear friends by her side. Living on the run and being forced to fight for the sake of her loved ones has hardened her into a compassionate yet terrifying force which stops at nothing to protect the people she cares for from friends and family to innocent strangers they meet along the way. She created The Kingdom with the help of powerful allies and various materials which were collected by her team on their journeys and now rules over what is meant to be a safe haven from The Organization itself. Her ultimate goal is to put an end to The Organization's schemes and bring peace to the people, beings, creatures, and universes which The President has harmed. Her list of powers is a long one, since it changes depending on the world/universe she is in, but her main abilities consist of space-time, time travel, and regenerative properties. Compassionate and wise feel free to speak your mind at all times to her.[/size][/columns] [columns][b][size=4]Angel:[/b][/size] [size=4]The Angel of Death[/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [nextcol][size=4]Angel's life began as The President's son, an unholy experiment between The President and a Peryton meant to discover whether or not the President could charm and copulate with a beast. With the experiment's success The President remorselessly slaughtered Angel's mother and pulled his child's body from the corpse. Initially intending to slaughter the boy something stayed The President's hand... but it wasn't love... Angel would make the perfect host for The President if the boy could grow strong. Yes, if he could grow strong The President could slaughter Angel and take over his body. He could inhabit his child's form with his own consciousness and extend his constantly waning lifespan... all while getting his child to do all the tedious work. With this in mind, Angel was raised by one of The President's many underlings, the noble of a kingdom in The President's domain which looked uncannily similar to Angel himself. The noble initially raised the boy under an agreement for more land and power. However, over time, he took a liking to the kind and compassionate child. For the noble saw within him part of himself and could see a noble spirit resting inside the kid. As such, the noble raised Angel with great affection and care leading to a great amount of intelligence and compassion in the young lad. Angel grew to see the noble as his real father and the noble, he grew to see Angel as his son. However, during a routine visit The President was unsatisfied with Angel's growth. The intelligence and authority which Angel displayed was nice to see but the compassion which Angel had was sickening to The President. That compassion had to be cleansed. So, The President slaughtered the noble and took up his role. Disguising himself as Angel's deceased parental figure the President switched from compassionate, patient and thoughtful to ruthless, impatient and cruel. Angel was shocked by the sudden change, suddenly everything which was right was wrong and it hurt him deeply. So deeply that he receded into himself and lost the light his eyes and heart once knew. He became cold, distant, and almost cruel until he met Allison. Originally assigned to her squad by his real father, Angel was tasked with spying on the girl and maintained a great amount of distance from her. Reluctant to get close because of the pain The President had caused him, afraid of being harmed yet again by one who he held dear... or of accidentally harming her in a rage. However, the two eventually grew close to one another, and slowly fell in love. In time Angel forsook his true father and took to Allison's side. Choosing the compassion, warmth, and love which she brought back into his life. His powers are many, but his main skillset involves swordsmanship, powerful illusion magic, and flight. His form is a human with long white hair and angelic wings which can be sheathed and unsheathed at will. However, without the occasional bite of human flesh, a thing he abhors having to eat, he risks reverting into the cursed form known to most Perytons.[/size][/columns] [columns][b][size=4]Shotgun:[/b][/size] [size=4]The Weaponologist[/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img][nextcol][size=4]The Rifter's main weapons expert, Shotgun has always been known for his fascination and skill in weaponry which started in his childhood years, back when he was an exploited orphan serving under a self-proclaimed king and slave driver. The slave driver often took in orphans to work for him and while he taught them important skills such as sewing, he also exploited and mistreated them. Teaching them to be effective thieves and sending them out to gather supplies in an already sparse kingdom. Those who failed to bring back anything were horribly abused, isolated, and threatened with scorching lights and carnivorous reptiles while those who did well were starved as the "king" feasted upon their spoils. During one of his many outings to procure supplies Shotgun was captured by a superhero roaming the streets. This superhero not only offered the child refuge but helped to capture the slave driver and put an end to his operations once and for all. However, once the slave driver was dealt with Shotgun had nowhere to go. The superhero tried to raise him, foolishly believing it would be an easy task, but when Shotgun's rebellious and curious nature led him to the armory his superhero owned, the hero realized that the kid was more than he could handle. The superhero found Shotgun playing with a powerful gun in his arsenal and for the child's own safety decided to turn him over to the authorities. It was here where a member of The Organization was able to intercept Shotgun's transfer into an orphanage and steal him away to The Organization. After all, the boy wasn't entirely human... he was a changeling unaware of his own kind. Shotgun believed he was human, and The Organization wanted to know why. They wanted to train him and learn more about the changelings. It didn't take Shotgun long to pass his initiation, the boy was a genius when it came to making weapons and had effortlessly made a shotgun reminiscent of the gun which his hero had owned. It was this weapon which Shotgun treasured, and it was the weapon which gave him his name in The Organization's walls. Shotgun spent many years in the Organization, learning the harsh ways of life and surviving in an almost effortless fashion as others died around him. He quickly learned to tell the functions of even the most foreign weaponry and how to create that weaponry from scratch. It was only after being assigned to Allison's squad that he realized just how abnormal and cruel The Organization really was and once he had he was the first to offer arms and armor to Allison's cause. After escaping from The Organization, he became The Kingdom's main supplier of arms and armor. He creates explosives more often than not and has grown to be an expert in the creation of DIY weapons. You could drop this boy in the middle of a wasteland with absolutely nothing at his disposal, and he would have at least 20 different weapons made in less than a minute. It's the definition of "How do you already have a spear!?- Where the f*** did you get those!?" While Shotgun lacks any known powers, he more than makes up for it in his creativity in crafted arms and armor. However, he still struggles to accept his identity as a changeling and insists to this day that he's always been a human. [/size][/columns] [columns][b][size=4]Fearful:[/b][/size] [size=4]The Tactician[/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img][nextcol][size=4]Fearful, originally named Amelia, was born to a pair of human scientists working for The Organization. They worked for The Organization out of fear, doing whatever was requested of them and developing whatever technology the President wanted in a desperate attempt to protect one another. The last task they were given before completely disappearing was the creation of cloning technology with a success rate of 100%. Fearful, being human, relies heavily on her intellectual capabilities and planning to stay alive. Often preferring to stay behind the scenes and avoid open combat less she flee the battlefield with screams heard for miles around. She's phenomenal at developing assault and get away plans but is relatively useless in the field... The majority of this fear developed in one of The Organization's many containment facilities. Growing up beside parents charged with containing the strange and phenomenal left a powerful impact on her psyche. The creatures within their facility were powerful, and not always human. Sometimes they were objects, other times creatures, and every time they were hazardous to humankind. This is where a lot of Fearful's trauma stems from. Knowing they were completely powerless to protect themselves without the electronics and tools at their disposal, knowing that only their intellect and use of what was around them kept them alive was frightening for her. Even something as simple as a rubber duck or a pillow could be unfathomably lethal, and this made her cautious and jumpy beyond repair. While skilled in technology and in possession of a vast intelligence Fearful's main power comes from a tiger demon which The Organization forced to possess her. This was done to see if a stronger being could possess and enhance an individual's physical and magical capabilities while still being contained. The demon killed off most of its supernatural hosts, so The Organization resorted to an intelligent human instead... They resorted to Fearful... and since both sides were opposed to the possession it was a painful process for each of them. They fought for survival and control over the body until they agreed on certain terms. The demon would protect Fearful from the world around her and Fearful would allow the demon his fair share of death and bloodshed. It seemed a fair price to pay for survival, for revenge, for an escape. Once an agreement was reached the body stabilized, leaving two inhabitants behind in the form of Fearful and her demon. Usually, Fearful is her typical jumpy self, but when cornered, desperate, or under threat of real harm the demon takes over to protect her. Her body glows in fire, orange stripes sear their way into her flesh and her demeanor changes to that of a true demon. Slaughtering the enemies before her until the possession wears off and the demon's desire for bloodshed is sated. Her main weapon, aside from the demon, is a pair of poisoned tekagi which may have been influenced by the demon inside of her. When asking her questions, you can talk to either the demon Emile or the human Fearful. Ask for Emile to speak with the demon or ask for Fearful to speak with the human tactician. [/size][/columns]
The Kingdom

The Kingdom is ruled over by Allison and her team, Team Insurgence which consists of her closest friends and fellow escapees from The Organization; Angel, Shotgun, and Fearful. The four worked together to create The Kingdom from scratch in a realm which was void of all but the most basic of life's particles, a place previously known as The Darkzone.

Due to their fear of even glancing in The Darkzone's direction The Organization has yet to notice The Kingdom itself and remains unaware of the new worlds, stars, and light which are appearing thanks to The Kingdom's creation and expansion. More information about The Kingdom may be listed in the future, a few posts down from this one, but for now... here are the people, beings, and creatures which are ready to speak with you.
Allison: Generation 0
The original Rifter, Generation 0. Allison was the first of many to escape The Organization's grasp and did so with her dear friends by her side. Living on the run and being forced to fight for the sake of her loved ones has hardened her into a compassionate yet terrifying force which stops at nothing to protect the people she cares for from friends and family to innocent strangers they meet along the way.

She created The Kingdom with the help of powerful allies and various materials which were collected by her team on their journeys and now rules over what is meant to be a safe haven from The Organization itself. Her ultimate goal is to put an end to The Organization's schemes and bring peace to the people, beings, creatures, and universes which The President has harmed.

Her list of powers is a long one, since it changes depending on the world/universe she is in, but her main abilities consist of space-time, time travel, and regenerative properties. Compassionate and wise feel free to speak your mind at all times to her.

Angel: The Angel of Death
Angel's life began as The President's son, an unholy experiment between The President and a Peryton meant to discover whether or not the President could charm and copulate with a beast. With the experiment's success The President remorselessly slaughtered Angel's mother and pulled his child's body from the corpse. Initially intending to slaughter the boy something stayed The President's hand... but it wasn't love... Angel would make the perfect host for The President if the boy could grow strong.

Yes, if he could grow strong The President could slaughter Angel and take over his body. He could inhabit his child's form with his own consciousness and extend his constantly waning lifespan... all while getting his child to do all the tedious work.

With this in mind, Angel was raised by one of The President's many underlings, the noble of a kingdom in The President's domain which looked uncannily similar to Angel himself.

The noble initially raised the boy under an agreement for more land and power. However, over time, he took a liking to the kind and compassionate child. For the noble saw within him part of himself and could see a noble spirit resting inside the kid. As such, the noble raised Angel with great affection and care leading to a great amount of intelligence and compassion in the young lad. Angel grew to see the noble as his real father and the noble, he grew to see Angel as his son.

However, during a routine visit The President was unsatisfied with Angel's growth. The intelligence and authority which Angel displayed was nice to see but the compassion which Angel had was sickening to The President. That compassion had to be cleansed. So, The President slaughtered the noble and took up his role. Disguising himself as Angel's deceased parental figure the President switched from compassionate, patient and thoughtful to ruthless, impatient and cruel.

Angel was shocked by the sudden change, suddenly everything which was right was wrong and it hurt him deeply. So deeply that he receded into himself and lost the light his eyes and heart once knew. He became cold, distant, and almost cruel until he met Allison.

Originally assigned to her squad by his real father, Angel was tasked with spying on the girl and maintained a great amount of distance from her. Reluctant to get close because of the pain The President had caused him, afraid of being harmed yet again by one who he held dear... or of accidentally harming her in a rage.

However, the two eventually grew close to one another, and slowly fell in love. In time Angel forsook his true father and took to Allison's side. Choosing the compassion, warmth, and love which she brought back into his life.

His powers are many, but his main skillset involves swordsmanship, powerful illusion magic, and flight. His form is a human with long white hair and angelic wings which can be sheathed and unsheathed at will. However, without the occasional bite of human flesh, a thing he abhors having to eat, he risks reverting into the cursed form known to most Perytons.

Shotgun: The Weaponologist


The Rifter's main weapons expert, Shotgun has always been known for his fascination and skill in weaponry which started in his childhood years, back when he was an exploited orphan serving under a self-proclaimed king and slave driver. The slave driver often took in orphans to work for him and while he taught them important skills such as sewing, he also exploited and mistreated them. Teaching them to be effective thieves and sending them out to gather supplies in an already sparse kingdom. Those who failed to bring back anything were horribly abused, isolated, and threatened with scorching lights and carnivorous reptiles while those who did well were starved as the "king" feasted upon their spoils.

During one of his many outings to procure supplies Shotgun was captured by a superhero roaming the streets. This superhero not only offered the child refuge but helped to capture the slave driver and put an end to his operations once and for all. However, once the slave driver was dealt with Shotgun had nowhere to go. The superhero tried to raise him, foolishly believing it would be an easy task, but when Shotgun's rebellious and curious nature led him to the armory his superhero owned, the hero realized that the kid was more than he could handle.

The superhero found Shotgun playing with a powerful gun in his arsenal and for the child's own safety decided to turn him over to the authorities. It was here where a member of The Organization was able to intercept Shotgun's transfer into an orphanage and steal him away to The Organization.

After all, the boy wasn't entirely human... he was a changeling unaware of his own kind. Shotgun believed he was human, and The Organization wanted to know why. They wanted to train him and learn more about the changelings. It didn't take Shotgun long to pass his initiation, the boy was a genius when it came to making weapons and had effortlessly made a shotgun reminiscent of the gun which his hero had owned. It was this weapon which Shotgun treasured, and it was the weapon which gave him his name in The Organization's walls.

Shotgun spent many years in the Organization, learning the harsh ways of life and surviving in an almost effortless fashion as others died around him. He quickly learned to tell the functions of even the most foreign weaponry and how to create that weaponry from scratch. It was only after being assigned to Allison's squad that he realized just how abnormal and cruel The Organization really was and once he had he was the first to offer arms and armor to Allison's cause.

After escaping from The Organization, he became The Kingdom's main supplier of arms and armor. He creates explosives more often than not and has grown to be an expert in the creation of DIY weapons. You could drop this boy in the middle of a wasteland with absolutely nothing at his disposal, and he would have at least 20 different weapons made in less than a minute. It's the definition of "How do you already have a spear!?- Where the f*** did you get those!?"

While Shotgun lacks any known powers, he more than makes up for it in his creativity in crafted arms and armor. However, he still struggles to accept his identity as a changeling and insists to this day that he's always been a human.

Fearful: The Tactician


Fearful, originally named Amelia, was born to a pair of human scientists working for The Organization. They worked for The Organization out of fear, doing whatever was requested of them and developing whatever technology the President wanted in a desperate attempt to protect one another. The last task they were given before completely disappearing was the creation of cloning technology with a success rate of 100%.

Fearful, being human, relies heavily on her intellectual capabilities and planning to stay alive. Often preferring to stay behind the scenes and avoid open combat less she flee the battlefield with screams heard for miles around. She's phenomenal at developing assault and get away plans but is relatively useless in the field... The majority of this fear developed in one of The Organization's many containment facilities.

Growing up beside parents charged with containing the strange and phenomenal left a powerful impact on her psyche. The creatures within their facility were powerful, and not always human. Sometimes they were objects, other times creatures, and every time they were hazardous to humankind. This is where a lot of Fearful's trauma stems from. Knowing they were completely powerless to protect themselves without the electronics and tools at their disposal, knowing that only their intellect and use of what was around them kept them alive was frightening for her. Even something as simple as a rubber duck or a pillow could be unfathomably lethal, and this made her cautious and jumpy beyond repair.

While skilled in technology and in possession of a vast intelligence Fearful's main power comes from a tiger demon which The Organization forced to possess her. This was done to see if a stronger being could possess and enhance an individual's physical and magical capabilities while still being contained. The demon killed off most of its supernatural hosts, so The Organization resorted to an intelligent human instead... They resorted to Fearful... and since both sides were opposed to the possession it was a painful process for each of them.

They fought for survival and control over the body until they agreed on certain terms. The demon would protect Fearful from the world around her and Fearful would allow the demon his fair share of death and bloodshed. It seemed a fair price to pay for survival, for revenge, for an escape. Once an agreement was reached the body stabilized, leaving two inhabitants behind in the form of Fearful and her demon.

Usually, Fearful is her typical jumpy self, but when cornered, desperate, or under threat of real harm the demon takes over to protect her. Her body glows in fire, orange stripes sear their way into her flesh and her demeanor changes to that of a true demon. Slaughtering the enemies before her until the possession wears off and the demon's desire for bloodshed is sated. Her main weapon, aside from the demon, is a pair of poisoned tekagi which may have been influenced by the demon inside of her.

When asking her questions, you can talk to either the demon Emile or the human Fearful. Ask for Emile to speak with the demon or ask for Fearful to speak with the human tactician.
[center][b][size=4]The Organization[/size][/b][/center] The Organization is a cutthroat place ruled by The President, a cold and ruthless Illithid disguised as an elderly man with the natural soothing presence, intellect, and charisma necessary to bend all but the most strong-willed of individuals to his every whim. The President goes by no other name and utilizes The Organization as a place of ruthless training and relentless experimentation ultimately meant to extend his own knowledge, power, and control over the multiverse. Most here, don't survive what The Organization does to them.... and most don't need to in The President's eyes. Curious about The Organization? Well here are a few members who are willing to speak on it's behalf... or so they claim. [center][b]WIP[/b][/center] [columns][b][size=4]President:[/b][/size] [size=4]The President[/size] [img][/img][nextcol][size=4]The President of The Organization. He goes by no name aside from his title and often names others in a similar manner. Classic examples include Angel, Fearful, Pest, Killer, Alchemist and more with most being named after a defining feature or role of theirs. Only the most skilled or useful to The Organization are allowed to keep a name of their own choosing. While not much is known of him individuals like Allison have discovered the manipulative tendencies of The President and his role as The Organizations founder. The Organization is a cruel place with strict training regimes and ruthless experiments that kill off all but 3% of the often-unwilling participants and inhabitants of The Organizations walls. All for the sake of The President, all so he can gain more power, knowledge, and control. Do not let his honeyed words fool you, do not let his charismatic charm nor reasoning draw you in. He'll do whatever it takes to gain more power for himself, at the cost of anyone and anything around him.[/size][/columns] [columns][b][size=4]Will:[/b][/size] [size=4]The President's Right Hand[/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img][nextcol][size=4]Will started off his days far away from The Organization's influence but sought them out in his desire for greater strength and a cure for his bloodlust. As a hybrid between a jinn and a vampire Will was quickly welcomed into The Organization's ranks and swiftly rose to become The President's right hand man. Not only could Will grant certain wishes for The President, but he could easily dispatch a great number of his enemies as well. Will spent years by The President's side, growing in power yet failing to contain his bloodthirsty nature. In fact, under the influence of The President, Will's bloodthirst got worse. He spent years gleefully fighting and torturing at The President's request. Cold blooded slaughter became second nature to him, and his ruthless and arrogant ways put off all but the most heartless of people. He would happily fight to the death against anyone even when mortally injured and would revel in his own pain. In truth, he was already the picture of a man gone mad. In time, Allison and her team were united in The Organization and grew to become a nuisance. Important to The Organization, and as such non disposable, The President assigned Will to thwart their escape attempts and keep a close eye on each and every one of them. If only one were to remain captured, The President demanded it be Allison. Will had little interest in the girl to begin with, often focusing on his mission to keep her contained. However, as time passed, he took a liking to her. She was kind, intelligent, fierce and strong willed... never once did she leave an ally behind, never once did she leave someone to suffer, even if it meant being re-captured herself. That was intriguing to him and whenever he dragged her back to The Organization, she wasn't afraid to talk back... [i]"If you don't shut that pretty little mouth of yours, I swear I'll-"[/i] [i]"You'll what? Go on, try me you little sh**."[/i] she wasn't afraid to speak her mind regardless of the consequences and Will found that, combined with her fiery personality to be indisputably hot. It didn't take him long to be drawn to her... and once he discovered The President's plan to breed her for back up subjects... well, Will couldn't contain his desire. He requested to be the one and only member of The Organization to partner with her, to have the privilege of bedding her and The President was quick to agree. After all, Will had already proven himself to The President, so if he wanted the Rifter he was more than welcomed to have his way with her. It was a mutual benefit, especially with the powerful offspring they could produce. Allison was relatively obedient during this time, having completed many missions for The Organization despite her doubts of them and attempts at escape... but when she walked into a containment facility with a bed at the ready and Will waiting something in her just snapped. The President was talking to Will, discussing the importance of this "operation" and of successfully copulating with her and Allison, well, she felt her already frail trust in The Organization break. She had let The Organization decide many things on her behalf, but who she was going to love was not one of them. Especially when she was already crushing pretty hard on Angel. She simply turned on her heel, temporarily froze time and walked away. Will, was crushed. He was so angry and distraught that she would reject him much less leave in the manner she had... and it didn't take him long to develop mannerisms similar to a yandere. The President wanted her recaptured and Will, Will wanted her for himself. Now, the vampire jinn hybrid stalks the multiverse in the hopes of claiming what he still views to be rightfully his. He is still selfish, cruel, and sadistic... and Allison was not only someone he loved but someone The President had promised to him... Always loving the thrill of the chase or the dangers of a hunt Will has promised to win her back no matter what it takes... and if he ever gets his hands on her again rest assure that he'll never [i]ever[/i] let her go. Whether she likes it or not. [/size][/columns]
The Organization

The Organization is a cutthroat place ruled by The President, a cold and ruthless Illithid disguised as an elderly man with the natural soothing presence, intellect, and charisma necessary to bend all but the most strong-willed of individuals to his every whim. The President goes by no other name and utilizes The Organization as a place of ruthless training and relentless experimentation ultimately meant to extend his own knowledge, power, and control over the multiverse. Most here, don't survive what The Organization does to them.... and most don't need to in The President's eyes.

Curious about The Organization? Well here are a few members who are willing to speak on it's behalf... or so they claim.
President: The President
The President of The Organization. He goes by no name aside from his title and often names others in a similar manner. Classic examples include Angel, Fearful, Pest, Killer, Alchemist and more with most being named after a defining feature or role of theirs. Only the most skilled or useful to The Organization are allowed to keep a name of their own choosing.

While not much is known of him individuals like Allison have discovered the manipulative tendencies of The President and his role as The Organizations founder. The Organization is a cruel place with strict training regimes and ruthless experiments that kill off all but 3% of the often-unwilling participants and inhabitants of The Organizations walls. All for the sake of The President, all so he can gain more power, knowledge, and control.

Do not let his honeyed words fool you, do not let his charismatic charm nor reasoning draw you in. He'll do whatever it takes to gain more power for himself, at the cost of anyone and anything around him.

Will: The President's Right Hand



Will started off his days far away from The Organization's influence but sought them out in his desire for greater strength and a cure for his bloodlust. As a hybrid between a jinn and a vampire Will was quickly welcomed into The Organization's ranks and swiftly rose to become The President's right hand man. Not only could Will grant certain wishes for The President, but he could easily dispatch a great number of his enemies as well.

Will spent years by The President's side, growing in power yet failing to contain his bloodthirsty nature. In fact, under the influence of The President, Will's bloodthirst got worse. He spent years gleefully fighting and torturing at The President's request. Cold blooded slaughter became second nature to him, and his ruthless and arrogant ways put off all but the most heartless of people. He would happily fight to the death against anyone even when mortally injured and would revel in his own pain. In truth, he was already the picture of a man gone mad.

In time, Allison and her team were united in The Organization and grew to become a nuisance. Important to The Organization, and as such non disposable, The President assigned Will to thwart their escape attempts and keep a close eye on each and every one of them. If only one were to remain captured, The President demanded it be Allison.

Will had little interest in the girl to begin with, often focusing on his mission to keep her contained. However, as time passed, he took a liking to her. She was kind, intelligent, fierce and strong willed... never once did she leave an ally behind, never once did she leave someone to suffer, even if it meant being re-captured herself. That was intriguing to him and whenever he dragged her back to The Organization, she wasn't afraid to talk back...

"If you don't shut that pretty little mouth of yours, I swear I'll-"
"You'll what? Go on, try me you little sh**."

she wasn't afraid to speak her mind regardless of the consequences and Will found that, combined with her fiery personality to be indisputably hot. It didn't take him long to be drawn to her... and once he discovered The President's plan to breed her for back up subjects... well, Will couldn't contain his desire.

He requested to be the one and only member of The Organization to partner with her, to have the privilege of bedding her and The President was quick to agree. After all, Will had already proven himself to The President, so if he wanted the Rifter he was more than welcomed to have his way with her. It was a mutual benefit, especially with the powerful offspring they could produce.

Allison was relatively obedient during this time, having completed many missions for The Organization despite her doubts of them and attempts at escape... but when she walked into a containment facility with a bed at the ready and Will waiting something in her just snapped. The President was talking to Will, discussing the importance of this "operation" and of successfully copulating with her and Allison, well, she felt her already frail trust in The Organization break.

She had let The Organization decide many things on her behalf, but who she was going to love was not one of them. Especially when she was already crushing pretty hard on Angel. She simply turned on her heel, temporarily froze time and walked away.

Will, was crushed. He was so angry and distraught that she would reject him much less leave in the manner she had... and it didn't take him long to develop mannerisms similar to a yandere. The President wanted her recaptured and Will, Will wanted her for himself.

Now, the vampire jinn hybrid stalks the multiverse in the hopes of claiming what he still views to be rightfully his. He is still selfish, cruel, and sadistic... and Allison was not only someone he loved but someone The President had promised to him...

Always loving the thrill of the chase or the dangers of a hunt Will has promised to win her back no matter what it takes... and if he ever gets his hands on her again rest assure that he'll never ever let her go. Whether she likes it or not.
The Unaligned

Those who are allied with neither The Kingdom nor The Organization and appear to have motives of their own for being here. Essentially the wildcards of this world which dwell in neither complete unity nor complete chaos. We wonder what their motives and reasons for dwelling here are. Here are the ones willing to communicate with you.
The Unaligned

Those who are allied with neither The Kingdom nor The Organization and appear to have motives of their own for being here. Essentially the wildcards of this world which dwell in neither complete unity nor complete chaos. We wonder what their motives and reasons for dwelling here are. Here are the ones willing to communicate with you.

Various landmarks of The Kingdom, The Organization, and their worlds. Information about main structures and important flora or fauna may be listed in this section so stay tuned as a multitude of discoveries could be made at any second.
The Kingdom
The Organization

Various landmarks of The Kingdom, The Organization, and their worlds. Information about main structures and important flora or fauna may be listed in this section so stay tuned as a multitude of discoveries could be made at any second.
The Kingdom
The Organization

Lots of stuff can happen in the Rifter Verse and new content may be added at any time! In order to be pinged for more characters to talk to, new information, and more simply make your request through the ping function and a pinglist will be created here in your honor. If what you're interested in already has a pinglist then you will be added to it.

Lots of stuff can happen in the Rifter Verse and new content may be added at any time! In order to be pinged for more characters to talk to, new information, and more simply make your request through the ping function and a pinglist will be created here in your honor. If what you're interested in already has a pinglist then you will be added to it.
@TemporalRifter Ms. Allison? Can I ask you a question?
@TemporalRifter Ms. Allison? Can I ask you a question?
The brunette turns to regard you with a warm smile "But of course, and please, there's no need for formalities."
The brunette turns to regard you with a warm smile "But of course, and please, there's no need for formalities."

Sorry, trying to be polite!
I was just curious, the replicates that the organization makes by combining your DNA with someone else's, what do you think of the replicates? Would you still consider them your children in a way or not?

Sorry, trying to be polite!
I was just curious, the replicates that the organization makes by combining your DNA with someone else's, what do you think of the replicates? Would you still consider them your children in a way or not?
She smiles again, reassuring you that she appreciates your politeness before pausing for a brief moment "Usually, that would be a difficult question. However, our DNA is similar and that makes them a part of me so, I still view them as family. The Organization could grow a million children and each one would still be my own." She appeared to be accepting of the Replicates and gave little room for doubt.
She smiles again, reassuring you that she appreciates your politeness before pausing for a brief moment "Usually, that would be a difficult question. However, our DNA is similar and that makes them a part of me so, I still view them as family. The Organization could grow a million children and each one would still be my own." She appeared to be accepting of the Replicates and gave little room for doubt.
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