
Forum Games

Play word and forum games here.
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favorite ones with my dergs are chastity dying by trying to climb a tree (sweet baby you are a big fluffy gal with ice on you please stay on the ground..) and leonidas cries himself to sleep. this sad old man.

favorite ones with my dergs are chastity dying by trying to climb a tree (sweet baby you are a big fluffy gal with ice on you please stay on the ground..) and leonidas cries himself to sleep. this sad old man.
@MediaeLycan Name of tribute 1: Lavender, she/her [url=][img][/img][/url] Name of tribute 2: Orm, he/him [url=][img][/img][/url] edit: yes please for pings!
@MediaeLycan Name of tribute 1: Lavender, she/her

Name of tribute 2: Orm, he/him
edit: yes please for pings!

fr +9 hours
dressing thread
Unfortunately the generator doesn't take they/them as pronouns (annoying..). What other gender would you feel they would be comfortable being?
Unfortunately the generator doesn't take they/them as pronouns (annoying..). What other gender would you feel they would be comfortable being?
Cauldron Services [Open]
| Wind Dominance Shop [CLOSED] | Dressing and Geneing Services (Free!) [Open] |
@MediaeLycan Name of Tribute 1 - Waru Pronouns - He/him Looks - [url=][img][/img][/url] Name of Tribute 2 - Poisonheart Pronouns - She/her Looks - [url=][img][/img][/url] Pinglist? - heck yeah!
Name of Tribute 1 - Waru
Pronouns - He/him
Looks - 63637619_350.png
Name of Tribute 2 - Poisonheart
Pronouns - She/her
Looks - 63922193_350.png
Pinglist? - heck yeah!
@MediaeLycan Oh its ok, she/her is fine then
@MediaeLycan Oh its ok, she/her is fine then
@MediaeLycan name of tribute 1 - karthentr pronouns - he/they/it appearance - [url=][img][/img][/url] name of tribute 2 - sailor pronouns - she/her appearance - [url=][img][/img][/url]

name of tribute 1 - karthentr
pronouns - he/they/it
appearance -

name of tribute 2 - sailor
pronouns - she/her
appearance -
scrying workshop save me....scrying me scrying workshop

Remind me, did you play in the round just gone? If so, you'll have to wait a round to play!

Remind me, did you play in the round just gone? If so, you'll have to wait a round to play!
Cauldron Services [Open]
| Wind Dominance Shop [CLOSED] | Dressing and Geneing Services (Free!) [Open] |
[quote name="MediaeLycan" date="2020-11-18 04:33:09" ] Gabbiani Remind me, did you play in the round just gone? If so, you'll have to wait a round to play! [/quote] Ok, and yeah, I did play last round
MediaeLycan wrote on 2020-11-18 04:33:09:

Remind me, did you play in the round just gone? If so, you'll have to wait a round to play!
Ok, and yeah, I did play last round
Phantom ~ She/Her ~ Ace ~ Formerly ThePhantomWolf/Shiromori
+2 FR Time ~ Final Fantasy and Touhou are my life
Terra%20-%20Victory%20(Front).gifSabin%20-%20Walk%20(Front).gifEdgar%20-%20Finger.gif Terra%20-%20Esper%20-%20Blink%20(Front).gif Setzer%20-%20Finger.gifCeles%20-%20Wink.gifMaria%20-%20Sing.gifLocke%20-%20Laugh.gifRelm%20-%20Wave%20(Front).gif
Heya! No rush but i was wondering when this will be started?
Heya! No rush but i was wondering when this will be started?
Hi, I'm kinda an idiot
I'm Wolfi! I use they/she pronouns, gotta love the lack of gender
I have ADHD and OCD, so if I come off as rude, please tell me!
Feel free to send me friend requests/DMs, I will usually respond! (EST so a couple hours off sometimes)
Usually happens when all spaces are filled.
Usually happens when all spaces are filled.
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