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TOPIC | Favorite Skydancer of the User Above You
I've seen this thread before, but it seems to have died out 5 years ago. So I thought I'd bring it back! Pretty self explanatory. [list] [*]Go into the above user's lair and pick out your favorite Skydancer. If they don't have a Skydancer, choose another dragon and toss it into the Scrying Workshop to see what they would look like as a Skydancer. [*]You can claim to avoid getting ninja'd, because the game can still go on. However, don't leave your claim then never reply. If you don't respond to your claim by the next day, I will ping/PM you to alert you to it. [*]One last thing! Please wait at least 3 posts before you post again (or a day, if nobody posted). [/list] And without further ado, let's begin! I'll start by picking my own fav Skydancer, Snowfall! (she is in the HD). Well, I actually can't decide between her or Topaz, but I like blue over orange, so I picked her, lol [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
I've seen this thread before, but it seems to have died out 5 years ago. So I thought I'd bring it back! Pretty self explanatory.
  • Go into the above user's lair and pick out your favorite Skydancer. If they don't have a Skydancer, choose another dragon and toss it into the Scrying Workshop to see what they would look like as a Skydancer.
  • You can claim to avoid getting ninja'd, because the game can still go on. However, don't leave your claim then never reply. If you don't respond to your claim by the next day, I will ping/PM you to alert you to it.
  • One last thing! Please wait at least 3 posts before you post again (or a day, if nobody posted).
And without further ado, let's begin! I'll start by picking my own fav Skydancer, Snowfall! (she is in the HD). Well, I actually can't decide between her or Topaz, but I like blue over orange, so I picked her, lol

7UXlQKU.gif 0EgCmlK.png >> Wishlist
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@Zikitty I love Snag! The genes and colours are awesome! [url=] [img][/img] [/url]

I love Snag! The genes and colours are awesome!

@Harbringer [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Wow thats a REALLY nice okapi! Such a lovely dragon to look at!


Wow thats a REALLY nice okapi! Such a lovely dragon to look at!
tumblr_inline_mjvop8mMef1qz4rgp.gif tumblr_md2y0qnWDS1qk1or3.gif
@Vardia [url=] [img][/img] [/url] So bright! [s]And I have a bias towards cherub, it makes a nice pattern[/s]


So bright!
And I have a bias towards cherub, it makes a nice pattern
@SashaTheAlien [size=4][i]Him.[/i][/size] He's a good boy. He'd sell my deepest darkest secrets to Shade and I'd still love him. Very good boy [s]Not to mention how much I love how his eyes matches his tert[/s] [url=] [img][/img] [/url]

He's a good boy.
He'd sell my deepest darkest secrets to Shade and I'd still love him.
Very good boy
Not to mention how much I love how his eyes matches his tert

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@HolyShipper [i]coming for you[/i] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] IT IS THE LAW THAT SHE IS BEST GIRL ----- [b][u]Skydancer Locations[/u][/b] Pages 2 and 3 of the Frozen Labyrinth tab Page 3 of the Wonka's Candy tab [i][u]Hibden[/u][/i] Frozen Crypt The Pit Frostcrag Mines D&D
@HolyShipper coming for you



Skydancer Locations
Pages 2 and 3 of the Frozen Labyrinth tab
Page 3 of the Wonka's Candy tab

Frozen Crypt
The Pit
Frostcrag Mines
@Winterrox66 [img][/img] She's beauty She's grace and She'll freeze your butt in sec

She's beauty
She's grace
and She'll freeze your butt in sec
@Malregima You have some real beautiful Skydancers. Couldn't decide between these two [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
@Malregima You have some real beautiful Skydancers. Couldn't decide between these two


7UXlQKU.gif 0EgCmlK.png >> Wishlist
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>> Bean's Cache
@Zikitty I am going to have to go with Sang. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] He reminds me so much of my own dragon Augustus'Umbra. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Anyway, Sang is a really handsome Skydancer. I love his color scheme.

I am going to have to go with Sang.


He reminds me so much of my own dragon Augustus'Umbra.


Anyway, Sang is a really handsome Skydancer. I love his color scheme.
  • Countess
  • She/Her
. | . . | .
@Countessoffire I've seen so many dragons like Sang in my time on FR (not actually a lot, btw), but none of them seem to be related.

@Countessoffire I've seen so many dragons like Sang in my time on FR (not actually a lot, btw), but none of them seem to be related.

7UXlQKU.gif 0EgCmlK.png >> Wishlist
>> art for wishlist items
>> free outfit designs

>> Avatar dragon
>> 1,000 Days of G&G
>> Bean's Cache