
Forum Games

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TOPIC | Killers in the Clan (waitlist open!)
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] Nava | She/her Interacting with: No one, mentions of multiple characters[/center] ----- The Guardian introduced herself as Fe and informed Nava that an individual named Endometriosis had been murdered, the method was with fire and that explains the ashes. After being informed of that, she decided that any further interactions with the others should be done with some caution. Nava also noticed the group following after the Wildclaw and Fae towards the fire pit but decided to stay at a distance in case she wants to slip away for any reason. ----- [center][b]Nava votes for Obsidian[/b][/center]
Nava | She/her
Interacting with: No one, mentions of multiple characters

The Guardian introduced herself as Fe and informed Nava that an individual named Endometriosis had been murdered, the method was with fire and that explains the ashes. After being informed of that, she decided that any further interactions with the others should be done with some caution. Nava also noticed the group following after the Wildclaw and Fae towards the fire pit but decided to stay at a distance in case she wants to slip away for any reason.

Nava votes for Obsidian
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FR Time +16 (Icon edited by ShayTheBean)
jGDR8HM.png icWeTOm.png Hk6RYPQ.png
[center][url=][img][/img][/center][/url] [center][font=book antiqua][color= 663399][size=4][b]Sterling[/b] (In a Halloween Costume)[size=3][font=book antiqua] He/Him Interacting with: Ashes and Maika (@mysterybox11)[/color][/center] [font=book antiqua][size=4]Sterling appreciates this Fae. She's sort of like a larger, better-mannered Endo, actually. Clean, shimmering, and polite, just as a commoner should be. He'll sure to reward her with proper attention later. For now, he steps into the smoke-choked clearing. Ash immediately sticks to the bottom of his foot and then billows up in a disturbed puff, and he coughs irritably as he surveys the scene. "Well, at least it's [i]small[/i]," he notes. "Probably just some regular hooligans." He [i]hmphs[/i] as he notes the charred scraps of one of his jack o'lanterns littering the middle of the ex-conflagration. There's really no crime more annoying than property damage. "Where is Endo when I need her?" he mumbles to himself, tramping to the other edge of the clearing in irritation. Raising his voice, he projects back across to Maika, "It doesn't seem like anything dangerous to [i]us[/i]. At least, none of us that matter." Sterling gives the ash-covered clearing one last look before heading back in the direction of the proper clan. "The party can continue!" ----- [font=book antiqua][size=4]Sterling votes for [b]Obsidian[/b].
(In a Halloween Costume)
Interacting with: Ashes and Maika (@mysterybox11)
Sterling appreciates this Fae. She's sort of like a larger, better-mannered Endo, actually. Clean, shimmering, and polite, just as a commoner should be.

He'll sure to reward her with proper attention later. For now, he steps into the smoke-choked clearing. Ash immediately sticks to the bottom of his foot and then billows up in a disturbed puff, and he coughs irritably as he surveys the scene.

"Well, at least it's small," he notes. "Probably just some regular hooligans."

He hmphs as he notes the charred scraps of one of his jack o'lanterns littering the middle of the ex-conflagration. There's really no crime more annoying than property damage.

"Where is Endo when I need her?" he mumbles to himself, tramping to the other edge of the clearing in irritation. Raising his voice, he projects back across to Maika, "It doesn't seem like anything dangerous to us. At least, none of us that matter."

Sterling gives the ash-covered clearing one last look before heading back in the direction of the proper clan.

"The party can continue!"

Sterling votes for Obsidian.
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [color= FF6721] - Lorik - [color= 2c2c2c]she/her Interacting with: nobody [rule] [color= 2c2c2c][left]Lorik slept well into the late morning, until the sunshine poured through the windows of her guest cabin and spilled across the floor. Actually, she didn't wake until she rolled off the bed onto the floor, which cut off her snore with a cough. It was comfy, it was quiet, and the absolute stillness of the place was untouched. It had to be one of the most beautiful places on the planet. Lorik righted herself and started preparing for her day, all while wearing the heavy blanket over her shoulders. The floor was still cold from the autumnal chill, but it felt nice as Lorik's senses awoke as well. She rinsed her mouth, straightened her necklaces, and ironed out a wrinkle in her collar with a hard press of her thumb before opening the door to the colorful world outside. It smelled like pine needles and campfire. Like her childhood. Lorik could see a gathering in the distance, but she was perfectly content to sit on the porch and enjoy the air. [rule] Lorik votes for [b]Espirit[/b]

- Lorik -
Interacting with: nobody

Lorik slept well into the late morning, until the sunshine poured through the windows of her guest cabin and spilled across the floor. Actually, she didn't wake until she rolled off the bed onto the floor, which cut off her snore with a cough. It was comfy, it was quiet, and the absolute stillness of the place was untouched. It had to be one of the most beautiful places on the planet.

Lorik righted herself and started preparing for her day, all while wearing the heavy blanket over her shoulders. The floor was still cold from the autumnal chill, but it felt nice as Lorik's senses awoke as well.

She rinsed her mouth, straightened her necklaces, and ironed out a wrinkle in her collar with a hard press of her thumb before opening the door to the colorful world outside. It smelled like pine needles and campfire. Like her childhood. Lorik could see a gathering in the distance, but she was perfectly content to sit on the porch and enjoy the air.

Lorik votes for Espirit
Wishlist -->Untitled1133-20231107165239.png
[center][img][/img] [b][color=#a6405d]Ichigo[/b][/color] [color=#d77e8a]She/Her | Professional Gossiper[/color] Interacting with: Lotineve (@Relics), Espirit (@Storia)[/center] The dragon sudden appearence startled Ichigo a bit, but the shocked expression quickly turned into a smile. The Halloween hire! She hadn't had the chance to interact with her the night before, but her presence did wonders for the spooky ambience. She made a mental note to ask for a photo together later, when this fire scandal thing was all sorted out. "Hi girlie!" She exclaimed, gleefully admiring the Fathom. "My name is Ichigo. So cool to meet you. I love all... [i]this[/i]" She made a vague gesture at her spectral body. She wasn't a stranger to fake compliments, but this one was sincere. A perfectly on theme, total Halloween slay. "What? The decorations? No girl, a fire in the forest!" [i]The decorations...[/i] an awful thought flew thorough her mind. "Wait, you didn't decorate the forest with these right? We're talking matters of serious, party-sabotaging arsonism here. Ugh. All this buzz happening for a simple jack-o-lantern accident would be so dissapointing..." While the left head chatted about with the Fathom, the right had kept her eyes on the group she had come to spy on the first place. "They're leaving! Oh my gods, what if they find her on the scene? There's [i]no way[/i] I'm missing this." She tidied her fur, pulled down her glasses and opened her wings, ready to take flight. "You two coming? If so, act natural! Chin up, confident eyes. Let's go." --------------------------------- [b]Later that night, Ichigo votes for Espirit[/b] (sorry girl)(still want that picture though)
She/Her | Professional Gossiper
Interacting with: Lotineve (@Relics), Espirit (@Storia)

The dragon sudden appearence startled Ichigo a bit, but the shocked expression quickly turned into a smile. The Halloween hire! She hadn't had the chance to interact with her the night before, but her presence did wonders for the spooky ambience. She made a mental note to ask for a photo together later, when this fire scandal thing was all sorted out.

"Hi girlie!" She exclaimed, gleefully admiring the Fathom. "My name is Ichigo. So cool to meet you. I love all... this" She made a vague gesture at her spectral body. She wasn't a stranger to fake compliments, but this one was sincere. A perfectly on theme, total Halloween slay.

"What? The decorations? No girl, a fire in the forest!" The decorations... an awful thought flew thorough her mind. "Wait, you didn't decorate the forest with these right? We're talking matters of serious, party-sabotaging arsonism here. Ugh. All this buzz happening for a simple jack-o-lantern accident would be so dissapointing..."

While the left head chatted about with the Fathom, the right had kept her eyes on the group she had come to spy on the first place. "They're leaving! Oh my gods, what if they find her on the scene? There's no way I'm missing this." She tidied her fur, pulled down her glasses and opened her wings, ready to take flight. "You two coming? If so, act natural! Chin up, confident eyes. Let's go."

Later that night, Ichigo votes for Espirit (sorry girl)(still want that picture though)

Luciana ♥ She/Her ♥ FRT +5
[Center][Url=][img][/img][/url] [Color=purple]- Maika -[/color] She/Her Interacting with: none Mentions: Sterling ------[/center] Maika side eyed Sterling at that last comment. None of them that matter? That was an alarming sentiment for a clan leader to hold. How had this wildclaw even managed to hold this place together with an attitude like that? Keeping her thoughts to herself for now, Maika took the dismissal for what it was and left. She knew better than to confront the leader as new as she was. Insubordination would surely lead to her being kicked out, and she still needed a few extra days of preparation before she restarted her journey back home. Just a few more days, she thought. ------ Maika votes for [b]Espirit[/b]
- Maika -
Interacting with: none
Mentions: Sterling

Maika side eyed Sterling at that last comment.

None of them that matter? That was an alarming sentiment for a clan leader to hold. How had this wildclaw even managed to hold this place together with an attitude like that?

Keeping her thoughts to herself for now, Maika took the dismissal for what it was and left. She knew better than to confront the leader as new as she was. Insubordination would surely lead to her being kicked out, and she still needed a few extra days of preparation before she restarted her journey back home.

Just a few more days, she thought.

Maika votes for Espirit
FR +2
Insomnia is late to the party. It’s not really a pity, she wanted to wait until these … clan members thought they were safe to begin terrorizing them.
Clearly, she’s been cursed.
She simply can’t have a wholesome, lovely vacation in the minds of her victims this trip, can she?

It’s no matter, she decides, glancing down at Goose. He’s got an impatient look on his visage, as if he just can’t wait to sink that menacing, painful beak into his victims, of which there will be many.

She will just have to cooperate with them to exile this threat. Not only to them, but to her as well. Can’t have anyone in the way of a good time.
Insomnia votes for Obsidian.
Insomnia is late to the party. It’s not really a pity, she wanted to wait until these … clan members thought they were safe to begin terrorizing them.
Clearly, she’s been cursed.
She simply can’t have a wholesome, lovely vacation in the minds of her victims this trip, can she?

It’s no matter, she decides, glancing down at Goose. He’s got an impatient look on his visage, as if he just can’t wait to sink that menacing, painful beak into his victims, of which there will be many.

She will just have to cooperate with them to exile this threat. Not only to them, but to her as well. Can’t have anyone in the way of a good time.
Insomnia votes for Obsidian.
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [font=book antiqua][size=5] [b][color=#9755ce]E[/color][color=#9f5ed8]s[/color][color=#a766e2]p[/color][color=#af6feb]r[/color][color=#b777f5]i[/color][color=#bf80ff]t[/color][/b] [emoji=gloom tile size=1] [b][color=#9755ce]s[/color][color=#9e5cd6]h[/color][color=#a463de]e[/color][color=#ab6be7]/[/color][color=#b272ef]h[/color][color=#b879f7]e[/color][color=#bf80ff]r[/color][/b][/size] [size=4]interacting with: Ichigo (@lusbiluces) Lotineve still in background[/center] ----- [font=book antiqua][size=4]If Esprit was still alive, she would have been fluttering her wings in excitement and happiness - someone complimented her! And not just what she did, but [i]her[/i] - how she looked, heck, even what she [i]was[/i]! "Oh, thank you so much - I'm so glad to hear I'm doing my job right!" The ghost responded excitedly, every bit of her joy written on spectral visage. Her smile faded slightly when she heard the next part of Ichigo's statement. "Fire? In the forest? Someone set fire to the forest? Heck no, I would never! The last thing I'd do is destroy the perfectly good Halloween backdrop!" Esprit floated to the Aberrations' side to follow her. "Please, do lead the way! I haven't heard about what happened, like at all. Did someone get hurt?!"

Esprit she/her
interacting with: Ichigo (@lusbiluces) Lotineve still in background

If Esprit was still alive, she would have been fluttering her wings in excitement and happiness - someone complimented her! And not just what she did, but her - how she looked, heck, even what she was!

"Oh, thank you so much - I'm so glad to hear I'm doing my job right!" The ghost responded excitedly, every bit of her joy written on spectral visage. Her smile faded slightly when she heard the next part of Ichigo's statement. "Fire? In the forest? Someone set fire to the forest? Heck no, I would never! The last thing I'd do is destroy the perfectly good Halloween backdrop!"

Esprit floated to the Aberrations' side to follow her. "Please, do lead the way! I haven't heard about what happened, like at all. Did someone get hurt?!"
my name is essence, your local gay unicorn!
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [size=5][color=da2121]Scarlet[/color][/size] [size=3][color=f87c00]She/her[/color][/size] Interacting with Obsidian (@Slairisk) -----[/center] "Aha, I am a trained fire elemental, you see. I only burn things when I want to burn them," she said confidently. "On the other hand, this kitty is a clumsy, little arsonist, aren't you?" She scritched Idalia's chin, who spat embers as she purred. Scarlet glanced again at the ash pile and squinted at the charred center. Was that... huh... She shrugged and returned her attention to her familiar. Scarlet changes her vote to [b]Obsidian[/b] (sorry) (Edited for tense correction)


Interacting with Obsidian (@Slairisk)

"Aha, I am a trained fire elemental, you see. I only burn things when I want to burn them," she said confidently. "On the other hand, this kitty is a clumsy, little arsonist, aren't you?" She scritched Idalia's chin, who spat embers as she purred.

Scarlet glanced again at the ash pile and squinted at the charred center. Was that... huh... She shrugged and returned her attention to her familiar.

Scarlet changes her vote to Obsidian (sorry)

(Edited for tense correction)
LGBT+  Progress Queer

Nonbinary They/Them
xx4VlncxY.png xx uPOLOvt.png
Voting is now closed (for real this time)! Please standby for the exile :]
Voting is now closed (for real this time)! Please standby for the exile :]
[center][size=6][b][u][emoji=sun]The Evening[emoji=sun][/u][/b][/size][/center] [quote=The Exile] [center][emoji=torch] ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ [emoji=torch][/center] As the clan continued to discuss the forest fire, they came to realize that Endo still had yet to make an appearance. They checked her den and found it empty, and no matter where they looked or how loud they yelled her name, she didn’t show up. Someone wondered if Endo had been caught in the fire, and another wondered if it hadn’t been an accident. Sterling is skeptical, insisting Endo probably just ran off to annoy him, but with everyone else convinced it was a murder, he supposes something must be done and proposes a vote. It’s a close vote, but in the end Obsidian is chosen to be exiled. “Hurry and pack your things, Obsidian.” Sterling says, almost boredly, “You’re killing the vibe of my fabulous party!” He pauses, considering, “And Endometriosis too, I suppose.” Obsidian shrugs and packs his belongings up before departing with Spear and Merrily, not looking back. The clan would go to sleep that night confident they’d solved the mystery, but many couldn’t help the lingering unease… [/quote] [i]This exile was written by IsleTheDracon.[/i] [emoji=ping][b]You’d think there’d be more urgency, wouldn’t you?[/b] [u]Obsidian was a Civilian.[/u] [emoji=comment]The Nighttime starts now. Guard and Killer PM me with who you want to guard (Guards) or kill (Killer). Seer and Magist can PM me as well, if applicable. And if you still haven’t joined the Discord, hurry and do so [url=]here[/url]! [emoji=subscription update]@pinglist-39010 [quote=Current Allegiances] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [emoji=gold crown size=1][b]Inept Leader[/b] [emoji=nature rune size=1] Sterling | He/Him | Wildclaw | natsinabucket | [url=]Link[/url] [emoji=silver crown size=1][emoji=shockswitch red size=1][b]Period Witch[/b] [s][emoji=water rune size=1][emoji=question mark size=1] Endometriosis | She/Her | Shifting Fae | AutumnFall123 | [url=]Link[/url][/s] [i]Menstru[/i] | [i][gamedb item=57922][/i] [emoji=sword and shield size=1][b]Fiery Warrior[/b] [emoji=fire rune size=1] Scarlet | She/Her | Wildclaw | pandakitty1 | [url=]Link[/url] [i]Idalia[/i] | [i][gamedb item=21419][/i] [emoji=treasure size=1][b]Mercenary[/b] [s][emoji=ice rune size=1] Obsidian | He/Him | Coatl | Slairisk | [url=]Link[/url] [i]Spear[/i] | [i][gamedb item=40565][/i] [i]Merrily[/i] | [i][gamedb item=40560][/i][/s] [emoji=four leaf clover size=1][b]Environmental Activist[/b] [emoji=wind rune size=1][emoji=water rune size=1] Lotineve | She/They | Water-Born Tundra | Relics | [url=]Link[/url] [i]Loch[/i] | [i][gamedb item=23892][/i] [emoji=apparel helm size=1][b]Iron Warrior[/b] [emoji=arcane rune size=1] Fe | She/Her | Guardian | JellyRaven | [url=]Link[/url] [emoji=blue vial size=1][b]Mildy Lost Scientist[/b] [emoji=shadow rune size=1] Maika | She/Her | Fae | mysterybox11 | [url=]Link[/url] [emoji=gloom tile size=1][b]Hired Halloween Haunt[/b] [emoji=question mark size=1] Esprit | She/Her | Ghost Fathom | Storia | [url=]Link[/url] [i]Seirei[/i] | [i][gamedb item=16477][/i] [emoji=sunglasses 2 size=1][b]Tourist on a Mission[/b] [emoji=fire rune size=1] Lorik | She/Her | Mirror | TrueTerror | [url=]Link[/url] [emoji=crescent moon 1 size=1][b]The Sleepless[/b] [emoji=crescent moon 2 size=1] Insomnia | She/Her | Skydancer | Scorisyn | [url=]Link[/url] [i]Goose[/i] | [i][gamedb item=58525][/i] [emoji=scroll 2 size=1][b]Friendly Scribe[/b] [emoji=light rune size=1] Siyok | He/Him | Imperial | Griffinaregold | [url=]Link[/url] [emoji=music notes size=1][b]Seraphic Diva[/b] [emoji=fire rune size=1] Nava | She/Her | Pearlcatcher | LushSnow | [url=]Link[/url] [emoji=apple size=1][b]The Tooth Fairy[/b] [emoji=earth rune size=1] Cypraea | She/Her | Sandsurge | Magmish | [url=]Link[/url] [emoji=arcanist's runestone size=1][b]Sculptor[/b] [emoji=wind rune size=1] Kimoki | He/They | Auraboa | RestInPieces | [url=]Link[/url] [i]Argus[/i] | [i][gamedb item=17507][/i] [emoji=ping size=1][b]Professional Gossiper[/b] [emoji=plague rune size=1] Ichigo | She/Her | Aberration | lusbiluces | [url=]Link[/url] [i]Shady[/i] | [i][gamedb item=42692][/i] [emoji=familiar heart size=1][b]Relations:[/b] Cypraea x Lotineve --> ? [s]Obsidian[/s] x Kimoki --> ? ? x ? --> Sterling , [s]Endometriosis[/s] , Siyok [ 13 dragons remaining ][/quote]
The Evening
The Exile wrote:
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
As the clan continued to discuss the forest fire, they came to realize that Endo still had yet to make an appearance. They checked her den and found it empty, and no matter where they looked or how loud they yelled her name, she didn’t show up. Someone wondered if Endo had been caught in the fire, and another wondered if it hadn’t been an accident.

Sterling is skeptical, insisting Endo probably just ran off to annoy him, but with everyone else convinced it was a murder, he supposes something must be done and proposes a vote. It’s a close vote, but in the end Obsidian is chosen to be exiled.

“Hurry and pack your things, Obsidian.” Sterling says, almost boredly, “You’re killing the vibe of my fabulous party!” He pauses, considering, “And Endometriosis too, I suppose.” Obsidian shrugs and packs his belongings up before departing with Spear and Merrily, not looking back.

The clan would go to sleep that night confident they’d solved the mystery, but many couldn’t help the lingering unease…
This exile was written by IsleTheDracon.

You’d think there’d be more urgency, wouldn’t you?
Obsidian was a Civilian.

The Nighttime starts now. Guard and Killer PM me with who you want to guard (Guards) or kill (Killer). Seer and Magist can PM me as well, if applicable.
And if you still haven’t joined the Discord, hurry and do so here!

@KitC Game 41

Current Allegiances wrote:

Inept Leader
Sterling | He/Him | Wildclaw | natsinabucket | Link

Period Witch
Endometriosis | She/Her | Shifting Fae | AutumnFall123 | Link
Menstru | Bloodfang Watcher

Fiery Warrior
Scarlet | She/Her | Wildclaw | pandakitty1 | Link
Idalia | Flamerest Fiendcat

Obsidian | He/Him | Coatl | Slairisk | Link
Spear | Raging Tiger Foo
Merrily | Valorous Battlemare

Environmental Activist
Lotineve | She/They | Water-Born Tundra | Relics | Link
Loch | Ruffletail Tadhop

Iron Warrior
Fe | She/Her | Guardian | JellyRaven | Link

Mildy Lost Scientist
Maika | She/Her | Fae | mysterybox11 | Link

Hired Halloween Haunt
Esprit | She/Her | Ghost Fathom | Storia | Link
Seirei | Somber Spirit

Tourist on a Mission
Lorik | She/Her | Mirror | TrueTerror | Link

The Sleepless
Insomnia | She/Her | Skydancer | Scorisyn | Link
Goose | Goose

Friendly Scribe
Siyok | He/Him | Imperial | Griffinaregold | Link

Seraphic Diva
Nava | She/Her | Pearlcatcher | LushSnow | Link

The Tooth Fairy
Cypraea | She/Her | Sandsurge | Magmish | Link

Kimoki | He/They | Auraboa | RestInPieces | Link
Argus | Featherback Boar

Professional Gossiper
Ichigo | She/Her | Aberration | lusbiluces | Link
Shady | Splendiferous Sunshade


Cypraea x Lotineve
--> ?

Obsidian x Kimoki
--> ?

? x ?
--> Sterling , Endometriosis , Siyok

[ 13 dragons remaining ]