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TOPIC | Join the Dragon Mafia! [INVITATION ONLY]
[center][url=] [img][/img] [/url] “Lovely to see you again, dear.” "How are you, my sweet?" "And how big you've gotten..." The dragon skulked through the halls, eyes glinting in the pale moonlight that shone through the lair. The bone on her face; however, stayed pale and smooth. "Hello there! Hello to you! And you..." She hugged others, patted them on the head, and told them how good of children they were. Her eagerness knew no bounds, for with a swish of the tail; she was on to the next soul. Eventually; she came to a stop in front of Black Orchid. A sweeping bow was her greeting, the voice of gravel and concrete. “Hello, M’lady. I have brought a guest before you." She paused. "He believes he could be of service...” Without further ado, she called out behind her. “... Spiron, dearie!” Her voice carried past the walls and to the Tundra, walking along as blind as a bat…[/center] (@HinodeTsurugi - Make sure to check what position you want, just not BM right yet. @ElwynWanderer)


“Lovely to see you again, dear.”
"How are you, my sweet?"
"And how big you've gotten..."

The dragon skulked through the halls, eyes glinting in the pale moonlight that shone through the lair. The bone on her face; however, stayed pale and smooth.

"Hello there! Hello to you! And you..."

She hugged others, patted them on the head, and told them how good of children they were. Her eagerness knew no bounds, for with a swish of the tail; she was on to the next soul.

Eventually; she came to a stop in front of Black Orchid. A sweeping bow was her greeting, the voice of gravel and concrete. “Hello, M’lady. I have brought a guest before you." She paused. "He believes he could be of service...”

Without further ado, she called out behind her.

“... Spiron, dearie!” Her voice carried past the walls and to the Tundra, walking along as blind as a bat…

(@HinodeTsurugi - Make sure to check what position you want, just not BM right yet.
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[url=] [img][/img] [/url] The Tundra, Spirion, slinked up with a delicate pace behind the Pearlcatcher who had led him here. He was blindfolded yes, but each step seemed measured and careful, as if he truly knew exactly where each one took him, never bumping into a single thing. Then he too bowed as he came before the Mafia Boss. “Hello there,” he said in a slight monotone, then added with a mumble, “Ones who are living, for now.” Spirion’s voice then rose back to his normal tones as he continued on. “I hear you have been seeking aid. Might I be able to lend a claw, mayhaps?” (I was hoping to Have Spirion be a Protector of the Heir to Malzahar if that is alright? Wasn’t sure whether or not to put this part in character or not. @ElwynWanderer )


The Tundra, Spirion, slinked up with a delicate pace behind the Pearlcatcher who had led him here. He was blindfolded yes, but each step seemed measured and careful, as if he truly knew exactly where each one took him, never bumping into a single thing. Then he too bowed as he came before the Mafia Boss.

“Hello there,” he said in a slight monotone, then added with a mumble, “Ones who are living, for now.”

Spirion’s voice then rose back to his normal tones as he continued on. “I hear you have been seeking aid. Might I be able to lend a claw, mayhaps?”

(I was hoping to Have Spirion be a Protector of the Heir to Malzahar if that is alright? Wasn’t sure whether or not to put this part in character or not. @ElwynWanderer )
HATCHERY > tumblr_pvkbdx8COQ1ugssd3o1_250.png
@HinodeTsurugi Black Orchid regards Spirion with a mix of mistrust, interest, and condescension. “I suppose the last person my son needs access to is an assassin, or whatever you’re supposed to be, but I suppose if Saivi vouches for you. He’s over there.”

((On a side note: wow, you guys go all out with the spookiness, huh! And I thought my dragons were edgy!))
@HinodeTsurugi Black Orchid regards Spirion with a mix of mistrust, interest, and condescension. “I suppose the last person my son needs access to is an assassin, or whatever you’re supposed to be, but I suppose if Saivi vouches for you. He’s over there.”

((On a side note: wow, you guys go all out with the spookiness, huh! And I thought my dragons were edgy!))
@ElwynWander Hmm... Well, it seems as if someone is asking for volunteers for something, and is offering...Shadow cookies? Anyways, somebody else is looking for ways to be more active in the community and forums, and finally, there is a group of people telling each other about recent adventures they have gone on.
@ElwynWander Hmm... Well, it seems as if someone is asking for volunteers for something, and is offering...Shadow cookies? Anyways, somebody else is looking for ways to be more active in the community and forums, and finally, there is a group of people telling each other about recent adventures they have gone on.
Alright, gotta go now! My iPad is at 2 percent right now, so I have to let it charge. See you later!
Alright, gotta go now! My iPad is at 2 percent right now, so I have to let it charge. See you later!
Covert Operatives
@Tidias Hmm, most interesting, most interesting. What about Icewarden memes? Are there any of those?
@xmoonlightx1 This is bad news! We must discover more about these powerful dragons! Without mentioning usernames, find a Fire lair and count the number of dragons with armor!
@Tomello Shadow cookies?? What are these “shadow cookies”?? Investigate further!
Covert Operatives
@Tidias Hmm, most interesting, most interesting. What about Icewarden memes? Are there any of those?
@xmoonlightx1 This is bad news! We must discover more about these powerful dragons! Without mentioning usernames, find a Fire lair and count the number of dragons with armor!
@Tomello Shadow cookies?? What are these “shadow cookies”?? Investigate further!
@ElwynWanderer there are at least 15 dragons with armor in one lair, but multiple more looked like magic users
@ElwynWanderer there are at least 15 dragons with armor in one lair, but multiple more looked like magic users
FR +3, he/they
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] The Nocturne fluttered into the darkened lair, hat staying on perfectly tight despite perching upside down. "I believe me and my colleagues, shall we say, may be of use to you, madame. We can gather intel and resources throughout the plaguelands." She tilted her head as if listening to someone in another room. "If you so desire, we can aid in the protection and tutoring of your children." [[ @ElwynWanderer Since it the whole thing seems pretty full, I'm okay with either fetch quests or being involved with the family ]]


The Nocturne fluttered into the darkened lair, hat staying on perfectly tight despite perching upside down. "I believe me and my colleagues, shall we say, may be of use to you, madame. We can gather intel and resources throughout the plaguelands." She tilted her head as if listening to someone in another room. "If you so desire, we can aid in the protection and tutoring of your children."

@ElwynWanderer Since it the whole thing seems pretty full, I'm okay with either fetch quests or being involved with the family
@Radvom Black Orchid studies the Nocturne. “Another servant of the Plaguebringer, is that right? I’ve been hearing a lot about your Flight as of late. Tell me, what are your numbers? Your defenses? Your strategies for dominance?”

((I’d like your answer to at least partially mimic reality, but don’t provide any strictly game-only details, like usernames.))
@Radvom Black Orchid studies the Nocturne. “Another servant of the Plaguebringer, is that right? I’ve been hearing a lot about your Flight as of late. Tell me, what are your numbers? Your defenses? Your strategies for dominance?”

((I’d like your answer to at least partially mimic reality, but don’t provide any strictly game-only details, like usernames.))

"Hard work, dedication and organization is how we organize our resources. As well as love, trust and pixie dust." It was either a trick of the light, or she was smiling as she answered blithely. Hard to see as she seemed perfectly content to dangle above. "As for numbers", she really did smile this time, "We spread every day." It wouldn't do to spill all their secrets, now would it? "As for defenses, outside the land itself, we have a great many warriors and an even greater amount of surprises.

((By great theres 5 coli ones in my lair and in my lore they live underground

"Hard work, dedication and organization is how we organize our resources. As well as love, trust and pixie dust." It was either a trick of the light, or she was smiling as she answered blithely. Hard to see as she seemed perfectly content to dangle above. "As for numbers", she really did smile this time, "We spread every day." It wouldn't do to spill all their secrets, now would it? "As for defenses, outside the land itself, we have a great many warriors and an even greater amount of surprises.

((By great theres 5 coli ones in my lair and in my lore they live underground