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[b]THIS IS A REPLY POST! SKIP ME.[/b] [quote name="OliveImperial" date="2020-05-05 21:02:37" ] @/CrazyAKApanda [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url] [i]Hello Vendetta! How are you? I heard you are a medic! During your time as a medic, was there anyone you couldn't save or aid?[/i][/center] ----- [size=1]The dragons who have lore are my progens (Theodore and Maggie), Shiro, and Lucas. Everyone's fair game though![/size] [/quote] @OliveImperial *Vendetta smiles at you.* "Well, yes, I am a medic. I'm doing good, thank you. Hmm, patients I couldn't save? Well, I would have to say that there was one. They were a shadow type dragon, I believe. I'll spare you the details, but they were somehow infected by a plague type. It was hard but they didn't wake after a few days, so we buried them in the ice."
OliveImperial wrote on 2020-05-05 21:02:37:


Hello Vendetta! How are you? I heard you are a medic! During your time as a medic, was there anyone you couldn't save or aid?

The dragons who have lore are my progens (Theodore and Maggie), Shiro, and Lucas. Everyone's fair game though!

*Vendetta smiles at you.*
"Well, yes, I am a medic. I'm doing good, thank you. Hmm, patients I couldn't save? Well, I would have to say that there was one. They were a shadow type dragon, I believe. I'll spare you the details, but they were somehow infected by a plague type. It was hard but they didn't wake after a few days, so we buried them in the ice."
ImLwTCX.pngNew_Ice_Banner.png Hello! Call me Crazy or Panda.
-I accept friend requests if I know you
-A gamer and artist
-FR time +2
@OliveImperial [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Deoxo, how'd you find the oasis, and why'd you join?


Deoxo, how'd you find the oasis, and why'd you join?

Please click these little guys, it takes way too long to hatch them.
@CirrusAscending [url=] [img][/img] [/url] A premature female Pearlcatcher wanders up to the ethereal dragon.. [img][/img] Umm.. Mr.. I heard you can see into the future.... do you- aachOO- ... d-do you like seeing what will come..? Is there a limit to how far you can see o-or any consequence for foreseeing things? Answer to the question I was asked; @WillowWolfie [quote name="WillowWolfie" date="2020-05-05 23:22:39" ] @MotherOfOmens [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Kalina, how do you regard the other members of your clan? Is there a difference between the newer and the older members? ----- (To anyone doing me, most of my lair is in my Hibernal Den) [/quote] She greets you with mild growls, prying out the remains of her most recent meal out of her maw.. [img][/img] [b]The other pitiful dragons in this disgusting clan mean nothing to me. All they are is food gatherers and amusement..[/b] An Imperial creeps past you both with it's ears flattened and wings lowered.. Kalina bites at the air, causing the Imperial to scamper off and cause a ruckus. [img][/img][b] As for newer and older members, there is a [i]huge[/i] difference. The newer additions are cowards. Shy and weak, like that Imperial.[/b] She slithers across the ground settling down a couple meters away from you. [img][/img] [b] And their colours, EUGH! Too bright and bold. However, I do believe it's a way to distract from how pathetic and worthless they really are. The older members are.. quiet. The generations after them have definitely softened them.[/b] A tall, armoured Skydancer trots by followed by a smaller Pearlcatcher closely resembling it.. Kalina growls; [img][/img] [b]And the security is part of that group of weaklings. Guards should not bare children, their job is to protect the clan and defend it, the last thing they should be doing is raising a hatchling or allowing one of their own to even exist. Shoo now. I was in the middle of something important before you interrupted me.[/b]


A premature female Pearlcatcher wanders up to the ethereal dragon..

61150284p.png?mtime=XrIxHQAAMhI.png Umm.. Mr.. I heard you can see into the future.... do you- aachOO- ... d-do you like seeing what will come..? Is there a limit to how far you can see o-or any consequence for foreseeing things?

Answer to the question I was asked;

WillowWolfie wrote on 2020-05-05 23:22:39:


Kalina, how do you regard the other members of your clan? Is there a difference between the newer and the older members?

(To anyone doing me, most of my lair is in my Hibernal Den)

She greets you with mild growls, prying out the remains of her most recent meal out of her maw..
44401307p.png?mtime=XrIF9wAANr0.png The other pitiful dragons in this disgusting clan mean nothing to me. All they are is food gatherers and amusement..
An Imperial creeps past you both with it's ears flattened and wings lowered..

Kalina bites at the air, causing the Imperial to scamper off and cause a ruckus.

44401307p.png?mtime=XrIF9wAANr0.png As for newer and older members, there is a huge difference. The newer additions are cowards. Shy and weak, like that Imperial.

She slithers across the ground settling down a couple meters away from you.
44401307p.png?mtime=XrIF9wAANr0.png And their colours, EUGH! Too bright and bold. However, I do believe it's a way to distract from how pathetic and worthless they really are. The older members are.. quiet. The generations after them have definitely softened them.

A tall, armoured Skydancer trots by followed by a smaller Pearlcatcher closely resembling it..

Kalina growls;
44401307p.png?mtime=XrIF9wAANr0.png And the security is part of that group of weaklings. Guards should not bare children, their job is to protect the clan and defend it, the last thing they should be doing is raising a hatchling or allowing one of their own to even exist.

Shoo now. I was in the middle of something important before you interrupted me.
[quote name="MotherOfOmens" date="2020-05-05 22:58:22" ] @/CirrusAscending [url=] [img][/img] [/url] A premature female Pearlcatcher wanders up to the ethereal dragon.. [img][/img] Umm.. Mr.. I heard you can see into the future.... do you- aachOO- ... d-do you like seeing what will come..? Is there a limit to how far you can see o-or any consequence for foreseeing things? [/quote] @MotherOfOmens The Prescient turns to face the Pearlcatcher, meeting her eyes behind his veil. "That is correct. There is no real limit as to how far I can see, but I find that the further I go, the muddier my visions are. There are no real consequences - though considering my visions show only what I ask for, and nothing else, one could argue that such a limitation is enough of a drawback. As for whether or not I like what I see... I have long since learnt that my preferences do not change my visions."
MotherOfOmens wrote on 2020-05-05 22:58:22:


A premature female Pearlcatcher wanders up to the ethereal dragon..

61150284p.png?mtime=XrIxHQAAMhI.png Umm.. Mr.. I heard you can see into the future.... do you- aachOO- ... d-do you like seeing what will come..? Is there a limit to how far you can see o-or any consequence for foreseeing things?


The Prescient turns to face the Pearlcatcher, meeting her eyes behind his veil. "That is correct. There is no real limit as to how far I can see, but I find that the further I go, the muddier my visions are. There are no real consequences - though considering my visions show only what I ask for, and nothing else, one could argue that such a limitation is enough of a drawback. As for whether or not I like what I see... I have long since learnt that my preferences do not change my visions."

Please click these little guys, it takes way too long to hatch them.
@MotherOfOmens [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Kalina, how do you regard the other members of your clan? Is there a difference between the newer and the older members? ----- (To anyone doing me, most of my lair is in my Hibernal Den)


Kalina, how do you regard the other members of your clan? Is there a difference between the newer and the older members?

(To anyone doing me, most of my lair is in my Hibernal Den)
mTNec0b.png AD17I29.gif
@willowwolfie [url=] [img][/img] [/url] What happened to your wings? why are they burned?


What happened to your wings? why are they burned?
@RedRevenga [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Pandemonium, huh? Pretty ironic name for a monk such as yourself. Anyways, why do you always cover your eyes? More importantly, how do you see/not bump into everything?


Pandemonium, huh? Pretty ironic name for a monk such as yourself. Anyways, why do you always cover your eyes? More importantly, how do you see/not bump into everything?

Please click these little guys, it takes way too long to hatch them.
[columns]@valkyyriiee [url=] [img][/img] [/url][nextcol]penthus, how did you contract your plague? have you ever tried seeking help for this infection? ----- feel free to ask any lore derg! (so like.. anything named)

penthus, how did you contract your plague? have you ever tried seeking help for this infection?
feel free to ask any lore derg!
(so like.. anything named)
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[quote name="Pandemonuim" date="2020-05-06 " ] [img][/img] "So that i would not judge the dragons who i help and i am unbiased towards all. I am linked to my lanterns, whenever they bump into something, i am aware of it. They are like an advanced version of whiskers. " [/quote] [size=2] pss, the name was on purpose ;) [/size] @cirrusascending
Pandemonuim wrote on 2020-05-06:
"So that i would not judge the dragons who i help and i am unbiased towards all. I am linked to my lanterns, whenever they bump into something, i am aware of it. They are like an advanced version of whiskers. "
pss, the name was on purpose ;)
[quote name="Valkyyriiee" date="2020-05-06 01:45:24" ] @/CirrusAscending [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Giba, I see that you are an Archaeologist. What was the most controversial/unique thing you have found? (Any dragon from "main" tab is fine. Please ignore other tabs and hibden.) [/quote] @Valkyyriiee The Snapper rises, and turns to look at you. "I think perhaps the most unique thing I found would have to be two idols, both located in a cave dating back to the Second Age! They were remarkably intact compared to the decay that their surroundings had fallen into, so I took them back to the Phrontistery for further examination." Here, the Snapper chuckles. "I did [i]not[/i] expect them to hatch into two bright eyed little dragons! Turns out, they were Banescale eggs, preserved from the ancient calamity between Gaolers and Banescales of old! The hatchlings - [url=]Fisaga[/url] and [url=]Huracan[/url] - had difficulties adapting to the modern world at first, but they've done remarkably well! Certainly not a discovery I'll ever forget!"
Valkyyriiee wrote on 2020-05-06 01:45:24:


Giba, I see that you are an Archaeologist. What was the most controversial/unique thing you have found?

(Any dragon from "main" tab is fine. Please ignore other tabs and hibden.)

The Snapper rises, and turns to look at you. "I think perhaps the most unique thing I found would have to be two idols, both located in a cave dating back to the Second Age! They were remarkably intact compared to the decay that their surroundings had fallen into, so I took them back to the Phrontistery for further examination." Here, the Snapper chuckles. "I did not expect them to hatch into two bright eyed little dragons! Turns out, they were Banescale eggs, preserved from the ancient calamity between Gaolers and Banescales of old! The hatchlings - Fisaga and Huracan - had difficulties adapting to the modern world at first, but they've done remarkably well! Certainly not a discovery I'll ever forget!"

Please click these little guys, it takes way too long to hatch them.