
Forum Games

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TOPIC | Assume the age of the account ab.
[center]@magicstars I look at your post of forums and noticed 1317 as of now so imma go for 2017. Edit: How did i get it correct just by number of forum posts? [img][/img][/center]

I look at your post of forums and noticed 1317 as of now so imma go for 2017.


How did i get it correct just by number of forum posts?

I've seen you around before. I think your age of your account is older than mine so somewhere around 2018-2019.

Edit: So you were older than me by a couple of months. Good thing I trusted my gut instinct.

I've seen you around before. I think your age of your account is older than mine so somewhere around 2018-2019.

Edit: So you were older than me by a couple of months. Good thing I trusted my gut instinct.
7tID1.gifsLq6u.gifUkUGp.gifAPIcB.gif9tYjV.gifY6J3l.gifiOUGv.gifSlp52.png ilKaJ.png AtjP5.png y3wXz.png 5YQiS.png Zpom5.png _________________________
Hmmm...I’ve seen you around before, but not like...all the time so...2019 maybe???
Edit: oh! I was right!
Hmmm...I’ve seen you around before, but not like...all the time so...2019 maybe???
Edit: oh! I was right!
Call me Kris
Nerdy as heck
i'd say early 2020 or mid to late 2019

edit: hey! i was actually right for once lol
i'd say early 2020 or mid to late 2019

edit: hey! i was actually right for once lol
I guess... 2018?

edit: Ohh, that's even earlier
I guess... 2018?

edit: Ohh, that's even earlier
Hmm... I'm going to guess 2019?

Edit: Okay, 2018, not too far off!
Hmm... I'm going to guess 2019?

Edit: Okay, 2018, not too far off!

I'm getting ~2016 vibes from you for some reason? So let's go with that haha

Edit: eyy, late 2015!

I'm getting ~2016 vibes from you for some reason? So let's go with that haha

Edit: eyy, late 2015!
LhnYpua.png s3-s16-m36-l11-l19-l20-l11-book.pngs3-s16-m36-l11-l19-l20-m36-book.pngs3-s16-m36-l11-l19-l20-s16-book.pngB7_R.png
.. « Mew »
|| 2+ FR Time | She/Her | The Calm Within the Storm | fr__lightning_by_baelfin-d8uyn76.png fr__beastclans_by_baelfin-d92uyiw.png ||

• { Thunder Hollow } - Clan Lore [WIP]
{ Assets: x x x }
LhnYpua.png 89TBw7Q.gif

i wanna say 2 years old or less

edit: 2018 so i was sort of right but not by much :|

i wanna say 2 years old or less

edit: 2018 so i was sort of right but not by much :|
- my artt (break) - - The Shaded Subspecies - - The Mob!! A Fodderlock -
@KatDragon hmm I want to say you have an older account, so maybe 2017? That's like 5 years maybe then?

edit: Oh dang way older than I thought
@KatDragon hmm I want to say you have an older account, so maybe 2017? That's like 5 years maybe then?

edit: Oh dang way older than I thought
They/Them ~ Wishlist ~ Scatter Project er7d6Yk.png

Lotsa dragons but not that many forum posts. 2019?

Edit: Not even close smh

Lotsa dragons but not that many forum posts. 2019?

Edit: Not even close smh