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TOPIC | Dungeon Exploration (HQ)
[center][size=6]Dungeon Exploration HQ[/size][/center] Outside the building, you see a sign next to the entrance. [quote=Sign]Welcome to Dungeon Exploration HQ! Here, any number of adventurers can gather together to explore an area in hopes of reaching the end path. Feel free to ask of us any questions you might have.[/quote] [center][b]Summary of objective:[/b] [/center]Each adventurer chooses from the choices presented to them as they continue through a dungeon. There is no limit as to how many adventurers can take a path. [center][b]Members of Dungeon Exploration HQ:[/b] [/center][columns][url=] [img][/img] [/url][nextcol][u][size=4]Moondust[/size][/u] Moondust is the head of HQ and manages groups of adventurers by directing them to recently found dungeons and locations. She also runs and maintains arcane tests and spells as the arcane expert of Exploration HQ. Any questions about how HQ works can be directed to Moondust.[/columns] [columns][right][u][size=4]LightningClaw[/size][/u] LightningClaw is in charge of keeping track of any adventurer that wants to be notified of when another dungeon location appears, as well as maintaining the electronics of Exploration HQ. Talk to Lightning if one wants to be added to the alert list.[/right][nextcol][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/columns] [columns][url=] [img][/img] [/url][nextcol][u][size=4]Alina[/size][/u] Alina has considerable knowledge of traps and secrets she's encountered before in previous areas she's explored. She freely gives out advice and is experienced in dodging traps she has never seen before. Helps out with identifying potentially dangerous situations.[/columns] [columns][right][u][size=4]Kullervo[/size][/u] Kullervo has experience in identifying any treasure or relics that might be found in dungeons. Helps out by identifying unknown items, or a reasonable guess as to what they might be. Talk to Kullervo to know about items found.[/right] [nextcol][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/columns] [columns][url=] [img][/img] [/url][nextcol][u][size=4]Selnith[/size][/u] Selnith works as the medical officer of Exploration HQ, assisting wherever is needed and patching explorers up when they return.[/columns] [columns][right][u][size=4]Eclipse[/size][/u] Eclipse was a denizen of what is termed the 'Shadow realm'. She has a bit of wanderlust in her and shifted back with the rest of the explorers to explore this realm. She is knowledgeable about areas of the Shadow realm and is happy to answer any questions about her home.[/right][nextcol][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/columns] [columns][u][size=4]Aeire[/size][u] [url=] [img][/img] [/url][nextcol]Aeire is a temporary member, as he was shifted into the Shadow realm from a different block of stone that shimmers green. He hails from what appears to be what we're calling the Wind realm.[/columns]
Dungeon Exploration HQ

Outside the building, you see a sign next to the entrance.
Sign wrote:
Welcome to Dungeon Exploration HQ! Here, any number of adventurers can gather together to explore an area in hopes of reaching the end path. Feel free to ask of us any questions you might have.

Summary of objective:
Each adventurer chooses from the choices presented to them as they continue through a dungeon. There is no limit as to how many adventurers can take a path.

Members of Dungeon Exploration HQ:


Moondust is the head of HQ and manages groups of adventurers by directing them to recently found dungeons and locations. She also runs and maintains arcane tests and spells as the arcane expert of Exploration HQ. Any questions about how HQ works can be directed to Moondust.

LightningClaw is in charge of keeping track of any adventurer that wants to be notified of when another dungeon location appears, as well as maintaining the electronics of Exploration HQ. Talk to Lightning if one wants to be added to the alert list.



Alina has considerable knowledge of traps and secrets she's encountered before in previous areas she's explored. She freely gives out advice and is experienced in dodging traps she has never seen before. Helps out with identifying potentially dangerous situations.
Kullervo has experience in identifying any treasure or relics that might be found in dungeons. Helps out by identifying unknown items, or a reasonable guess as to what they might be. Talk to Kullervo to know about items found.



Selnith works as the medical officer of Exploration HQ, assisting wherever is needed and patching explorers up when they return.
Eclipse was a denizen of what is termed the 'Shadow realm'. She has a bit of wanderlust in her and shifted back with the rest of the explorers to explore this realm. She is knowledgeable about areas of the Shadow realm and is happy to answer any questions about her home.


Aeire is a temporary member, as he was shifted into the Shadow realm from a different block of stone that shimmers green. He hails from what appears to be what we're calling the Wind realm.
[center][size=6][u]Rules[/u][/size][/center] This is a game where everyone picks their individual path and it will get confusing later on if you don't follow these rules. Thank you :3 There are multiple endings and they can either be good or bad endings. Those who find good endings will receive a reward, while those that find bad endings will become Lost Adventurers. Lost Adventurers will receive a consolation reward. [quote]A Lost Adventurer is one that has fallen victim to a trap or has been left behind by the rest of the group. Lost Adventurers cannot participate anymore in that dungeon exploration.[/quote] [LIST] [*]Once the first choice of the game has concluded, no new adventurers are allowed to join. [*]Once you've picked and gone down a path, [u]you are not allowed to pick a choice given on another path.[/u] (You are only allowed to choose from the choices you are given.) If you do pick a choice given on another path, you will become a Lost Adventurer. [*]Each decision will have 48 hours to make your selection. You do not have to ping me or PM me, simply post your action in the thread. If you do not respond before the next decision choices have been posted, you will become a Lost Adventurer. [/LIST][LIST] [*]Role-playing your character is not necessary, but it can be fun if you so wish to. [/LIST]

This is a game where everyone picks their individual path and it will get confusing later on if you don't follow these rules. Thank you :3

There are multiple endings and they can either be good or bad endings. Those who find good endings will receive a reward, while those that find bad endings will become Lost Adventurers. Lost Adventurers will receive a consolation reward.
A Lost Adventurer is one that has fallen victim to a trap or has been left behind by the rest of the group. Lost Adventurers cannot participate anymore in that dungeon exploration.

  • Once the first choice of the game has concluded, no new adventurers are allowed to join.
  • Once you've picked and gone down a path, you are not allowed to pick a choice given on another path. (You are only allowed to choose from the choices you are given.) If you do pick a choice given on another path, you will become a Lost Adventurer.
  • Each decision will have 48 hours to make your selection. You do not have to ping me or PM me, simply post your action in the thread. If you do not respond before the next decision choices have been posted, you will become a Lost Adventurer.
  • Role-playing your character is not necessary, but it can be fun if you so wish to.
Dungeons discovered

Cave Dungeon (completed)
Plague Dungeon (completed)
Volcano Dungeon (completed)
Shadow Dungeon (completed)
Ice Dungeon (completed)
Sinkhole Dungeon (completed)
Abandoned Glittervault (completed)
Dungeons discovered

Cave Dungeon (completed)
Plague Dungeon (completed)
Volcano Dungeon (completed)
Shadow Dungeon (completed)
Ice Dungeon (completed)
Sinkhole Dungeon (completed)
Abandoned Glittervault (completed)
Dungeon Synopses

Dungeon Exploration HQ first began with a group of explorers wanting to set up some sort of base of operations for groups of explorers that were willing to go investigate new places. The first members were Moondust, LightningClaw, Alina, and Kullervo. Together they formed Dung. Expl. HQ, where they send bands of explorers off to explore new areas.

Cave Dungeon: Books were found.

Plague Dungeon: Explorers failed to find anything useful / did not manage to make it out of the Hewn City.

Volcano Dungeon: A volcanic like experimental rocket facility was discovered.

Shadow Dungeon: Let's explore a creepy forest in an alternate realm of shadows to get back home!

Ice Dungeon: Some sort of Entity exists.

Sinkhole Dungeon: Stuff happens in a hole.

Dungeon Synopses

Dungeon Exploration HQ first began with a group of explorers wanting to set up some sort of base of operations for groups of explorers that were willing to go investigate new places. The first members were Moondust, LightningClaw, Alina, and Kullervo. Together they formed Dung. Expl. HQ, where they send bands of explorers off to explore new areas.

Cave Dungeon: Books were found.

Plague Dungeon: Explorers failed to find anything useful / did not manage to make it out of the Hewn City.

Volcano Dungeon: A volcanic like experimental rocket facility was discovered.

Shadow Dungeon: Let's explore a creepy forest in an alternate realm of shadows to get back home!

Ice Dungeon: Some sort of Entity exists.

Sinkhole Dungeon: Stuff happens in a hole.

Ooh it sounds fun! I'd be interested in playing
Ooh it sounds fun! I'd be interested in playing
Looking for
- "runic prince" or "runic king" accent
- Sand/Oilslick/Obsidian Light Wildclaw - can you breed this?
| For sale |
| Fandergs |

Siiiiign me up! :D

Siiiiign me up! :D
Sign me on too!
Sign me on too!
Sounds fun!

Ping me when it starts please!
Sounds fun!

Ping me when it starts please!
| Jade |
| She/Her |
| INTJ |
@brokenstone this'll make up for that mafia game where i got lynched on the first day.
Sign me up!
@brokenstone this'll make up for that mafia game where i got lynched on the first day.
Sign me up!
On hiatus, again--might come on here to see how things are doing but that's all.
@brokenstone YAS
@brokenstone YAS