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TOPIC | Dung. Expl. (Ice)
[center][u][size=6]Ice dungeon[/size][/u][/center] [center][columns][url=] [img][/img] [/url][nextcol][size=5]Back to: [url=]Headquarters[/url][/columns][/center] "After weeks of testing, we've finally managed to make a stable entry between here and the Shadow realm. We can now send over explorers to the Shadow realm without having to send over everyone currently standing in HQ. We've also come to the conclusion that the green stones and block brought from the last venture into the Shadow realm seems to connect to the Wind realm, where Aeire hails from. We'll set up an expedition into the Wind realm soon, but in the meantime... "Selnith still hasn't gotten back from his exploration into the [url=]Fortress of Ends[/url] trip he had with his friends. I wonder what could be delaying his arrival back. However, I've come up with a possibility that the Shadow realm copies aspects from this realm. It would be interesting if we could glean information about the Fortress of Ends from the Shadow realm side as well. We'll have Eclipse help lead you there, as she's familiar with the landscape."
Ice dungeon

Back to:

"After weeks of testing, we've finally managed to make a stable entry between here and the Shadow realm. We can now send over explorers to the Shadow realm without having to send over everyone currently standing in HQ. We've also come to the conclusion that the green stones and block brought from the last venture into the Shadow realm seems to connect to the Wind realm, where Aeire hails from. We'll set up an expedition into the Wind realm soon, but in the meantime...

"Selnith still hasn't gotten back from his exploration into the Fortress of Ends trip he had with his friends. I wonder what could be delaying his arrival back. However, I've come up with a possibility that the Shadow realm copies aspects from this realm. It would be interesting if we could glean information about the Fortress of Ends from the Shadow realm side as well. We'll have Eclipse help lead you there, as she's familiar with the landscape."
[center]You head to the Southern Icefield through the Shadow realm, with Eclipse leading you there. The landscape you pass by seems really familiar, but yet darker in nature. You eventually arrive at the entrance to the Fortress of Ends. There is a faded sign nailed haphazardly to the nearest tree. [left][quote=Sign] Don't[/quote][/left] The rest of the sign is too weathered to read. As you peek around down into the gaping cave mouth, you notice there appears to be a small sinkhole that you might be able to shimmy down into off to the side. Do you choose to go into the entrance of the Fortress of Ends, or slip your way down the sinkhole?[/center]
You head to the Southern Icefield through the Shadow realm, with Eclipse leading you there. The landscape you pass by seems really familiar, but yet darker in nature. You eventually arrive at the entrance to the Fortress of Ends. There is a faded sign nailed haphazardly to the nearest tree.
Sign wrote:

The rest of the sign is too weathered to read. As you peek around down into the gaping cave mouth, you notice there appears to be a small sinkhole that you might be able to shimmy down into off to the side. Do you choose to go into the entrance of the Fortress of Ends, or slip your way down the sinkhole?
go into th entrance
go into th entrance
Go into the entrance!
Go into the entrance!
Go in through the sinkhole!
Go in through the sinkhole!
A game I play while waiting
Pinging me? Don't forget the numbers!
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Olivin decides to take the sinkhole


Olivin decides to take the sinkhole
Take the sinkhole!
Take the sinkhole!
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] FrozenLake stared at the sign. [i]Don't what? Enter probably.[/i] He sniffed the air for no particular reason and stepped towards the entrance. The calico cat underneath his hood meowed, trying to catch his attention. His head turned and lowered to touch his nose to hers. "I know, little one. It will be fine. She can wait a little while longer." The cat purred and FrozenLake walked through the entrance to the Fortress of Ends.


FrozenLake stared at the sign. Don't what? Enter probably. He sniffed the air for no particular reason and stepped towards the entrance. The calico cat underneath his hood meowed, trying to catch his attention. His head turned and lowered to touch his nose to hers. "I know, little one. It will be fine. She can wait a little while longer." The cat purred and FrozenLake walked through the entrance to the Fortress of Ends.

[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Joan chooses the entrance.


Joan chooses the entrance.

mx91000.png zj1KpgF.png mrGmJvh.png
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Orchid looked around furtively. He slunk down into the sinkhole, thinking that most of the dragons would probably go into the Fortress.


Orchid looked around furtively. He slunk down into the sinkhole, thinking that most of the dragons would probably go into the Fortress.
aNHEZYf.pngtumblr_inline_ojq6ky5FlX1r2ao8y_540.pngTn4TEAZ.png+0 FRT ~ she/they ~ INFP