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TOPIC | Dungeon Exploration (HQ)
@brokenstone can I be added to the pinglist?
@brokenstone can I be added to the pinglist?
Only the wise can survive the cold , we are the storm that destroys the foolish || I use He/They/It pronouns!!
@IcyStorm2 [columns][url=] [img][/img] [/url][nextcol][center]You'll now be notified whenever we find a new dungeon![/center][/columns]

You'll now be notified whenever we find a new dungeon!
@brokenstone when did you make this? add me in
@brokenstone when did you make this? add me in
@Aleony I've had this around since near the end of Starfall xD I really need to get a button or something for it, as currently the only links to it is the eliminate in my signature and a link in my profile [columns][url=] [img][/img] [/url][nextcol][center]You'll now be notified whenever we find a new dungeon![/center][/columns]

I've had this around since near the end of Starfall xD
I really need to get a button or something for it, as currently the only links to it is the eliminate in my signature and a link in my profile

You'll now be notified whenever we find a new dungeon!
yeah since the eliminate used to be the five minute auctions link (at least I think?) I hadn't noticed it till now
yeah since the eliminate used to be the five minute auctions link (at least I think?) I hadn't noticed it till now
[columns][url=] [img][/img] [/url][nextcol]"This is an emergency broadcast message. HQ is in need of assistance. Repeat; [url=]HQ is in need of assistance[/url]." [size=2]@TeenyTinyDragon @Sorulis @Combtaystic @MagicJade @Pippypip20 @StormDreamer @Chiscakes @Huntsmaid @bermeyer @blizzardwing @turtleedove @BadboyJesus @DaybreakStorm @Ragnaroc @CrystalBones @Rinjichan13 @Desphiria @Lainer @BrazenIron @Hkomygf @IcyStorm2 @Aleony[/size][/columns] (Feel free to sign up for the ping list for whenever a new dungeon is added, as the current message isn't really applicable to this message)

"This is an emergency broadcast message. HQ is in need of assistance.
Repeat; HQ is in need of assistance."

@TeenyTinyDragon @Sorulis @Combtaystic @MagicJade @Pippypip20 @StormDreamer @Chiscakes @Huntsmaid @bermeyer @blizzardwing @turtleedove @BadboyJesus @DaybreakStorm @Ragnaroc @CrystalBones @Rinjichan13 @Desphiria @Lainer @BrazenIron @Hkomygf @IcyStorm2 @Aleony

(Feel free to sign up for the ping list for whenever a new dungeon is added, as the current message isn't really applicable to this message)

Sorry, but Shadow dungeon is now closed for further explorers. If you want you can be added to the ping list whenever a new dungeon opens.

Sorry, but Shadow dungeon is now closed for further explorers. If you want you can be added to the ping list whenever a new dungeon opens.

May I be added to the pinglist for when the new dungeon opens?

May I be added to the pinglist for when the new dungeon opens?
A game I play while waiting
Pinging me? Don't forget the numbers!

You've been added :>

You've been added :>
@brokenstone Can I be added to the pinglist?
@brokenstone Can I be added to the pinglist?
Time waits for no man or woman.
Make the most of what little time you've got left.
Take hold to what means the most to you, and never let go, else it may slip away.