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TOPIC | Another Open the Door game...
Door three please!
Door three please!
@Evolution2 Door 1 opens and someone tosses out a familar. [Item=Baku] @LocalGhostBoy Door 2 opens and the sound of fighting echoes out and a bloody cloth flies out before the door slams shut again. [Item=Bloody Neck Bandage] @MidNight987 Door 3 opens and you wander into a meadow during the height of summer. Strange, it was stil spring before you went through the door, right? A shadow by an overhang moves and you realize its a lost hatchling. [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
Door 1 opens and someone tosses out a familar.


Door 2 opens and the sound of fighting echoes out and a bloody cloth flies out before the door slams shut again.
Bloody Neck Bandage

Door 3 opens and you wander into a meadow during the height of summer. Strange, it was stil spring before you went through the door, right? A shadow by an overhang moves and you realize its a lost hatchling.

Call me Cosmos | She/Her | My Wishlist
Door 1: You can hardly call it a door. It's one huge boulder blocking the passage to a small cave. You press your ear against the rock, and hear something moving.

Door 2: Is a large wooden door with metal bracings across it. When you look closer you see ten different locks covering the door. Whatever's inside is clearly worth protecting.

Door 3: A small door covered with the most beautiful paintings. It looks easy to open.
Door 1: You can hardly call it a door. It's one huge boulder blocking the passage to a small cave. You press your ear against the rock, and hear something moving.

Door 2: Is a large wooden door with metal bracings across it. When you look closer you see ten different locks covering the door. Whatever's inside is clearly worth protecting.

Door 3: A small door covered with the most beautiful paintings. It looks easy to open.

I would like to open door 3!

I would like to open door 3!

I'd like to open Door 1!

I'd like to open Door 1!
Please ping me
whenever you're
replying to me!
@MidNight987 I'll take door two. :)
@MidNight987 I'll take door two. :)
@Fashionista After a good deal of pushing, the boulder finally rolls away. You discover the source of the moving was a cursed bat madly trying to escape from the cave. It gratefully flies by your shoulder for you to take home. @Blushweaver After a full hour of using your claws to try to unlock the door, you come to realize it wasn't locked in the first place. You walk inside, and it seems you have came across a abandoned bank valt. It doesn't look like there's anything in here, but when you search the dust covered floors you find 5k treasure and 6 gems. @Finian You open the door, and the room you walk into is covered with the same beautiful paintings. You walk through the room with awe, and trip over a little dragon! "Hey", he said indignantly "You almost ruined the painting I'm working on! But now that I look around there isn't really that much space to do any more painting. Can I come home with you?" [url=] [img]
After a good deal of pushing, the boulder finally rolls away. You discover the source of the moving was a cursed bat madly trying to escape from the cave. It gratefully flies by your shoulder for you to take home.
After a full hour of using your claws to try to unlock the door, you come to realize it wasn't locked in the first place. You walk inside, and it seems you have came across a abandoned bank valt. It doesn't look like there's anything in here, but when you search the dust covered floors you find 5k treasure and 6 gems.
You open the door, and the room you walk into is covered with the same beautiful paintings. You walk through the room with awe, and trip over a little dragon! "Hey", he said indignantly "You almost ruined the painting I'm working on! But now that I look around there isn't really that much space to do any more painting. Can I come home with you?"


Door One is a thick, moth eaten curtain doing a poor job at covering a hole in the wall.

Door Two is nothing more than a jewelry box, decorated with motifs of snakes and bugs. Gross.

Door Three is the only proper door, thick and wooden and covered in claw marks.

Door One is a thick, moth eaten curtain doing a poor job at covering a hole in the wall.

Door Two is nothing more than a jewelry box, decorated with motifs of snakes and bugs. Gross.

Door Three is the only proper door, thick and wooden and covered in claw marks.
Door #1 please!
Door #1 please!

door 3,please!

door 3,please!
tuDXykQ.png She/Her | Amaya | 16 | May 1st | Arcanite tuDXykQ.png
wcOe1pF.png +3hr | Galaxy themed fanatic | Skydancer & Wildclaw hoarder wcOe1pF.png
