
Forum Games

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TOPIC | Another Open the Door game...
@DemonKitty13, blue please! (1)
@DemonKitty13, blue please! (1)
hoards all1194.png1196.pngand15291.png22258.png20826.png
@Korynia you push open the door and are almost blinded by a bright blue light right in front of you. You cover your eyes and hear a small voice say "Sorry!" The light fades and there is a small blue dragon sitting there covered with a blanket. I was doing an experiement to see if my shiny scales could create bright light using the sun!" For some reason this peaks your interest and you remain there to help the little girl out. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] @breeksy You open the door to find what looks like an abandoned fabric shop. Might as well grab some to take home for souvenirs! You scoop some up thinking maybe you can make some new clothes with it. [img][/img], [img][/img] @Minxwolfie You hear pounding sounds from the other side but decide to open it anyways and peek inside. There is a yeti in there banging off the rocks and yelling. He sees you and runs over looking angry and points to his finger where you see a sliver. You pull it out and he calms down then decides he is going to become your new best friend. [img][/img]
@Korynia you push open the door and are almost blinded by a bright blue light right in front of you. You cover your eyes and hear a small voice say "Sorry!" The light fades and there is a small blue dragon sitting there covered with a blanket. I was doing an experiement to see if my shiny scales could create bright light using the sun!" For some reason this peaks your interest and you remain there to help the little girl out.

@breeksy You open the door to find what looks like an abandoned fabric shop. Might as well grab some to take home for souvenirs! You scoop some up thinking maybe you can make some new clothes with it.
3450.png, 3449.png

@Minxwolfie You hear pounding sounds from the other side but decide to open it anyways and peek inside. There is a yeti in there banging off the rocks and yelling. He sees you and runs over looking angry and points to his finger where you see a sliver. You pull it out and he calms down then decides he is going to become your new best friend.
Okie dokes! Let's see...

A red door covered in eyes glare at you with the utmost judging glare. Rude.

A green door shimmers like a mirage.

A yellow door is covered is yellow caution tape and has the slight scent of cabbage. Ew.
Okie dokes! Let's see...

A red door covered in eyes glare at you with the utmost judging glare. Rude.

A green door shimmers like a mirage.

A yellow door is covered is yellow caution tape and has the slight scent of cabbage. Ew.
hoards all1194.png1196.pngand15291.png22258.png20826.png
Green door please!
Green door please!
@Korynia Red door please :3
@Korynia Red door please :3

Yellow door, please. :)

Yellow door, please. :)
Call me Cosmos | She/Her | My Wishlist
@lemecrazy, you lose the staring contest with it and it oprns itself slowly. S few familiars look at you...they might wanns follow you home. They had to look at the door too. @Clownbubble, it was a mirage after all! You touch it and your hand passes through it. You pull your hand back and it's covvered in multi coloured goo...go shower please. @SeraCosmos, a small meep is heard and a small imp looks at you covered in cabbage leaves. "Yes! Sweet Mother of Sornieth!" He waddles over to you on stalky legs. "I've been eating cabbage for days now! Ugh, you want me ag your lair? Don't twist my arm so hard." He starts walking away as if he knows the way. Oh boy...I hope his sense of direction is good. [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
@lemecrazy, you lose the staring contest with it and it oprns itself slowly. S few familiars look at you...they might wanns follow you home. They had to look at the door too.

@Clownbubble, it was a mirage after all! You touch it and your hand passes through it. You pull your hand back and it's covvered in multi coloured goo...go shower please.

@SeraCosmos, a small meep is heard and a small imp looks at you covered in cabbage leaves. "Yes! Sweet Mother of Sornieth!" He waddles over to you on stalky legs. "I've been eating cabbage for days now! Ugh, you want me ag your lair? Don't twist my arm so hard." He starts walking away as if he knows the way. Oh boy...I hope his sense of direction is good.

hoards all1194.png1196.pngand15291.png22258.png20826.png
Door 1 is made of some kind of steampowered machinary. There are all kinds of gears and cogs.

Door 2 has a high-tech electronic lock. It looks like it needs an eye-scan and a fingerprint scan to open.

Door 3 is a regular wood door. Its been freshly painted a bright blue color that reminds you of a summer afternoon sky.
Door 1 is made of some kind of steampowered machinary. There are all kinds of gears and cogs.

Door 2 has a high-tech electronic lock. It looks like it needs an eye-scan and a fingerprint scan to open.

Door 3 is a regular wood door. Its been freshly painted a bright blue color that reminds you of a summer afternoon sky.
Call me Cosmos | She/Her | My Wishlist
@SeraCosmos Door 1? ^.^
@SeraCosmos Door 1? ^.^
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@SeraCosmos door 2 please!
@SeraCosmos door 2 please!
uh oh! g1 obsession alert