TOPIC | Favorite Female Above You!

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[center] Holly is just perfect in every way!! The mushroom apparel really enhances her natural colours, and works exquisitely with the F Boggie pose. I adore her!!
next: kindly ignore my last 2 HibDen tabs...
Such a pretty lady ^^ love how the eyes match the green, and the red apparel looks so good! (Like #9)
[b]Please check bios; a lot are going through gene changes ^^ and I'd love to put your comment in their bio
Ps- most are in my Den, but a handful are in my Lair[/b]
(You can comment on the hatch pairs, but only as a last resort please and thanks)
PS - They all have their nouns in their broadcast message, but I understand if it takes too long
Such a pretty lady ^^ love how the eyes match the green, and the red apparel looks so good! (Like #9)
Such a pretty lady ^^ love how the eyes match the green, and the red apparel looks so good! (Like #9)

Please check bios; a lot are going through gene changes ^^ and I'd love to put your comment in their bio
Ps- most are in my Den, but a handful are in my Lair
(You can comment on the hatch pairs, but only as a last resort please and thanks)
PS - They all have their nouns in their broadcast message, but I understand if it takes too long
Beautiful gal, her colors combined with her appareal makes her look like the night sky itself<3 Very ftting for a goddess of the cosmos<3

Beautiful gal, her colors combined with her appareal makes her look like the night sky itself<3 Very ftting for a goddess of the cosmos<3

Beautiful gal, her colors combined with her appareal makes her look like the night sky itself<3 Very ftting for a goddess of the cosmos<3

You have so many pretty dragons it was so hard to choose!! My favourite colour is purple and my favourite breed of dragon is skydancers so I had to pick Marble! She's so pretty I love her apparel :D the mood board in her bio is also so pretty!

You have so many pretty dragons it was so hard to choose!! My favourite colour is purple and my favourite breed of dragon is skydancers so I had to pick Marble! She's so pretty I love her apparel :D the mood board in her bio is also so pretty!

You have so many pretty dragons it was so hard to choose!! My favourite colour is purple and my favourite breed of dragon is skydancers so I had to pick Marble! She's so pretty I love her apparel :D the mood board in her bio is also so pretty!
sunset is absolutely beautiful!! i love the genes and the accents in the colors and her dressup is perfect! [/center]

sunset is absolutely beautiful!! i love the genes and the accents in the colors and her dressup is perfect!

sunset is absolutely beautiful!! i love the genes and the accents in the colors and her dressup is perfect!
she's got colors that would not think work but they really do work really well. the purples and blacks mesh really well with the yellows and even her eyes are matchy–all your dragons are lovely pastels but I think she's one of my faves ˆˆ
she's got colors that would not think work but they really do work really well. the purples and blacks mesh really well with the yellows and even her eyes are matchy–all your dragons are lovely pastels but I think she's one of my faves ˆˆ
she's got colors that would not think work but they really do work really well. the purples and blacks mesh really well with the yellows and even her eyes are matchy–all your dragons are lovely pastels but I think she's one of my faves ˆˆ

She's adorable and her outfit really pulls her look together.
you have a lot of pretty dragons, but the one that caught my eye first is Lumen! i love the effect that the tert gives her appearance, it's really cool! her apparel really ties in with how she looks too – she has a steampunk vibe to her with all the lightning, cyan, and gold colours! great dragon! ^^
you have a lot of pretty dragons, but the one that caught my eye first is Lumen! i love the effect that the tert gives her appearance, it's really cool! her apparel really ties in with how she looks too – she has a steampunk vibe to her with all the lightning, cyan, and gold colours! great dragon! ^^
you have a lot of pretty dragons, but the one that caught my eye first is Lumen! i love the effect that the tert gives her appearance, it's really cool! her apparel really ties in with how she looks too – she has a steampunk vibe to her with all the lightning, cyan, and gold colours! great dragon! ^^

Simile caught my eye as soon as I looked at your lair. She's so beautiful! I love the use of blacks and purples, and I especially love how wonderfully the book collection item works with her! I also love her bio, she seems like a genuinely sweet girlie who likes to scare others [i]juust[/i] enough not to run them off but still leave them a bit unnerved
Simile caught my eye as soon as I looked at your lair. She's so beautiful! I love the use of blacks and purples, and I especially love how wonderfully the book collection item works with her! I also love her bio, she seems like a genuinely sweet girlie who likes to scare others juust enough not to run them off but still leave them a bit unnerved
Simile caught my eye as soon as I looked at your lair. She's so beautiful! I love the use of blacks and purples, and I especially love how wonderfully the book collection item works with her! I also love her bio, she seems like a genuinely sweet girlie who likes to scare others juust enough not to run them off but still leave them a bit unnerved

Gray | she/they | 21 FR +2 | Autistic |
filler text blah |
@gwagway Varahina really popped off the page when I saw your lair! Love the color contrast in her outfit, the dark blues look great against her colors :)
@gwagway Varahina really popped off the page when I saw your lair! Love the color contrast in her outfit, the dark blues look great against her colors :)

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