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TOPIC | Flirt with a Dragon -- Lair Game~!

That was great (kinda ship it now).


That was great (kinda ship it now).

[center][size=2]@Lurch [url=] [img][/img] [/url] The corrupted pearl is as beautiful, rare, and valuable as a black pearl in the eyes of the red pearl. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] _______________________________________________________________________________________ In the Southern Icefields, Belenus had not expected to encounter a shadow dragon. He supposed he should have been more prepared, especially considering that his hatchplace was in the Scarred Wastelands. After all, plague dragons in Ice clans were almost as strange a sight as shadow dragons were. Belenus had come to the Tundra with other members of his clan as part of one of their diplomacy trips. He had a very small part in the political aspect of the trip, but he had no problem occupying himself while the others took care of business. The group stayed with one of the clans in the Tundra who had been kind enough to offer them some space for the duration of their stay. Even though the trip was only for a few days, it gave the Pearlcatcher enough time to meet some of the clan's members and get to know them a little. Outgoing would not be one of the words most commonly used to describe this dragon, but he did his best to put on a good show when it was needed. He met a good portion of the small clan, but there was one who seemed to show no interest whatsoever. Naturally, this was also the one dragon who caught his eye and curiosity the most. Their trip was drawing to an end and he and his members would soon return to their home in the Frigid Flows, but he wasn't about to leave so easily without speaking at least one word to this other dragon. From what he had observed over the past few days, it was a female, and she was a Pearlcatcher like himself. She seemed sad, as though haunted by the ghost of her past in some way. There were a few whispers here and there about her, but Belenus wished to learn at least some of these things for himself. On the last day, he finally mustered the courage to actually seek her out. It took some time, but he eventually managed to find her. Or rather, she found him. As he turned to round the corner of a rock, something Belenus had previously thought was a shadow suddenly leapt out and pinned him to the ground. "Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Belenus tensed, anticipating another hit. "I-I won't hurt you, promise." When none came, he let himself go limp like a ragdoll. This seemed to confuse her, and she soon got off and allowed him to right himself. "What do you want from me?" She asked in a cold voice, carefully keeping a space between the two of them. Belenus blinked. Did it seem like he wanted something? Shaking his head, he said, "I guess nothing. I just wanted to talk." The female tilted her head, and finally said, "Sorry you wasted your time." Then she turned to go. "Wait!" The Pearlcatcher male stopped himself, and he mentally scolded himself for yelling so loudly. Still, she stopped and turned her head back to face him again. He wanted to say one thing, but the words weren't forming. [i]Just speak from the heart,[/i] he told himself. "You don't have to hide, you know. Forgive me if I'm wrong about this, but you're not bad like you might think you are." The words that came out of him weren't quite the ones he had expected, and he only hoped they hadn't earned him another slap. She didn't move, so he continued, "I think you're just misunderstood." Belenus swallowed down a lump he could feel in the back of his throat as he felt himself grow a little more nervous. "I don't know your name, and I'm not sure you want to know mine, but I'll tell you mine anyway: I'm Belenus." At this point, he felt he should stop talking, but he couldn't seem to move before he added one last thing: "I-I guess talking isn't really your style, but if you ever do want to talk, you can talk to me." Once he finished talking, he fell silent. [i]I'm done... Please don't hit me...[/i] After a period of painstaking silence in which she regarded him carefully, her gaze seemed to soften just the slightest bit. Finally she spoke, but very softly. He almost missed it, but he was able to make out two words: "I'm Audire." Then, just as quickly as she had appeared, she disappeared.


The corrupted pearl is as beautiful, rare, and valuable as a black pearl in the eyes of the red pearl.



In the Southern Icefields, Belenus had not expected to encounter a shadow dragon. He supposed he should have been more prepared, especially considering that his hatchplace was in the Scarred Wastelands. After all, plague dragons in Ice clans were almost as strange a sight as shadow dragons were.

Belenus had come to the Tundra with other members of his clan as part of one of their diplomacy trips. He had a very small part in the political aspect of the trip, but he had no problem occupying himself while the others took care of business. The group stayed with one of the clans in the Tundra who had been kind enough to offer them some space for the duration of their stay. Even though the trip was only for a few days, it gave the Pearlcatcher enough time to meet some of the clan's members and get to know them a little.

Outgoing would not be one of the words most commonly used to describe this dragon, but he did his best to put on a good show when it was needed. He met a good portion of the small clan, but there was one who seemed to show no interest whatsoever. Naturally, this was also the one dragon who caught his eye and curiosity the most.

Their trip was drawing to an end and he and his members would soon return to their home in the Frigid Flows, but he wasn't about to leave so easily without speaking at least one word to this other dragon. From what he had observed over the past few days, it was a female, and she was a Pearlcatcher like himself. She seemed sad, as though haunted by the ghost of her past in some way. There were a few whispers here and there about her, but Belenus wished to learn at least some of these things for himself.

On the last day, he finally mustered the courage to actually seek her out. It took some time, but he eventually managed to find her. Or rather, she found him. As he turned to round the corner of a rock, something Belenus had previously thought was a shadow suddenly leapt out and pinned him to the ground. "Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Belenus tensed, anticipating another hit. "I-I won't hurt you, promise." When none came, he let himself go limp like a ragdoll.

This seemed to confuse her, and she soon got off and allowed him to right himself. "What do you want from me?" She asked in a cold voice, carefully keeping a space between the two of them. Belenus blinked. Did it seem like he wanted something? Shaking his head, he said, "I guess nothing. I just wanted to talk." The female tilted her head, and finally said, "Sorry you wasted your time." Then she turned to go.

"Wait!" The Pearlcatcher male stopped himself, and he mentally scolded himself for yelling so loudly. Still, she stopped and turned her head back to face him again. He wanted to say one thing, but the words weren't forming. Just speak from the heart, he told himself. "You don't have to hide, you know. Forgive me if I'm wrong about this, but you're not bad like you might think you are." The words that came out of him weren't quite the ones he had expected, and he only hoped they hadn't earned him another slap. She didn't move, so he continued, "I think you're just misunderstood." Belenus swallowed down a lump he could feel in the back of his throat as he felt himself grow a little more nervous.

"I don't know your name, and I'm not sure you want to know mine, but I'll tell you mine anyway: I'm Belenus." At this point, he felt he should stop talking, but he couldn't seem to move before he added one last thing: "I-I guess talking isn't really your style, but if you ever do want to talk, you can talk to me." Once he finished talking, he fell silent. I'm done... Please don't hit me...

After a period of painstaking silence in which she regarded him carefully, her gaze seemed to soften just the slightest bit. Finally she spoke, but very softly. He almost missed it, but he was able to make out two words: "I'm Audire."

Then, just as quickly as she had appeared, she disappeared.
1cIfXhm.png Silvereil Hello, I'm Silvereil
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@Silvereil Your Pasacrea [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Just won a battle against Noelle's Icy heart! [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [center]---------[/center] Noelle had never fallen in love, nor wasn't planning too. She hated the idea of...mating and wasn't a a fan of hugs, kisses, or any other thing among that list. She was on a trip with Bear to inspect some of ice, when they stopped at a clan. The snapper left to get some hot cocoa, while Noelle simply flew around. There were quiet a few dragons, but it was small compared to the Obsidian Oasis. The Snapper tapped her with his tail, gently, almost smoshing her in the process. They were called to the clan leader. As they were there, Bear explained why the two were travling. Noelle wasn't paying attention. She was to busy looking at the silver clad skydancer standing next to the leader. Her green eyes were just masked, silver Armor making her Obsidian scales pop. Her feathered blue wings seemed to glow. What's was being said? The queen was telling Bear that this dragon would accompany them for a bit. Her name was Pasacrea, apparently, and she didn't like the idea of leaving the queen. However, she escorted them, and helped them get what they need. As Noelle grew to learn more about this dragon, her heart seemed to flutter. Unlike most dragons, she simply wished to learn more about Pasacrea, and be with her. She stumbled for a moment, and called out to the skydancer [i]"So, Uh, would you maybe want to gets Cocoa after this?"[/i] [center][i]Dragon sexualities and Mates are in Bios, please respect![/i][/center]
Your Pasacrea


Just won a battle against Noelle's Icy heart!


Noelle had never fallen in love, nor wasn't planning too. She hated the idea of...mating and wasn't a a fan of hugs, kisses, or any other thing among that list. She was on a trip with Bear to inspect some of ice, when they stopped at a clan. The snapper left to get some hot cocoa, while Noelle simply flew around. There were quiet a few dragons, but it was small compared to the Obsidian Oasis. The Snapper tapped her with his tail, gently, almost smoshing her in the process. They were called to the clan leader. As they were there, Bear explained why the two were travling. Noelle wasn't paying attention. She was to busy looking at the silver clad skydancer standing next to the leader. Her green eyes were just masked, silver Armor making her Obsidian scales pop. Her feathered blue wings seemed to glow. What's was being said? The queen was telling Bear that this dragon would accompany them for a bit. Her name was Pasacrea, apparently, and she didn't like the idea of leaving the queen. However, she escorted them, and helped them get what they need. As Noelle grew to learn more about this dragon, her heart seemed to flutter. Unlike most dragons, she simply wished to learn more about Pasacrea, and be with her. She stumbled for a moment, and called out to the skydancer
"So, Uh, would you maybe want to gets Cocoa after this?"
Dragon sexualities and Mates are in Bios, please respect!

[img][/img] Something about @Moshipuppy's Lion-Heart makes Dahlia's heart sizzle. c: [img][/img]
Something about @Moshipuppy's Lion-Heart makes Dahlia's heart sizzle. c:
@mentalredux [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Someone caught his eye... ;) [url=] [img][/img] [/url] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]**Hmm...this was interesting.**[/i] It had been a long night and slow, so he had moved through the realm with little to no thought, until [u]SHE[/u] caught his attention. Laying stretched out on her side, looking like snow splashed with the glorious crimson hue of fresh blood. [i]**Beautiful, for a living creature,**[/i] he thought, as he glided slowly overhead. She couldn't see him with his invisibility on, but with him came the chill of Death. It slid over her and the dragoness looked up while giving a shiver from the unexpected cold. [i]"Is someone, something, there?"[/i] she called nervously, looking around. He came to hover several yards from her, dropping the invisibility with a thought. She reacted as most do, rearing back in surprise, though to her credit, she didn't immediately launch up and away from him. That was encouraging, he thought, then spoke aloud, his deep timbre almost like low thunder, [b]"My pardon, lady, for startling you with my unannounced presence. Rude of me, but I was drawn to thine beauty."[/b] He remains hovering, his massive wings wafting cool air over her. She settles back down and cocks her head to regard him. What she sees is slightly disturbing: a massive skeletal dragon with glowing ghostly eyes. Blue flickers around him, fading and appearing in various spots, each one in view a candle the same shade as his eyes. She had heard stories of him, as realization settles in: The Grim Reaper. Panicking, she holds up her claws as her eyes widen... Sensing her distress, he dips his head, his tone one of reassurance, [b]"Nay, lovely lady...fear not me. I come not for thee, as it is not thee's time. I merely am here to cast my admiration to thee. Nothing more."[/b] His words vie with her panic, but flattery wins over. She calms and blinks up at him, curiously, her words cautious, [i]"You can see beauty in the world still, my Lord Death?"[/i] He nods, suddenly proud that she had deducted him so thoroughly without him saying who and what he was. [b]"Indeed, lovely lady. Know that thine beauty is a blessing to one such as I, that I would appear to thee to let thee know it. There be not many that can make such a claim."[/b] A soft sigh, felt within him, alerts him that business calls again. He bows his head once more to the dragoness, glowing eyes upon her own, [b]"Forgive me, but work calls once more. Mayhaps one day, we shall meet again, to speak more."[/b] With that, he vanishes from sight, before she can get a word in, but she smiles to herself, almost glowing at the praise he had delivered unto her.


Someone caught his eye... ;)



**Hmm...this was interesting.** It had been a long night and slow, so he had moved through the realm with little to no thought, until SHE caught his attention. Laying stretched out on her side, looking like snow splashed with the glorious crimson hue of fresh blood. **Beautiful, for a living creature,** he thought, as he glided slowly overhead.

She couldn't see him with his invisibility on, but with him came the chill of Death. It slid over her and the dragoness looked up while giving a shiver from the unexpected cold. "Is someone, something, there?" she called nervously, looking around.

He came to hover several yards from her, dropping the invisibility with a thought. She reacted as most do, rearing back in surprise, though to her credit, she didn't immediately launch up and away from him. That was encouraging, he thought, then spoke aloud, his deep timbre almost like low thunder, "My pardon, lady, for startling you with my unannounced presence. Rude of me, but I was drawn to thine beauty." He remains hovering, his massive wings wafting cool air over her.

She settles back down and cocks her head to regard him. What she sees is slightly disturbing: a massive skeletal dragon with glowing ghostly eyes. Blue flickers around him, fading and appearing in various spots, each one in view a candle the same shade as his eyes. She had heard stories of him, as realization settles in: The Grim Reaper. Panicking, she holds up her claws as her eyes widen...

Sensing her distress, he dips his head, his tone one of reassurance, "Nay, lovely lady...fear not me. I come not for thee, as it is not thee's time. I merely am here to cast my admiration to thee. Nothing more."

His words vie with her panic, but flattery wins over. She calms and blinks up at him, curiously, her words cautious, "You can see beauty in the world still, my Lord Death?"

He nods, suddenly proud that she had deducted him so thoroughly without him saying who and what he was. "Indeed, lovely lady. Know that thine beauty is a blessing to one such as I, that I would appear to thee to let thee know it. There be not many that can make such a claim." A soft sigh, felt within him, alerts him that business calls again. He bows his head once more to the dragoness, glowing eyes upon her own, "Forgive me, but work calls once more. Mayhaps one day, we shall meet again, to speak more."

With that, he vanishes from sight, before she can get a word in, but she smiles to herself, almost glowing at the praise he had delivered unto her.
@Khyrsaraylynx [s]claim![/s] I think that Idol... [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Catches the shadowed eye of Garreth. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [center]____________________________________________________________________________________[/center] It seemed there were less willing in this desolate place than he'd anticipated. It seemed that more dragons were happy in these festering lands. Garreth had to find a small and nodescript place to stay. The wish to out himswlf as a Shadepriest was not high on his list. In case a Shade hunter found him and decided to take him out. Caution was always a good idea, especially for one like him who worshiped the Shade and not the false and corrupted deities. Eventially, he found a place. Settling down and taking a rest. Something called to him that night, though. To go outside and seek the noise of something shining. So, he did. Rising from the makeshift nest and padding outside to the humid and putrid air of the Wastelands. Searching from under the heavy mask hiding his face from the world. Shining, gold, another Imperial. Standing, staring ip at the sky. Curiously, Garreth watched. Waiting and watching for a few minutes. Taking in the apperance of that curious dragon. Golden scales, with bone curling on the outside of shining ribs along with inky black feathers along his body and making up his wings. Red streaked theough those feathers, too. Enhanced by the murky redness of the moon here. Distorted by the haze in the air. Deciding that now was the time, Garreth padded forwaed to the dragon that had caught his eye. "Hello, sir. You are [i]beautiful[/i] I believe. There is a possibility for gorgeous darkness in you... I'd love to nurture... And help that darkness grow." [center]___[/center] [center][size=4]Tza is off limits for this! Everyone else is fair game, though! My lair ends at Neza-[/size][/center]
@Khyrsaraylynx claim!

I think that Idol...


Catches the shadowed eye of Garreth.



It seemed there were less willing in this desolate place than he'd anticipated. It seemed that more dragons were happy in these festering lands. Garreth had to find a small and nodescript place to stay. The wish to out himswlf as a Shadepriest was not high on his list. In case a Shade hunter found him and decided to take him out.

Caution was always a good idea, especially for one like him who worshiped the Shade and not the false and corrupted deities. Eventially, he found a place. Settling down and taking a rest.

Something called to him that night, though. To go outside and seek the noise of something shining. So, he did. Rising from the makeshift nest and padding outside to the humid and putrid air of the Wastelands. Searching from under the heavy mask hiding his face from the world.

Shining, gold, another Imperial. Standing, staring ip at the sky. Curiously, Garreth watched. Waiting and watching for a few minutes. Taking in the apperance of that curious dragon. Golden scales, with bone curling on the outside of shining ribs along with inky black feathers along his body and making up his wings.

Red streaked theough those feathers, too. Enhanced by the murky redness of the moon here. Distorted by the haze in the air. Deciding that now was the time, Garreth padded forwaed to the dragon that had caught his eye. "Hello, sir. You are beautiful I believe. There is a possibility for gorgeous darkness in you... I'd love to nurture... And help that darkness grow."


Tza is off limits for this! Everyone else is fair game, though! My lair ends at Neza-
Dragons in my fodder/for sale lair tab aren't open for forum games!
[center][size=2]@GhostBreath [url=] [img][/img] [/url] and [url=] [img][/img] [/url] It had been a long night for the armor clad samurai one which would torment him for a long while. He walked through the winding corridors slowly taking in the full beauty that surrounded him. Shelves filled with well worn books all without a layer of dust on their spine; impressive for a library of this size. Nagayoshi pulled a book from one of the shelves with a content grin. His fingertips roamed the faded cover fondly; a copy of his favorite book from a peaceful time in his childhood. The tundra paused and slid he book back onto it's appropriate place on the shelf. He wandered towards the sound with growing curiosity, keeping his steps silent. The noise lead him to an imperial leaning over a desk, books and scrolls surrounded the large dragon. He was charming in his own odd way, the dark scales gleamed in the burning candle light-- boy he needed some new candles, they were almost burned down to the end-- and his wings seemed to shimmer like starlight. Nagayoshi caught a scroll that had been rolling towards the end of the desk this sudden movement made the imperial's head swivel towards him. A nervous chuckle slipped from the samurai and he bowed his head, "I apologize for the intrusion." "Oh. no it's fine." The taller answered, setting the scroll neatly on top a pile of other scrolls. There was a question in the Archivist's eyes, one that was answered before he asked. "I heard a sound and wanted to investigate. I see it was the thumping of the scrolls on the tile." A joke, one that drew the taller's smile out. Usually the Samurai was a man of few words, one who only spoke to give ominous advice but there was something about Garris that drew out his voice. "I didn't notice how many had fallen off I'm afraid..." The taller's voice trailed off and drew a laugh from the green tundra. He began to collect the scrolls that had gotten away and handed them to the archivist. "I know this is sudden but I am glad to have wandered back here. Some say that the true beauty you find within libraries is the knowledge but now I know that is false. I have found a creature that should inspire visions of beauty for years to come. Thank you," Nagayoshi chuckled and apologized again for his abruptness. "I'm afraid I must be going now but it has been a pleasure to see a creature who gives the night sky competition." I know it says that he's interested in someone but I couldn't resist the tempation to give sweetheart a bit of well needed love ¯\_(?)_/¯ My lair ends with Hephaestus




It had been a long night for the armor clad samurai one which would torment him for a long while. He walked through the winding corridors slowly taking in the full beauty that surrounded him. Shelves filled with well worn books all without a layer of dust on their spine; impressive for a library of this size. Nagayoshi pulled a book from one of the shelves with a content grin. His fingertips roamed the faded cover fondly; a copy of his favorite book from a peaceful time in his childhood.

The tundra paused and slid he book back onto it's appropriate place on the shelf. He wandered towards the sound with growing curiosity, keeping his steps silent. The noise lead him to an imperial leaning over a desk, books and scrolls surrounded the large dragon. He was charming in his own odd way, the dark scales gleamed in the burning candle light-- boy he needed some new candles, they were almost burned down to the end-- and his wings seemed to shimmer like starlight.

Nagayoshi caught a scroll that had been rolling towards the end of the desk this sudden movement made the imperial's head swivel towards him. A nervous chuckle slipped from the samurai and he bowed his head, "I apologize for the intrusion."

"Oh. no it's fine." The taller answered, setting the scroll neatly on top a pile of other scrolls. There was a question in the Archivist's eyes, one that was answered before he asked.

"I heard a sound and wanted to investigate. I see it was the thumping of the scrolls on the tile." A joke, one that drew the taller's smile out. Usually the Samurai was a man of few words, one who only spoke to give ominous advice but there was something about Garris that drew out his voice.

"I didn't notice how many had fallen off I'm afraid..." The taller's voice trailed off and drew a laugh from the green tundra. He began to collect the scrolls that had gotten away and handed them to the archivist.

"I know this is sudden but I am glad to have wandered back here. Some say that the true beauty you find within libraries is the knowledge but now I know that is false. I have found a creature that should inspire visions of beauty for years to come. Thank you," Nagayoshi chuckled and apologized again for his abruptness.

"I'm afraid I must be going now but it has been a pleasure to see a creature who gives the night sky competition."

I know it says that he's interested in someone but I couldn't resist the tempation to give sweetheart a bit of well needed love ¯\_(?)_/¯

My lair ends with Hephaestus
Chipped Blackened Legbones Fascinator Greystone Deer
Claim @Lurch Now Ramona isn't very flirtatious, but there could be a few exceptions. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] I could definitely see something between her and this handsome boy [url=] [img][/img] [/url] All dragons except Ramona are available for flirting Ramona was walking around. She was heading to Swipp's stand to see what they may have. A black and white and red guardian caught her eye. Ramona kinda stared and looked away quickly. "What are you thinking Ramona?!" She whispered to herself. She huffed a bit and walked up to the guardian. Here goes nothing, Ramona.... she asked the guardian his name. "Eztli," he replied. Ramona smiled a bit. "I'm.. Ramona." Eztli and Ramona both smiled. As they began to talk, the both of them got a little... flirty. Finally, Ramona decided to speak up. "Would you like to go to the trading post with me?" Ramona asked nervously. Eztli teased her a little bit. "Oh so you wanna go on a date huh?" He smiled a bit. Ramona flushed. "No! I just wanted to enjoy some ti-" "I'm just joking with you. I'd like to do that." So Ramona and Eztli walked to the trading post together, and had a little fun! Sorry if this was lame, I'm not a very good writer. :')
Claim @Lurch
Now Ramona isn't very flirtatious, but there could be a few exceptions.


I could definitely see something between her and this handsome boy


All dragons except Ramona are available for flirting

Ramona was walking around. She was heading to Swipp's stand to see what they may have. A black and white and red guardian caught her eye. Ramona kinda stared and looked away quickly. "What are you thinking Ramona?!" She whispered to herself. She huffed a bit and walked up to the guardian. Here goes nothing, Ramona.... she asked the guardian his name. "Eztli," he replied. Ramona smiled a bit. "I'm.. Ramona." Eztli and Ramona both smiled. As they began to talk, the both of them got a little... flirty.
Finally, Ramona decided to speak up.
"Would you like to go to the trading post with me?" Ramona asked nervously. Eztli teased her a little bit. "Oh so you wanna go on a date huh?" He smiled a bit. Ramona flushed. "No! I just wanted to enjoy some ti-"
"I'm just joking with you. I'd like to do that."
So Ramona and Eztli walked to the trading post together, and had a little fun!
Sorry if this was lame, I'm not a very good writer. :')
Hello LGBT Community
@JasperDragons King does like rebels :) [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] She was so...[i]intriguing[/i]; the way she dismissed every rule and regulation that came her way made King fall more in love with her. He had observed her on multiple occasions, always careful to remain unseen to the naked eye, and saw with his own eyes how strong-willed she was. If his heart had remained after his transformation, it would've been beating harshly against his chest. He wanted-no, [i]needed[/i] her at his side; of course he knew she would hate that, listening to others was what she vowed not to do. But that only made him want her more.

King does like rebels :)



She was so...intriguing; the way she dismissed every rule and regulation that came her way made King fall more in love with her. He had observed her on multiple occasions, always careful to remain unseen to the naked eye, and saw with his own eyes how strong-willed she was. If his heart had remained after his transformation, it would've been beating harshly against his chest. He wanted-no, needed her at his side; of course he knew she would hate that, listening to others was what she vowed not to do. But that only made him want her more.

