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TOPIC | Flirt with a Dragon -- Lair Game~!
@Kyuubird My Kerewyn [url=] [img][/img] [/url] and your Suzume [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Flaring his nostrils before snorting, Kerewyn treads through the Starwood Strand. He admired the area's peaceful demeanor, taking in the night air before looking back at the surroundings. Sparse trees growing blue-purplish glowing leaves. What a truly unique place, Kerewyn thought to himself. He let out a sigh of relaxation, happy he had come here. He surveys the area again, swiveling his head around. Just in the corner of his eye, though, he'd spotted some sort of white silhouette. He narrows his eyes and focuses on it, and he makes out the shape of a Skydancer. Kerewyn tilts his head, then slowly approaches from behind. The dragoness' head twitches sideways before she makes a rapid spin to face the Imperial, taking on a combat stance. One of her bones seems to protrude from her wrist, stopping just under Kerewyn's jaw. He stops dead in his tracks, and they both stand still for a good few seconds. The Skydancer raises a brow eventually, then retracts the weaponized bodypart while Kerewyn stands and stares blankly. "...Hello," he croaks eventually. (I hope that's good!)

My Kerewyn


and your Suzume


Flaring his nostrils before snorting, Kerewyn treads through the Starwood Strand. He admired the area's peaceful demeanor, taking in the night air before looking back at the surroundings. Sparse trees growing blue-purplish glowing leaves. What a truly unique place, Kerewyn thought to himself. He let out a sigh of relaxation, happy he had come here.

He surveys the area again, swiveling his head around. Just in the corner of his eye, though, he'd spotted some sort of white silhouette. He narrows his eyes and focuses on it, and he makes out the shape of a Skydancer. Kerewyn tilts his head, then slowly approaches from behind.

The dragoness' head twitches sideways before she makes a rapid spin to face the Imperial, taking on a combat stance. One of her bones seems to protrude from her wrist, stopping just under Kerewyn's jaw. He stops dead in his tracks, and they both stand still for a good few seconds. The Skydancer raises a brow eventually, then retracts the weaponized bodypart while Kerewyn stands and stares blankly. "...Hello," he croaks eventually.

(I hope that's good!)
[center]@Frency Your fight-starter, Tibhi [img][/img] Seems to have caught the eye of my peaceful girl, Pearl [img][/img] -------- It had been a long day, trying to keep up with the children and make sure everyone was happy. But, the snapper did try her best. Though, she wouldn't admit, it had gotten harder due to the trees growing from her. It wouldn't stop her from doing it, though. As the last hatchling got picked up, Pearl let out a soft yawn. Most of her energy was drained from playing with the children. Slowly and very shakily, the snapper made her way to the medic hut. Though, as soon as she stepped foot in there, her back legs gave out as they usually do. The roots from the trees had been weakening her, to the point her back legs gave out often. Before the two medical imperial's could rush to her, a different one helped her up. The snapper's eyes widened slightly, not knowing who this imperial was. "Thank you, dear." She softly tells him, sending him a warm smile. [b]"My name is Pearl, what may I call you?"[/b][/center]

Your fight-starter, Tibhi


Seems to have caught the eye of my peaceful girl, Pearl


It had been a long day, trying to keep up with the children and make sure everyone was happy. But, the snapper did try her best. Though, she wouldn't admit, it had gotten harder due to the trees growing from her. It wouldn't stop her from doing it, though.

As the last hatchling got picked up, Pearl let out a soft yawn. Most of her energy was drained from playing with the children. Slowly and very shakily, the snapper made her way to the medic hut. Though, as soon as she stepped foot in there, her back legs gave out as they usually do. The roots from the trees had been weakening her, to the point her back legs gave out often.

Before the two medical imperial's could rush to her, a different one helped her up. The snapper's eyes widened slightly, not knowing who this imperial was. "Thank you, dear." She softly tells him, sending him a warm smile.

"My name is Pearl, what may I call you?"
I got no idea what I'm doing, I'm just some lost idiot
claim! (Hopefully this won't take too long!)
claim! (Hopefully this won't take too long!)
Moony / they/him / +3
I'm currently checking interest in my art and I think my hatchery will (hopefully) reopen later this year! Please check back for their links later.
(I got plans ;3 ))
On my goodness I died reading that, it’s so cute ;w;
I kinda wanna make it itnto a story now
(I got plans ;3 ))
On my goodness I died reading that, it’s so cute ;w;
I kinda wanna make it itnto a story now
@Faolana Aww, seems like Horizon has a -little- crush on Lyruna but is too shy to talk to her :3 [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] "Will you stop staring at her already?" Horizon blinked several times before turning to face the [url=]Skydancer[/url] next to him. "Huh?" Solstice sighed and rubbed a hand over his covered eyes, muttering something along the lines of 'hopeless'. "You're not exactly subtle you know, I'm pretty sure she," he gestured to the jaguar patterned Skydancer a little ways off, "Can see the insides of your mouth from where she's at." Horizon felt the start of a blush on his face and quickly pulled his hood over his eyes. "Don't know what you're talking about Sol." He heard Solstice let out an aggravated sigh before he heard him move away from him. "Whatever 'Rizon, deny it all you want but the truth is, you've been like this ever since she came here! Look, do you even know [i]anything[/i] about her?" Horizon regarded Solstice from underneath his hood as he contemplated his answer. "Well...her name is Lyruna." He heard Solstice snort and mutter "Well that's a start" but he ignored his friend as he gazed at Lyruna from a distance. "And I know that her clan lives on the Zephyr Steppes, and that she is the most beautiful dragon I've ever seen." He could practically hear Solstice roll his eyes as Horizon, once again, became smitten with the guest of the clan. "You're hopeless." "I know."

Aww, seems like Horizon has a -little- crush on Lyruna but is too shy to talk to her :3



"Will you stop staring at her already?" Horizon blinked several times before turning to face the Skydancer next to him. "Huh?" Solstice sighed and rubbed a hand over his covered eyes, muttering something along the lines of 'hopeless'. "You're not exactly subtle you know, I'm pretty sure she," he gestured to the jaguar patterned Skydancer a little ways off, "Can see the insides of your mouth from where she's at."

Horizon felt the start of a blush on his face and quickly pulled his hood over his eyes. "Don't know what you're talking about Sol." He heard Solstice let out an aggravated sigh before he heard him move away from him. "Whatever 'Rizon, deny it all you want but the truth is, you've been like this ever since she came here! Look, do you even know anything about her?"

Horizon regarded Solstice from underneath his hood as he contemplated his answer. "Well...her name is Lyruna." He heard Solstice snort and mutter "Well that's a start" but he ignored his friend as he gazed at Lyruna from a distance. "And I know that her clan lives on the Zephyr Steppes, and that she is the most beautiful dragon I've ever seen." He could practically hear Solstice roll his eyes as Horizon, once again, became smitten with the guest of the clan. "You're hopeless."

"I know."
@BloodSentry I think my Relin got eyes on your Python girl! :D [url=] [img][/img] [/url] -------- [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Relin drops his soft mane and shows it for the pearlcatcher. "Are you Python, huh? Would you like to cuddle to my "Blanket of Pleasure"? Ah, forget it. The air is enough hot when you're close to me. I really love HOT things~"- He said, with a cute and sexy grin on his face. Relin trying to move closer to her.
I think my Relin got eyes on your Python girl! :D



Relin drops his soft mane and shows it for the pearlcatcher. "Are you Python, huh? Would you like to cuddle to my "Blanket of Pleasure"? Ah, forget it. The air is enough hot when you're close to me. I really love HOT things~"- He said, with a cute and sexy grin on his face. Relin trying to move closer to her.
9bc3d1022808dc564cb98e21609cdb28fde2cfc4.gif mtHAEL4.png
@Amythry [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Your Olthain and my Daruk! [center]~[/center] Daruk Finally got a day out of the Obsidian Oasis. Heading towards the Earth flight territory, she bumped into another dragon. Managing to regain her step, she headed back to the tundra. "Are you okay?" She asked, and was shocked when she saw his Earth symbol. She rubbed her eyes, and changed her smile. [b]"Perhaps we could talk about this over Dinner?" [/b]



Your Olthain and my Daruk!
Daruk Finally got a day out of the Obsidian Oasis. Heading towards the Earth flight territory, she bumped into another dragon. Managing to regain her step, she headed back to the tundra.
"Are you okay?" She asked, and was shocked when she saw his Earth symbol.
She rubbed her eyes, and changed her smile.
"Perhaps we could talk about this over Dinner?"

@CaffieneAddict (Ah heck. I was under you when I said claim, but I accidentally deleted my post when I wanted to edit it. So sorry.) @STAARMAN (I still exist, just saying if you were wondering, considering you claimed under me.) (And for anyone else that is under me, skip it this post and flirt with whoever is over me. But anyways,) ----- My Josh, [s](why do i do this to myself hhhhh)[/s] [img][/img] Your Brivera! :> [img][/img] (And now, to pray for the best.) ----- Josh stared at the Tundra in the distance as he hid behind a fallen pillar, shy. The night was deadly looking and dark. He was barely visible, but his runes glowed faintly. Along with hers. The Hewn City was almost pitch black at this time, the only thing allowing them to see is their own glow. He quickly thought up of some light flirts and kind complements and walked over to her. He tapped her on her back and said, “Hey, friend. I may not be able to see, but apparently you just brightened my mind up. My eyes are caught on you.” He awkwardly looked away from her and lended her a hand. ”Can I offer a humble request from you?” [center][b]“Shall we light this area up together?”
(Ah heck. I was under you when I said claim, but I accidentally deleted my post when I wanted to edit it. So sorry.)

(I still exist, just saying if you were wondering, considering you claimed under me.)

(And for anyone else that is under me, skip it this post and flirt with whoever is over me. But anyways,)
My Josh, (why do i do this to myself hhhhh)


Your Brivera! :>


(And now, to pray for the best.)

Josh stared at the Tundra in the distance as he hid behind a fallen pillar, shy. The night was deadly looking and dark. He was barely visible, but his runes glowed faintly. Along with hers. The Hewn City was almost pitch black at this time, the only thing allowing them to see is their own glow. He quickly thought up of some light flirts and kind complements and walked over to her. He tapped her on her back and said, “Hey, friend. I may not be able to see, but apparently you just brightened my mind up. My eyes are caught on you.” He awkwardly looked away from her and lended her a hand. ”Can I offer a humble request from you?”
“Shall we light this area up together?”
[quote name="Treesap4444" date="2018-07-20 14:20:01" ] Ignore this but @CYBERSAPPHIRE GET OVER HERE AND FLIRT WITH THESE DERGS [/quote] @joshdaawsome [i] wonders how i didn't see this before[/i] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Your Josh... well, one of them, anyway. has caught My alrescha's eye. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] ---------- Alrescha never knew why they were drawn to this dragon. They seemed to be one of many, another Josh among Joshes. Why were they all named Josh? He honestly had no idea, But one wildclaw seemed nice, so instead of watching from a telescope like a creep, he decided to approach. It was... Confusing to say the least. "How you doing Josh" "oh pretty good, how bout you Josh?" "Oh josh! have you seen josh today?" It was en experience. Eventually, the wildclaw he had seen came into view, and he approached. "Hey, uh" Play it cool play it cool, "I'm Alrescha" The conversation afterward was fulfilling, getting to know a dragon can be really fun. The gems they wore on their tail were so much prettier up close. After finding their shared interests, he made a move. "would you like to go on a date with me, I think you really stand out." The wildclaw looked at him, perplexed. "No, i'm not [i]joshing[/i] you."
Treesap4444 wrote on 2018-07-20 14:20:01:

wonders how i didn't see this before

Your Josh... well, one of them, anyway. has caught My alrescha's eye.


Alrescha never knew why they were drawn to this dragon. They seemed to be one of many, another Josh among Joshes. Why were they all named Josh? He honestly had no idea, But one wildclaw seemed nice, so instead of watching from a telescope like a creep, he decided to approach. It was... Confusing to say the least. "How you doing Josh" "oh pretty good, how bout you Josh?" "Oh josh! have you seen josh today?"
It was en experience. Eventually, the wildclaw he had seen came into view, and he approached.
"Hey, uh" Play it cool play it cool, "I'm Alrescha"
The conversation afterward was fulfilling, getting to know a dragon can be really fun. The gems they wore on their tail were so much prettier up close. After finding their shared interests, he made a move. "would you like to go on a date with me, I think you really stand out." The wildclaw looked at him, perplexed.
"No, i'm not joshing you."
They/them. Goes to bed at around 21 FR time