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TOPIC | 1000 ways to get banned from a pet store
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144. Grab collars/leashes from shelves, put the collars on random unsuspecting costumers, attach the leash, and drag them around the store!

(Try not to choke them or you'll probably be charged with 1st degree murder.)
144. Grab collars/leashes from shelves, put the collars on random unsuspecting costumers, attach the leash, and drag them around the store!

(Try not to choke them or you'll probably be charged with 1st degree murder.)
145. Tell the pet store owner your chameleon doesn't work. When he askes why say " He won't change color!' Store person "why?" You *Pull out red marker and color Chameleon more*
145. Tell the pet store owner your chameleon doesn't work. When he askes why say " He won't change color!' Store person "why?" You *Pull out red marker and color Chameleon more*
what_if_banner_had_no_leg_by_epicdragon99-d9zmyrq.png I like coatls.
145: play angry birds, with real pigs and birds
145: play angry birds, with real pigs and birds
146. Bite into a fish and say "Well this is quite undercooked."
146. Bite into a fish and say "Well this is quite undercooked."
147. buy a gold fish, come in the next day saying "i want a refund, this isn't made of gold!"
147. buy a gold fish, come in the next day saying "i want a refund, this isn't made of gold!"
148. Pick up a bunny. Drop said bunny. Bunny tries to escape the petshop. (happened to me a few years back at a pet shop in a mall. I was not banned, however no one is allowed to pick up the bunnies anymore. or the ferrets. or the guinea pigs. or the parakeets...)
148. Pick up a bunny. Drop said bunny. Bunny tries to escape the petshop. (happened to me a few years back at a pet shop in a mall. I was not banned, however no one is allowed to pick up the bunnies anymore. or the ferrets. or the guinea pigs. or the parakeets...)
149. Let all the animals out and make them into an army, then attack the store with said army.
149. Let all the animals out and make them into an army, then attack the store with said army.
who up rising they flight
150. Buy a bird and tell the cashier "Mmmm this is gonna make a great dinner"
150. Buy a bird and tell the cashier "Mmmm this is gonna make a great dinner"
signature by @Macabre
151 - Release all the animals shouting "FREE THE PRISONERS!"
151 - Release all the animals shouting "FREE THE PRISONERS!"
152: SET FIIIIIIRE! TO THE RAIN! (Literally) In other words set off the sprinkler system and set fire to the sprinklers.
152: SET FIIIIIIRE! TO THE RAIN! (Literally) In other words set off the sprinkler system and set fire to the sprinklers.
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used to be SoullessRogue/SoullessARMY
send me a friend request or message, i'm happy to chat~ if you need help or have any questions i'm always open!

wishlist|Hibernal Den Item Trading Hub|i'll pay you to brew!
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