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TOPIC | Lightweaver's dangerous balcony
1 2 ... 113 114 115 116 117 ... 193 194
@Foxolotl [url=][img][/img][/url] Cassidy is just casually sitting near the edge of the balcony at a table, writing some notes for something she's studying. She sees Asima float by, and is so shocked that she accidentally drops her rose off of the edge.


Cassidy is just casually sitting near the edge of the balcony at a table, writing some notes for something she's studying. She sees Asima float by, and is so shocked that she accidentally drops her rose off of the edge.
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@ConfusedUnknown [url=][img][/img][/url] Railee was looking for books about medicine and spells when *plop* a rose falls next to him. Thinking that someone may be in love with him, Railee quickly pulls out an arcane-charged book, attaches a note to it, and tosses it down the balcony. The healer watches as the glowing pink book falls up instead of down.

Railee was looking for books about medicine and spells when *plop* a rose falls next to him. Thinking that someone may be in love with him, Railee quickly pulls out an arcane-charged book, attaches a note to it, and tosses it down the balcony. The healer watches as the glowing pink book falls up instead of down.
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@ConfusedUnknown Idk if I'm allowed to do this... For reference, here are Desvent and Bright [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] "This is the best library in all of Sornieth!" Bright proudly exclaimed, her voice echoing throughout the Lightweaver's library. Desvent shot his fellow guard a look. "...That I know of." Bright hastily continued. "But seriously Des, this is where I get all of my novels. Now I'm going to get some romance novels for us to read. Be right back!" "Okay Bright. I'll just get some books too." Desvent replied to the Imperial. But instead of getting books, the Guardian stared out the balcony. Suddenly, a glowing pink book flew up the balcony. It caught Desvent's eye, which compelled him to grab it. "Huh, there's a note attached to it." he said as he took off the paper attached to the arcane-charged book. "To whoever threw me that rose," Desvent read out loud. "Sorry, I'm not looking for love. Best wishes, Railee." "Hey, I'm back!" As soon as the Guardian finished reading the note, Bright returned carrying a pile of novels. "I know who Railee is, but what rose is he talking about?" Desvent asked Bright. "Wha- huh?" Bright, startled by the sudden question, dropped her pile of romance novels down the balcony. "I'm sorry, what did you say again?"
Idk if I'm allowed to do this...
For reference, here are Desvent and Bright
"This is the best library in all of Sornieth!" Bright proudly exclaimed, her voice echoing throughout the Lightweaver's library. Desvent shot his fellow guard a look. "...That I know of." Bright hastily continued. "But seriously Des, this is where I get all of my novels. Now I'm going to get some romance novels for us to read. Be right back!" "Okay Bright. I'll just get some books too." Desvent replied to the Imperial. But instead of getting books, the Guardian stared out the balcony. Suddenly, a glowing pink book flew up the balcony. It caught Desvent's eye, which compelled him to grab it. "Huh, there's a note attached to it." he said as he took off the paper attached to the arcane-charged book. "To whoever threw me that rose," Desvent read out loud. "Sorry, I'm not looking for love. Best wishes, Railee."
"Hey, I'm back!" As soon as the Guardian finished reading the note, Bright returned carrying a pile of novels. "I know who Railee is, but what rose is he talking about?" Desvent asked Bright. "Wha- huh?" Bright, startled by the sudden question, dropped her pile of romance novels down the balcony. "I'm sorry, what did you say again?"
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@Foxolotl [url=][img][/img][/url] Sugarskull was looking for a good book amongst the shelves "Deities above! Is there not a single romance novel in this entire library!?" His question was answered rather quickly when a pile of romance novels fell in front of him. He looked up from where they fell and shouted a thank you. He quickly picks them up to go read them, not realizing he smacked a snow globe off of the balcony with his tail


Sugarskull was looking for a good book amongst the shelves "Deities above! Is there not a single romance novel in this entire library!?" His question was answered rather quickly when a pile of romance novels fell in front of him. He looked up from where they fell and shouted a thank you. He quickly picks them up to go read them, not realizing he smacked a snow globe off of the balcony with his tail
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@ConfusedUnknown [url=][img][/img][/url] Fluquor manages to catch the snowglobe before it hits the ground, he takes note of the rather cartoony depiction of the Icewarden within the globe, obviously a souvenir someone left around here. Carefully placing it on a shelf somewhere safer, he then thinks of what he should send back. Quickly finding a Wind magic tome, thanks to said tomes naturally floating weightlessly, he attaches a note saying "Would whoever finds this note PLEASE be careful with their stuff? I just barely managed to catch a souvenir snowglobe!"
Fluquor manages to catch the snowglobe before it hits the ground, he takes note of the rather cartoony depiction of the Icewarden within the globe, obviously a souvenir someone left around here. Carefully placing it on a shelf somewhere safer, he then thinks of what he should send back. Quickly finding a Wind magic tome, thanks to said tomes naturally floating weightlessly, he attaches a note saying "Would whoever finds this note PLEASE be careful with their stuff? I just barely managed to catch a souvenir snowglobe!"
@ConfusedUnknown [url=][img][/img][/url] Just barely dodging the piston, Fluquor soon yelled in surprise. "What the- Not again!" He grumbled, got another Wind tome, and attached a note like the first but with an addendum for the next recipient to PLEASE check to make sure their gear doesn't have any loose parts. "Just my luck, I guess."
Just barely dodging the piston, Fluquor soon yelled in surprise.
"What the- Not again!"
He grumbled, got another Wind tome, and attached a note like the first but with an addendum for the next recipient to PLEASE check to make sure their gear doesn't have any loose parts.
"Just my luck, I guess."

The wood above thunks, a cloud of dust spilling over the table edge.
Fen pauses mid-bite, gaze flitting above his raised tail, blinking through the fragrant heat.
"Guess the no-food regulations exist for a reason, dropped food would be a tragedy here."
A click and the fire gutters. Crispy dough sizzles around juicy pork, bursting spicy-savory-sweet on the tongue.

Green folds easily around fragrant rice, wraps flush over glistening greens, steaming tofu, pickled eggs drizzled with chili oil, twists neatly over hot dumplings, their tan skin glistening from oil, dotted with fragrant sesame.
After checking over the seal, Fen fastens a runed leaf, then drops the parachute over the edge.

Behind him, the local smoke alarm screeches.

The wood above thunks, a cloud of dust spilling over the table edge.
Fen pauses mid-bite, gaze flitting above his raised tail, blinking through the fragrant heat.
"Guess the no-food regulations exist for a reason, dropped food would be a tragedy here."
A click and the fire gutters. Crispy dough sizzles around juicy pork, bursting spicy-savory-sweet on the tongue.

Green folds easily around fragrant rice, wraps flush over glistening greens, steaming tofu, pickled eggs drizzled with chili oil, twists neatly over hot dumplings, their tan skin glistening from oil, dotted with fragrant sesame.
After checking over the seal, Fen fastens a runed leaf, then drops the parachute over the edge.

Behind him, the local smoke alarm screeches.
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@Islet For reference, these are the two dergs I'm talking about. [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] Just below Fen, two green and blue dragons were mixing a potion. "I'm starting to think bringing a cauldron in the library isn't such a good idea, ya know." said Astraeus, the Guardian. Wren, the Pearlcatcher stopped collecting items for the potion. "Now that I think about it, I agree with you." *plop* "What was that?" Wren said. A parachute attached to a wrapped package of food fell into the brew. It caused the potion to turn green and bubble furiously. Bewildered, Astraeus yelled. "Something's wrong with the potion! Quick, dispose of it!" . As Wren dumped the potion down the balcony, Astraeus wailed even more. "Wren, no! NOT LIKE THAT!"

For reference, these are the two dergs I'm talking about.
Just below Fen, two green and blue dragons were mixing a potion. "I'm starting to think bringing a cauldron in the library isn't such a good idea, ya know." said Astraeus, the Guardian. Wren, the Pearlcatcher stopped collecting items for the potion. "Now that I think about it, I agree with you."
"What was that?" Wren said. A parachute attached to a wrapped package of food fell into the brew. It caused the potion to turn green and bubble furiously. Bewildered, Astraeus yelled. "Something's wrong with the potion! Quick, dispose of it!" . As Wren dumped the potion down the balcony, Astraeus wailed even more. "Wren, no! NOT LIKE THAT!"
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@Foxolotl [url=][img][/img][/url] Akane was reading, when he started smelling something that reminded him of the potions that a good friend of his makes. He sees a shadow getting bigger, and goes to investigate. He looks up and sees some kind of potion pouring down to his balcony at a quick rate. He shrieks in terror and runs away, not realizing that he knocked a plate of day-old boiled eggs out of another dragon's talons.


Akane was reading, when he started smelling something that reminded him of the potions that a good friend of his makes. He sees a shadow getting bigger, and goes to investigate. He looks up and sees some kind of potion pouring down to his balcony at a quick rate. He shrieks in terror and runs away, not realizing that he knocked a plate of day-old boiled eggs out of another dragon's talons.
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@ConfusedUnknown [url=][img][/img][/url] A hungry Lex was walking down the balcony when *thunk* a plate of boiled eggs fell down the balcony. "Roargh? Food?" he roars while running towards the plate. Lex gobbles up the eggs, not realizing that he knocked three vases down the balcony while running. Oh, and Astraeus and Wren's potion burned a hole in the Banescale's balcony and is now dripping down to the next balcony.

A hungry Lex was walking down the balcony when *thunk* a plate of boiled eggs fell down the balcony. "Roargh? Food?" he roars while running towards the plate. Lex gobbles up the eggs, not realizing that he knocked three vases down the balcony while running. Oh, and Astraeus and Wren's potion burned a hole in the Banescale's balcony and is now dripping down to the next balcony.
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