
Dragon Trading

Arrange Crossroads exchanges with other players.
TOPIC | When XYZ meets 123 achievement help
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@Stagbug Of course, and I can send you a ready pair - I hope any is fine for you?
@Stagbug Of course, and I can send you a ready pair - I hope any is fine for you?
Just checking up on things :)

@Aquafilia may you send Callisto & Ceres back to me, and name the hatchlings? (preferably something with C to keep the theme naming going!)

@Stagbug same goes to Silverheart and Minerva, please think of a cute name for the baby <3

@Tabbyclaw If you could some day name the Sandsurge-turned pretty son of Varda & Bryony? Since you're likely not going to exalt him, that isn't such a priority tho :)
Just checking up on things :)

@Aquafilia may you send Callisto & Ceres back to me, and name the hatchlings? (preferably something with C to keep the theme naming going!)

@Stagbug same goes to Silverheart and Minerva, please think of a cute name for the baby <3

@Tabbyclaw If you could some day name the Sandsurge-turned pretty son of Varda & Bryony? Since you're likely not going to exalt him, that isn't such a priority tho :)
@Yidhra, you got it! Sorry for the delay.
@Yidhra, you got it! Sorry for the delay.
We Want Blep! Take Our money! We Want Blep! Take Our Money!

Please note - wonky eyes & busted hands; thanks for help & patience!
No worries, and thank you!
No worries, and thank you!

I had asked to borrow a pair and realised I had a dragon of my own I could use for this after all. Didn't want you to have a phantom ping.

I had asked to borrow a pair and realised I had a dragon of my own I could use for this after all. Didn't want you to have a phantom ping.
Selling 2015 and on festival items and more HERE
@xanswerxthatx I am very sorry to have missed your ping, my apologies! Now that the waitlist is through, everything should go way more smoothly in here, and that everyone who asks could likely get a pair in 1-2 days or earlier. Still, my bad!

I also searched for your post in the thread search, when did you initially send your request?
@xanswerxthatx I am very sorry to have missed your ping, my apologies! Now that the waitlist is through, everything should go way more smoothly in here, and that everyone who asks could likely get a pair in 1-2 days or earlier. Still, my bad!

I also searched for your post in the thread search, when did you initially send your request?

Oh no no I literally just asked an hour or so ago! I just didn't want you to get a ping and have deleted my post so you didn't know why you got a ping!

It's so cool you are doing this. :)

Oh no no I literally just asked an hour or so ago! I just didn't want you to get a ping and have deleted my post so you didn't know why you got a ping!

It's so cool you are doing this. :)
Selling 2015 and on festival items and more HERE
ahhh you deleted it after? I was worried I might have missed something :')
ahhh you deleted it after? I was worried I might have missed something :')

No I didn't delete it because I didn't want you to get the notification and not be able to see what I said. So sorry to confuse! I think I created more confusion instead of lessening it.

Also realized if I used 2 triples I can also go for the triple achievement at the same time as XYZ so just decided to use my own. The odds aren't 100% like they are using your dragons, but seems worth trying. I'll probably pop back if I have horrible luck. :)

No I didn't delete it because I didn't want you to get the notification and not be able to see what I said. So sorry to confuse! I think I created more confusion instead of lessening it.

Also realized if I used 2 triples I can also go for the triple achievement at the same time as XYZ so just decided to use my own. The odds aren't 100% like they are using your dragons, but seems worth trying. I'll probably pop back if I have horrible luck. :)
Selling 2015 and on festival items and more HERE
@xanswerxthatx Good luck and that RNG may work in your favor :D
@xanswerxthatx Good luck and that RNG may work in your favor :D
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