
Dragon Trading

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TOPIC | Adopt-A-Dragon = Free to Good Homes!

Unfortunately Blackfyre got bought on the AH sorry :(

Unfortunately Blackfyre got bought on the AH sorry :(
ah its fine :)
ah its fine :)

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idk how to format

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+0 FRT
@RetroOddity aaah I know I adopted a dragon from you recently but... that triple obs! I love his lore a lot, so I'd like to expand on it and tie it in with this dragon's, Cernunnos: [url=][img][/img][/url] (you can check his bio to get an idea of what BloodMoon is in for more specifically!) Cernunnos, along his swarm of veilspun, was the only dragon to be able to survive in the savage woods he embodies... until BloodMoon arrived. Cernunnos hunts other dragons like mere game, enjoying the thrill of the chase more than the finishing blow. The woods he inhabits are build on the blood and bones of the countless prey he felled. None of the prey he hunted has ever stood toe to toe to him, but BloodMoon was the first to turn around and do the unthinkable: turn the hunter into the hunted. Although eventually bested by Cernunnos due to his intimate knowledge and symbiosis with the dark woods, he decided to spare BloodMoon from the fate other prey meet. BloodMoon became the shadow of the woods, and where Cernunnos gracefully hunts and chases his victims to finish them swiftly, BloodMoon does the opposite: he stalks his prey, every shadow an enemy and predator of the hunted, building fear and anxiety, and when the prey's frantic heartbeat drives BloodMoon into a frenzy he slaughters the prey, slaking his thirst and bloodlust before the forest drinks in the nutrients to continue its vile cycle. I'm not sure yet if I'll re-gene him. I'm thinking of maybe adding a tert and a breed change, but for the rest I'll consider it once I've made more progress with other projects. Thanks for considering me ^^
@RetroOddity aaah I know I adopted a dragon from you recently but... that triple obs!
I love his lore a lot, so I'd like to expand on it and tie it in with this dragon's, Cernunnos:

(you can check his bio to get an idea of what BloodMoon is in for more specifically!)

Cernunnos, along his swarm of veilspun, was the only dragon to be able to survive in the savage woods he embodies... until BloodMoon arrived. Cernunnos hunts other dragons like mere game, enjoying the thrill of the chase more than the finishing blow. The woods he inhabits are build on the blood and bones of the countless prey he felled. None of the prey he hunted has ever stood toe to toe to him, but BloodMoon was the first to turn around and do the unthinkable: turn the hunter into the hunted. Although eventually bested by Cernunnos due to his intimate knowledge and symbiosis with the dark woods, he decided to spare BloodMoon from the fate other prey meet. BloodMoon became the shadow of the woods, and where Cernunnos gracefully hunts and chases his victims to finish them swiftly, BloodMoon does the opposite: he stalks his prey, every shadow an enemy and predator of the hunted, building fear and anxiety, and when the prey's frantic heartbeat drives BloodMoon into a frenzy he slaughters the prey, slaking his thirst and bloodlust before the forest drinks in the nutrients to continue its vile cycle.

I'm not sure yet if I'll re-gene him. I'm thinking of maybe adding a tert and a breed change, but for the rest I'll consider it once I've made more progress with other projects. Thanks for considering me ^^
Check out my 3D art shop!
Help me fill my Antiquary!

My Wishlist!
@MozzarellaTwix are the sisters still available? I would like to adopt them! [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] If I have to provide a name I would call them Iosefka (Nocturne) and Kosm (the Imperial)
@MozzarellaTwix are the sisters still available? I would like to adopt them!



If I have to provide a name I would call them Iosefka (Nocturne) and Kosm (the Imperial)
@RetroOddity , Hi, can I have a BloodMoon? He'd look great as the brother of my first dragon. The one I started with. Thanks [url=][img][/img][/url]
@RetroOddity , Hi, can I have a BloodMoon? He'd look great as the brother of my first dragon. The one I started with. Thanks
These two are free! [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url]
These two are free!


[center] @MeratahsBleau I've seen this girl lingering for awhile and just can't resist anymore [url=][img][/img][/url] I would name her Chip until I thought of a better name-- I want her to have a really good one just can't think of one right now [/center]

I've seen this girl lingering for awhile and just can't resist anymore


I would name her Chip until I thought of a better name-- I want her to have a really good one just can't think of one right now
xxx xxx xxx xxx bd1e1b701e346afb599d3514c3be323621781287.png
Whispering Glacier Hatchery

CR sent

CR sent
sending them your way!
sending them your way!
Free to a good home, he's also the only one with his colors [url=][img][/img][/url] And any dragon in my Sale/Adopt tab. if its on the AH just ask and I'll send it over for free
Free to a good home, he's also the only one with his colors


And any dragon in my Sale/Adopt tab. if its on the AH just ask and I'll send it over for free