Quest for Primal (Egg Challenge)
AoiNoRyuu's Clan
Put that thing back where it came from or so help me! Doh'!
Clan Info
I don't accept random friend requests! If you want to be my friend, chat with me a bit before I accept your friend request!
Current Dream Dragon:
Sapphire Petals/Robin Toxin/Ruby Runes/Water
Hey hello :D
I'm a german so I'm +9 hours away from FR, which means rollover starts at 9am for me
I'm a collector
So if you want to make me happy... Here's a list of things I need and collect
Recent Comments
Of course, he's a cutie! Thank you for selling him~
Of course! Tantrum is beautiful! I'm so happy to have him :)
Geddoe was in the front lair! what a beauty
Arjana is so pretty, I had to buy her as soon as I saw her :)
ofc! such a beautiful hatch, i couldnt resist the colors!!
Aw, thanks for telling me! He isn't that special himself but makes beautiful hatchlings :3
Thank you so much for your purchase! Ya broke my brain *so* bad completely regening so quick "who's that dragon. wym i *sold* that dragon??"
Hi! Thanks for telling me about this! I'm so happy! :D
Ah wie cool, danke fürs Bescheid geben. Lustig, dass du ihn zufällig gesehen hast ^^
thanks for selling her!
Been searching for interesting looking Petrified and/or Lode dragons for a while, and he caught my eye. I'm happy to have him!
Thank you for letting me know about Racer being on the front page! :D
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