
Dragon Trading

Arrange Crossroads exchanges with other players.
TOPIC | CFCE (private nest exchange) OPEN
@Tserin 5 eggs \o/
@Tserin 5 eggs \o/
21402.png - Fae | They/Them


i've got two earth nests open and random gift please c:

i've got two earth nests open and random gift please c:
tumblr_inline_mv8czvMKYv1qid2nw.gif tumblr_inline_p7w055E7yG1snulow_75sq.gif tumblr_inline_mmxswaUumx1qz4rgp.gif
used to be SoullessRogue/SoullessARMY
send me a friend request or message, i'm happy to chat~ if you need help or have any questions i'm always open!

wishlist|Hibernal Den Item Trading Hub|i'll pay you to brew!
tumblr_inline_mmxswaUumx1qz4rgp.gif tumblr_inline_p7w055E7yG1snulow_75sq.gif tumblr_inline_mv8czvMKYv1qid2nw.gif
@GentleGentoo, three eggs!
@GentleGentoo, three eggs!

she / her
mirrors always

[quote name="BlueEternity" date="2022-02-24 13:07:20" ] [quote=Shadow CFCE Hosts][columns][item=Shadowbinder Onyx Idol][nextcol][color=transparent]o[/color][nextcol][size=3]@Axyzel, @Boomershine, @DragonPrincess1, @HiddenGalaxy, @Kataclysmic, @Lexreon, @LilacAce, @MeadowMatriarch, @Myndris, @PulciniVerdi, @Rhowyn, @rotskull, @Saphira455, @Seraph822, @StormHeart413, @UniverseStar, @WeaverofLies, @Wraith296, @Zaratyst[br][br][b]Flight moderator:[/b] @Zaratyst[/size][br][br][b]Please host for current CFCE members only![/b][/columns][/quote] Howdy, everyone! I'm looking for one Shadow nest. Please let me know what kind of food you would like. Thank you in advance! [/quote] [s]I'm hoping a one Shadow nest has opened up! Please let me know what kind of food you would like.[/s] Found, thank you!
BlueEternity wrote on 2022-02-24 13:07:20:
Shadow CFCE Hosts wrote:
Shadowbinder Onyx Idol o @Axyzel, @Boomershine, @DragonPrincess1, @HiddenGalaxy, @Kataclysmic, @Lexreon, @LilacAce, @MeadowMatriarch, @Myndris, @PulciniVerdi, @Rhowyn, @rotskull, @Saphira455, @Seraph822, @StormHeart413, @UniverseStar, @WeaverofLies, @Wraith296, @Zaratyst

Flight moderator: @Zaratyst

Please host for current CFCE members only!

Howdy, everyone! I'm looking for one Shadow nest. Please let me know what kind of food you would like.

Thank you in advance!

I'm hoping a one Shadow nest has opened up! Please let me know what kind of food you would like.

Found, thank you!
Watercolor Commissions!
The Seasonal Courts
Watermelons Unite!
Starborn Prophets
Nuvole Bianche
I’ve got a nest open! Seafood is most preferred!
I’ve got a nest open! Seafood is most preferred!
9gKIxtS.png xxx CPf7rYK.png

Thanks so much! I'll send them right over.

Thanks so much! I'll send them right over.
Watercolor Commissions!
The Seasonal Courts
Watermelons Unite!
Starborn Prophets
Nuvole Bianche
@SarcasticHawke I can take your 2 plague nests if you are still looking. Just send the food your dragons eat.
@SarcasticHawke I can take your 2 plague nests if you are still looking. Just send the food your dragons eat.
@Kristi your dragon family is in the crossroads.
@Kristi your dragon family is in the crossroads.

Thanks so much got them all home.

Thanks so much got them all home.
[quote=Light CFCE Hosts][columns][item=Light Sprite][nextcol][color=transparent]o[/color][nextcol][size=3]@Angelical, @BNY, @Deluxe, @IllusiveFox, @Jessyta, @KeirAutomaton, @Kristi, @Lendri, @LhiannanSidhe, @lynxedlight, @lyricalmyxteries, @Malreau, @mysticpenguin, @pikammd, @Rainbowlight, @Renmei, @SarcasticHawke, @TheWhiteHart, @TornadoTorrie[br][br][b]Flight moderator:[/b] @Pennywhistle[/size][br][br][b]Please host for current CFCE members only![/b][/columns][/quote] LF 1 nest, lmk what food you'd like!
Light CFCE Hosts wrote:
Light Sprite o @Angelical, @BNY, @Deluxe, @IllusiveFox, @Jessyta, @KeirAutomaton, @Kristi, @Lendri, @LhiannanSidhe, @lynxedlight, @lyricalmyxteries, @Malreau, @mysticpenguin, @pikammd, @Rainbowlight, @Renmei, @SarcasticHawke, @TheWhiteHart, @TornadoTorrie

Flight moderator: @Pennywhistle

Please host for current CFCE members only!
LF 1 nest, lmk what food you'd like!