
Dragon Trading

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TOPIC | RP Dragon Trading Hub-Old Thread
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@ brilliantsky

Go ahead and take my two mirrors down, I believe I have found homes for them.
@ brilliantsky

Go ahead and take my two mirrors down, I believe I have found homes for them.
@brilliantsky [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [s]Name:Shakti Price: 20kt -negotiation welcome- History: Shakti came to Lux Caeli as a hatchling and considers the clan as her family, readily defending them to the death. She's been around for a while, attempting to settle down with a mate to no avail, and lately she's become a little restless. She is the nesting grounds primary protector, and has had a few clutches of her own, most of whom rose to serve Lord Stormcatcher. This fact does not make her sad, but makes her incredibly proud. Proud that their inborn protective nature can serve a higher calling. Personality: A very excitable, high energy guardian but is always willing to sit and lend a claw or ear if needed. Possible Positions: Spending her life protecting others, she would like greater training to enhance her abilities to become a warrior, but of course she makes a wonderful hatchling-sitter. Where they'd like to go: Somewhere that is usually full of little ones, definitely, and somewhere she can find a lifetime mate. Anything else: Please do not exalt her until she's accomplished her goals[/s] -SHAKTI HAS BEEN ADOPTED BY SHADEYRAIN- [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Name:Stille Price: 20kt -negotiation welcome- History: Born and raised in Lux Caeli, Stille has not made a sound from the time she hatched. From her silent nature came her name and has earned her much company in her home clan. Those who desire quiet, but still pleasant company come to her in her meticulously kept garden. Personality: Mute and reserved, Stille tends to spend almost all of her time tending to the plants and flowers in her garden. She is very open to company and enjoys listening to others, especially when out foraging for new plants. Expanding her gardens and feeding her clan mates. Possible Positions: Gardener and herbalist Where they'd like to go: Definitely a peaceful clan. Maybe somewhere in the Sunbeam Ruins, Viridian Labyrinth, or the Windswept Plateau. Anything else: Nope --Also, please remove my "looking for" request, thanks!--


Price: 20kt -negotiation welcome-
History: Shakti came to Lux Caeli as a hatchling and considers the clan as her family, readily defending them to the death. She's been around for a while, attempting to settle down with a mate to no avail, and lately she's become a little restless. She is the nesting grounds primary protector, and has had a few clutches of her own, most of whom rose to serve Lord Stormcatcher. This fact does not make her sad, but makes her incredibly proud. Proud that their inborn protective nature can serve a higher calling.
Personality: A very excitable, high energy guardian but is always willing to sit and lend a claw or ear if needed.
Possible Positions: Spending her life protecting others, she would like greater training to enhance her abilities to become a warrior, but of course she makes a wonderful hatchling-sitter.
Where they'd like to go: Somewhere that is usually full of little ones, definitely, and somewhere she can find a lifetime mate.
Anything else: Please do not exalt her until she's accomplished her goals



Price: 20kt -negotiation welcome-
History: Born and raised in Lux Caeli, Stille has not made a sound from the time she hatched. From her silent nature came her name and has earned her much company in her home clan. Those who desire quiet, but still pleasant company come to her in her meticulously kept garden.
Personality: Mute and reserved, Stille tends to spend almost all of her time tending to the plants and flowers in her garden. She is very open to company and enjoys listening to others, especially when out foraging for new plants. Expanding her gardens and feeding her clan mates.
Possible Positions: Gardener and herbalist
Where they'd like to go: Definitely a peaceful clan. Maybe somewhere in the Sunbeam Ruins, Viridian Labyrinth, or the Windswept Plateau.
Anything else: Nope

--Also, please remove my "looking for" request, thanks!--
Altun and Oski can be removed. :)
Altun and Oski can be removed. :)
Cheerful Chime Almedha | share project
Lore Starts Here (WIP)
I collect Pulsing Relics!
candle-smol.png ____
@Zebi I'd like to buy Sahzak, I love her! Should I just send the CR?
@Zebi I'd like to buy Sahzak, I love her! Should I just send the CR?
@brilliantsky Tommyknocker has a new home, and can be removed. :) And, to add: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]Name[/b]: Graff [b]Price[/b]: Say maybe 15k-20k? [b]History[/b]: Graff's current status is "young adult layabout", at least according to his clan's leader. It's not that he won't be helpful when asked, as that he doesn't have a job and hasn't shown much in the way of outstanding aptitude for one- or at least for anything that someone or several someones doesn't have covered. His work ethic has also been impacted by the fact that he lives in the Shifting Expanse and has a thick, glorious coat inherited from his father- the heat is the bane of his existence. [b]Personality[/b]: Graff is nothing like either of his parents. Auric is feckless and rather dumb, and Smilodon is an intense, focused, and ruthlessly efficient hunter; Graff is extremely laid-back, patient, and deliberate. He can give the impression of being less than bright, but mostly it's his manner- he is actually very intelligent, he simply thinks everything through very thoroughly before speaking or acting. Astrapi know that Tundras aren't stupid, they just have an extremely different frame of reference in having poor vision and outstanding noses- but the rest of Sornieth tends to find it easy to make this mistake. Like other Tundras, he lives through his nose. This gives him a depth and richness of information that most other breeds can't even imagine; he gets time frame, emotional quality, state of health, possible places of origin, and a wealth of other data from a good, deep sniff. Again like other Tundras, his vision is blurry and, while not quite black and white, fairly limited in color range- he can see shades of blue, yellow, green, and brown, and that's about it. [b]Possible Positions[/b]: His patience and analytical skill would actually make him an excellent tracker. Astrapi has this more than covered with dragons who work much better in the heat, but without that limitation he would excel. Most likely he could find nearly anything given a task, space, and a lack of immediate risk of heatstroke. The same qualities would likely also make him an excellent cook. He hasn't really tried his hand at it, but his senses and deliberation would make refining his palate and producing new and delicious food a very fast study. [b]Where they'd like to go[/b]: Someplace cooler. This is his heart's desire. Ice would be absolutely ideal, but Shadow, Earth, Wind, and Arcane would also suit him. It's not that he WON'T go to a Fire or Nature lair- just that it likely wouldn't allow him to shine. [b]Anything else[/b]: The whole "Tundras aren't stupid, they just have a very, very different frame of reference that strikes other species as stupidity" thing is my headcanon. While it is obviously a personal thing, his personality doesn't make a whole lot of sense without it. I figure a species that lives in very icy territory and has an excellent nose probably also has poor vision- sight as a dominant sense in blowing snow and ice and reflected glare just isn't a good strategy, but scent in a harsh land certainly is. I also figure other dragons' relative noseblindness strikes THEM as not-too-bright, they are simply much too polite to say so.

Tommyknocker has a new home, and can be removed. :)

And, to add:


Name: Graff

Price: Say maybe 15k-20k?

History: Graff's current status is "young adult layabout", at least according to his clan's leader. It's not that he won't be helpful when asked, as that he doesn't have a job and hasn't shown much in the way of outstanding aptitude for one- or at least for anything that someone or several someones doesn't have covered. His work ethic has also been impacted by the fact that he lives in the Shifting Expanse and has a thick, glorious coat inherited from his father- the heat is the bane of his existence.

Personality: Graff is nothing like either of his parents. Auric is feckless and rather dumb, and Smilodon is an intense, focused, and ruthlessly efficient hunter; Graff is extremely laid-back, patient, and deliberate. He can give the impression of being less than bright, but mostly it's his manner- he is actually very intelligent, he simply thinks everything through very thoroughly before speaking or acting. Astrapi know that Tundras aren't stupid, they just have an extremely different frame of reference in having poor vision and outstanding noses- but the rest of Sornieth tends to find it easy to make this mistake.

Like other Tundras, he lives through his nose. This gives him a depth and richness of information that most other breeds can't even imagine; he gets time frame, emotional quality, state of health, possible places of origin, and a wealth of other data from a good, deep sniff. Again like other Tundras, his vision is blurry and, while not quite black and white, fairly limited in color range- he can see shades of blue, yellow, green, and brown, and that's about it.

Possible Positions: His patience and analytical skill would actually make him an excellent tracker. Astrapi has this more than covered with dragons who work much better in the heat, but without that limitation he would excel. Most likely he could find nearly anything given a task, space, and a lack of immediate risk of heatstroke.

The same qualities would likely also make him an excellent cook. He hasn't really tried his hand at it, but his senses and deliberation would make refining his palate and producing new and delicious food a very fast study.

Where they'd like to go: Someplace cooler. This is his heart's desire. Ice would be absolutely ideal, but Shadow, Earth, Wind, and Arcane would also suit him. It's not that he WON'T go to a Fire or Nature lair- just that it likely wouldn't allow him to shine.

Anything else: The whole "Tundras aren't stupid, they just have a very, very different frame of reference that strikes other species as stupidity" thing is my headcanon. While it is obviously a personal thing, his personality doesn't make a whole lot of sense without it. I figure a species that lives in very icy territory and has an excellent nose probably also has poor vision- sight as a dominant sense in blowing snow and ice and reflected glare just isn't a good strategy, but scent in a harsh land certainly is.

I also figure other dragons' relative noseblindness strikes THEM as not-too-bright, they are simply much too polite to say so.

I would love to take in Shakti, if you wouldn't mind? I am itching for more colorful dragons of lore in my lair, and Shakti's daugher Cibiste was the first circuited dragon to stick around, so i have high expectations of Shakti(she's really going to fit right in considering my new band of bards need mothering because they are all children anyway)

I would love to take in Shakti, if you wouldn't mind? I am itching for more colorful dragons of lore in my lair, and Shakti's daugher Cibiste was the first circuited dragon to stick around, so i have high expectations of Shakti(she's really going to fit right in considering my new band of bards need mothering because they are all children anyway)
I wouldn't mind at all! You've taken such good care of Cibiste that I would love for Shakti to find her home with you.
Whenever you're ready just send me a CR and I'll get her ready to go ^w^

EDIT: if you're okay with the price that is.
I wouldn't mind at all! You've taken such good care of Cibiste that I would love for Shakti to find her home with you.
Whenever you're ready just send me a CR and I'll get her ready to go ^w^

EDIT: if you're okay with the price that is.

I'm good with the price! I don't mind at all~ I'll send over a CR!

I'm good with the price! I don't mind at all~ I'll send over a CR!
Thank you so much for taking her in! I hope you love her like i do ^^
Thank you so much for taking her in! I hope you love her like i do ^^

Certainly! Go ahead and send the CR when you are ready for her! :)

Certainly! Go ahead and send the CR when you are ready for her! :)
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