Cinderknight is the founding member of the Order of Cinder's Knights. The Order is based out of the Starwood Strand and is the center of life for the village of Stellae Fornax. The Order serves as Stellae Fornax's defense force as well as the head of govenerment. The village and Order are ruled by a Triumvirate known as The Star Forged Knights. Cinderknight is a member of this triumvirate beside Krystell and Serhild. Her mate is Firewasp, a practical Obelisk who oversees the finances of the Order, Village, and the pair's own funds. She dreams of one day having a large family full of squires, knights, commanders, and maybe even nobles. But those dreams are still just that, dreams.
Welcome everyone to Cinder's Knights a Lineage project I've wanted to start since I joined. I loved my custom Progen and her random mate so much that I wished to make a Lineage just for them. After a long hiatus I'm back and ready to get things rolling!
Cinderknight is the founding member of the Order of Cinder's Knights. The Order is based out of the Starwood Strand and is the center of life for the village of Stellae Fornax. The Order serves as Stellae Fornax's defense force as well as the head of govenerment. The village and Order are ruled by a Triumvirate known as The Star Forged Knights. Cinderknight is a member of this triumvirate beside Krystell and Serhild. Her mate is Firewasp, a practical Obelisk who oversees the finances of the Order, Village, and the pair's own funds. She dreams of one day having a large family full of squires, knights, commanders, and maybe even nobles. But those dreams are still just that, dreams.
Welcome everyone to Cinder's Knights a Lineage project I've wanted to start since I joined. I loved my custom Progen and her random mate so much that I wished to make a Lineage just for them. After a long hiatus I'm back and ready to get things rolling!
1. All dragons in ‘The Order of Cinder's Knights' Lineage must trace their lineage back to CinderKnight and FireWasp.
2. CinderKnight and her mate FireWasp are Gen 0. Gen 1 Knights will be their children.
3. All Gen 1 dragons will be bred in WinterKitten1996’s lair and have Arcane eyes. Any generation after the first can have any eye color/element.
4. Knights can be any breed, colors, element (other than Gen 1s, which will all be Arcane element), and genes.
5. Lore is not required, but highly encouraged, as are letters from hatchlings. CinderKnight wants to stay close to all of her children.
6. CinderKnight wants to grow her family as large as possible, so if you need to exalt your Knight to a greater cause, please breed them first if possible. Knights are always welcome to return to WinterKitten1996 and you will be compensated!
7. Cross-breeding with other lineages is not only okay but encouraged!
8. Please don’t knowingly breed any Knights with each other, it will really complicate the lineage. If this happens resulting hatchlings will be disqualified from the Linage.
9. Please fill out the form provided, and post to the thread if you wish to register your Knight!
10. Please feel free to post sales of any generation of Knights in this thread, and if you’d like me to add it to the sales post please let me know.
1. All dragons in ‘The Order of Cinder's Knights' Lineage must trace their lineage back to CinderKnight and FireWasp.
2. CinderKnight and her mate FireWasp are Gen 0. Gen 1 Knights will be their children.
3. All Gen 1 dragons will be bred in WinterKitten1996’s lair and have Arcane eyes. Any generation after the first can have any eye color/element.
4. Knights can be any breed, colors, element (other than Gen 1s, which will all be Arcane element), and genes.
5. Lore is not required, but highly encouraged, as are letters from hatchlings. CinderKnight wants to stay close to all of her children.
6. CinderKnight wants to grow her family as large as possible, so if you need to exalt your Knight to a greater cause, please breed them first if possible. Knights are always welcome to return to WinterKitten1996 and you will be compensated!
7. Cross-breeding with other lineages is not only okay but encouraged!
8. Please don’t knowingly breed any Knights with each other, it will really complicate the lineage. If this happens resulting hatchlings will be disqualified from the Linage.
9. Please fill out the form provided, and post to the thread if you wish to register your Knight!
10. Please feel free to post sales of any generation of Knights in this thread, and if you’d like me to add it to the sales post please let me know.
[quote]Dragon Name:
Generation #:
(Optional) Lore/bio:[/quote]
Dragon Name: Achilles
Link: [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/84469125][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/350/844692/84469125_350.png[/img][/url]
Generation #: 1
Level: 1
Lore/bio: Born to a family of knights, Achilles always knew his calling was on the field of battle, and so immediately took to the task of being a city guard.[/quote]
Dragon Name: Zephirine
Link: [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/84469122][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/350/844692/84469122_350.png[/img][/url]
Generation #: 1
Level: 1
Lore/bio: A Knight in all but name. Zephirine came to the Duke's lands recently, and volunteered for the Guard relatively early on. She has been put in charge of public relations since then, as she has a natural knack with dealing with people.[/quote]
Dragon Name: Lythri
Generation #: 1
Level: 10
[quote] hyddenchyld
Dragon Name: Liam
Generation #: 1
Level: 1
(Optional) Lore/bio: Having been raised in Stellae Fornax and training to be a knight like his family members, Liam has recently been promoted from being a squire. Cautious yet determined, he eagerly looks to other Order members to learn all that he can about being the best defender he can be. When he feels ready to be on his own, he will set out to find a clan to guard.
Squires are individuals who are in the early stages of their training as Order Members. They are below level 5 and are still learning the fundamental skills required to become a Knight. This includes learning how to effectively handle their weapons, put on and remove their armor, communicate with nobility and other members of the Order, and understand the qualities and responsibilities of a fully-fledged Knight.
Badge by: Anivia
Knights, on the other hand, have progressed further in their training and are between the levels of 5 and 10. They have completed their basic training and are considered fully trained in the ways of Knighthood. However, they still lack practical experience and are closely monitored and guided by more experienced Order Members. Knights are eager to prove themselves and demonstrate their skills and abilities to their peers and superiors.
Badge by: Anivia
Commanders are highly skilled Knights who have reached a level of expertise and experience. They are between the levels of 10 and 15 and are entrusted with leading small battalions into battle. In addition to their combat skills, Commanders are also well-versed in social etiquette and are knowledgeable about noble estates. Many Commanders aspire to become members of the Grand Cross, the highest rank within the Order, and they strive to demonstrate the qualities and capabilities required for such a prestigious position.
Badge by: Anivia
Knight Commanders are the most senior members of the Order, they are between the levels of 15 and 20. They have accumulated a wealth of experience and knowledge throughout their careers and are responsible for passing on their expertise to the next generation of Knights. Knight Commanders often have their own squires, whom they mentor and train. While some Knight Commanders may choose to retire after training three squires, many are content with their rank and continue to serve the Order until the end of their lives.
Badge by: Anivia
The Grand Cross is the pinnacle of achievement within the Order. To reach this rank, individuals must have reached level 25 and successfully trained at least three squires, bringing them to a minimum level of 5. Members of the Grand Cross are considered the most elite Knights, having achieved what most Squires aspire to. Their dedication and commitment to the Order are highly regarded, and they are often praised and admired for their unwavering service to their Crown. Members of the Grand Cross typically remain in active service until their final breath, as their exceptional level of devotion deserves recognition and respect.
Badge by: Anivia
Dragon Name:
Generation #:
(Optional) Lore/bio:
Dragon Name: Achilles

Generation #: 1
Level: 1
Lore/bio: Born to a family of knights, Achilles always knew his calling was on the field of battle, and so immediately took to the task of being a city guard.
Dragon Name: Zephirine

Generation #: 1
Level: 1
Lore/bio: A Knight in all but name. Zephirine came to the Duke's lands recently, and volunteered for the Guard relatively early on. She has been put in charge of public relations since then, as she has a natural knack with dealing with people.
Dragon Name: Lythri
Generation #: 1
Level: 10
Dragon Name: Liam

Generation #: 1
Level: 1
(Optional) Lore/bio: Having been raised in Stellae Fornax and training to be a knight like his family members, Liam has recently been promoted from being a squire. Cautious yet determined, he eagerly looks to other Order members to learn all that he can about being the best defender he can be. When he feels ready to be on his own, he will set out to find a clan to guard.
Squires are individuals who are in the early stages of their training as Order Members. They are below level 5 and are still learning the fundamental skills required to become a Knight. This includes learning how to effectively handle their weapons, put on and remove their armor, communicate with nobility and other members of the Order, and understand the qualities and responsibilities of a fully-fledged Knight.

Badge by: Anivia
Knights, on the other hand, have progressed further in their training and are between the levels of 5 and 10. They have completed their basic training and are considered fully trained in the ways of Knighthood. However, they still lack practical experience and are closely monitored and guided by more experienced Order Members. Knights are eager to prove themselves and demonstrate their skills and abilities to their peers and superiors.

Badge by: Anivia
Commanders are highly skilled Knights who have reached a level of expertise and experience. They are between the levels of 10 and 15 and are entrusted with leading small battalions into battle. In addition to their combat skills, Commanders are also well-versed in social etiquette and are knowledgeable about noble estates. Many Commanders aspire to become members of the Grand Cross, the highest rank within the Order, and they strive to demonstrate the qualities and capabilities required for such a prestigious position.

Badge by: Anivia
Knight Commanders are the most senior members of the Order, they are between the levels of 15 and 20. They have accumulated a wealth of experience and knowledge throughout their careers and are responsible for passing on their expertise to the next generation of Knights. Knight Commanders often have their own squires, whom they mentor and train. While some Knight Commanders may choose to retire after training three squires, many are content with their rank and continue to serve the Order until the end of their lives.

Badge by: Anivia
The Grand Cross is the pinnacle of achievement within the Order. To reach this rank, individuals must have reached level 25 and successfully trained at least three squires, bringing them to a minimum level of 5. Members of the Grand Cross are considered the most elite Knights, having achieved what most Squires aspire to. Their dedication and commitment to the Order are highly regarded, and they are often praised and admired for their unwavering service to their Crown. Members of the Grand Cross typically remain in active service until their final breath, as their exceptional level of devotion deserves recognition and respect.

Badge by: Anivia

[u][i][b]Currently Available Hatchlings | Gen 1[/b]
[columns][url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=76109523][img]http://flightrising.com/rendern/350/761096/76109523_350.png[/img][/url][br][size=2][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/gde/2677959/1#post_2677959][color=c0c0c0]Code created by DalphiaRoses's Code Generator[/color][/url][/size][nextcol][center][url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=76109523][img]http://flightrising.com/rendern/avatars/761096/76109523.png[/img][/url][br]ID# - 76109523[br][emoji=arcane rune size=1] Rare Eyes[br][br]Chocolate | Starmap[br]Carmine | Blend[br]Coral | Capsule[br][emoji=treasure size=1] 100000 [br][emoji=gem size=1] 100[/columns]
[columns][url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=84469121][img]http://flightrising.com/rendern/350/844692/84469121_350.png[/img][/url][br][size=2][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/gde/2677959/1#post_2677959][color=c0c0c0]Code created by DalphiaRoses's Code Generator[/color][/url][/size][nextcol][center][url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=84469121][img]http://flightrising.com/rendern/avatars/844692/84469121.png[/img][/url][br]ID# - 84469121[br][emoji=arcane rune size=1] Rare Eyes[br][br]Tomato | Crystal[br]Cream | Blend[br]Brick | Capsule[br][emoji=treasure size=1] 100000 [br][emoji=gem size=1] 100[/columns]
[columns][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/95522422][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/350/955225/95522422_350.png[/img][/url][br][size=2][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/gde/2677959/1#post_2677959][color=c0c0c0]Code created by DalphiaRoses's Code Generator[/color][/url][/size][nextcol][center][url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=95522422][img]http://flightrising.com/rendern/avatars/955224/95522422.png[/img][/url][br]ID# - 95522422[br][emoji=arcane rune size=1] PRIMAL Eyes[br][br]Tarnish | Crystal[br]Berry | Blend[br]Fuchsia | Capsule[br][emoji=treasure size=1] 200000[br][emoji=gem size=1] 200[/columns]
[u][i][b]Currently Available Hatchlings | Gen 2[/b][/i][/u]
[columns][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/95309313][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/350/953094/95309313_350.png[/img][/url][br][size=2][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/gde/2677959/1#post_2677959][color=c0c0c0]Code created by DalphiaRoses's Code Generator[/color][/url][/size][nextcol][center][url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=95309313][img]http://flightrising.com/rendern/avatars/953093/95309313.png[/img][/url][br]ID# - 95309313[br][emoji=arcane rune size=1] Common Eyes[br][br]Blush | Starmap[br]Antique | Blend[br]Moon | Capsule[br][emoji=treasure size=1] 100000[br][emoji=gem size=1] 100[/columns]
[columns][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/95309312][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/350/953094/95309312_350.png[/img][/url][br][size=2][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/gde/2677959/1#post_2677959][color=c0c0c0]Code created by DalphiaRoses's Code Generator[/color][/url][/size][nextcol][center][url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=95309312][img]http://flightrising.com/rendern/avatars/953093/95309312.png[/img][/url][br]ID# - 95309313[br][emoji=arcane rune size=1] Uncommon Eyes[br][br]Carmine | Iridescent[br]Pearl | Blend[br]Ice | Capsule[br][emoji=treasure size=1] 100000[br][emoji=gem size=1] 100[/columns]
Currently Available Hatchlings | Gen 1
Currently Available Hatchlings | Gen 2
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/3260412/1]Gilded Roses Lineage[/url]
Special thanks to:
@CupcakeCass for the banner, headers, dividers, and general button!
@absinthy for the teir badges!
Dragon Name: Achilles
Link: [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/84469125][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/350/844692/84469125_350.png[/img][/url]
Generation #: 1
Level: 1
Lore/bio: Born to a family of knights, Achilles always knew his calling was on the field of battle, and so immediately took to the task of being a city guard.
Dragon Name: Achilles

Generation #: 1
Level: 1
Lore/bio: Born to a family of knights, Achilles always knew his calling was on the field of battle, and so immediately took to the task of being a city guard.
WinterKitten1996 Hi there, could I be added to the pinglist as well? The dragons look great, I just need to save up a little ^w^'
WinterKitten1996 Hi there, could I be added to the pinglist as well? The dragons look great, I just need to save up a little ^w^'
[s]Could I possibly get 84469124? She's stunning and I'm interested in this project.
Dragon Name: Diana
Link: [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/84469124][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/350/844692/84469124_350.png[/img][/url]
Generation #: 1
Level: 1
Lore/bio: A pale-coated Dame with a knack for tactics and strategy games, Diana is in charge of training new recruits to the guard. While she is far away from home, she still writes regularly to her parents.[/s]
Could I possibly get 84469124? She's stunning and I'm interested in this project.
Dragon Name: Diana
Generation #: 1
Level: 1
Lore/bio: A pale-coated Dame with a knack for tactics and strategy games, Diana is in charge of training new recruits to the guard. While she is far away from home, she still writes regularly to her parents.
MrMeltingPoint You've been added to the registry and I wanted to thank you for adopting!
TinkaDreamChaser You've been added to the pinglist <3