
Dragon Share

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TOPIC | [CLOSED] Lore Building: Bio Blitz!
[center][img][/img][/center] [b]Join in at any point in the week and catch-up if you get behind![/b] Time for more lore building fun with a twist this week! We're going to be doing a bio blitz! It'll be a fun, fast-paced way to add lore to your dragons with a blank bio. If you are completing the tasks during the week of Ice's dominance push, you will have a chance to win prizes! [center][img][/img][/center] Birdwatching in the Southern Icefields can be rather exciting, despite the wintery landscape! You'll likely see a common Black Capped Chickadee, a Flecked Bushrunner, or a Blue-Throated Hummingbird. On the (unfrozen) water, we have Drifting Ducks and Brent Geese. Maybe you'll even spot a rarer Black Capped Budgie or Mute Swan. To join in the fun this week, some bird familiars will be delivering your Bio Blitz prompts and join the prize bank! Read ahead to find out more about this week's Lore Building event! [center][img][/img][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] Elio notices you lingering in the doorway. "Welcome - are you here for this week's lore building event? Since everyone is out birdwatching this week, we have some delivery birds who will deliver your daily prompts. If you are already on the notification / ping list, you're covered! Otherwise, you can stop by here daily and check the bulletin board for the prompts." "Also, we're going things a little differently this time. Our clan has noticed that a lot of dragons participating in our lore building may already have familiars or scenes or outfits, so we're focusing on adding small blurbs to bios this week to build more background for your clan's dragons. Don't worry, the other format will come back in the future, but we're giving this a try to see how it might fit into a rotation of events." "Well, that covers it for now. Official rules are posted for you to review, but don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions. AND DON'T FORGET: it's very important to submit an form for each theme you post in order for your entry to count for our raffle. And good luck with the birdwatching!" Quick link to submittal form: [url=]Here[/url] "Oh, and one more thing - it doesn't [i]have[/i] to be the same dragon every day, but it can be if you want! Have fun!" [img][/img] Missed the first four Lore Building events? Although you can't win prizes now, you can still use the Daily Themes to help come up with lore for the past themes: [url=]Lore Building: Gardeners[/url] [url=]Lore Building: Frostpunk[/url] [url=]Lore Building: Halloween[/url] [url=]Lore Building: Flight Reps[/url]

Join in at any point in the week and catch-up if you get behind!

Time for more lore building fun with a twist this week! We're going to be doing a bio blitz! It'll be a fun, fast-paced way to add lore to your dragons with a blank bio.

If you are completing the tasks during the week of Ice's dominance push, you will have a chance to win prizes!

Birdwatching in the Southern Icefields can be rather exciting, despite the wintery landscape!

You'll likely see a common Black Capped Chickadee, a Flecked Bushrunner, or a Blue-Throated Hummingbird. On the (unfrozen) water, we have Drifting Ducks and Brent Geese. Maybe you'll even spot a rarer Black Capped Budgie or Mute Swan.

To join in the fun this week, some bird familiars will be delivering your Bio Blitz prompts and join the prize bank! Read ahead to find out more about this week's Lore Building event!

Elio notices you lingering in the doorway.

"Welcome - are you here for this week's lore building event? Since everyone is out birdwatching this week, we have some delivery birds who will deliver your daily prompts. If you are already on the notification / ping list, you're covered! Otherwise, you can stop by here daily and check the bulletin board for the prompts."

"Also, we're going things a little differently this time. Our clan has noticed that a lot of dragons participating in our lore building may already have familiars or scenes or outfits, so we're focusing on adding small blurbs to bios this week to build more background for your clan's dragons. Don't worry, the other format will come back in the future, but we're giving this a try to see how it might fit into a rotation of events."

"Well, that covers it for now. Official rules are posted for you to review, but don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions. AND DON'T FORGET: it's very important to submit an form for each theme you post in order for your entry to count for our raffle. And good luck with the birdwatching!"

Quick link to submittal form: Here

"Oh, and one more thing - it doesn't have to be the same dragon every day, but it can be if you want! Have fun!"


Missed the first four Lore Building events? Although you can't win prizes now, you can still use the Daily Themes to help come up with lore for the past themes:

Lore Building: Gardeners
Lore Building: Frostpunk
Lore Building: Halloween
Lore Building: Flight Reps
[img][/img] [LIST] [*]This event will run from Sunday, April 2 to Saturday, April 8 (ends at rollover to the 9th) to coincide with Ice's Conquest Push. [*]Free to enter! Open to both in-flight and out of flight. [*]Check the Daily Themes post for the guidelines on each theme's required information. [*]For your entry to be eligible, you must post in this thread AND submit [url=]a form[/url] for each theme you enter. To double-check your entry was submitted, please view [url=]this spreadsheet[/url]. [*]If you can't use Google Forms, PM me and I can submit entries for you. [*][u]You can catch up on prior days' themes at any point before the end of the event.[/u] [*]RNG ( will determine the winners for the prizes. To be eligible for the grand prize, you must submit an entry for all seven themes. [/LIST]

  • This event will run from Sunday, April 2 to Saturday, April 8 (ends at rollover to the 9th) to coincide with Ice's Conquest Push.
  • Free to enter! Open to both in-flight and out of flight.
  • Check the Daily Themes post for the guidelines on each theme's required information.
  • For your entry to be eligible, you must post in this thread AND submit a form for each theme you enter. To double-check your entry was submitted, please view this spreadsheet.
  • If you can't use Google Forms, PM me and I can submit entries for you.
  • You can catch up on prior days' themes at any point before the end of the event.
  • RNG ( will determine the winners for the prizes. To be eligible for the grand prize, you must submit an entry for all seven themes.
[size=5][b]Prizes[b][/size] [quote][b]Game Participation Badge[/b] [center][img][/img][/center] [/quote] [center][img][/img] [/center] [i]Prizes will be updated throughout the week! Check back later for the daily reveals.[/i] [quote][b]Grand Prize[/b] [center][item=unhatched ice egg] [item=Glasswing Flutter] [item=unhatched nocturne egg] Ice Egg, Glasswing Flutter, & Nocturne Egg[/center] [i]For a chance to win this prize, participate in all seven daily themes.[/i] [/quote] [quote][b]Bio Blitz One (Sunday Release)[/b] [center][item=Frostbite Hummingbird] [item=winter wind] Frostbite Hummingbird & Winter Wind[/center] [/quote] [quote][b]Bio Blitz Two (Monday Release)[/b] [center][item=lakelight weaver] [item=spring's breath] Lakelight Weaver & Spring's Breath[/center][/quote] [quote][b]Bio Blitz Three[/b] [center][item=hulking greatowl] [item=scene: Winter] Hulking Greatowl & Scene: Winter[/center][/quote] [quote][b]Bio Blitz Four[/b] [center][item=paradise zalis][item=scene: spring] Paradise Zalis & Scene: Spring[/center][/quote] [quote][b]Bio Blitz Five[/b] [center][item=brush dodo] [item=Spring Staff] [item=Spring Antlers] Brush Dodo, Spring Staff, & Spring Antlers [/center][/quote] [quote][b]Bio Blitz Six[/b] [center][item=ragepuff] [item=Larkspur Flowerfall] [item=Silver Flowerfall] Ragepuff, Larkspur Flowerfall, & Silver Flowerfall[/center] [/quote] [quote][b]Bio Blitz Seven[/b] [center][item=woodland turkey] [item=Scene: Frostbite Falls] Woodland Turkey & Scene: Frostbite Falls[/center] [/quote]

Game Participation Badge


Prizes will be updated throughout the week! Check back later for the daily reveals.

Grand Prize
Unhatched Ice Egg Glasswing Flutter Unhatched Nocturne Egg
Ice Egg, Glasswing Flutter, & Nocturne Egg

For a chance to win this prize, participate in all seven daily themes.

Bio Blitz One (Sunday Release)
Frostbite Hummingbird Winter Wind
Frostbite Hummingbird & Winter Wind

Bio Blitz Two (Monday Release)
Lakelight Weaver Spring's Breath
Lakelight Weaver & Spring's Breath

Bio Blitz Three
Hulking Greatowl Scene: Winter
Hulking Greatowl & Scene: Winter

Bio Blitz Four
Paradise Zalis Scene: Spring
Paradise Zalis & Scene: Spring

Bio Blitz Five
Brush Dodo Spring Staff Spring Antlers
Brush Dodo, Spring Staff, & Spring Antlers

Bio Blitz Six
Ragepuff Larkspur Flowerfall Silver Flowerfall
Ragepuff, Larkspur Flowerfall, & Silver Flowerfall

Bio Blitz Seven
Woodland Turkey Scene: Frostbite Falls
Woodland Turkey & Scene: Frostbite Falls
[img][/img] Elio's bio has the permanent Lore Building Opening Ping List, which will also get you added to the Daily Pinglist (unless you asked to be removed for this event). You can also request for a ping for this event only. [center][img][/img] [/center] Art: angemagica (Dom watch banner), sovvah (Sub header & Foddart label), Croissants (Dividers & Typesetting), BrutusCourt (Signature), LuciDatum (Game participation badge), TheWinterBard (OOF tiered badges), Elfydragon (IF tiered badges), Tserin (Typesetting)

Elio's bio has the permanent Lore Building Opening Ping List, which will also get you added to the Daily Pinglist (unless you asked to be removed for this event).

You can also request for a ping for this event only.


Art: angemagica (Dom watch banner), sovvah (Sub header & Foddart label), Croissants (Dividers & Typesetting), BrutusCourt (Signature), LuciDatum (Game participation badge), TheWinterBard (OOF tiered badges), Elfydragon (IF tiered badges), Tserin (Typesetting)
[size=5][b]Daily Themes[/b][/size] Don't forget to submit a form [u]each day[/u] to make sure your post counts for the end of week raffle! [url=]Form link here[/url]. [quote][b]Bio Blitz One (Sunday release)[/b] For additional help/information, visit [url=]this post[/url]. Fill out [url=]this form[/url] in the thread and submit your entry with a link to your post - be sure to update your dragon's bio as well!: [quote] Dragon Name & Link or Widget: Bio Blitz One: [LIST] [*]As the Mistral Jamboree comes to an extended end this year, choose a dragon in your clan and describe what they like best about their favorite festival (be sure to include which festival). Do they attend yearly? Any favorite activities or festival snacks? [/LIST][/quote] [/quote] [quote][b]Bio Blitz Two (Monday release)[/b] For additional help/information, visit [url=]this post[/url]. [quote]Dragon Name & Link or Widget: Bio Blitz Two: Name your dragon's favorite season. What makes it their favorite? List out some favorite seasonal activities and foods. You can submit in the form of bullet points, answering the questions, incorporating into a story, or using your own standard bio format/text.[/quote][/quote] [quote][b]Bio Blitz Three (Tuesday release)[/b] For additional help/information, visit [url=]this post[/url]. [quote]Dragon Name & Link or Widget: Bio Blitz Three: Update your dragon's bio with something bird-related. Perhaps it is their favorite species to watch in their yard or a story about how they met their bird familiar. Birdwatching could be a hobby you give one of your clan's dragons - perhaps you could describe their efforts to spot a rare bird. The sky is the limit! [emoji=owl size=1] You can submit in the form of bullet points, incorporating into a story, or using your own standard bio format/text. [/quote][/quote] [quote][b]Bio Blitz Four (Wednesday release)[/b] For additional help/information, visit [url=]this post[/url]. [quote] Dragon Name & Link or Widget: Bio Blitz Four: Update your dragon's bio with something related to the seasonal change from winter to spring. It can be about spring - cleaning, planting, wardrobe, or break - or focus on the final days of winter - last ski trip of the season, the last of your winter pantry, or a final cozy cold day with hot chocolate and books. You can submit in the form of bullet points, incorporating into a story, or using your own standard bio format/text.[/quote][/quote] [quote][b]Bio Blitz Five (Thursday release)[/b] For additional help/information, visit [url=]this post[/url]. [quote]Dragon Name & Link or Widget: Bio Blitz Five: Describe your dragon's nature inspired collection. Is it a personal collection or on behalf of their clan? You can discuss how it started, how your dragon goes about collecting it, and/or where it's all stored or displayed. You can submit in the form of bullet points, incorporating into a story, or using your own standard bio format/text. [/quote][/quote] [quote][b]Bio Blitz Six (Friday release)[/b] For additional help/information, visit [url=]this post[/url]. [quote]Dragon Name & Link or Widget: Bio Blitz Six: What is your dragon's favorite flower? If your dragon is really not a flower type, you can substitute another kind of plant. Provide some background details as to why! You can submit in the form of bullet points, incorporating into a story, or using your own standard bio format/text.[/quote][/quote] [quote][b]Bio Blitz Seven (Saturday release)[/b] For additional help/information, visit [url=]this post[/url]. [quote]Quote: Dragon Name & Link or Widget: Bio Blitz Seven: Name your favorite place in Sornieth and tell us why it's your favorite. You can submit in the form of bullet points, incorporating into a story, or using your own standard bio format/text.[/quote][/quote]
Daily Themes

Don't forget to submit a form each day to make sure your post counts for the end of week raffle!

Form link here.

Bio Blitz One (Sunday release)

For additional help/information, visit this post.

Fill out this form in the thread and submit your entry with a link to your post - be sure to update your dragon's bio as well!:

Dragon Name & Link or Widget:
Bio Blitz One:
  • As the Mistral Jamboree comes to an extended end this year, choose a dragon in your clan and describe what they like best about their favorite festival (be sure to include which festival). Do they attend yearly? Any favorite activities or festival snacks?

Bio Blitz Two (Monday release)

For additional help/information, visit this post.

Dragon Name & Link or Widget:
Bio Blitz Two:
Name your dragon's favorite season. What makes it their favorite? List out some favorite seasonal activities and foods.

You can submit in the form of bullet points, answering the questions, incorporating into a story, or using your own standard bio format/text.

Bio Blitz Three (Tuesday release)

For additional help/information, visit this post.

Dragon Name & Link or Widget:
Bio Blitz Three:
Update your dragon's bio with something bird-related. Perhaps it is their favorite species to watch in their yard or a story about how they met their bird familiar. Birdwatching could be a hobby you give one of your clan's dragons - perhaps you could describe their efforts to spot a rare bird. The sky is the limit!

You can submit in the form of bullet points, incorporating into a story, or using your own standard bio format/text.

Bio Blitz Four (Wednesday release)

For additional help/information, visit this post.

Dragon Name & Link or Widget:
Bio Blitz Four:
Update your dragon's bio with something related to the seasonal change from winter to spring. It can be about spring - cleaning, planting, wardrobe, or break - or focus on the final days of winter - last ski trip of the season, the last of your winter pantry, or a final cozy cold day with hot chocolate and books.

You can submit in the form of bullet points, incorporating into a story, or using your own standard bio format/text.

Bio Blitz Five (Thursday release)

For additional help/information, visit this post.

Dragon Name & Link or Widget:
Bio Blitz Five:
Describe your dragon's nature inspired collection. Is it a personal collection or on behalf of their clan? You can discuss how it started, how your dragon goes about collecting it, and/or where it's all stored or displayed.

You can submit in the form of bullet points, incorporating into a story, or using your own standard bio format/text.

Bio Blitz Six (Friday release)

For additional help/information, visit this post.

Dragon Name & Link or Widget:
Bio Blitz Six:
What is your dragon's favorite flower? If your dragon is really not a flower type, you can substitute another kind of plant. Provide some background details as to why!

You can submit in the form of bullet points, incorporating into a story, or using your own standard bio format/text.

Bio Blitz Seven (Saturday release)

For additional help/information, visit this post.

Dragon Name & Link or Widget:
Bio Blitz Seven:
Name your favorite place in Sornieth and tell us why it's your favorite.

You can submit in the form of bullet points, incorporating into a story, or using your own standard bio format/text.
[u]Future Lore Building Opening Ping List:[/u] @Disillusionist @MarinaQuakenbush @Chingoo @Magmish @Fjordhop @Beezarre @Eialyne @Lundlaeva @FallingUpstairs @distortedgenesis @Bxy26 @Doozie @seamists @rockss @Pachirisu @gamingcookie @awaicu @Raptondragon @Zepherym @MystaRias @Chingoo @Fantelle @kwozmotis @UmbraGlide @late711 @harpyja @Kothra @inkexplosions @enceladust @IamNoHere @Ackie @Stanzascale @alagasianflame @Leopardmask @Beatoriche @catgame21234 @odyssia @ClockworkEclipse @xenonentity @ModusMortis @Map1e @CrystalDragon14 @winterninja @SilentWanderer @Islet Hello! Some admin notes to start: I added everyone in the thread requesting pings to the future Lore Building event list - if that wasn't your intent please let me know. I also use it as the basis for the daily reminder ping list. If you do NOT want daily pings this week but DO want to remain on the opening ping list, also just let me know! [center][img][/img][/center] [i]A Frostbite Hummingbird drops a scroll on you, then flits away. Inside, it says:[/i] Welcome to this week's Lore Building event! Unlike previous events, we're going to focus solely on adding lore to bios, in small, easy pieces throughout the week. You do NOT have to pick the same dragon every day (but you can). We'll have daily prompts, dropped off by our feathery friends throughout the week, for you to use to create some background/personality to your dragon: [quote]Dragon Name & Link or Widget: Bio Blitz One: As the Mistral Jamboree comes to an extended end this year, choose a dragon in your clan and describe what they like best about their favorite festival (be sure to include which festival). Do they attend yearly? Any favorite activities or festival snacks?[/quote] Today, let's focus on festivals! Do your dragon have a favorite? Why that festival? (Is it their birthplace's festival, your current flight's festival, or another one entirely? What do they like best about the festival? Who do they attend with? What do they do when they get there? Any favorite activities or foods? You don't need to address all the questions in the above prompt, but pick what makes the most sense for you and your dragon. Also, please note, since this is an Ice conquest push week, Ice does have a public buy and FoddArt open, if you want to toss dragons our way. Thanks!!
Future Lore Building Opening Ping List:
@Disillusionist @MarinaQuakenbush @Chingoo @Magmish @Fjordhop @Beezarre @Eialyne @Lundlaeva @FallingUpstairs @distortedgenesis @Bxy26 @Doozie @seamists @rockss @Pachirisu @gamingcookie @awaicu @Raptondragon @Zepherym @MystaRias @Chingoo @Fantelle @kwozmotis @UmbraGlide @late711 @harpyja @Kothra @inkexplosions @enceladust @IamNoHere @Ackie @Stanzascale @alagasianflame @Leopardmask @Beatoriche @catgame21234 @odyssia @ClockworkEclipse @xenonentity @ModusMortis @Map1e @CrystalDragon14 @winterninja @SilentWanderer @Islet

Hello! Some admin notes to start: I added everyone in the thread requesting pings to the future Lore Building event list - if that wasn't your intent please let me know. I also use it as the basis for the daily reminder ping list. If you do NOT want daily pings this week but DO want to remain on the opening ping list, also just let me know!

A Frostbite Hummingbird drops a scroll on you, then flits away. Inside, it says:

Welcome to this week's Lore Building event! Unlike previous events, we're going to focus solely on adding lore to bios, in small, easy pieces throughout the week. You do NOT have to pick the same dragon every day (but you can).

We'll have daily prompts, dropped off by our feathery friends throughout the week, for you to use to create some background/personality to your dragon:

Dragon Name & Link or Widget:
Bio Blitz One:
As the Mistral Jamboree comes to an extended end this year, choose a dragon in your clan and describe what they like best about their favorite festival (be sure to include which festival). Do they attend yearly? Any favorite activities or festival snacks?

Today, let's focus on festivals! Do your dragon have a favorite? Why that festival? (Is it their birthplace's festival, your current flight's festival, or another one entirely?

What do they like best about the festival? Who do they attend with? What do they do when they get there? Any favorite activities or foods?

You don't need to address all the questions in the above prompt, but pick what makes the most sense for you and your dragon.

Also, please note, since this is an Ice conquest push week, Ice does have a public buy and FoddArt open, if you want to toss dragons our way. Thanks!!
@JinxMoonstone Could I be added to the pinglists both for this event and future ones please? c:
@JinxMoonstone Could I be added to the pinglists both for this event and future ones please? c:
May I please be added to the Lore Building Opening Ping List? Thank you!
May I please be added to the Lore Building Opening Ping List? Thank you!
Morte | he/him/his | FR+0
Let's return to the beginning together.
Avatar | Wishlist
Hello! Could I be added to the pinglist? Those birdies are so adorable ;v;
Hello! Could I be added to the pinglist? Those birdies are so adorable ;v;
pinglist for this event please!
pinglist for this event please!
pro tips:
- if you add a message to a CR then decline it, the person who you're trading with CAN'T see the message - editing a post DOES NOT re-ping any pings in the post. you have to remove the pings, submit, then add them back in.