Girahi Thanks so much for the stars and compliments! Also, no need to apologize for your English with me, I was able to understand what you were communicating just fine and it makes me nostalgic for summer night sleepovers with my best friend back in high school (the turns of phrase you use that a native speaker wouldn’t are very much like hers were - that was years ago though, she’s gotten better ;) ).
I’m also so very pleased whenever I see someone spotlight and compliment Priya. She was definitely the original trophy/prize dragon when I was new and my lair was small. I think I snagged her for like 20 gems maybe, but the accent I HAD TO HAVE when I saw it and if memory serves I convinced the person selling it to take it off the AH and put it on hold for me for like a month before I had the gems to pay for it. So incredibly worth it, 0 regrets.
With Lindelea I had to actually look up Koi myths, so no, she wasn’t inspired by them, but I love any excuse to look up a new (to me) myth and that one looks pretty interesting. Might inspire a little something when I get around to updating and filling out her lore and personality, etc. Have a few versions of the koi transformation myth bookmarked now (and am open to elaborations/links if you have a favourite version). Still, was a lovely compliment regardless :D
Lindelea’s transformation into a skydancer came about because I love skydancers and I had that rainbow accent I loved on her, but the subspecies I bred her triple lapis for have to be pearlcatchers, so I gave her a familiar that looked like it was holding a pearl and wrote into her lore why she was a skydancer instead lol.
As for Cirro, I can’t take credit for the genes/colours of the dragon as they’re required of the subspecies he’s part of, but I can absolutely agree they’re awesome :D Still, I think I found some excellent apparel for him to wear and am super pleased by the compliments :D
As for your lair...oh, hey, a fellow Ravenclaw :D hai. Also, French! vous écrivez Anglais beaucoup beaucoup BEAUCOUP mieux que j'écris Francais (Google translate says I got this right - mostly because I wrote j’ecrive originally lol - je suis desolé if google translate and I are both very wrong lol). In my defense, all 3 of my French teachers in high school/college gushed about how much I sounded like a native speaker. I don’t know how much the middle teacher should count though lol. He incorrectly corrected me on things my first teacher taught and my third actual French-native teacher taught exactly why the middle guy was wrong. I’m rambling, I’ve been awake too long lol
Besides, I’m supposed to be talking about your lovely lair!
You do not have a whole lot, it’s true, but what you do have are so pretty! I had to give almost all of them a star, including 2 in the hibden from the “please do not spotlight” list. You got a total of 13 stars from me! And
half of what you have are open tabs fighting for the spotlight!
To list them: Radosk, Ahren, Effect, Skald, Durmast, and Skyla...and now to pick 3 of those for the spotlights…
Before we even get to the bio, this dragon is just beautiful. That accent, the cards, the scene, bee wings, his colours and genes in general, the bright arcane halo all go together so very well. Then we get to that treat of a bio. As a highly empathic individual, I do love this quote:
It is both a blessing
And a curse
To feel everything
So very deeply
I love his celestial gif banner, I ADORE his art at the bottom...oh my gosh, he’s neutral evil with tower as his tarot card - I was not prepared for this amount of trouble on such a pretty fae lol
*starts up his playlist while finishing up*
This is an interesting bio for sure and I love how it sounds like he’s a complex villain rather than all of his qualities being considered bad. There’s enough there to see why his alignment is evil, but it’s also noted that while manipulative in evil ways, he’s also responsible man and a “true generous shining knight.”
The overall story/world presented here are intriguing.
Such a colorful boy laid out over a nice, contrasty black/white/green split moon thanks to his genes :D I particularly love his goggles, accent, and candles together. Also another intriguing bio, even if it is less to go on, still interesting - I’d absolutely read stories about him and this shop for sure.
Look at this beautiful veilspun! I just ADORE how that accent makes his wings look like stained glass. Every detail about his genes and colours with that accent is just perfection. I
almost didn’t pick him for the spotlights because you couldn’t adorn him in apparel like some of the other pretties with a tab still open, but then I scrolled down to his bio and saw the art. I love him so much. Favourite in your lair for sure!
Wonderful mood board for him too and now I read what’s here and hope I haven’t fallen for an evil faery (<3 I am SUCH a sucker for anything dealing with the fey in story and aesthetics).
Poor faery Duke had all my sympathy until I got to his personality traits lol I was gonna say that
Diem would totally be his friend and love to hear his stories if they encountered one another in those woods someday, but it depends on how snobbish he’d be to a random friendly visitor. PS Diem thinks he’s
super pretty anyway.
Then again, Diem has also already promised everything that they are or ever will be quite naively to an archfey so, yeah...there’s that lol. Ulaigh might not be keen to share their attention with another fey.
Even if he is a snob, I still love him and that bio art, gorgeous dragon/fae!