
Dragon Share

Show off your favorite dragons.
TOPIC | Theme Week: Open Theme!
[url=][img][/img][/url] Blossom is a... cursed dragon. Though her friend has been trying to help her deal with her issue, there is no way to get rid of her curse. What is the curse? Whenever she touches a living plant, it dies and decays immediately. [url=][img][/img][/url] This is Twilight, he has had a rough past and eventually ran away to discover a group of what's almost Halloween dragons and join them as a rogue alchemist. (Decided isn't true to be honest one of them pressured him in) [url=][img][/img][/url] GLow is a happily fully transitioned trans skydancer! She's also become a witch after a lifelong obsession. Also because it fits in with her girlfriend's aesthetic.
Blossom is a... cursed dragon. Though her friend has been trying to help her deal with her issue, there is no way to get rid of her curse. What is the curse? Whenever she touches a living plant, it dies and decays immediately.

This is Twilight, he has had a rough past and eventually ran away to discover a group of what's almost Halloween dragons and join them as a rogue alchemist. (Decided isn't true to be honest one of them pressured him in)

GLow is a happily fully transitioned trans skydancer! She's also become a witch after a lifelong obsession. Also because it fits in with her girlfriend's aesthetic.
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[url=][img][/img][/url] Leia, i rarely ever get to share her but she's so pretty!! [url=][img][/img][/url] Morganite, handsome boy [url=][img][/img][/url] Blueberrry, he's very dear to my heart <3

Leia, i rarely ever get to share her but she's so pretty!!


Morganite, handsome boy


Blueberrry, he's very dear to my heart <3
[b]Fomalhaut: [/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Meadowmist: [/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Prehnite: [/b] [url=][img][/img][/url]





sharing Kabu bc he's a recent-ish addition, i wanted a new lvl 25 to train fodder with and a couple people i know recommended meditate builds! i've been having a TON of fun with him in the coli, and i've also been having a lot of fun using his silhouette scroll to toggle his pose back and forth to swap between skins (you can see the two i use for them in their profile!) [url=][img][/img][/url] conversely, i'm going to share Rune because she's the first dragon i ever bought way back in 2013! she was born on the same day i joined fr. she's had quite the makeover since then, being scattered, breed changed, and regened, and it just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy having her around. [url=][img][/img][/url]
sharing Kabu bc he's a recent-ish addition, i wanted a new lvl 25 to train fodder with and a couple people i know recommended meditate builds! i've been having a TON of fun with him in the coli, and i've also been having a lot of fun using his silhouette scroll to toggle his pose back and forth to swap between skins (you can see the two i use for them in their profile!)


conversely, i'm going to share Rune because she's the first dragon i ever bought way back in 2013! she was born on the same day i joined fr. she's had quite the makeover since then, being scattered, breed changed, and regened, and it just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy having her around.

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[url=][img][/img][/url] Nyreoth (she came with that name) Was originally bought as fodder, by one of my friends, but I decided to adopt her because she had such good colors! She was originally a triple basic mirror, and a child of someone's progens. This is her now :) I gened and scrolled her all up myself, splurged on an accent [i]and[/i] a scene for her, so she knows she is special. Sadly, it seems she is the only non-exalted or soon-to-be-exalted offspring of her parents at the moment. [url=][img][/img][/url] Hydarg (also came with the name) Also originally bought as fodder, by another one of my friends. He showed up as featured on the front page, and he only came to my attention when someone commented on my friend's page that he was featured! I said I'd take him since he had such nice colors, (though he had quite an ugly gene combo before I gave him a makeover) And now he is a meme lord. (check his bio, lmao ) [url=][img][/img][/url] This guy wasn't fodder, I've had him for years and he still doesn't have a name. I didn't gene him, (though I may have given him gembond, idr) I DID breed specifically for him though. He is the dark prince of my clan, and Idk I'm just proud of his outfit I guess and I feel like he deserves more attention than he gets ;u;
Nyreoth (she came with that name)
Was originally bought as fodder, by one of my friends, but I decided to adopt her because she had such good colors! She was originally a triple basic mirror, and a child of someone's progens. This is her now :) I gened and scrolled her all up myself, splurged on an accent and a scene for her, so she knows she is special. Sadly, it seems she is the only non-exalted or soon-to-be-exalted offspring of her parents at the moment.
Hydarg (also came with the name)
Also originally bought as fodder, by another one of my friends. He showed up as featured on the front page, and he only came to my attention when someone commented on my friend's page that he was featured! I said I'd take him since he had such nice colors, (though he had quite an ugly gene combo before I gave him a makeover) And now he is a meme lord.
(check his bio, lmao )
This guy wasn't fodder, I've had him for years and he still doesn't have a name. I didn't gene him, (though I may have given him gembond, idr) I DID breed specifically for him though. He is the dark prince of my clan, and Idk I'm just proud of his outfit I guess and I feel like he deserves more attention than he gets ;u;
Ping me or I won't see your post!
I do art! Message me about commissions.

[b]Falcon[/b] He is my fav-fav-fav chubby boy! [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Echo[/b] My special dark lady [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]Jackal[/b] Fire Demon [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
He is my fav-fav-fav chubby boy!
My special dark lady
Fire Demon
Oh, Perfect!! I love open themes. Of course, I'm going to share my Custom Progen, Kari <3 I love her to death, she means the world to me. I've kept all of her genes basic because they just look lovely, simple, the way they are. [url=][img][/img][/url] She's my clan's founder and leader, and I have a very matchy familiar for her<3 I spent a lot of time working on her bio, decorating it, writing for it. It's still unfinished but I'm very content with it :) Kari is very caring, loving and protecting of her clan, whom she calls her family. She loves none any more than the next, and is very passionate about forming alliances and working with the beastclans in her area, especially the Talonok. Her own childhood was filled with dragon and beast clans warring, and she doesn't want that for her own family, so she wants to be able to create a world where all beings can be at peace. A snippet from her bio: "Aside from socializing with her friends, she enjoys flying, collecting scales, and hunting insects. Even though she has aged in the years since starting her clan, any dragon would tell you that the youthfulness in her eyes is still clear and strong." My next is Wyrm. They're the newest addition to my Scavenger Pack! Clan Crystalline's Scavengers are a pack of dragons that live and operate separately from the main clan, living more "feral" and unmodern lifestyles. They all struggle to communicate "normally", so they communicate with chirps, clicks and whistles, alongside clear body language. [url=][img][/img][/url] Wyrm looks up to and shadows Emara, an older Scavenger, the current leader of their pack. Emara appreciates and respects Wyrm and their talent, but wishes they were more independent and better at making their own decisions. A snippet from their bio: "Wyrm isn't a leader, they are very much a follower. Wyrm is observant, and has very quickly picked up on the skills of the other, older scavengers and has proven to be an incredibly useful addition to the pack. If Wyrm was more independent, Emara would consider them to be next in line to lead." Last but not least is Python! He's...... ..Very complex. He has a very dark family history and struggles with a lot of self doubt. I cover a lot of darker themes in his bio stories but I do believe I keep them safely within Flight Rising's rules. A lot more is implied than is written. [url=][img][/img][/url] A snippet from his bio: "Python doesn't spend much time with the rest of the clan, always feeling out of place even though he was born there. Instead he likes to always be on the move, and being a part of the frontline attack team satisfies that and fills him with purpose." I'm really proud of the bottom-most story I wrote for him, and how I connect him to other dragons in my lair, such as his mother and his half-brother. I pride myself in my gradual world building between my dragons, and how I can connect all of their lore. :)
Oh, Perfect!! I love open themes.

Of course, I'm going to share my Custom Progen, Kari <3 I love her to death, she means the world to me.
I've kept all of her genes basic because they just look lovely, simple, the way they are.
She's my clan's founder and leader, and I have a very matchy familiar for her<3
I spent a lot of time working on her bio, decorating it, writing for it. It's still unfinished but I'm very content with it :)
Kari is very caring, loving and protecting of her clan, whom she calls her family. She loves none any more than the next, and is very passionate about forming alliances and working with the beastclans in her area, especially the Talonok. Her own childhood was filled with dragon and beast clans warring, and she doesn't want that for her own family, so she wants to be able to create a world where all beings can be at peace. A snippet from her bio: "Aside from socializing with her friends, she enjoys flying, collecting scales, and hunting insects. Even though she has aged in the years since starting her clan, any dragon would tell you that the youthfulness in her eyes is still clear and strong."

My next is Wyrm. They're the newest addition to my Scavenger Pack! Clan Crystalline's Scavengers are a pack of dragons that live and operate separately from the main clan, living more "feral" and unmodern lifestyles. They all struggle to communicate "normally", so they communicate with chirps, clicks and whistles, alongside clear body language.
Wyrm looks up to and shadows Emara, an older Scavenger, the current leader of their pack. Emara appreciates and respects Wyrm and their talent, but wishes they were more independent and better at making their own decisions. A snippet from their bio: "Wyrm isn't a leader, they are very much a follower. Wyrm is observant, and has very quickly picked up on the skills of the other, older scavengers and has proven to be an incredibly useful addition to the pack. If Wyrm was more independent, Emara would consider them to be next in line to lead."

Last but not least is Python! He's...... ..Very complex. He has a very dark family history and struggles with a lot of self doubt. I cover a lot of darker themes in his bio stories but I do believe I keep them safely within Flight Rising's rules. A lot more is implied than is written.
A snippet from his bio: "Python doesn't spend much time with the rest of the clan, always feeling out of place even though he was born there. Instead he likes to always be on the move, and being a part of the frontline attack team satisfies that and fills him with purpose."

I'm really proud of the bottom-most story I wrote for him, and how I connect him to other dragons in my lair, such as his mother and his half-brother. I pride myself in my gradual world building between my dragons, and how I can connect all of their lore. :)

cats are cool &
my bones hurt
+3 FRT
xXXx Secret Message!! xXXx
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[center]1. [b]Itztlacoliuhqui[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] Itztla is one of my Whitewalker army in my Hibernal Den. I bought her completely basic and gened her all up myself. Why? Idk but I love her! 2. [b]Wildling[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] I've got a couple permababs, but she's definitely my favorite! She's SOOOOO cute imo and I'm really happy with her gene/color combo. 3. [b]Carrion[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] I hatched her last October and was surprised to become immediately attached. Her lore still needs to be written and she's going to change her secondary to Morph, but I still love her as is.[/center]
1. Itztlacoliuhqui
Itztla is one of my Whitewalker army in my Hibernal Den. I bought her completely basic and gened her all up myself. Why? Idk but I love her!

2. Wildling
I've got a couple permababs, but she's definitely my favorite! She's SOOOOO cute imo and I'm really happy with her gene/color combo.

3. Carrion
I hatched her last October and was surprised to become immediately attached. Her lore still needs to be written and she's going to change her secondary to Morph, but I still love her as is.
[url=][img][/img][/url] Vey is probably my favorite dragon out of all of them. She was my first primal, and I just instantly fell in love with her. She's a druid and a healer, and is constantly roaming through forests and fields looking for medicinal plants, but she never strays too far from the rest of the clan. In true plague fashion, her methods of healing are more about setting broken bones so they can heal right, and letting diseases run their course, making you stronger for it. She can appear rather scary if you don't know her, especially for hatchlings, but she is endlessly kind and caring. She will adopt orphaned hatchlings with nowhere else to go, until they are able to take care of themselves. As one of the oldest clan members, she is often come to for advice, no matter what about, she will offer guidance and a listening ear. Because of this she is pretty much universally beloved in the clan, everyone at least [i]knows [/i]someone she has helped out before. [url=][img][/img][/url] Eri is another favorite of mine. I got her for only 50 treasure, and had a nice conversation with the person who sold her to me. She was originally intended to be fodder, but I grew attached to her, and now here we are. She's a courier, taking messages and parcels across all domains, within reason. According to her, she's the fastest courier available in all of Sornieth, but no one quite believes that to be true. To the best of her clanmates' knowledge, she has never done anything to prove it. She is, however, the fastest dragon in the clan, without a doubt. Because of her profession, she never stays in one place for too long, but she doesn't take jobs that require her to travel too far from the clan, so she's never gone for very long. Friendly and outgoing, if a bit loud, she is generally well liked, and deemed mildly annoying at worst by particularly grumpy dragons. Hatchlings will often talk about how cool she is, to her immense delight. 'I'm the coolest dragon in the clan' is a common justification for her actions. [url=][img][/img][/url] Heather is one of my prettiest dragons, in my opinion. I love his colours, his outfit, his aesthetic as a whole, really. He is a bit more of a controversial figure in the clan, mostly due to his love of mieschief making certain dragons wary of him. He's a witch and an alchemist, whose potions have a wide variety of applications. From healing potions to poisons to harmless prank potions, he can make anything you need, for the right price. He doesn't want gold, usually, but small items that interest him, or sweets. If the situation is more serious, he doesn't expect any payment, of course. He still cares for his clanmates, after all. Like Eri, he is quite popular with hatchlings, due to his love of pranks and willingness to supply the necessary materials for them. Vey and him have a long running friendship, often found wandering in the woods together, chatting about potions and the latest gossip. Other than that, he usually keeps to himself unless approached, in which case you will find that he can be quite friendly, with a quick wit and teasing humor.
Vey is probably my favorite dragon out of all of them. She was my first primal, and I just instantly fell in love with her.
She's a druid and a healer, and is constantly roaming through forests and fields looking for medicinal plants, but she never strays too far from the rest of the clan.
In true plague fashion, her methods of healing are more about setting broken bones so they can heal right, and letting diseases run their course, making you stronger for it.
She can appear rather scary if you don't know her, especially for hatchlings, but she is endlessly kind and caring. She will adopt orphaned hatchlings with nowhere else to go, until they are able to take care of themselves.
As one of the oldest clan members, she is often come to for advice, no matter what about, she will offer guidance and a listening ear. Because of this she is pretty much universally beloved in the clan, everyone at least knows someone she has helped out before.

Eri is another favorite of mine. I got her for only 50 treasure, and had a nice conversation with the person who sold her to me. She was originally intended to be fodder, but I grew attached to her, and now here we are.
She's a courier, taking messages and parcels across all domains, within reason.
According to her, she's the fastest courier available in all of Sornieth, but no one quite believes that to be true. To the best of her clanmates' knowledge, she has never done anything to prove it. She is, however, the fastest dragon in the clan, without a doubt.
Because of her profession, she never stays in one place for too long, but she doesn't take jobs that require her to travel too far from the clan, so she's never gone for very long.
Friendly and outgoing, if a bit loud, she is generally well liked, and deemed mildly annoying at worst by particularly grumpy dragons. Hatchlings will often talk about how cool she is, to her immense delight. 'I'm the coolest dragon in the clan' is a common justification for her actions.

Heather is one of my prettiest dragons, in my opinion. I love his colours, his outfit, his aesthetic as a whole, really.
He is a bit more of a controversial figure in the clan, mostly due to his love of mieschief making certain dragons wary of him.
He's a witch and an alchemist, whose potions have a wide variety of applications. From healing potions to poisons to harmless prank potions, he can make anything you need, for the right price. He doesn't want gold, usually, but small items that interest him, or sweets. If the situation is more serious, he doesn't expect any payment, of course. He still cares for his clanmates, after all.
Like Eri, he is quite popular with hatchlings, due to his love of pranks and willingness to supply the necessary materials for them.
Vey and him have a long running friendship, often found wandering in the woods together, chatting about potions and the latest gossip. Other than that, he usually keeps to himself unless approached, in which case you will find that he can be quite friendly, with a quick wit and teasing humor.
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Bloop is the only derg I've ever saved from exalt row. I love everything about him and I think i show him off too much but look at him!! Look at those lil lovely banana veins! [url=][img][/img][/url] Gold is my perfect boy. I love pink/gold and I think he was the first derg I ever got with Firefly, which of course led to many many more haha. [url=][img][/img][/url]
Bloop is the only derg I've ever saved from exalt row. I love everything about him and I think i show him off too much but look at him!! Look at those lil lovely banana veins!

Gold is my perfect boy. I love pink/gold and I think he was the first derg I ever got with Firefly, which of course led to many many more haha.
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> FR +17

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