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TOPIC | [Wind Subspecies] Zephyr Dancer Registry
[center][size=7][size=2][color=#006400][b][font=Monotype Corsiva]Zephyr Dancer Registry[br]Open for Registration[/font][/color][/size][/size][/center] [center][color=#006400]Welcome to the Zephyr Dancer Registry! Zephyr Dancers are a Wind subspecies created by @Dragoness on 27 April 2015 and made public on 1 June 2015. The [url=]original public thread can be found here[/url]; if you’re a member of the Wind flight and are interested in the original wind forum thread, [url=]click here.[/url] After acquiring a few Zephyr Dancers myself in early 2021, and noticing interest in Zephyr Dancers across the forums and discord, I reached out to Dragoness to get permission to get an active registry thread started. With their blessing, here is that thread! All lore and breed standards are still up in their original thread (I didn’t want to reproduce too much of Dragoness’ work here) – you can follow the links below to find out more about the subspecies and see the original registry. [br] [img][/img][/center][br] [quote name="Dragoness"] [center][img][/img][/center] [color=#006400][i][center]Whispers on the Winds spoke of a native tribe of Skydancers that called the Zephyr Steppes their home. For many ages they were believed to be nothing but rumors, as no dragon had ever spotted one. They were called [b]Zephyr Dancers[/b], a nod to their breed and their supposed ability to dart quickly from one location to another, leaving nothing but a light breeze behind. Additionally, others just referred to them as the Zephyr Dragons due to their supposed stomping-grounds being on the Zephyr Steppes. One dragon set out to either prove, or disprove the existence of this Subspecies. After months of careful tracking she had returned with a full notebook of documentation. She found them! They were real, and there was much to share about their hidden culture![/center][/i] [/color] [url=][img][/img][/url] [/quote][br] [center][img][/img][/center][br] [center] [size=7][size=4][color=#006400][b][font=Monotype Corsiva]Navigation[/font][/b][/color][/size][/size][/center] [columns] [color=transparent]this is text that you can't see trying to move[/color] [right][url=][img][/img][/url][/right] [nextcol] [left][b][size=4][url=][color=#006400]Lore and Origins[/color][/url] [url=][color=#006400]Breed Standards[/color][/url] [url=][color=#006400]Breed Variations[/color][/url] [url=][color=#006400]Types of Registration[/color] [/url] [url=][color=#006400]How to Register[/color] [/url] [url=][color=#006400]Official Registry[/color][/url] [url=][color=#006400]Credits[/color][/url][/size][/b] [/left] [/columns][br] [center][img][/img][/center][br] [center][color=#006400]Interested in getting a Zephyr Dancer? Check out the links below! [url=] [img alt="Looking to buy a Zephyr Dancer? Click on this image"][/img][/url] [center] [color=#006400]Breeding Available Upon Request[/color][/center] [url=][color=#006400][b]RXRPTR[/b][/color][/url] [img][/img] [img][/img] [url=][color=#006400][b]concertconfetti[/b][/color][/url] [img][/img] Hatchery links (WIP)[/color][/center]
Zephyr Dancer Registry
Open for Registration
Welcome to the Zephyr Dancer Registry! Zephyr Dancers are a Wind subspecies created by @Dragoness on 27 April 2015 and made public on 1 June 2015. The original public thread can be found here; if you’re a member of the Wind flight and are interested in the original wind forum thread, click here.

After acquiring a few Zephyr Dancers myself in early 2021, and noticing interest in Zephyr Dancers across the forums and discord, I reached out to Dragoness to get permission to get an active registry thread started. With their blessing, here is that thread! All lore and breed standards are still up in their original thread (I didn’t want to reproduce too much of Dragoness’ work here) – you can follow the links below to find out more about the subspecies and see the original registry.


Dragoness wrote:
Whispers on the Winds spoke of a native tribe of Skydancers that called the Zephyr Steppes their home. For many ages they were believed to be nothing but rumors, as no dragon had ever spotted one. They were called Zephyr Dancers, a nod to their breed and their supposed ability to dart quickly from one location to another, leaving nothing but a light breeze behind. Additionally, others just referred to them as the Zephyr Dragons due to their supposed stomping-grounds being on the Zephyr Steppes.

One dragon set out to either prove, or disprove the existence of this Subspecies. After months of careful tracking she had returned with a full notebook of documentation. She found them! They were real, and there was much to share about their hidden culture!



this is text that you can't see trying to move


Interested in getting a Zephyr Dancer? Check out the links below!

Looking to buy a Zephyr Dancer? Click on this image

Breeding Available Upon Request



Hatchery links (WIP)
gideon | they/them | transmasc nonbinary | archivist and writer
i write stories for fun; feel free to ping me!
[center][color=#006400]If you're looking to register your dragon as a Zephyr Dancer, please check the list below and ping concertconfetti with your dragon AND the three ways your dragon qualifies![/color][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [quote name="Dragoness"] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][color=#006400]Has a Zephyr Dancer found its way into your Clan? Would you like to have it recognized in the official Registry? Take a peek at the classifications below and see if your dragon qualifies to be registered as a Zephyr Dancer![/color][/center] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][center][img][/img][/center][color=#006400]This is the Lowest Tier of Registry available to Zephyr Dancer dragons. These dragons are not considered a part of the breed, but typically contribute to the creation of Official Zephyr Dancers. Qualifications for the Legacy Class Registration are:[/color] [LIST] [*] [b]Acceptable Elements[/b]: Any [*] [b]Acceptable Breeds[/b]: [b]Skydancer[/b], Nocturne, Imperial, Wildclaw, and Coatl [*] [b]Acceptable Primaries[/b]: [b]Maize[/b] and White [*] [b]Acceptable Secondaries[/b]: Goldenrod, Spring, Leaf, [b]Green[/b], Avocado, Swamp, Forest, Jungle, and Emerald [*] [b]Acceptable Tertiaries[/b]: Goldenrod, [b]Spring[/b], and Leaf [*] [b]Acceptable Genes[/b]: Tiger, [b]Iridescent[/b], Crystal, [b]Shimmer[/b], Facet, [b]Okapi[/b], and Circuit [/LIST] [color=#006400]In order to be considered a "Legacy" Zephyr Dancer, the dragon must have at least [b]THREE[/b] of the bolded traits above. For Example, A [b]Maize[/b]/Spring/[b]Spring[/b] Nocturne with Crystal/[b]Shimmer[/b]/Circuit would be acceptable, because she meets three of the bolded criteria. A Maize/Green/Spring Pearlcatcher with Tiger/Shimmer/Okapi would not be able to register. Even though she meets most of the bold criteria, she is a species that is not recognized in the Acceptable Species list.[/color] [nextcol][img][/img][/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][center][img][/img][/center][color=#006400]The next step up, Honorary Zephyrs are not considered part of the breed, but rather they lend their genes to the creation of Official Zephyr Dancers. Qualifications for the Honorary Class Registration are:[/color] [LIST] [*] [b]Acceptable Elements[/b]: Any element EXCEPT Wind [*] [b]Acceptable Breeds[/b]: Skydancer, Nocturne, Imperial, Wildclaw, and Coatl [*] [b]Acceptable Primaries[/b]: Maize [*] [b]Acceptable Secondaries[/b]: Spring, Leaf, Green, Avocado, Swamp, and Forest [*] [b]Acceptable Tertiaries[/b]: Spring [*] [b]Acceptable Genes[/b]: Tiger, Iridescent, Shimmer, Facet, and Okapi [/LIST] [color=#006400]Honorary Zephyr Dancers are practically Official Zephyrs, the only difference is that they are born of an element other than Wind. To be considered for Honorary Registration, the dragon must meet all of the above criteria. For genes, they can have either Primary or Secondary gene listed. Obviously it is impossible to have more than one gene :) Same goes for the Secondary colors.[/color] [nextcol][img][/img][/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][center][img][/img][/center][color=#006400]The Real Deal! This is the first recognized class of Zephyr Dancers! Qualifications for the Official Class Registration are:[/color] [LIST] [*] [b]Acceptable Elements[/b]: Wind [*] [b]Acceptable Breeds[/b]: Skydancer [*] [b]Acceptable Primaries[/b]: Maize [*] [b]Acceptable Secondaries[/b]: Spring, Leaf, Green, Avocado, Swamp, and Forest [*] [b]Acceptable Tertiaries[/b]: Spring [*] [b]Acceptable Genes[/b]: Tiger, Iridescent, Shimmer, Facet, and Okapi [/LIST] [color=#006400]Official Zephyr Dancers are similar to honorary, but they are of the proper Element (Wind). To be considered for Official Registration, the dragon must meet all of the above criteria. For genes, they can have either Primary or Secondary gene listed. Obviously it is impossible to have more than one gene :) Same goes for the Secondary colors. [b] Gene or Species Scrolls may NOT be used to make an Official Zephyr[/b]. The only exception to this rule is for First Gen Dragons.[/color] [nextcol][img][/img][/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][center][img][/img][/center][color=#006400]This class of Zephyr Dancers is for the dragons born of Skydancer x Imperial/Nocturne nests that take on the appearance of an Imperial or Nocturne. Qualifications for the Supreme Class Registration are:[/color] [LIST] [*] [b]Acceptable Elements[/b]: Wind [*] [b]Acceptable Breeds[/b]: Imperial or Nocturne [*] [b]Acceptable Primaries[/b]: Maize [*] [b]Acceptable Secondaries[/b]: Spring, Leaf, Green, Avocado, Swamp, and Forest [*] [b]Acceptable Tertiaries[/b]: Spring [*] [b]Acceptable Genes[/b]: Tiger, Iridescent, Shimmer, Facet, and Okapi [*] [b]Parent Requirements[/b]: One Parent must be a Skydancer, and the other must be an Imperial or Nocturne. [/LIST] [color=#006400]These dragons must be born into their species, not scrolled. Additionally, one parent MUST be a Skydancer. To be considered for Supreme Registration, the dragon must meet all of the above criteria. For genes, they can have either Primary or Secondary gene listed. Obviously it is impossible to have more than one gene :) Same goes for the Secondary colors.[/color] [nextcol][img][/img][/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][center][img][/img][/center][color=#006400]This class of Zephyr Dancers is the rarest of all. The Revered Class is for the dragons born of Skydancer x Wildclaw/Coatl nests that take on the appearance of a Wildclaw or Coatl. Qualifications for the Revered Class Registration are:[/color] [LIST] [*] [b]Acceptable Elements[/b]: Wind [*] [b]Acceptable Breeds[/b]: Wildclaw or Coatl [*] [b]Acceptable Primaries[/b]: Maize [*] [b]Acceptable Secondaries[/b]: Spring, Leaf, Green, Avocado, Swamp, and Forest [*] [b]Acceptable Tertiaries[/b]: Spring [*] [b]Acceptable Genes[/b]: Tiger, Iridescent, Shimmer, Facet, and Okapi [*] [b]Parent Requirements[/b]: One Parent must be a Skydancer, and the other must be a Wildclaw or Coatl. [/LIST] [color=#006400]These dragons must be born into their species, not scrolled. Additionally, one parent MUST be a Skydancer. To be considered for Supreme Registration, the dragon must meet all of the above criteria. For genes, they can have either Primary or Secondary gene listed. Obviously it is impossible to have more than one gene :) Same goes for the Secondary colors.[/color] [nextcol][img][/img][/columns] [/quote] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][url=][size=7][size=2][color=#006400][b][font=Monotype Corsiva]Return to Top[/font][/color][/size][/size][/url][/center]
If you're looking to register your dragon as a Zephyr Dancer, please check the list below and ping concertconfetti with your dragon AND the three ways your dragon qualifies!
Dragoness wrote:

Has a Zephyr Dancer found its way into your Clan? Would you like to have it recognized in the official Registry? Take a peek at the classifications below and see if your dragon qualifies to be registered as a Zephyr Dancer!

This is the Lowest Tier of Registry available to Zephyr Dancer dragons. These dragons are not considered a part of the breed, but typically contribute to the creation of Official Zephyr Dancers. Qualifications for the Legacy Class Registration are:

  • Acceptable Elements: Any
  • Acceptable Breeds: Skydancer, Nocturne, Imperial, Wildclaw, and Coatl
  • Acceptable Primaries: Maize and White
  • Acceptable Secondaries: Goldenrod, Spring, Leaf, Green, Avocado, Swamp, Forest, Jungle, and Emerald
  • Acceptable Tertiaries: Goldenrod, Spring, and Leaf
  • Acceptable Genes: Tiger, Iridescent, Crystal, Shimmer, Facet, Okapi, and Circuit

In order to be considered a "Legacy" Zephyr Dancer, the dragon must have at least THREE of the bolded traits above. For Example, A Maize/Spring/Spring Nocturne with Crystal/Shimmer/Circuit would be acceptable, because she meets three of the bolded criteria. A Maize/Green/Spring Pearlcatcher with Tiger/Shimmer/Okapi would not be able to register. Even though she meets most of the bold criteria, she is a species that is not recognized in the Acceptable Species list.


The next step up, Honorary Zephyrs are not considered part of the breed, but rather they lend their genes to the creation of Official Zephyr Dancers. Qualifications for the Honorary Class Registration are:

  • Acceptable Elements: Any element EXCEPT Wind
  • Acceptable Breeds: Skydancer, Nocturne, Imperial, Wildclaw, and Coatl
  • Acceptable Primaries: Maize
  • Acceptable Secondaries: Spring, Leaf, Green, Avocado, Swamp, and Forest
  • Acceptable Tertiaries: Spring
  • Acceptable Genes: Tiger, Iridescent, Shimmer, Facet, and Okapi

Honorary Zephyr Dancers are practically Official Zephyrs, the only difference is that they are born of an element other than Wind. To be considered for Honorary Registration, the dragon must meet all of the above criteria. For genes, they can have either Primary or Secondary gene listed. Obviously it is impossible to have more than one gene :) Same goes for the Secondary colors.


The Real Deal! This is the first recognized class of Zephyr Dancers! Qualifications for the Official Class Registration are:

  • Acceptable Elements: Wind
  • Acceptable Breeds: Skydancer
  • Acceptable Primaries: Maize
  • Acceptable Secondaries: Spring, Leaf, Green, Avocado, Swamp, and Forest
  • Acceptable Tertiaries: Spring
  • Acceptable Genes: Tiger, Iridescent, Shimmer, Facet, and Okapi

Official Zephyr Dancers are similar to honorary, but they are of the proper Element (Wind). To be considered for Official Registration, the dragon must meet all of the above criteria. For genes, they can have either Primary or Secondary gene listed. Obviously it is impossible to have more than one gene :) Same goes for the Secondary colors. Gene or Species Scrolls may NOT be used to make an Official Zephyr. The only exception to this rule is for First Gen Dragons.


This class of Zephyr Dancers is for the dragons born of Skydancer x Imperial/Nocturne nests that take on the appearance of an Imperial or Nocturne. Qualifications for the Supreme Class Registration are:

  • Acceptable Elements: Wind
  • Acceptable Breeds: Imperial or Nocturne
  • Acceptable Primaries: Maize
  • Acceptable Secondaries: Spring, Leaf, Green, Avocado, Swamp, and Forest
  • Acceptable Tertiaries: Spring
  • Acceptable Genes: Tiger, Iridescent, Shimmer, Facet, and Okapi
  • Parent Requirements: One Parent must be a Skydancer, and the other must be an Imperial or Nocturne.

These dragons must be born into their species, not scrolled. Additionally, one parent MUST be a Skydancer. To be considered for Supreme Registration, the dragon must meet all of the above criteria. For genes, they can have either Primary or Secondary gene listed. Obviously it is impossible to have more than one gene :) Same goes for the Secondary colors.


This class of Zephyr Dancers is the rarest of all. The Revered Class is for the dragons born of Skydancer x Wildclaw/Coatl nests that take on the appearance of a Wildclaw or Coatl. Qualifications for the Revered Class Registration are:

  • Acceptable Elements: Wind
  • Acceptable Breeds: Wildclaw or Coatl
  • Acceptable Primaries: Maize
  • Acceptable Secondaries: Spring, Leaf, Green, Avocado, Swamp, and Forest
  • Acceptable Tertiaries: Spring
  • Acceptable Genes: Tiger, Iridescent, Shimmer, Facet, and Okapi
  • Parent Requirements: One Parent must be a Skydancer, and the other must be a Wildclaw or Coatl.

These dragons must be born into their species, not scrolled. Additionally, one parent MUST be a Skydancer. To be considered for Supreme Registration, the dragon must meet all of the above criteria. For genes, they can have either Primary or Secondary gene listed. Obviously it is impossible to have more than one gene :) Same goes for the Secondary colors.


gideon | they/them | transmasc nonbinary | archivist and writer
i write stories for fun; feel free to ping me!
[quote name="Dragoness"] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][color=#006400]Do you have a Zephyr Dancer you would like to Register? Read below to figure out how to get your Zephyr to be part of the Registry! The requirements and criteria for each registration category can be found in the post above this one. If you're unsure whether or not your dragon qualifies for a certain registration category, look above for more information. If you are still unsure, feel free to ping [b]concertconfetti[/b]. To Register, simply ping concertconfett with a link to the dragon you'd like to register and which type of Registration you feel the dragon qualifies for (Legacy, Official, Supreme, etc) All Zephyr Dancer Registration cards were created by [url=]Riserae[/url]! Here's a link to [url=]their shop[/url]![/color] [center][img][/img] [img][/img][/center] [color=#006400]If your Dragon fulfills the requirements of a Legacy Zephyr Dragon, ping [b]concertconfetti[/b] in a post, followed by a picture of the dragon, and please list at least 3 categories that your dragon meets as required for the Legacy registration.[/center] [color=#006400] [img][/img] Legacy Dragons will [b]not[/b] appear in the official registry. [img][/img] If your dragon is approved, you may save the above banner and place it in your dragon's profile if you wish![/color] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img] [img][/img][/center] [center][color=#006400]If your Dragon fulfills the requirements of a Honorary Zephyr Dragon, ping [b]concertconfetti[/b] in a post, followed by a picture of the dragon you feel qualifies for Honorary Registration.[/center] [color=#006400] [img][/img] Honorary Dragons will [b]not[/b] appear in the official registry. [img][/img] If your dragon is approved, you may save the above banner and place it in your dragon's profile if you wish![/color] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img] [img][/img][/center] [center] [color=#006400]If your Dragon fulfills the requirements of a Official Zephyr Dragon, ping [b]concertconfetti[/b] in a post, followed by a picture of the dragon you feel qualifies for Official Registration. Please double and triple check to ensure the Zephyr-to-be meets the criteria![/center] [color=#006400][img][/img] Official Dragons [b]will[/b] appear in the official registry. They will be assigned a registration number based on when their registration was processed. [img][/img] Unfortunately, given time constraints, I [b]cannot[/b] create custom banners. I recommend including your registration number, species, and dragon name with the banner in the dragon's bio.![/color] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img] [img][/img][/center] [center] [color=#006400]If your Dragon fulfills the requirements of a Supreme Zephyr Dragon, ping [b]concertconfetti[/b] in a post, followed by a picture of the dragon you feel qualifies for Official Registration. Please double and triple check to ensure the Zephyr-to-be meets the criteria![/center] [color=#006400][img][/img] Supreme Dragons [b]MUST[/b] be born of either [b]Skydancer/Imperial[/b] or [b]Skydancer/Nocturne[/b] parents!! They cannot be scrolled into these breeds after they are born. [img][/img] Supreme Dragons [b]will[/b] appear in the official registry. They will be assigned a registration number based on when their registration was processed. [img][/img] Unfortunately, given time constraints, I [b]cannot[/b] create custom banners. I recommend including your registration number, species, and dragon name with the banner in the dragon's bio.[/color] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img] [img][/img][/center] [center] [color=#006400]If your Dragon fulfills the requirements of a Revered Zephyr Dragon, ping [b]concertconfetti[/b] in a post, followed by a picture of the dragon you feel qualifies for Official Registration. Please double and triple check to ensure the Zephyr-to-be meets the criteria![/center] [color=#006400][img][/img] Revered Dragons [b]MUST[/b] be born of either [b]Skydancer/Coatl[/b] or [b]Skydancer/Wildclaw[/b] parents!! They cannot be scrolled into these breeds after they are born. [img][/img] Revered Dragons [b]will[/b] appear in the official registry. They will be assigned a registration number based on when their registration was processed. [img][/img]Unfortunately, given time constraints, I [b]cannot[/b] create custom banners. I recommend including your registration number, species, and dragon name with the banner in the dragon's bio.[/color][br] [/quote] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][url=][size=7][size=2][color=#006400][b][font=Monotype Corsiva]Return to Top[/font][/color][/size][/size][/url][/center]
Dragoness wrote:
Do you have a Zephyr Dancer you would like to Register? Read below to figure out how to get your Zephyr to be part of the Registry! The requirements and criteria for each registration category can be found in the post above this one. If you're unsure whether or not your dragon qualifies for a certain registration category, look above for more information. If you are still unsure, feel free to ping concertconfetti.

To Register, simply ping concertconfett with a link to the dragon you'd like to register and which type of Registration you feel the dragon qualifies for (Legacy, Official, Supreme, etc)

All Zephyr Dancer Registration cards were created by Riserae! Here's a link to their shop!


If your Dragon fulfills the requirements of a Legacy Zephyr Dragon, ping concertconfetti in a post, followed by a picture of the dragon, and please list at least 3 categories that your dragon meets as required for the Legacy registration.

5col2Oe.png Legacy Dragons will not appear in the official registry.
5col2Oe.png If your dragon is approved, you may save the above banner and place it in your dragon's profile if you wish!



If your Dragon fulfills the requirements of a Honorary Zephyr Dragon, ping concertconfetti in a post, followed by a picture of the dragon you feel qualifies for Honorary Registration.

5col2Oe.png Honorary Dragons will not appear in the official registry.
5col2Oe.png If your dragon is approved, you may save the above banner and place it in your dragon's profile if you wish!


If your Dragon fulfills the requirements of a Official Zephyr Dragon, ping concertconfetti in a post, followed by a picture of the dragon you feel qualifies for Official Registration. Please double and triple check to ensure the Zephyr-to-be meets the criteria!

5col2Oe.png Official Dragons will appear in the official registry. They will be assigned a registration number based on when their registration was processed.
5col2Oe.png Unfortunately, given time constraints, I cannot create custom banners. I recommend including your registration number, species, and dragon name with the banner in the dragon's bio.!


If your Dragon fulfills the requirements of a Supreme Zephyr Dragon, ping concertconfetti in a post, followed by a picture of the dragon you feel qualifies for Official Registration. Please double and triple check to ensure the Zephyr-to-be meets the criteria!

5col2Oe.png Supreme Dragons MUST be born of either Skydancer/Imperial or Skydancer/Nocturne parents!! They cannot be scrolled into these breeds after they are born.
5col2Oe.png Supreme Dragons will appear in the official registry. They will be assigned a registration number based on when their registration was processed.
5col2Oe.png Unfortunately, given time constraints, I cannot create custom banners. I recommend including your registration number, species, and dragon name with the banner in the dragon's bio.


If your Dragon fulfills the requirements of a Revered Zephyr Dragon, ping concertconfetti in a post, followed by a picture of the dragon you feel qualifies for Official Registration. Please double and triple check to ensure the Zephyr-to-be meets the criteria!

5col2Oe.png Revered Dragons MUST be born of either Skydancer/Coatl or Skydancer/Wildclaw parents!! They cannot be scrolled into these breeds after they are born.
5col2Oe.png Revered Dragons will appear in the official registry. They will be assigned a registration number based on when their registration was processed.
5col2Oe.pngUnfortunately, given time constraints, I cannot create custom banners. I recommend including your registration number, species, and dragon name with the banner in the dragon's bio.


gideon | they/them | transmasc nonbinary | archivist and writer
i write stories for fun; feel free to ping me!
[center][img][/img][/center] [columns][img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [nextcol][color=#006400]Click the Dragon's Registration Number to be taken to the Dragon's Page.[/color] [LIST] [*] [b][url=]000001[/url][/b]: Kagura - Official - Glittering Windchimes [*] [b][url=]000002[/url][/b]: Aira - Official - Glittering Windchimes [*] [b][url=]000003[/url][/b]: Anemone - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000004[/url][/b]: Wayra - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000005[/url][/b]: Kazuma - [b]Supreme[/b] - Warm Thermals Variant [*] [b][url=]000006[/url][/b]: Hepit - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000007[/url][/b]: Niamh - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000008[/url][/b]: Khasia - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000009[/url][/b]: Midoriko - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000010[/url][/b]: Jeté - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000011[/url][/b]: Haruki - Official - Glittering Windchimes [*] [b][url=]000012[/url][/b]: Simone - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000013[/url][/b]: Aeris - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000014[/url][/b]: Valentia - Official - Glittering Windchimes [*] [b][url=]000015[/url][/b]: Aurae - Official - Glittering Windchimes [*] [b][url=]000016[/url][/b]: [s]Llymlaen - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard[/s] [*] [b][url=]000017[/url][/b]: Serengeti - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000018[/url][/b]: Sylph - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000019[/url][/b]: Nettle - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000020[/url][/b]: [s]Izan - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard[/s] [*] [b][url=]000021[/url][/b]: Hurric - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000022[/url][/b]: Ufereoyi - Official - Glittering Windchimes [*] [b][url=]000023[/url][/b]: [s]Solana - Official - Glittering Windchimes[/s] [*] [b][url=]000024[/url][/b]: Notus - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000025[/url][/b]: Jules - Official - Glittering Windchimes [*] [b][url=]000026[/url][/b]: Shira - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000027[/url][/b]: Aria - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000028[/url][/b]: Kenji - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000029[/url][/b]: Zephira - [b]Supreme[/b] - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000030[/url][/b]: Makani - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000031[/url][/b]: [s]Ciela - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard[/s] [*] [b][url=]000032[/url][/b]: Gale - Official - Warm Thermals Variant [*] [b][url=]000033[/url][/b]: [s]Auster - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard[/s] [*] [b][url=]000034[/url][/b]: Apeliotes - [b]Supreme[/b] - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000035[/url][/b]: Zefirino - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000036[/url][/b]: Halny - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000037[/url][/b]: Zatana - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000038[/url][/b]: Aurai - Official - Glittering Windchimes [*] [b][url=]000039[/url][/b]: Aira - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000040[/url][/b]: Sharki - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000041[/url][/b]: Callico - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000042[/url][/b]: Bora - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000043[/url][/b]: Notus - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000044[/url][/b]: Ciro - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000045[/url][/b]: Makani - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000046[/url][/b]: [s]Alia - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard[/s] [*] [b][url=]000047[/url][/b]: Diablo - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000048[/url][/b]: Ilmari - Official - Glittering Windchimes [*] [b][url=]000049[/url][/b]: Brisa - Official - Glittering Windchimes [*] [b][url=]000050[/url][/b]: Hayate - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000051[/url][/b]: FengHao - [b]Supreme[/b] - Glittering Windchimes [*] [b][url=]000052[/url][/b]: Ahio - Official - Glittering Windchimes [*] [b][url=]000053[/url][/b]: Ariana - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000054[/url][/b]: [s]Kaskil - Official - Glittering Windchimes[/s] [*] [b][url=]000055[/url][/b]: Suriquesse - Official - Glittering Windchimes [*] [b][url=]000056[/url][/b]: [s]Qael - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard[/s] [*] [b][url=]000057[/url][/b]: Aqual - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000058[/url][/b]: Chimecho - Official - Glittering Windchimes [*] [b][url=]000059[/url][/b]: Achak - Official - Warm Thermals Variant [*] [b][url=]000060[/url][/b]: [s]Arven - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard[/s] [*] [b][url=]000061[/url][/b]: Vinda - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant [*] [b][url=]000062[/url][/b]: [s]Ameriva - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard[/s] [*] [b][url=]000063[/url][/b]: Alpina - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000064[/url][/b]: Umbrella - Official - Glittering Windchimes Vrt. [*] [b][url=]000065[/url][/b]: Auris - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000066[/url][/b]: Avira - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000067[/url][/b]: Briza - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000068[/url][/b]: [s]Gwaihir - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard[/s] [*] [b][url=]000069[/url][/b]: Falk - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant [*] [b][url=]000070[/url][/b]: [s]Boreas - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard[/s] [*] [b][url=]000071[/url][/b]: [s]Cardea - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard[/s] [*] [b][url=]000072[/url][/b]: [s]Aeolius - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard[/s] [*] [b][url=]000073[/url][/b]: Tatsumaki - Official - Glittering Windchimes Vrt. [*] [b][url=]000074[/url][/b]: [s]Gwilith - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant[/s] [*] [b][url=]000075[/url][/b]: [s]Zephyra - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant[/s] [*] [b][url=]000076[/url][/b]: Jilaen - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000077[/url][/b]: [s]Camira - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard[/s] [*] [b][url=]000078[/url][/b]: [s]Aeolus - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard[/s] [*] [b][url=]000079[/url][/b]: Woodwing - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000080[/url][/b]: Etesian - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000081[/url][/b]: Theophania - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000082[/url][/b]: Chunfeng - Official - Warm Thermals Variant [*] [b][url=]000083[/url][/b]: Furukawa - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000084[/url][/b]: Gwilith - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant [*] [b][url=]000085[/url][/b]: Sullaka - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000086[/url][/b]: Dvalinn - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000087[/url][/b]: Aptero- Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000088[/url][/b]: [s]Sheik - [b]Supreme[/b] - Zephyr Steppes Standard[/s] [*] [b][url=]000089[/url][/b]: Kanna - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000090[/url][/b]: Orithyia - [b]Supreme[/b] - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000091[/url][/b]: [s]Thyra - [b]Supreme[/b] - Zephyr Steppes Standard[/s] [*] [b][url=]000092[/url][/b]: Tea - [b]Supreme[/b] - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000093[/url][/b]: Verney - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000094[/url][/b]: [s]Achilles - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard[/s] [*] [b][url=]000095[/url][/b]: Nashi - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant [*] [b][url=]000096[/url][/b]: [s]Aurai - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard[/s] [*] [b][url=]000097[/url][/b]: Ari - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000098[/url][/b]: [s]Jake - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard[/s] [*] [b][url=]000099[/url][/b]: Tempest - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant [*] [b][url=]000100[/url][/b]: [s]Swiftfall - [b]Supreme[/b] - Zephyr Steppes Standard[/s] [*] [b][url=]000101[/url][/b]: Akeo - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000102[/url][/b]: Yumi - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000103[/url][/b]: [s]Ryujin - [b]Supreme[/b] - Glittering Windchimes Variant[/s] [*] [b][url=]000104[/url][/b]: Aeolus - Official - Warm Thermals Variant [*] [b][url=]000105[/url][/b]: Aerros - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000106[/url][/b]: Mirage - Official - Warm Thermals Variant [*] [b][url=]000107[/url][/b]: Willow - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant [*] [b][url=]000108[/url][/b]: Foehn - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000109[/url][/b]: Simoom - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant [*] [b][url=]000110[/url][/b]: Sonata - Official - Warm Thermals Variant [*] [b][url=]000111[/url][/b]: Crescendo - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000112[/url][/b]: [s]Chadwick - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard[/s] [*] [b][url=]000113[/url][/b]: [s]Sonata - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant[/s] [*] [b][url=]000114[/url][/b]: Euros - [b]Supreme[/b] - Glittering Windchimes Variant [*] [b][url=]000115[/url][/b]: Kaze- Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000116[/url][/b]: Aella - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000117[/url][/b]: [s]Rithysh - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard[/s] [*] [b][url=]000118[/url][/b]: Kaze - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant [*] [b][url=]000119[/url][/b]: Willow - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000120[/url][/b]: Alize - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000121[/url][/b]: [s]Keechu - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard[/s] [*] [b][url=]000122[/url][/b]: Rahgot - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000123[/url][/b]: Awel - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant [*] [b][url=]000124[/url][/b]: Calla - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000125[/url][/b]: Aeolus - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000126[/url][/b]: Windblade - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000127[/url][/b]: Rosella - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000128[/url][/b]: Iska - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant [*] [b][url=]000129[/url][/b]: [s]Ziora - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard[/s] [*] [b][url=]000130[/url][/b]: [s]Maia - [b]Supreme[/b] - Zephyr Steppes Standard[/s] [*] [b][url=]000131[/url][/b]: Kosan - Official - Warm Thermals Variant [*] [b][url=]000132[/url][/b]: Saah - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000133[/url][/b]: Capriccio - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant [*] [b][url=]000134[/url][/b]: Aspen - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000135[/url][/b]: [s]Astraeus - [b]Supreme[/b] - Zephyr Steppes Standard[/s] [*] [b][url=]000136[/url][/b]: [s]Quidlin - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard[/s] [*] [b][url=]000137[/url][/b]: Eirianwen - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant [*] [b][url=]000138[/url][/b]: [s]Hazel - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard[/s] [*] [b][url=]000139[/url][/b]: Bruza - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant [*] [b][url=]000140[/url][/b]: WindRunner - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000141[/url][/b]: Lelantos - Official - Warm Thermals Variant [*] [b][url=]000142[/url][/b]: [s]Haizea - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard[/s] [*] [b][url=]000143[/url][/b]: Aiolos - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000144[/url][/b]: Brisa - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000145[/url][/b]: Mari - [b]Supreme[/b] - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000146[/url][/b]: Flynn - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000147[/url][/b]: Halong - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000148[/url][/b]: Virnehn - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000149[/url][/b]: Reed - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000150[/url][/b]: Kona - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant [*] [b][url=]000151[/url][/b]: Typhon - Official - Warm Thermals Variant [*] [b][url=]000152[/url][/b]: Lyneea - Official - Warm Thermals Variant [*] [b][url=]000153[/url][/b]: Joku - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant [*] [b][url=]000154[/url][/b]: [s]Kaikias - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant[/s] [*] [b][url=]000155[/url][/b]: [s]Ninlil - Official - Warm Thermals Variant[/s] [*] [b][url=]000156[/url][/b]: Maravilla - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000157[/url][/b]: Anila - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000158[/url][/b]: Venik - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000159[/url][/b]: Bora - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000160[/url][/b]: Kinath - [b]Supreme[/b] - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000161[/url][/b]: Everyn - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000162[/url][/b]: Grandin - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000163[/url][/b]: Whisper - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant [*] [b][url=]000164[/url][/b]: Kohilo - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant [*] [b][url=]000165[/url][/b]: Tempest - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000166[/url][/b]: [s]Zhu - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard[/s] [*] [b][url=]000167[/url][/b]: [s]Miyu - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard[/s] [*] [b][url=]000168[/url][/b]: Durante - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant [*] [b][url=]000169[/url][/b]: [s]Cirrus - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant[/s] [*] [b][url=]000170[/url][/b]: Khamir- Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000171[/url][/b]: Zephyr - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000172[/url][/b]: [s]Cirrus - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard[/s] [*] [b][url=]000173[/url][/b]: Altaria - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant [*] [b][url=]000174[/url][/b]: Mahariel - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000175[/url][/b]: Sabrae - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000176[/url][/b]: Qalarax - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000177[/url][/b]: Falaray - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant [*] [b][url=]000178[/url][/b]: Billow - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant [*] [b][url=]000179[/url][/b]: Sabiya - Official - Warm Thermals Variant [*] [b][url=]000180[/url][/b]: Kleos - Official - Warm Thermals Variant [*] [b][url=]000181[/url][/b]: Madiva - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant [*] [b][url=]000182[/url][/b]: Jerome - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000183[/url][/b]: Domhnall - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000184[/url][/b]: [s]Akash - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard[/s] [*] [b][url=]000185[/url][/b]: Gale - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000186[/url][/b]: Sul - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000187[/url][/b]: Vilya - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant [*] [b][url=]000188[/url][/b]: Khaleesi - [b]Supreme[/b] - Warm Thermals Variant [*] [b][url=]000189[/url][/b]: Jyoti - Official - Dryland Drifter Variant [*] [b][url=]000190[/url][/b]: Thalia - [b]Supreme[/b] - Dryland Drifter Variant [*] [b][url=]000191[/url][/b]: [s]Cierzo - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant[/s] [*] [b][url=]000192[/url][/b]: [s]June - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard[/s] [*] [b][url=]000193[/url][/b]: Audra - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000194[/url][/b]: Windchaser - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000195[/url][/b]: [s]Aquarela - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard[/s] [*] [b][url=]000196[/url][/b]: Zephyra - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000197[/url][/b]: Zeru - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000198[/url][/b]: Theta - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000199[/url][/b]: Noh - Official - Warm Thermals Variant [*] [b][url=]000200[/url][/b]: Arietta - Official - Warm Thermals Variant [*] [b][url=]000201[/url][/b]: Alessandro - Official - Warm Thermals Variant [*] [b][url=]000202[/url][/b]: [s]Gale - Official - Warm Thermals Variant[/s] [*] [b][url=]000203[/url][/b]: [s]Mistral - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant[/s] [*] [b][url=]000204[/url][/b]: Autlan - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000205[/url][/b]: Revas - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000206[/url][/b]: Kalani - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000207[/url][/b]: [s]Tempest - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard[/s] [*] [b][url=]000208[/url][/b]: [s]Furin - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard[/s] [*] [b][url=]000209[/url][/b]: [s]Twist - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard[/s] [*] [b][url=]000210[/url][/b]: Staccato - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant [*] [b][url=]000211[/url][/b]: Lisa - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant [*] [b][url=]000212[/url][/b]: Sekhmet - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000213[/url][/b]: Aer - Official - Warm Thermals Variant [*] [b][url=]000214[/url][/b]: Laurel - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant [*] [b][url=]000215[/url][/b]: Aeyilis - [b]Supreme[/b] - Glittering Windchimes Variant [*] [b][url=]000216[/url][/b]: Gale- Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000217[/url][/b]: Windlaufer - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000218[/url][/b]: Rhys - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000219[/url][/b]: Hazel - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000220[/url][/b]: Hefeng - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000221[/url][/b]: Aira - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000222[/url][/b]: Eurus - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000223[/url][/b]: Soyokaze - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant [*] [b][url=]000224[/url][/b]: Samgyeopsal - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant [*] [b][url=]000225[/url][/b]: Toben - [b]Supreme[/b] - Glittering Windchimes Variant [*] [b][url=]000226[/url][/b]: Tanzer - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant [*] [b][url=]000227[/url][/b]: Aiko - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant [*] [b][url=]000228[/url][/b]: Maruti - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant [*] [b][url=]000229[/url][/b]: Pazuzu - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000230[/url][/b]: Quetzal - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000231[/url][/b]: Hayate - Official - Dryland Drifter Variant [*] [b][url=]000232[/url][/b]: Aurelia - Official - Dryland Drifter Variant [*] [b][url=]000233[/url][/b]: Aether - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000234[/url][/b]: Mistral - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant [*] [b][url=]000235[/url][/b]: Enasalin - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant [*] [b][url=]000236[/url][/b]: Hurricane - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000237[/url][/b]: Aeolus - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000238[/url][/b]: Weifeng - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant [*] [b][url=]000239[/url][/b]: Soyokaze - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant [*] [b][url=]000240[/url][/b]: Lawiswis - Official - Warm Thermals Variant [*] [b][url=]000241[/url][/b]: Skylance - Official - Warm Thermals Variant [*] [b][url=]000242[/url][/b]: Chinook - [b]Supreme[/b] - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000243[/url][/b]: Bora - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant [*] [b][url=]000244[/url][/b]: Daunte - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000245[/url][/b]: Pigeon - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000246[/url][/b]: Mynah - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000247[/url][/b]: Partridge - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant [*] [b][url=]000248[/url][/b]: Gannett - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant [*] [b][url=]000249[/url][/b]: Starling - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000250[/url][/b]: Heron - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard[br] [*] [b][url=]000251[/url][/b]: Song - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*] [b][url=]000252[/url][/b]: Carillion - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant [*] [b][url=]000253[/url][/b]: Prairie - Official - Dryland Drifter Variant [*][b][url=]000254[/url][/b]: Lapsang - Official - Warm Thermals Variant [*][b][url=]000255[/url][/b]: Puerh - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant [*][b][url=]000256[/url][/b]: Chamomile - Official - Dryland Drifter Variant [*][b][url=]000257[/url][/b]: Kitewind - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*][b][url=]000258[/url][/b]: Matcha - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*][b][url=]000259[/url][/b]: Mate - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*][b][url=]000260[/url][/b]: Aquilo - Official - Warm Thermals Variant (Dark Secondary Trait) [br] [*][b][url=]000261[/url][/b]: Birch - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant [*][b][url=]000262[/url][/b]: Camir - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant [*][b][url=]000263[/url][/b]: Aureo - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*][b][url=]000264[/url][/b]: Nimbus - Official - Dryland Drifter Variant [*][b][url=]000265[/url][/b]: Takumi - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*][b][url=]000266[/url][/b]: Glenn - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*][b][url=]000267[/url][/b]: Gloria - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*][b][url=]000268[/url][/b]: Francette - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*][b][url=]000269[/url][/b]: Balerin - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*][b][url=]000270[/url][/b]: Opal - Official - Warm Thermals Variant [*][b][url=]000271[/url][/b]: Ihaka - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*][b][url=]000272[/url][/b]: [unnamed] - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*][b][url=]000273[/url][/b]: [unnamed] - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*][b][url=]000274[/url][/b]: Stratus - Official - Glittering Windchimes [*][b][url=]000275[/url][/b]: Hau - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*][b][url=]000276[/url][/b]: [unnamed] - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*][b][url=]000277[/url][/b]: Azalar - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*][b][url=]000278[/url][/b]: Windsong - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*][b][url=]000279[/url][/b]: Khamseen - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*][b][url=]000280[/url][/b]: Oroshi - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*][b][url=]000281[/url][/b]: Windsock - Supreme - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*][b][url=]000282[/url][/b]: Amihan - Supreme - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*][b][url=]000283[/url][/b]: Zephyros - Supreme - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*][b][url=]000284[/url][/b]: Dantzaria - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*][b][url=]000285[/url][/b]: Torrent - Official - Dryland Drifter Variant [*][b][url=]000286[/url][/b]: Joelle - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*][b][url=]000287[/url][/b]: Mianzi - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*][b][url=]000288[/url][/b]: Aela - Official - Warm Thermals Variant [*][b][url=]000289[/url][/b]: Astraeus - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant [*][b][url=]000290[/url][/b]: Emerald- Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant [*][b][url=]000291[/url][/b]: Zenon - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant [*][b][url=]000292[/url][/b]: Cerrados - Official - Dryland Drifter Variant [*][b][url=]000293[/url][/b]: Alphanumeric - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*][b][url=]000294[/url][/b]: Iduna - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*][b][url=]000295[/url][/b]: Gorgon - Supreme - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*][b][url=]000296[/url][/b]: Bragi - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*][b][url=]000297[/url][/b]: Leek - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*][b][url=]000298[/url][/b]: Aderyn - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant [*][b][url=]000299[/url][/b]: Gale - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*][b][url=]000300[/url][/b]: [s]Mistral - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard[/s] [*][b][url=]000341[]000301[/url][/b]: Sikuri - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant [*][b][url=]000302[/url][/b]: [s]Compass - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard[/s] [*][b][url=]000303[/url][/b]: Coda - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*][b][url=]000304[/url][/b]: Asphodel - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*][b][url=]000305[/url][/b]: Nanba - Supreme - Glittering Windchimes Variant [*][b][url=]000306[/url][/b]: [s]Tramontane - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard[/s] [*][b][url=]000307[/url][/b]: Alto - Revered - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*][b][url=]000308[/url][/b]: Tantsorka - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*][b][url=]000309[/url][/b]: Ameyalli - Official - Warm Thermals Variant [*][b][url=]000310[/url][/b]: Summerwing - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*][b][url=]000311[/url][/b]: Terimin - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*][b][url=]000312[/url][/b]: Lairus - Official - Dryland Drifter Variant [*][b][url=]000313[/url][/b]: [s]Aelia - Official - Dryland Drifter Variant[/s] [*][b][url=]000314[/url][/b]: Kame - Official - Dryland Drifter Variant [*][b][url=]000315[/url][/b]: Zephyr - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*][b][url=]000316[/url][/b]: Aureole - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*][b][url=]000317[/url][/b]: Reedsong - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant [*][b][url=]000318[/url][/b]: Apira - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant [*][b][url=]000319[/url][/b]: Brynioth - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*][b][url=]000320[/url][/b]: Dalia - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*][b][url=]000321[/url][/b]: Aeolus - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant [*][b][url=]000322[/url][/b]: Etos - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*][b][url=]000323[/url][/b]: Zephyrus - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant [*][b][url=]000324[/url][/b]: Kuthan - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*][b][url=]000325[/url][/b]: Kaisa - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant [*][b][url=]000326[/url][/b]: July - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant [*][b][url=]000327[/url][/b]: Latimer - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*][b][url=]000328[/url][/b]: Audora - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*][b][url=]000329[/url][/b]: Libelle - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*][b][url=]000330[/url][/b]: Sirocco - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*][b][url=]000331[/url][/b]: Doldrum - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*][b][url=]000332[/url][/b]: Brightlily - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant [*][b][url=]000333[/url][/b]: Sugarcane - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant [*][b][url=]000334[/url][/b]: Fairfeather - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant [*][b][url=]000335[/url][/b]: Payaan - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*][b][url=]000336[/url][/b]: Selene - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard [*][b][url=]000337[/url][/b]: Dustdevil - Official - Dryland Drifter Variant [*][b][url=]000338[/url][/b]: Whirlwind - Official - Dryland Drifter Variant [*][b][url=]000339[/url][/b]: Ghost - Official - Dryland Drifter Variant [*][b][url=]000340[/url][/b]: Whistle - Official - Dryland Drifter Variant [*][b][url=]000341[/url][/b]: Vesta - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standards [*][b][url=]000342[/url][/b]: Everglades - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standards [*][b][url=]000343[/url][/b]: Aventurine - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant [/LIST][br] [color=#006400]If you want to register your Official, Supreme, or Revered Zephyr Dancer, ping concertconfetti with the dragon you wish to register! If you exalt your registered Zephyr Dancer, let concertconfetti know the registration number so it can be reflected in the Registry![/color] [/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][url=][size=7][size=2][color=#006400][b][font=Monotype Corsiva]Return to Top[/font][/color][/size][/size][/url][/center]

UodrCte.png UodrCte.png UodrCte.png
Click the Dragon's Registration Number to be taken to the Dragon's Page.

  • 000001: Kagura - Official - Glittering Windchimes
  • 000002: Aira - Official - Glittering Windchimes
  • 000003: Anemone - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000004: Wayra - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000005: Kazuma - Supreme - Warm Thermals Variant
  • 000006: Hepit - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000007: Niamh - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000008: Khasia - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000009: Midoriko - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000010: Jeté - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard

  • 000011: Haruki - Official - Glittering Windchimes
  • 000012: Simone - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000013: Aeris - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000014: Valentia - Official - Glittering Windchimes
  • 000015: Aurae - Official - Glittering Windchimes
  • 000016: Llymlaen - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000017: Serengeti - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000018: Sylph - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000019: Nettle - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000020: Izan - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard

  • 000021: Hurric - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000022: Ufereoyi - Official - Glittering Windchimes
  • 000023: Solana - Official - Glittering Windchimes
  • 000024: Notus - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000025: Jules - Official - Glittering Windchimes
  • 000026: Shira - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000027: Aria - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000028: Kenji - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000029: Zephira - Supreme - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000030: Makani - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard

  • 000031: Ciela - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000032: Gale - Official - Warm Thermals Variant
  • 000033: Auster - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000034: Apeliotes - Supreme - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000035: Zefirino - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000036: Halny - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000037: Zatana - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000038: Aurai - Official - Glittering Windchimes
  • 000039: Aira - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000040: Sharki - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard

  • 000041: Callico - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000042: Bora - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000043: Notus - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000044: Ciro - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000045: Makani - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000046: Alia - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000047: Diablo - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000048: Ilmari - Official - Glittering Windchimes
  • 000049: Brisa - Official - Glittering Windchimes
  • 000050: Hayate - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard

  • 000051: FengHao - Supreme - Glittering Windchimes
  • 000052: Ahio - Official - Glittering Windchimes
  • 000053: Ariana - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000054: Kaskil - Official - Glittering Windchimes
  • 000055: Suriquesse - Official - Glittering Windchimes
  • 000056: Qael - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000057: Aqual - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000058: Chimecho - Official - Glittering Windchimes
  • 000059: Achak - Official - Warm Thermals Variant
  • 000060: Arven - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard

  • 000061: Vinda - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant
  • 000062: Ameriva - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000063: Alpina - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000064: Umbrella - Official - Glittering Windchimes Vrt.
  • 000065: Auris - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000066: Avira - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000067: Briza - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000068: Gwaihir - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000069: Falk - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant
  • 000070: Boreas - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard

  • 000071: Cardea - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000072: Aeolius - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000073: Tatsumaki - Official - Glittering Windchimes Vrt.
  • 000074: Gwilith - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant
  • 000075: Zephyra - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant
  • 000076: Jilaen - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000077: Camira - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000078: Aeolus - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000079: Woodwing - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000080: Etesian - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard

  • 000081: Theophania - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000082: Chunfeng - Official - Warm Thermals Variant
  • 000083: Furukawa - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000084: Gwilith - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant
  • 000085: Sullaka - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000086: Dvalinn - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000087: Aptero- Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000088: Sheik - Supreme - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000089: Kanna - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000090: Orithyia - Supreme - Zephyr Steppes Standard

  • 000091: Thyra - Supreme - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000092: Tea - Supreme - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000093: Verney - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000094: Achilles - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000095: Nashi - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant
  • 000096: Aurai - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000097: Ari - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000098: Jake - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000099: Tempest - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant
  • 000100: Swiftfall - Supreme - Zephyr Steppes Standard

  • 000101: Akeo - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000102: Yumi - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000103: Ryujin - Supreme - Glittering Windchimes Variant
  • 000104: Aeolus - Official - Warm Thermals Variant
  • 000105: Aerros - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000106: Mirage - Official - Warm Thermals Variant
  • 000107: Willow - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant
  • 000108: Foehn - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000109: Simoom - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant
  • 000110: Sonata - Official - Warm Thermals Variant

  • 000111: Crescendo - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000112: Chadwick - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000113: Sonata - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant
  • 000114: Euros - Supreme - Glittering Windchimes Variant
  • 000115: Kaze- Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000116: Aella - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000117: Rithysh - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000118: Kaze - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant
  • 000119: Willow - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000120: Alize - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard

  • 000121: Keechu - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000122: Rahgot - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000123: Awel - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant
  • 000124: Calla - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000125: Aeolus - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000126: Windblade - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000127: Rosella - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000128: Iska - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant
  • 000129: Ziora - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000130: Maia - Supreme - Zephyr Steppes Standard

  • 000131: Kosan - Official - Warm Thermals Variant
  • 000132: Saah - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000133: Capriccio - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant
  • 000134: Aspen - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000135: Astraeus - Supreme - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000136: Quidlin - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000137: Eirianwen - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant
  • 000138: Hazel - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000139: Bruza - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant
  • 000140: WindRunner - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard

  • 000141: Lelantos - Official - Warm Thermals Variant
  • 000142: Haizea - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000143: Aiolos - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000144: Brisa - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000145: Mari - Supreme - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000146: Flynn - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000147: Halong - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000148: Virnehn - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000149: Reed - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000150: Kona - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant

  • 000151: Typhon - Official - Warm Thermals Variant
  • 000152: Lyneea - Official - Warm Thermals Variant
  • 000153: Joku - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant
  • 000154: Kaikias - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant
  • 000155: Ninlil - Official - Warm Thermals Variant
  • 000156: Maravilla - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000157: Anila - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000158: Venik - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000159: Bora - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000160: Kinath - Supreme - Zephyr Steppes Standard

  • 000161: Everyn - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000162: Grandin - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000163: Whisper - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant
  • 000164: Kohilo - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant
  • 000165: Tempest - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000166: Zhu - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000167: Miyu - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000168: Durante - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant
  • 000169: Cirrus - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant
  • 000170: Khamir- Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard

  • 000171: Zephyr - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000172: Cirrus - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000173: Altaria - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant
  • 000174: Mahariel - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000175: Sabrae - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000176: Qalarax - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000177: Falaray - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant
  • 000178: Billow - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant
  • 000179: Sabiya - Official - Warm Thermals Variant
  • 000180: Kleos - Official - Warm Thermals Variant

  • 000181: Madiva - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant
  • 000182: Jerome - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000183: Domhnall - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000184: Akash - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000185: Gale - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000186: Sul - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000187: Vilya - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant
  • 000188: Khaleesi - Supreme - Warm Thermals Variant
  • 000189: Jyoti - Official - Dryland Drifter Variant
  • 000190: Thalia - Supreme - Dryland Drifter Variant

  • 000191: Cierzo - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant
  • 000192: June - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000193: Audra - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000194: Windchaser - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000195: Aquarela - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000196: Zephyra - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000197: Zeru - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000198: Theta - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000199: Noh - Official - Warm Thermals Variant
  • 000200: Arietta - Official - Warm Thermals Variant

  • 000201: Alessandro - Official - Warm Thermals Variant
  • 000202: Gale - Official - Warm Thermals Variant
  • 000203: Mistral - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant
  • 000204: Autlan - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000205: Revas - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000206: Kalani - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000207: Tempest - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000208: Furin - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000209: Twist - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000210: Staccato - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant

  • 000211: Lisa - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant
  • 000212: Sekhmet - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000213: Aer - Official - Warm Thermals Variant
  • 000214: Laurel - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant
  • 000215: Aeyilis - Supreme - Glittering Windchimes Variant
  • 000216: Gale- Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000217: Windlaufer - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000218: Rhys - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000219: Hazel - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000220: Hefeng - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard

  • 000221: Aira - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000222: Eurus - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000223: Soyokaze - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant
  • 000224: Samgyeopsal - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant
  • 000225: Toben - Supreme - Glittering Windchimes Variant
  • 000226: Tanzer - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant
  • 000227: Aiko - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant
  • 000228: Maruti - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant
  • 000229: Pazuzu - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000230: Quetzal - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard

  • 000231: Hayate - Official - Dryland Drifter Variant
  • 000232: Aurelia - Official - Dryland Drifter Variant
  • 000233: Aether - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000234: Mistral - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant
  • 000235: Enasalin - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant
  • 000236: Hurricane - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000237: Aeolus - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000238: Weifeng - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant
  • 000239: Soyokaze - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant
  • 000240: Lawiswis - Official - Warm Thermals Variant

  • 000241: Skylance - Official - Warm Thermals Variant
  • 000242: Chinook - Supreme - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000243: Bora - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant
  • 000244: Daunte - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000245: Pigeon - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000246: Mynah - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000247: Partridge - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant
  • 000248: Gannett - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant
  • 000249: Starling - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000250: Heron - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard

  • 000251: Song - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000252: Carillion - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant
  • 000253: Prairie - Official - Dryland Drifter Variant
  • 000254: Lapsang - Official - Warm Thermals Variant
  • 000255: Puerh - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant
  • 000256: Chamomile - Official - Dryland Drifter Variant
  • 000257: Kitewind - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000258: Matcha - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000259: Mate - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000260: Aquilo - Official - Warm Thermals Variant (Dark Secondary Trait)

  • 000261: Birch - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant
  • 000262: Camir - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant
  • 000263: Aureo - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000264: Nimbus - Official - Dryland Drifter Variant
  • 000265: Takumi - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000266: Glenn - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000267: Gloria - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000268: Francette - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000269: Balerin - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000270: Opal - Official - Warm Thermals Variant

  • 000271: Ihaka - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000272: [unnamed] - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000273: [unnamed] - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000274: Stratus - Official - Glittering Windchimes
  • 000275: Hau - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000276: [unnamed] - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000277: Azalar - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000278: Windsong - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000279: Khamseen - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000280: Oroshi - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard

  • 000281: Windsock - Supreme - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000282: Amihan - Supreme - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000283: Zephyros - Supreme - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000284: Dantzaria - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000285: Torrent - Official - Dryland Drifter Variant
  • 000286: Joelle - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000287: Mianzi - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000288: Aela - Official - Warm Thermals Variant
  • 000289: Astraeus - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant
  • 000290: Emerald- Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant

  • 000291: Zenon - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant
  • 000292: Cerrados - Official - Dryland Drifter Variant
  • 000293: Alphanumeric - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000294: Iduna - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000295: Gorgon - Supreme - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000296: Bragi - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000297: Leek - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000298: Aderyn - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant
  • 000299: Gale - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000300: Mistral - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard

  • 000341[]000301: Sikuri - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant
  • 000302: Compass - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000303: Coda - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000304: Asphodel - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000305: Nanba - Supreme - Glittering Windchimes Variant
  • 000306: Tramontane - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000307: Alto - Revered - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000308: Tantsorka - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000309: Ameyalli - Official - Warm Thermals Variant
  • 000310: Summerwing - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard

  • 000311: Terimin - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000312: Lairus - Official - Dryland Drifter Variant
  • 000313: Aelia - Official - Dryland Drifter Variant
  • 000314: Kame - Official - Dryland Drifter Variant
  • 000315: Zephyr - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000316: Aureole - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000317: Reedsong - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant
  • 000318: Apira - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant
  • 000319: Brynioth - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000320: Dalia - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard

  • 000321: Aeolus - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant
  • 000322: Etos - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000323: Zephyrus - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant
  • 000324: Kuthan - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000325: Kaisa - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant
  • 000326: July - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant
  • 000327: Latimer - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000328: Audora - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000329: Libelle - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000330: Sirocco - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard

  • 000331: Doldrum - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000332: Brightlily - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant
  • 000333: Sugarcane - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant
  • 000334: Fairfeather - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant
  • 000335: Payaan - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000336: Selene - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standard
  • 000337: Dustdevil - Official - Dryland Drifter Variant
  • 000338: Whirlwind - Official - Dryland Drifter Variant
  • 000339: Ghost - Official - Dryland Drifter Variant
  • 000340: Whistle - Official - Dryland Drifter Variant

  • 000341: Vesta - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standards
  • 000342: Everglades - Official - Zephyr Steppes Standards
  • 000343: Aventurine - Official - Glittering Windchimes Variant

If you want to register your Official, Supreme, or Revered Zephyr Dancer, ping concertconfetti with the dragon you wish to register! If you exalt your registered Zephyr Dancer, let concertconfetti know the registration number so it can be reflected in the Registry!


gideon | they/them | transmasc nonbinary | archivist and writer
i write stories for fun; feel free to ping me!
[center][img][/img][/center] [color=#006400]All credit for the creation of this subspecies, the lore, and the original registry is credited to [url=]Dragoness[/url]. This active registry was created with her permission.[/color] [list] [*][color=#006400]Zephyr Dancer Registration Tags, Pixel Sprite Skydancers, and Plumage Icons by [url=]Riserae[/url][/color] [*][color=#006400]Bamboo Borders by [url=]Matrices[/url][/color] [*][color=#006400]Dividers in Concertconfetti's posts by [url=]MsBarrows[/url][/color] [*][color=#006400]Vertical Wind Banner in Navigation Post by [url=]osiem[/url][/color] [*][color=#006400]Windsinger/Wind Eggs Divider Assembled by [url=]Dragoness[/url], but Pixel Windsinger is by [url=]Ripple09[/url] and Wind Eggs are by [url=]GeorgieAnna[/url][/color] [*][color=#006400]Headers, Banners, and Text Graphics by [url=]Dragoness[/url][/color][/list] [color=#006400]A special additional thanks to Riserae for helping Dragoness bring this project to life! And of course, thank you to Windsinger for bringing this Subspecies into the Realm![/color][br] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][url=][size=7][size=2][color=#006400][b][font=Monotype Corsiva]Return to Top[/font][/color][/size][/size][/url][/center]

All credit for the creation of this subspecies, the lore, and the original registry is credited to Dragoness. This active registry was created with her permission.
  • Zephyr Dancer Registration Tags, Pixel Sprite Skydancers, and Plumage Icons by Riserae
  • Bamboo Borders by Matrices
  • Dividers in Concertconfetti's posts by MsBarrows
  • Vertical Wind Banner in Navigation Post by osiem
  • Windsinger/Wind Eggs Divider Assembled by Dragoness, but Pixel Windsinger is by Ripple09 and Wind Eggs are by GeorgieAnna
  • Headers, Banners, and Text Graphics by Dragoness

A special additional thanks to Riserae for helping Dragoness bring this project to life!

And of course, thank you to Windsinger for bringing this Subspecies into the Realm!


gideon | they/them | transmasc nonbinary | archivist and writer
i write stories for fun; feel free to ping me!
We're Open for Registration!

I'll do my best to update the registry twice a week. Please allow some flexibility for life!

In addition, there were well over 20 pages of unregistered dragons in the original thread. I had wanted to ping everyone who was waiting on a registration number, however, I am just one person! If you still have a Zephyr Dancer you would like to register, please let me know!
We're Open for Registration!

I'll do my best to update the registry twice a week. Please allow some flexibility for life!

In addition, there were well over 20 pages of unregistered dragons in the original thread. I had wanted to ping everyone who was waiting on a registration number, however, I am just one person! If you still have a Zephyr Dancer you would like to register, please let me know!
gideon | they/them | transmasc nonbinary | archivist and writer
i write stories for fun; feel free to ping me!
@concertconfetti thank you for your hard work!! i started collecting my zephyrs around 2017, so i'm excited to finally get them registered. i have quite a few so i hope this isnt overwhelming! [url=][img][/img][/url] Pigeon - Official, Steppes Standard [url=][img][/img][/url] Mynah - Official, Steppes Standard [url=][img][/img][/url] Partridge - Official, Windchimes Variant [url=][img][/img][/url] Gannett - Official, Windchimes Variant [url=][img][/img][/url] Starling - Official, Steppes Standard [url=][img][/img][/url] Heron - Official, Steppes Standard thanks again! you're really a saint
thank you for your hard work!! i started collecting my zephyrs around 2017, so i'm excited to finally get them registered. i have quite a few so i hope this isnt overwhelming!

Pigeon - Official, Steppes Standard

Mynah - Official, Steppes Standard

Partridge - Official, Windchimes Variant

Gannett - Official, Windchimes Variant

Starling - Official, Steppes Standard

Heron - Official, Steppes Standard

thanks again! you're really a saint
leaf.png dol// +3 fr time // they.them.theirs scruffy.png
@rxrptr Awesome! Everything looks good. I'll get your dragons added the registry in the AM and ping you with the registration numbers!
@rxrptr Awesome! Everything looks good. I'll get your dragons added the registry in the AM and ping you with the registration numbers!
gideon | they/them | transmasc nonbinary | archivist and writer
i write stories for fun; feel free to ping me!
@concertconfetti I'm so excited!! Zephyr Dancers were the dragons that introduced me to the concept of subspecies, and they're still my favorites by far. I used to have a bunch but I narrowed it down to just a breeding pair. Here they are: [center] [url=][img][/img][/url] Song - Steppes Standard Maize Tiger Green Shimmer Spring Okapi [url=][img][/img][/url] Carillon - Glittering Windchime Variant Maize Tiger Green Facet Spring Okapi [/center] Are you also going to be registering the Dryland Drifter variant? I have a pair for that version of the dancers too (only one of them meets the full requirements though).
@concertconfetti I'm so excited!! Zephyr Dancers were the dragons that introduced me to the concept of subspecies, and they're still my favorites by far. I used to have a bunch but I narrowed it down to just a breeding pair. Here they are:
Song - Steppes Standard
Maize Tiger
Green Shimmer
Spring Okapi

Carillon - Glittering Windchime Variant
Maize Tiger
Green Facet
Spring Okapi

Are you also going to be registering the Dryland Drifter variant? I have a pair for that version of the dancers too (only one of them meets the full requirements though).

| She/Her |
|FR +3|
@Runarite Yes! I am registering the Dryland Drifter variant. I need to get those registration requirements up still but feel free to send those in!
@Runarite Yes! I am registering the Dryland Drifter variant. I need to get those registration requirements up still but feel free to send those in!
gideon | they/them | transmasc nonbinary | archivist and writer
i write stories for fun; feel free to ping me!