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TOPIC | Theme Week: Alignments, Lawful
[b]Lawful Neutral, Mother of the Primordial Storm -- Primitiva[/b] [url=] [img][/img][/url] The law she follows is the Word of the Elder Gods. Those who came before her dictated that their hand in fate was only to keep the natural order, gifting the universe with all of their creations and then keeping their hands out of mortal affairs. She sent forth the primordial storms to shape the atmosphere and carve the land into something habitable. [b]Lawful Good, Benevolent King -- Aelfric[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] He is the ideal king, one who rules with the needs of his subjects always as his first priority. He is a strong leader who has lead his kingdom into a golden age. [b]Lawful Good, Trusted Court Mage -- Merlin[/b] [url=] [img][/img][/url] He is Aelfric's right hand man, always helping in all matters arcane. His magical creations are always to make the daily lives of Aelfric's subjects more prosperous.
Lawful Neutral, Mother of the Primordial Storm -- Primitiva


The law she follows is the Word of the Elder Gods. Those who came before her dictated that their hand in fate was only to keep the natural order, gifting the universe with all of their creations and then keeping their hands out of mortal affairs. She sent forth the primordial storms to shape the atmosphere and carve the land into something habitable.

Lawful Good, Benevolent King -- Aelfric


He is the ideal king, one who rules with the needs of his subjects always as his first priority. He is a strong leader who has lead his kingdom into a golden age.

Lawful Good, Trusted Court Mage -- Merlin


He is Aelfric's right hand man, always helping in all matters arcane. His magical creations are always to make the daily lives of Aelfric's subjects more prosperous.
I'm Cele from PokeFarm Q. I like collecting familiars and pretty dragons. That's about all I need to say, right?

Oh, and Coatls and Obelisks are friend-shaped. Thanks for listening to my Ted Talk.
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]Valkery is Lawfully Good[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]Ulthir is Lawfully Neutral[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]Achaius is Lawfully Evil[/b]


Valkery is Lawfully Good


Ulthir is Lawfully Neutral


Achaius is Lawfully Evil
[center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] [center]Lawful Good : Karvin[/center] [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] [center]Evil : Roy[/center] [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] [center]Neutral : Vin[/center] I'm sure Vin would just watch as these two got in an argument that would eventually break out into a fight. The two just do not like each other but have to put up being in the same clan. Karvin does not like greedy thieves like Roy at all. Vin always finds amusement watching Roy trying to justify his actions, then realises he's failing and lash out at Karvin with his long claws, to which Vin forces herself to stand up and break the fight up before the two hurt themselves over something as silly as Roy taking a gem he found laying on the floor.
Lawful Good : Karvin
Evil : Roy
Neutral : Vin

I'm sure Vin would just watch as these two got in an argument that would eventually break out into a fight. The two just do not like each other but have to put up being in the same clan. Karvin does not like greedy thieves like Roy at all. Vin always finds amusement watching Roy trying to justify his actions, then realises he's failing and lash out at Karvin with his long claws, to which Vin forces herself to stand up and break the fight up before the two hurt themselves over something as silly as Roy taking a gem he found laying on the floor.

For fun all three lawfuls I chose are wildclaws: [b]Lawful Good[/b]- Hanna, Captain of the Daywatch [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]Lawful Good, sometimes edges towards Lawful Neutral[/b]- Hyacinth, Commander of the Watch [url=] [img][/img] [/url] I don't have anyone who really falls under lawful evil so here's another [b]lawful neutral[/b] that's just slightly farther from the good side of the scale: Adaldrida, the Clan's lawyer [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
For fun all three lawfuls I chose are wildclaws:

Lawful Good- Hanna, Captain of the Daywatch


Lawful Good, sometimes edges towards Lawful Neutral- Hyacinth, Commander of the Watch


I don't have anyone who really falls under lawful evil so here's another lawful neutral that's just slightly farther from the good side of the scale: Adaldrida, the Clan's lawyer


[b]Lawful Good:[/b] Bastet, out clan's priestess. She's completely obedient to the Gladekeeper, but always does the right think and looks out for others. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]Lawful Neutral:[/b] Lailah, the librarian/scholar. She's super strict, studious, and enforces library rules regardless of who you are or where you stand withing the clan. Even the clan's leaders must return books and scrolls on time, or pay the consequences. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]Lawful Evil:[/b] Not quite evil enough to do serious harm, but just enough to upset quite a few, Adan is a serious gem collector. He's never technically broken any laws, but he will do what he can within legal limits as a businessman and abuse the law to turn things in his favor in order to get his claws on any stone that catches his eye. [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
Lawful Good: Bastet, out clan's priestess. She's completely obedient to the Gladekeeper, but always does the right think and looks out for others.


Lawful Neutral: Lailah, the librarian/scholar. She's super strict, studious, and enforces library rules regardless of who you are or where you stand withing the clan. Even the clan's leaders must return books and scrolls on time, or pay the consequences.


Lawful Evil: Not quite evil enough to do serious harm, but just enough to upset quite a few, Adan is a serious gem collector. He's never technically broken any laws, but he will do what he can within legal limits as a businessman and abuse the law to turn things in his favor in order to get his claws on any stone that catches his eye.

[url=] [img][/img] [/url] [i]Lawful Good.[/i] Starfruit is the leader of his clan, and is aware of any of the dangers that may come to it. He plans for the day when those dangers decide to take action. (For the moment he's also my PFP dragon) [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [i]Lawful Neutral.[/i] Rowan understands the importance of a community held under the law. Most of the time, though, she is watching thoughtfully beside her mate, instead of taking constant action to be a noticeably good member of society. She is also a shaman, using her social status to cover up her strange practices.


Lawful Good. Starfruit is the leader of his clan, and is aware of any of the dangers that may come to it. He plans for the day when those dangers decide to take action. (For the moment he's also my PFP dragon)


Lawful Neutral. Rowan understands the importance of a community held under the law. Most of the time, though, she is watching thoughtfully beside her mate, instead of taking constant action to be a noticeably good member of society. She is also a shaman, using her social status to cover up her strange practices.
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Lawful Good [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Lawful Neutral [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Lawful Evil


Lawful Good


Lawful Neutral


Lawful Evil
Neutral - opera [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Neutral - hune [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
Neutral - opera


Neutral - hune


[url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]Coronae: Lawful Good[/b] As the Chief of Warriors and advisor to the Matriarch, Coronae handles problems withing the clan and outside of it. He always strives to find the best possible solution to every issue he is presented with in fair and noble way with the help of his practical and sensible Wing Warrior. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]Vigilante: Lawful Neutral[/b] Many would say that a former diplomat would not make for a good seasoned warrior, especially with a firey young girl as his Wing Warrior, but Vigilante is a special case. He is the best when is comes to speaking and negociating, often ending conflicts with his almost frustratingly calm and cool attitude. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]Carver: Lawful Evil[/b] With her seeming perpetual innocence and cheery disposition, Carver is probably the most beloved assassin who has ever lived. She is kind and loves everyone, so much so that newcomers and visitors would never believe that this wonderful little Fae was capable of taking out dragons several times her size. Debating torture methods with her will only lead to nightmares that last for months.


Coronae: Lawful Good
As the Chief of Warriors and advisor to the Matriarch, Coronae handles problems withing the clan and outside of it. He always strives to find the best possible solution to every issue he is presented with in fair and noble way with the help of his practical and sensible Wing Warrior.


Vigilante: Lawful Neutral
Many would say that a former diplomat would not make for a good seasoned warrior, especially with a firey young girl as his Wing Warrior, but Vigilante is a special case. He is the best when is comes to speaking and negociating, often ending conflicts with his almost frustratingly calm and cool attitude.


Carver: Lawful Evil
With her seeming perpetual innocence and cheery disposition, Carver is probably the most beloved assassin who has ever lived. She is kind and loves everyone, so much so that newcomers and visitors would never believe that this wonderful little Fae was capable of taking out dragons several times her size. Debating torture methods with her will only lead to nightmares that last for months.
Hey’an oku ve oku sun-ghi -- Fight the wind until the wind guides you.
this is an exciting topic! i can't wait to see everyone's dragons, and future related topics! [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Hades is lawful good. As Deputy Leader, he trusts the clan leader and carries out her orders precisely. He trusts her to not make him carry out unjust laws, but he doesn't question Juniper's judgement or leadership. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] As clan leader, Juniper must remain kind and impartial. She is Lawful Neutral. She does what she can for all parties in a dispute, but takes no sides (unless an impending threat to the clan's collective survival were to occur. normal daily occurrences like spats between shopkeepers, she must remain impartial). [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Athena is Lawful Evil. She herself is not truly evil, but her actions make her so. She no longer has a conscience, [url=]since a tragic interaction with a pod of Depin[/url], and now attacks any who pose a potential threat to the well-being of the clan. She is more like a golem than a dragon, now. She is often out on patrol or fighting in the coliseum so she doesn't harm anyone in the clan. edit: i didn't read the whole prompt, oops If these three walked into a cavern to explore, it would go pretty smoothly. They have known each other since the beginnings of Clan Juniper and have long since worked past any disagreements or flaws they might have. If they were attacked in the cave, they would fight together to keep one another alive and relatively unharmed. If the cave turned out to be empty of other occupants, they would just shrug it off and head back home. All three are pretty level-headed (well, Athena used to be, before she turned zombie) and wouldn't rush into things (Athena likely would now, though, but it's not her fault. "Protection of the clan and its members" is her sole base instinct now).
this is an exciting topic! i can't wait to see everyone's dragons, and future related topics!


Hades is lawful good. As Deputy Leader, he trusts the clan leader and carries out her orders precisely. He trusts her to not make him carry out unjust laws, but he doesn't question Juniper's judgement or leadership.


As clan leader, Juniper must remain kind and impartial. She is Lawful Neutral. She does what she can for all parties in a dispute, but takes no sides (unless an impending threat to the clan's collective survival were to occur. normal daily occurrences like spats between shopkeepers, she must remain impartial).


Athena is Lawful Evil. She herself is not truly evil, but her actions make her so. She no longer has a conscience, since a tragic interaction with a pod of Depin, and now attacks any who pose a potential threat to the well-being of the clan. She is more like a golem than a dragon, now. She is often out on patrol or fighting in the coliseum so she doesn't harm anyone in the clan.

edit: i didn't read the whole prompt, oops

If these three walked into a cavern to explore, it would go pretty smoothly. They have known each other since the beginnings of Clan Juniper and have long since worked past any disagreements or flaws they might have. If they were attacked in the cave, they would fight together to keep one another alive and relatively unharmed. If the cave turned out to be empty of other occupants, they would just shrug it off and head back home. All three are pretty level-headed (well, Athena used to be, before she turned zombie) and wouldn't rush into things (Athena likely would now, though, but it's not her fault. "Protection of the clan and its members" is her sole base instinct now).
Clan Juniper
Lux || 27
3 hours ahead

i collect toads
and frogs!
